The Socialist Takeover

ANTI-LOCKDOWN Data shows average age of Covid-19 death is 82.4 years –
that’s why we need to shield the vulnerable, experts warn.
By TERRI-ANN WILLIAMS Digital Health & Fitness Reporter

38 million people had the flu in 2019-20. 2,038 people had the flu in 2020-21.

It’s simply a MIRACLE!!! Rolling on the floor laughingSmiling face with open mouth and cold sweatFace with tears of joy

ELDERLY people “should be shielded from the coronavirus” and younger generations “should be able to get on with life”, experts say. Data analyzed by experts at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) has revealed that the average age of deaths from the coronavirus is 82.4 years. It comes after a Whitehall source revealed that the government are “mulling over” plans to once again shield hundreds of thousands of vulnerable Brits.

The government could advise clinically vulnerable people to shield as part of the top tier of a streamlined Covid-19 lockdown system set to be announced next week. Some 2.2 million Brits deemed “extremely vulnerable” were advised to not to leave home and avoid all contact with others at the beginning of lockdown in late March.

But studies have since laid bare the devastating mental health impact of the policy – with depression and anxiety twice as common among the shielded than the rest of the population.
Analysis by the Oxford experts at the CEBM was compiled from data provided by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

It shows that the average age of people dying in England and Wales from Covid-19 is 82.4.

This is slightly higher than deaths caused by other illnesses, which has a median age of 81.5.

We need to get people back to work and get rid of these ridiculous, unenforceable rules. By Prof Karol Sikora

This comes as it was revealed that 1.5 million cancer procedures were cancelled during the pandemic. Data from NHS England also revealed yesterday that urgent cancer referrals are down 15 per cent due to the coronavirus “effect” – while NHS waiting lists reached record highs.

The study by the CEBM revealed that around 30,000 people who contracted the coronavirus were already dying from another illness and that just six people per thousand who catch it are likely to die from it. The current seven day average of deaths caused by the coronavirus in the UK is 56 deaths per day.

A record number of Brits were confirmed positive on Thursday, with 17,540 new infections – a steep increase on the 6,914 cases confirmed just a week earlier. NHS data also revealed more than 600 Brits were admitted to hospital on Sunday — the largest number since early June.

There were also 77 coronavirus deaths reported on Thursday,
the highest daily figure for more than three months.

But data from the Oxford study revealed that deaths from other causes actually have a higher seven day average than the coronavirus. Cancer has an average of 450 deaths a day, while deaths caused by dementia average at 214 deaths each day. Heart disease has 174 and suicide has 18.

Looking at the age of patients who are dying, the experts said that around 40 per cent of people who have died from the virus are over the age of 85. It also found that a further 33 percent are between 75 and 84.

Local lockdowns are in place across the UK and include all age groups.
It was revealed earlier this week that more restrictions could be enforced in parts of the North and the Midlands in order to curb cases and to ease the burden on the NHS.

Professor Karol Sikora, head of Buckingham University medical school and the medical director of Rutherford Health said we “can’t afford” to worry about the NHS being overwhelmed.

Experts say younger generations should be allowed to get back to normal.
He told the Daily Mail: “Instead we need to get people back to work and get rid of these ridiculous, unenforceable rules.  “They are ineffective and counterproductive, and are causing unimaginable harm.” Looking at the age of people dying from other conditions, and the data also highlighted that barely one percent of people dying from dementia are under the age of 44.

The average age of people dying from other causes is 81.5 years.
This reinforces the “Great Barrington Declaration”, which has so far been signed by over 15,000 experts in the medical profession. ‘Stay away from the elderly!’
The declaration calls for the end to local restrictions and instead a focus on protecting those who are most at risk. It also states that younger people “should be immediately allowed to get back to normal life”.

The data shows that those who are most at risk from the virus are the elderly.
Dr. Jason Oke, a senior statistician at the Oxford Centre said more young people are getting infected and that it could be the reason why the infection rate is dropping.
He said another reason the rate of infection could be dropping is due to the fact that more treatments are now available for the virus.

Dr. Oke said the figures “reinforce the message that the illness needs to be kept away from the elderly”. The infection rate of the virus has dropped from 3.3 per cent in the summer to 0.5 per cent in August.

