True Americans are Hardworking Wanting The Best For Their Families.
We Do Not Deserve Our Failed Government.

Video appears to show Taliban operating Black Hawk helicopter (msn.com)
In the turbulent South China Sea, the US Navy bets on littoral combat ships (msn.com)
George Bush Sr. New World Order Live Speech Sept 11 1991 …
Bush Sr. New World Order Speech (rare) The Iran-Contra Affairs of the 1980s stemmed from the Reagan Administration’s foreign policies toward two seemingly unrelated countries, Nicaragua and Iran. The Administration believed that changes to these countries that occurred in the 1970s threatened U.S. national interests. In Nicaragua, a socialist movement (the Sandinistas) seized power through a revolution in 1979. The Administration, fearful of the potential spread of socialism throughout Latin America, eventually backed paramilitaries (the contras) who sought to overthrow this revolutionary regime.
In the section on Nicaragua, you will find a brief background of U.S. policy toward the region since the 19th Century; information on the history, composition, ideologies, and policies of the Sandinistas and contras; and a detailed description of the actions the United States took in Nicaragua from 1979 until the Iran-Contra Affairs. You will also find a brief description of Nicaragua since the affairs. In 1979, power also changed hands in Iran when a radical Islamic movement overthrew the U.S.-backed government.
Because the revolutionary government was unfriendly toward the United States and potentially allied with the Soviet Union, the Administration tried to bolster moderate elements within Iran, a policy that became more complicated when Iranian-backed Lebanese terrorist groups seized American hostages. In the Iran section, you will find a history of U.S. foreign policy toward Iran, as well as a history of Iran’s domestic politics. Additionally, you will find a detailed section on the Reagan Administration’s policies (SPEARHEADED BY DADDY bUSH) toward Iran with regard to both the regime and U.S. hostages.
so many ways… killing babies/infanticide if needed, selling their little body parts, moral relativity… and I blame the churches for adopting social justice Marxist ideologies.
The Gates of Hell are now open and our ministers/priests aren’t PREACHING.
Christ is the Root of Our Liberties, not government.
Not paying attention for too many years. Trusting any Stupid Dick and Jerry with a gift of gab and voting them in government. Forgetting 1776 and our forefathers. Being lazy and too comfortable with a good life and forgetting to read the Constitution at least once a year.
Washington freaking warned us not to divide into parties when he retired. I think the downslide began with Progressivism. And globalization finished us off.
As a historian, please tell me more about [the.Act.of.1871]
As a historian, I have to say the Great Depression was a major turning point: people lost faith,& FDR erected a bureaucracy that fostered the idea that government can be the savior for one’s problems; Gov’t size grew, as did the cult of the state & an entitlement mentality…
…The New Deal certainly did not solve the Great Depression, but with WWII, FDR’s bureaucracy for the war effort was ensured to survive, and it only grew more as his Democrat successors realized they could use programs to buy more votes.
She approved the Ten Point Plan By Alice Bailey and The New World Order For The Destruction Of Christianity Read more:

It began with Ron Paul splitting the right he gave us Clinton and Obama
the most accurate answer.

When he began to forget about God, got comfy that he would always have everything …
letting the Obama era tuck God out of all sides without doing anything …
The greatness of the USA is God !!!


We gave up our Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer and Loyalty!
We left God and Bible with that said prophecy being fulfilled time to get serious about studying God’s word and Repent ask Jesus to forgive us .But God has to come first

