That’s out to send nothing but positive vibes about humanity.
President Scooby doo will show you the tricks of the deceiver once you gain consciousness of the codes you’ll be revealed to the truth about history The mind is the motherboard that controls the whole body to function with the motion of your thoughts. Full consciousness brings abundance to your conscious mind which allows you to create then have all the things that come to thought.
Technology was the awakening point to bring you to awareness about self and about this mental slavery reality that’s crashing lives to destruction

I’m to far ahead in knowledge about self and this reality so nothing going to stop my inner being from spreading the intelligence of thyself so that we can have a righteous reality on heaven aka land Ignore the propaganda and find your inner being which gives you inner peace

Enjoying the pop-up thunderstorm

The land was stolen just like your consciousness has been stolen from you for all these decades. Wonder why the truth gets hatred for being righteous (honest) about the truth of this reality. We are being deceived by mental enslavement to make you think that debt is actually a thing of our physical being reality. Everything was meant to be repetitive so that your consciousness would stay confused only to pay attention to the propaganda that’s controlling the minds of this reality.
I’m constantly building a new reality within my consciousness so that I can show leadership towards humanity to show them that a righteous reality can be done once we get it into our consciousness that it’s going to take togetherness for this to happen #OWOourworldorder Another day of replay of the same propaganda as before to confuse the consciousness even more

Just to make you feel uncomfortable with thou self instead of trusting thyself.
The human consciousness is full of propaganda with no consciousness of thyself.
Stop fighting the battle to trust within instead of looking for a deceiving helping hand.
Wisdom burns through my inner being

Subconscious means you’ll use this while you are sleeping

If you observe nature you’ll start to see the natural science

I’m laughing at them.
Because I know how they deceived this reality to ensure that they were
the creators of this reality.

They censor the truth because we are the proof that stands up against the lie of history. Don’t get caught up in the deceiving battle of entertainment because it’s meant to keep you confused and praising someone other than yourself when you are only looking up to yourself. Too many minds are too caught up in the propaganda that they are too afraid to see that the solution is within.
If we all know the lies of this reality, why do we choose to act ignorant to the fact of knowing but won’t have a solution to the problem of the lies instead of feeding into the drama of the lies. Everything that you are seeing was meant to distract you from knowing the truth about this reality. It’s all an illusion to make you think that it has truth but it’s really all lies. In a conscious mind trapped in a delusional reality that can’t stop sucking the propaganda juice.
It’s a real jungle outside meaning our conscious thoughts. Nothing can get past the vision and consciousness of having wisdom within self because the truth exposes you to everything that you couldn’t see nor understand before your awakening. Crazy how we put in the work to get robbed from a fake pandemic just to get order to get back to work with little to no pay with the cost of living steadily rising without enough revenue to keep up with the deceiving cost of living.
Less sleep lately because there’s things that need to be handled in order to break our minds free from this mental slavery nightmare. Awareness is found within like all else.. We can show someone the whole truth and it wouldn’t mean a thing.
Mastering the art of staying calm opens up a whole new awareness to depth of consciousness

The journey will allow you to think freely and consciously about the things that your eyes are witnessing that are not righteously right for the inner being of your consciousness. The journey is meant for you to rise above the illusion and not keep up the confusion by trying to sell misleading proof about the truth. We have to seek and find the ways of self if you want to defeat the wickedness of this reality placed upon your consciousness to believe the propaganda when it’s really all a mind illusion.
The confusion of the illusion is running very high with so much confusion to confuse your consciousness just like for all these decades. You gain abundance from having full knowledge of thou consciousness. These laws were created to keep your consciousness enslaved to be a worker and beg for your right to have a right to live on the land which is all out ignorance to be a mind slave to a deceiver that has no type of ownership of heaven
It’s only going to continue to look worse until we say enough is enough this is not the life to live within the universe. Man only if we could all see that this system is playing with your consciousness because we keep allowing the same ole tricks of history which is confusion of the consciousness which allows this reality to continue to happen. I survive in this reality but I’m nothing of this reality… I mean the signs are clearly sitting right in your face with clues of deceiving humanity written all over it