Further studies into the links between age and the coronavirus have stated that the elderly are two and a half times more likely to die from the virus than those in a younger age group.
Dr Kathryn McCarthy, said: “Greater awareness is needed around the concept of frailty and its use as a tool for assessment.”

While the average age for those dying of the coronavirus is 82.4, many people who have survived the virus have been left with debilitating illnesses.

Just the facts: Coronavirus in Australia by the numbers.
Luke Massey

Notes:  The data below is generally current as at 7 September 2021 however there may be some minor discrepancies due to jurisdictional reporting methods and timeframes etc. A key source of information for this article is the Australian Government Department of Health Coronavirus (COVID-19) case numbers and statistics website, which is updated daily and presents the statistics as a snapshot at a particular point in time. Information from this source used in this article was taken from 7 September 2021. For comparison purposes some reported and referenced raw data has been extrapolated to calculate averages and percentages.

Covid-19 facts:
Australia has a population of approximately 25,806,000.
The average life expectancy in Australia is 82.8.
As at October 2020 the average age of death from Covid-19 in Australia was approximately 85 and the median age at death approximately 86.
The overall case fatality rate (CFR) for Covid-19 in Australia is approximately1.6% (1053 out of 63,604) (as at 7 September 2021). This is very similar to the CFR in other developed countries including the USA, UK, France and Spain.
More than 75% (47,897 out of 63,604) of persons diagnosed with Covid-19 in Australia (as at 7 September 2021) are under 50
As at 7 September 2021 the CFR for Covid-19 in Australians aged under 50 is <0.034% (16 out of 47,897). This can also be expressed as approximately 4 out of every 12,000 cases.
From 1 January to 1 August 2021 the hospital admission rate of Covid-19 cases in Australians aged under 50 was approximately 7.2% (287 out of 3973). Of these, 39 cases were admitted to ICU equating to an ICU admission rate of 0.98% (39 out of 3973) in the under 50 age group
The majority of Covid-19 cases recover without clinical intervention. The severity of disease and CFR generally increase according to increasing age, i.e. the older you are the more seriously it is likely to affect you.
The majority of deaths in Australia overall, like other developed countries, occur among older people. Sixty-six per cent of deaths registered in Australia in 2019 were among people aged 75 or over.

Approximately 66% (700 out of 1053) of Covid-19 deaths in Australia (as at 7 September 2021) have occurred in aged care. Out of 894 cases of people aged over 90 who have tested positive to Covid-19, 557 have survived (as at 7 September 2021). This means that even those aged over 90 have a statistical chance of over 60% of overcoming Covid-19. Outside of aged care the overall CFR for Covid-19 in Australia (as at 7 September 2021) is approx. 0.57% (353 deaths out of 61,630 cases).
If you are not an aged care resident you have a greater than 99% chance of surviving Covid-19. There have been no deaths recorded in Queensland in Covid-19 positive patients aged under 60 out of  1,598 cases (as at 8 September 2021). The average age of death from Covid-19 in Qld is 78.
Approximately 73% of people who have died from Covid-19 in Australia had pre-existing chronic conditions certified on the death certificate.  Approximately 87% of all deaths due to COVID-19 have other conditions listed on the death certificate.
In 2021 there have been 35,179 positive Covid-19 cases in Australia. There have been 144 recorded deaths in Covid-19 positive patients. This equates to a case fatality rate in Australia in 2021 of 0.41%.
As at 7 September 2021, the current hospitalization rate for Covid-19 cases in Australia is 4.6% (1278 out of 27,797). The current ICU admission rate of Covid-19 cases in Australia is 0.8% (220 out of 27,797).

In 2018 (the most recent information available) there were approximately 96,000 hospital beds and in 2020 2,378 ICU beds (baseline capacity prior to surge capacity) in Australia. Currently, 1278 Covid-19 cases account for 1.33% of that hospital bed capacity and 9.25% of ICU baseline capacity (not including surge capacity added since the advent of Covid-19) in Australia.
Since the start of the ‘Delta wave’ in Australia on roughly 1 July 2021, there have been 32,920 Covid-19 cases and 144 deaths. This equates to a CFR of 0.44%. This is significantly lower than the overall Covid-19 CFR of 2.97% prior to the ‘Delta wave’, demonstrating that although it is more infectious it is far less deadly.
Much has been reported on the ‘Delta wave’ being a greater threat to younger people when compared to the initial Covid-19 strain. From 30 June 2021 to 7 September 2021 the number of positive Covid-19 cases recorded in the under 20 age category has more than tripled (from 4,209 to 14,252). However, there has been only one death recorded as due to Covid-19 in this age group, although this has been denied by the hospital, who stated that Covid-19 was not the cause of death.
From 16 March 2020 to 3 January 2021 there were 38 Covid-19 cases under 18 years old admitted to hospital. From 1 January to 1 August 2021 there were 33 Covid-19 cases under the age of 20 admitted to hospital. This equates to a hospital admission rate of 2.72% in that age group, about half of the overall hospital admission rate. Of these, four cases were admitted to ICU equating to an ICU admission rate of 0.33% in that age group, less than half of the overall ICU admission rate.

