Authoritarianism … Part 1

This vax is a bridge to the mark. With the mark you will be able to work, buy and sell in the New world order!!!

Watch Darkest Hour 2017 full HD on Free 
A brilliantly moving portrayal of #WinstonChurchill’s first few days as PM around May 1940. Without doubt our greatest #Briton. Also without doubt is the fact that without his resolve you and I would be speaking German!

God bless you sir #RIP Folded handsFlag of United Kingdom 

 A thrilling and inspiring true story begins on the eve of World War II as, within days of becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill must face one of his most turbulent and defining trials: exploring a negotiated peace treaty with Nazi Germany, or standing firm to fight for the ideals, liberty and freedom of a nation. As the unstoppable Nazi forces roll across Western Europe and the threat of invasion is imminent, and with an unprepared public, a skeptical King, and his own party plotting against him, Churchill must with stand his darkest hour, rally a nation, and attempt to change the course of world history.  

Luke 6:46-49  King James  46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? 47 Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, 

I will shew you to whom he is like: 48 He is like a man who built a house, and dug deep, and laid the foundation on a rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock. 49 But he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream beat vehemently; and immediately it fell. “And the ruin of that house was great.”  

 May God give you heaven’s dew and earth’s richness, an abundance of grain and new.

Wine glass.

May nations serve you and peoples bow down to you Be lord over your brothers, and may the sons of your mother bow down to you. May those who curse you be cursed and those who bless you be blessed

We only have one life, and it is very precious. ★ There’s a lot we can do. ★  
and there’s a lot we should do. ★ To make it colorful.★  

Live a daily life all under the control of one central bank, one law, one health care,
one religion. This is their goal. Just look at the mandates for the vax. Trust in God.
All human problems stem from this violation of this rule we once may have viewed as being golden. It comes from humans not seeing themselves in others but viewing others as being separate from their ‘kind’. this difference or separation is an illusion.

 Americans may not get some Christmas treats, White House officials warn
Inflation is soaring – Stagflation incoming and the Biden regime wants to spend 3.5 Trillion dollars on a bunch of nonsensical bullshit.  

Boomerang money comes right back to their pockets.
But the cost is zero. It’s paid for. Reminds me of “read my lips, no new taxes”. When $3.2 Trillion is somehow free. I vaguely recall a phrase about someone having money as long as they had checks in the checkbook it didn’t matter if they had money in the account…. a line from a movie or something.

Totally fits DC FFS they just told us they were gonna be outta $ by 10/18 (debt ceiling raised).  Well, it IS free money. It didn’t cost the Democrats a penny of their own money!
Margaret Thatcher once said that the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money. a billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you are talking about real money !
A trillion here a trillion there, pretty soon you will be talking about fake money… Yup! That’s about the size of it. And they don’t give a damn either.
It’s probably to “help” Ever grande and the rest of China’s finances.  

Tax the rich they have been saying…lol…what happens after they go broke?  
If we’re all out of a job, and can’t afford eggs at $6k/dz, we’ll be reliant on them.
But, but – the spending will improve America! </sarcasm>  
The pandemic had most people on their asses baking bread and awaiting a check as a pandemic project. The utopia that is the ruling class has them slobbering with desire for more control.
But they are going to build bridges and improve roads —they forget that they already tax gas at 18.4 cents per gallon to “build bridges” and “improve roads”!

Makes one question a lot of things doesn’t it?  
Unfortunately that won’t change unless we reclaim what our forefathers established.  
“When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him: he took his wife, but knew her not until she had given birth to a son. And he called his name Jesus.” Matthew 1:24-25 

Because we’re sending money to Afghanistan and giving the illegals start up money once they cross the border. Money with wings

Are our neighbors who are trying to make ends meet at fault?
A: Yes, I hate my neighbors more than politicians
B: No because our neighbors are all we got against the regime.

A loaf of bread will soon cost as much as a Porsche.  It will cause a worldwide financial meltdown and millions will become homeless and will result in a death spiral and give you the least bang for the buck period in decades!  
Technically they want “we the people” to pay for it. Apparently, money is just a number in a spreadsheet somewhere. So they can just make and use however much they want. They brought up the idea of minting a trillion dollar coin again to get around the debt limit. These people are a special kind of stupid. But it’s doesn’t cost anything, and they think we’re stupid!!!


They know they Gotta grab it before it’s gone.
That “nonsensical bullshit” you speak of……aka “constituent pockets”Pirate flag  

I guess you don’t care about improving aging Veterans Administration hospitals, boosting American manufacturing, job training & workforce development programs. That’s nonsensical, you mooch?

Nothing like adding fuel to the fire.

The only way that money is raised is by PRINTING it.
We just increased all dollars in circulation by over 40% in the
last 18 months and this $3.5T could lead us to hyperinflation.

See Germany 1923, Zimbabwe, Venezuela. We truly are in deep s***.
We cannot continue to behave in this manner for another three years.
Nations fall, and only a fool would think it can’t happen here.

Boomerang money comes right back to their pockets.  
Leftist logic: It costs zero. That’s why we have to raise the debt ceiling.
It’s loaded with Socialist infrastructure and Green Energy Mandates & prohibitions which would destroy Americans’ and business freedom and give us an energy crisis like they have in the UK, Germany & India right now. Call Sen. Manchin, his vote can STOP the Socialist-Green bill! His plan is to hand out more “free” money and make people more dependent than they already are. Cloward-Piven! Collapse the system!! Strategy, out of control inflation, so they can argue that it takes $3.5 Trillion to get a Trillion dollars worth of pork? Brilliant.