Remember that you can’t fight laws with laws because laws are lies which stands for the Letter L not to mention that a lie can’t stand the truth because the truth is exposing the lie for what it truly is meaning something that you can’t believe nor listen to. It’s amazing knowing the truth about history but it’s a shame to see innocent lives not on the same frequencies and it’s destroying their physical being in heaven.
They are stealing from us making themselves richer off of the ignorance of humanity. Wish we could all wake up from this deceiving nightmare of a reality. Let the good times roll and you idiots continue to keep throwing your lives in the fire for a system that’s deceiving everything from you

This pandemic is ignorance and they are cashing in on it big time.
When will the ignorance really end

Blowing wisdom into my thoughts

While the ignorance test my spiritual patience every single day

Everyday you can spread the truth but who really wants to receive the message from the truth.
Day’s are going to feel the same until we decide to break free from this illusion.
Things would be better if we could just think for ourselves.
Your life is real but the control in this reality is not!!!
The President of the United States is a coward. And a criminal and a traitor and a liar and……. And a corrupt, compromised one, at that. Illegitimate …not really the Prez
And a pedophile. An evil coward And a traitor giving aid and comfort to the enemy!
I never had any respect for him when he was Vice President, but do liberals?
Anyone still have a shred of respect for Joe Biden? If you do, that’s really sick beliefs.
He’s just a sad creepy perv patsy who agreed to do their bidding so they won’t throw his family/hunter to the wolves, he’ll be their puppet. Go deeper…who are “they”? These people are sick. It’s far worse than a coward. Joe has betrayed this country & our assets like nothing we have seen happen with any other sitting President. This is treason. There is nothing to say anymore. Words just aren’t going to cut it. It’s time for action.
We need to find out exactly who is in charge, I’m guessing his name starts with an O! He sent billions to Iran for those terrorists and now look at what they’ve left behind for those terrorists in Afghanistan, it’s got to be Obama! He is not Presidential in any way, shape, or form.
Biden Chicken Dance – YouTube He always was. They portrayed him as a tough guy but the only time ever talked to shit was when he was with a big group of people or way bigger.
Remember, Corn Pop was tiny. Yes but where is the outrage in Congress? Maybe I’m not keeping up but couldn’t someone be doing something? Coming forward and raising hell? The mother of one of the murdered Marines put it best… “he’s a feckless, dementia-ridden, piece of crap”. He checked his watch 13 times when American military coffins were coming out of planes to their families. And a premeditated murderer of US service members and Afghan citizens. They take no responsibility and think we don’t notice.
Did Kamala Harris Once Boast About Prosecuting a Homeless Mother? | Snopes.com
Earlier today a photo of VP Harris being led away by about 8 agents, do we have any updates on what was taking place?
I am thinking about Beau Biden (who didn’t die in combat) and old Hair plugs Wife and Daughter who died in a car wreck 48 years ago. Biden campaigned on his dead family members for years. He hasn’t changed in 50 years. Do we really expect him to have some testicular fortitude? He is a phony and a scam artist. This senile old Man is going to cause WW3….. he hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing.
I’ve been watching him lately. He hasn’t really gone off script.
While he’s choosey about which reporters he responds to, he does respond and sticks to the narrative. Remember he had to be led by the hand. Did Biden fake dementia to do what he has done?
Unreal how the previous President gets impeached over a phone call that was legitimately warranted, yet this impeachable coward gets away with this.
Here’s a thought…. What if leaving behind biLLiOn$ in toys of taxPaYer$$ and leaving in the dead of night and causing chaos with extraction of citizens.
Was designed to facilitate a c**o**u**p over there on purpose
And leave a potential hostage situation to then provoke war?
Anyone in government who doesn’t support getting Americans, Allies, and our military out-MUST BE ARRESTED AND CHARGED!!!
Please read this post from one of the Gold Star mothers. I am in awe of
her strength and courage.
It is much, much worse. He couldn’t care less.
Nothing & Nobody means anything to Talibiden?
Sometimes you hear Biden’s say his Son Beau (who served
as a Lawyer in the Military) fought on the frontline?
*Unapologetic *Arrogant / condescending *Diarrhea of the mouth with pure nonsense *Sheeple nodding *Dead wrong, on every count Yet, one thing sets her apart:
*She’s our President’s mouthpiece!!!
He was the last U.S. soldier to leave Afghanistan after 20 years of occupation (msn.com)
If this is their plan we need to fight for our civil rights
It’s time the ‘silent majority’ isn’t silent anymore?