Covid-19 vaccination information:
In Australia eight people are confirmed to have died due to adverse reactions from the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine. As at 20 August 2021 there had also been 272 other reported deaths  following receipt of AstraZeneca.
As of 2 September 2021, there had been 36 people treated in ICU for confirmed thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome following receipt of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
There have been 125 confirmed and probable cases of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia (TTS) as a result of the AstraZeneca vaccine and 99 reports of Guillain-Barre Syndrome following the AstraZeneca vaccine. To 29 August 2021, the TGA has received 61 reports of suspected Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) following vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine that could be linked to vaccination and no other obvious cause was identified.

As at 20 August 2021, there had been 176 reported deaths following receipt of the Pfizer vaccine. To 29 August 2021, 293 cases of suspected myocarditis and/or pericarditis following the Pfizer vaccination have been reported to the TGA.
The World Health Organization states that most people diagnosed with Covid-19 have mild to moderate symptoms and recover without medical treatment. The WHO lists common symptoms of Covid-19 as fever, dry cough, tiredness, aches and pains, sore throat and headaches.
As at 29 August 2021 there were more than 55,000 adverse events following Covid-19 vaccinations. Very common side effects from the Covid-19 vaccine are similar to those experienced by symptomatic Covid-19 cases including tiredness, headache, muscle pain, fever and chills, joint pain and nausea.
Similarly to Covid-19 positive cases, most people who have an adverse reaction to the Covid-19 vaccine recover without medical treatment. The Commonwealth Government has invested over $5 billion dollars of tax payer money into 5 separate agreements to secure more than 195 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines. This is enough for every single Australian regardless of age to be fully vaccinated (receive two doses) 3.75 times.

Covid testing:
Each Covid-19 test performed by private providers/health facilities is subsidized through Medicare to the amount of $85. Each Covid-19 test performed through the public health system is subsidized through Medicare to the amount of $42.50.
As of 8 September 2021, there had been 33,227,789 Covid tests performed in Australia. Only 0.19% of these have been positive.
In NSW this testing was performed at a rate of roughly 60% private and 40% public. Extrapolating the data on a national basis and estimated at a rate of an even 50% split between private and public testing, it appears that over $2 billion dollars of taxpayer money has been spent by the Federal Government on Covid-19 testing.
As of 8 September 2021, there had been 4,101,241 Covid-19 tests performed in Qld. Again based on an estimated even split of 50% private and 50% public testing it is estimated that the Medicare bill for Covid-19 testing in Queensland has amounted to over $250,000,000.

Some comparisons with influenza
In Australia in 2019 there were over 300,000 cases of influenza, approximately 4000 hospitalizations and over 800 deaths. There were no restrictions or lockdowns.
In 2017 in Queensland there were 264 confirmed deaths from influenza, with 58,616 lab-confirmed cases of the disease officially recorded. This equates to a CFR of 0.47%. The number of deaths attributed to influenza in Queensland in 2017 is 37 times the number of deaths from Covid-19 in Queensland since the beginning of the pandemic. However, there were no restrictions or lockdowns.
In 2019 in Queensland there were again 264 confirmed deaths from influenza, with 68,148 lab-confirmed cases of the disease officially recorded. This equates to a CFR of 0.38%. The number of deaths attributed to influenza in Queensland in 2019 is 37 times the number of deaths from Covid-19 in Queensland since the beginning of the pandemic. However, there were no restrictions or lockdowns.
In Qld in 2020 there were 6047 confirmed cases of influenza309 were admitted to hospital and 28 of these were admitted to ICU. There were 20 confirmed deaths due to influenza, more than 3 times the number of Covid related deaths.