Pay for it by printing more money. More inflation. Wash, rinse and repeat. Until we own nothing and are miserable. That’s all they spend our money on!
I bet it would be a hell of a lot different if the money was coming from their pockets!  
They need to pay themselves back for the relief bills, They plan to land a lot of dough to help hide the dough they pilfered from the last big spending package. It makes plenty of sense if you’re a power hungry party trying desperately to cling onto power.

There are many “journalists” that should heed the warning. Capitalism, economic & personal freedom & economic progress is the answer to poverty.
A command & control economy under Socialism or communism only impoverishes the people.

See Flag of Cuba,Flag of Venezuela & the old Soviet Union for recent examples. Taking wealth from one group to give to another is theft. The Thing is once you start living a lie that big everything else is subject to lies. Note, Biden doesn’t take questions as he doesn’t feel he needs to answer to anyone. That’s the Marxist demonrats goal. In a socialist state: work is devalued just by printing money.

It destroyed the economy Flag of Venezuela. In exchange your freedoms are no longer god given instead rationed by the new one party state under Dems & fake MSM.
Bill of rights obsolete. All are wards of the state. Obama, and Holder politicized the DOJ of the U.S.A. Senile pedophile Joe stole the election. By opening the border and ignoring the constitution they have completely destroyed our nation. Prepare for 3rd world poverty, shortages, dictatorship. They eat cake and tell us to eat shit. So far the cheating corrupt Dems have proven they are untouchable. AND WE DON”T FIGHT BACK!!!

My King Forever (Lyrics) via @YouTube Bless Red heart

Controlled demolition….America is not going to destroy itself….come on man!

Just went to shop for vegetables. My goodness prices have ACTUALLY DOUBLED from three months ago. DOUBLED!

The Salinsky playbook: It’s not the money, it’s the policies within.
Pretty soon we will be wallpapering out places with dollars a la Germany post WW1 and a loaf of bread will be 10 grand Hyper inflation has arrived.

I think China is pushing people to Xmas Shop early because of shipping delays.

Smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes This kind of incompetence has to be on purpose 100%  

Trump Caught Off Guard By Major Surge – Nearly Half Of Republicans Tell Donald That He Needs To Run – Washington News (Washington news. Today)

What that really means is setting up illegal immigrants in a cushy legitimized lifestyle (fraud), to try to increase their voting constituency for 2024. Not a coincidence they are being bussed to Red States. It’s funny how there’s a bunch of whiners whining about the national debt, yet go on a spending spree.

Republicans need to beat them at their own game.
They are spending trillions on kick backs it’s all going back into there pockets , they are raping the American people, just for that alone they should all go to jail for money laundering, I’m shocked they get away with what they do.   Biden is buying votes. Using taxpayer money to get taxpayers to vote for Democrats. This administration doesn’t give a shit about inflation or its impact on folks. He isn’t failing, he’s winning. The border, Afghan withdrawal, inflation, supply chain disruptions, violent crime, rising tribalism, labor shortages, CRT, vax mandates/firings – all of it is intentional.

That’s what leftists are good at… Bankrupting the country!
They want to steal money from it. Only 9% is actual infrastructure. Politicians are using it as a way to steal from the American people, they should all be tried for treason and grand larceny.  Biden and the Left dimRats want to ruin the economy and usher-in communism under the guise of covid-19 where they can utilize their tyranny to the best use.
It’s full of bullshit, for sure. They stole our money from Social Security & never put back a damn dime. Now they want to throw money away with the green new deal. Bunch of Klaus Schwab worker bees.  But they are going to pay for it by taxing companies and the rich. 99% of the population will never pay any extra for it. Why can’t people understand this??

Biden and AOC have told you many times. I think I know what’s happening.
The DemonRATS want to eliminate the middle class from America. The middle class questions them, what they want is Little dependent people that beg for their hand outs! What do you expect from the guy who thinks Hunter Biden is the smartest guy he knows?

Inflation, shortages, unemployment, crime and chaos… what’s next.. I can’t believe every single Dem wants this BS. They’re all crazy, but there must be few moderates in the House. None will speak up. The Senate has 2 that are trying a bit, but the House members must be so afraid of Pelosi. No, they want to create a welfare state so big momma can take care of everybody, The day that the witch retires will be a day to celebrate.  

Let’s draw near to GOD in gratitude & joy.  GOD loves you!  Amen  
Knowledge is like a firefly, beautiful in itself and a bringer of light into darkness. 

We who were once GOD’s enemies, marked for death, have been saved by Jesus & given a place with Him in heaven. What extravagant, undeserved kindness we’ve received!

“One who desires the attention of others has not yet found himself.” Attitude shift. Learning to live and love without fear of life or death. Sounds deeper than it is but it feels better than it sounds…… “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” Buddha.

I agree. Hundred points symbol
Our thoughts can influence our mood from good to bad or vice versa.
I’m unable to block negative thoughts, they can just pop up, unexplained.
But, I’ve found that by taking repetitive deep breaths.

I can relax & minimize that thought.

Clear my mind, so to speak.
Person in lotus position
May God give you heaven’s dew and earth’s richness, an abundance of grain and new glass of wine.Wine glass.
Be lord over your brothers, and may
the sons of your mother bow down to you.
May those who curse you be cursed and those who bless you be blessed.
We are a spark of that. We are what we think so let’s all stay on the brink
Beyond our infinite thoughts and mind is the Infinite, our Source.  
May nations serve you and the peoples bow down to you.
Have you ever wondered what heaven will look like?
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