Queensland specific Covid information:
In Queensland in 2021 there have been 729 confirmed cases of Covid-19.
One of these has been fatal. This equates to a 2021 CFR in Qld of 0.14%.
In Queensland since the beginning of the pandemic there have been 1991 confirmed cases of covid-19, 7 of which have been fatal. This equates to a CFR of 0.35% which is less than the CFR of influenza in Queensland in both 2017 and 2019. However, there have been significant restrictions imposed on all Queenslanders including the vast majority of whom were healthy.
In Queensland in 2021 the highest number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized at any one time is 82. (It is important to note that in Queensland all Covid-19 cases are hospitalized, regardless of the severity of illness). There are approximately 19,270 hospital beds in Queensland (based on an estimated population of 5,195,000 as at 31 December 2020 and a rate of 3.71 beds per 1000 people).
In Queensland in 2021 the highest number of Covid-19 patients admitted to ICU at any one time is three. There were approximately 413 ICU beds (baseline capacity) in Queensland as at 2018.

National statistics on deaths:
In Australia there were 58,515 deaths that occurred between January and May 2021 and were registered by 31 July (including 5,043 deaths from respiratory disease).This is 3,475 deaths (6.3%) more than the 2015-19 average and comparable to 2020. Only one of these deaths was due to Covid-19.
For the month of May, there were 12,973 deaths (including 1,202 deaths due to respiratory diseases), which is 7.6% more deaths than average, and 5.3% more than in 2020. None of these deaths were due to Covid-19.
From 1 January to 31 July 2020, there were 32,398 deaths in residential aged care in Australia, compared with 33,383 at the same point in 2019.
Covid has had an extremely negligible impact on the overall average number of deaths in Australia and the average age at death.
According to ABS data in the 5 year period from 2015-2019, there were 806,259 deaths recorded in Australia. This equates to a yearly average of 161,251 deaths. There were 116,345 deaths registered by doctors between January 1 and October 27, 2020, compared with the 2015-19 average of 117,484. In 2020 there were 141,116 deaths recorded in Australia.
909 (0.64%) of these were Covid-19 related.

A multitude of illnesses, disease and injuries are prevalent in our community. These include many which are directly linked to activities which we are completely free to pursue such as drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, consuming significant amounts of unhealthy foods, sunbaking, playing contact or extreme sports. These are personal decisions made with knowledge and acceptance of risk.
Covid-19 is a virus that poses risks specifically to the elderly and those with existing comorbidities, and extremely negligible risk to those below 50. The vast majority of those who have died from Covid-19 in Australia are over 80 years old and have pre-existing illnesses.
All Australians should be free to make an informed decision (with the knowledge that there is a real risk of an adverse outcome leading to death or serious injury) whether or not to receive a Covid-19 vaccination without coercion or the real threat of being stripped of their job and ability to earn a livelihood for themselves and their families.

Those who support mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations argue that the chances of a severe reaction are very rare and they are correct. However, it must be remembered that these adverse reactions are not some fanciful conspiracy theory and by ‘coming into contact’ with the vaccine you are exposing yourself to that risk.
Those who choose not to receive the vaccine and who practice sensible everyday hygiene are not certain to ‘come into contact’ with Covid-19, and therefore not certain to be exposed to a real risk of contracting the virus, let alone a real risk of serious illness or death.
Sensible precautions should be directed towards minimizing the risks to those in the at-risk categories. If others outside of those at-risk categories also wish to engage in the same precautions then they should be free to do so. Otherwise, Australians should be free to go about their lives without the significant burden of extreme wide-ranging restrictions.

Sources: Data shows average age of Covid-19 death is 82.4 years – that’s why we need to shield the vulnerable, experts warn (

The average age of “Covid-19 death” is greater than the average life expectancy. – Bing video

30 facts you NEED to know: Your Covid-19 Crib sheet – Off Guardian (

Covid-19 vaccine boosters are ‘immoral’ and ‘unfair’, says WHO chief (

Reminds me of George Carlin: It’s all bullshit folks

CV has the same particle size as the flu. Masks don’t stop either virus.
And for Covid-19 deaths. Just Don’t Allow It To Enter Into Your
Digestive Tract Where It Becomes Critical!!!

God Bless America! 🇺🇸

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