Greed! Power! Control! Imagine Hitler if he had $150 billion of personal wealth.
Allowing the media to dictate reality for political gain.
A GODLESS RECOVERY: First off. Your god is a fabrication.
Nobody cares about your imaginary friend.
Second, if you think the democratic party is “Marxist”
AND “Socialist” you understand neither term, Finally, your entire bass awkward commentary is a perfect demonstration of why the right is despicable
See here that it is from the pride and stoutness of heart. He is reading a passage out of the Bible that is about the Lord’s anger not healing.
I’m guessing unwillingly but now in 2021 I don’t know. A lot of wicked people in Washington. Tom Daschle Speech, 09/12/01 – YouTube
Dunce of the week. Are Democrats corrupt?
In your world I guess not. Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are wealthy beyond words and yet have never left DC. Alphabet agencies that do not answer to voters with unlimited power and no oversight are the root of many problems. You missed: socialist and Marxist ideology embraced by the Dems, putting man before God, WOKE idiots running the government, rejecting godly morals and liking sin, narcissism, greed, destroying the typical family unit (Dems and their policies) and so much more…
They are not Republicans they are Dems many are weaklings, but no real American Republican stands for Dem Communism, period, ever.
Dem destruction, lies, greed and corruption go all the way back, anyone who tells you otherwise, has no clue what they are talking about. Also: Congress & every president except Trump ignored the threat of China. Odd, because our military knew China would become the greatest threat to the US–they knew it 40 years ago.
So obviously the DOD knew it, too.
Two key events: China objected to US selling arms to Taiwan, (about 1980/81), and Tiananmen Square in 1989.
I’ll tell you where America went wrong! When they left God out of absolutely everything. When Christians started ignoring sinful acts and people
and letting them run amuck. When we didn’t stand for God and Christ, then Satan came in and took over, knowing that the Church was cold
When we started killing babies. Took God out of everything.
We quit preaching the true gospel of repentance.
It allowed the Democrat party to exist after the end of the Civil War.
They’ve been trying to enslave us all ever since. Written in 1854 by an early-adopter Democrat…They want their old social structure back.
Elected Biden/Harris. During the lockdown with Covid , the Democrats we’re together strategically planning their plan to rig the election and what they would do if they succeeded!
They are carrying out their plan with Liberal progressive teachers, young people have zero knowledge about history, BLM, Antifa, Marxism within the Democrats, unchecked voter fraud, no respect for the police, woke leftist indoctrination, pathetic political leadership, no America first policies and a spineless GOP.
Liberal progressive teachers, young people have zero knowledge about history, BLM, Antifa, Marxism within the Democrats, unchecked voter fraud, no respect for the police, woke leftist indoctrination, pathetic political leadership, no America first policies and a spineless GOP.
Participation trophies, allowing political correctness to have power, becoming a more consumerist society where it required both parents to work. Hubris, decadence, and turning our educational system over to Marxists. No big deal though, if we start today we might be able to turn things around in 30 years or so.
By electing @BarackObama for 2 terms and then fraudulently fixing the outcome of the November election and installing @JoeBiden
We place our confidence in man instead of trusting in God. This is definitely not the America I grew up in. We quit depending upon and listening to God, then Christians were too worldly, too consumed with getting their piece, and too afraid of not being liked, to stand up and say something. #StandUpForChrist
Please then, tell us what God says. In my experience, it’s always humans that talk, and never their god. Perhaps grow up? Have they ever done anything right?
Brought slaves from Africa, killed almost all Native Americans…waged wars on different countries, killed millions of innocents. The list doesn’t stop.. We took our eyes off of the people that crave power and money and let them take over our local, state and federal governments. All are working way outside the state and US Constitutions. At this point voting isn’t going to change anything; their strategy is to keep us divided!
The issues affecting America are more of fundamental principles so everything went wrong because the foundation of truths and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ have been jeopardized by modern philosophy and ideas. We tolerated corruption and evil in our government until it got completely out of hand!!!
Moral decay happens when darkness is preferred over the Light of God.
We need to get the money changers out of the temple. People became too big in their own eyes, they began to worship power/money instead of their creator. WHO CHANGED THE TRUTH OF GOD INTO A LIE, AND WORSHIPPED AND SERVED THE CREATURE MORE THAN THE CREATOR …ROMANS 1:25.
I think an equally important question would be: Where can we go from here, as a nation, & armed with the lessons from our past
& present failures. Wherever the newcomers [boats] landed, they exploited those who preceded them. They did not embrace the “Natives” and others who came before them; instead they used firearms, smallpox, forced labor and even their own sperm to build a Continent. That is not the Christian way

By Chaos and not caring for each other or respecting each other just like in my country. They have accepted and conspired with a multitude of lies. It’s entropy. We live in a sinful world that always trends downward towards evil & self-destruction. There probably wasn’t one singular event that started it for America. God’s own people couldn’t hold it together with his very presence in the Temple.
We’re no better than them. December 23, 1913
Participation awards, political correctness and giving things out for free to people that have never earned it. Took God out of everything.
We need to return to our first love – God!
This is what happens when you take God out of the schools as well as other areas of our life…
We are now beginning to see the repercussions of this poor decision!
Romans 1:18-32
Refusing to do what God commanded while mocking and rebuking the Israelites of old for doing the same. We trusted our government.
The 60’s cult took over our education system and eventually everything else.
In God We Trust.. America left its first love & chose other Gods.
They PuLLed my

(1) The Whisky Rebellion – Bing
When it became a country instead of a loose confederation of sister states.
The nail in the coffin, along those lines came in the form of the 17th amendment and additionally the founding of the Federal Reserve.
I thought God was omnipresent?
He is and he never leaves us, we leave him.
HE still is. HE

Where didn’t it go wrong in the last 40 years?
Complacency : When moralism isn’t rooted in an objective foundation (God),
it’s not truly rooted in anything.
We fell asleep and let Gates bring in Common Core, let Soros become the ruling class and trusted politicians who repeatedly proved we shouldn’t.
Are you SEEING the plan yet by using Covid-19 as Democrats weapon to destroy America?
1. Scare people 2. Make them take a vaccine that will change their DNA.
3. Steal an Election 4. Destroy America by closing businesses.
5. Open Borders to allow terrorists in….Etc.
Zack Hemsey – Vegeance (with Lyrics)
We didn’t watch who was being hired to teach our kids… the atheists, the God haters, the USA haters, communists, and socialists…. When they took God out of the classroom and taught evolution but not creationism, and that generation grew up to vote, they had won, & beat us

You’ve been bleating about evolution since the beginning of the 1900’s when 7th Day Adventists used it as a recruiting tool. Now look. All the fundie/literalist churches are on the bandwagon.
Other countries are way ahead in education. America is on par with Turkey. The weakness of the GOP and the willingness to allow the left to define who we are. They have many notions about us that are simply untrue when it comes to racial issues and freedoms. Allowing democrats to hate our country. Their one goal was to turn it into a communist country. But God loves America we Christians pray to stop those that won’t interfere with God’s plan. Our prayers ….send the angels fighting against the demons winning every battle.
America abandoned God! Now she’s being chastised & rightfully so… +
It started way back when JFK was President and went to Texas to show how much he appreciated their love for him, but a Traitor was in his midst… Lyndon B. Johnson killed him so he could be President. Ever since the Dems have tried to Destroy America. But God is stopping it.
I guess when we did not fight fire with fire and tried to play by the rules and let the bully win… Whoever left businesses or corporations from the China Government into this country. They are the best mind controllers of the world along with North Korea.
Went wrong when We allowed a corpse to be installed as President …. Biden/Harris in office when they did not rightfully earn it by voters!!!! Then they continue to be manipulated by this administration running to it vaccines in their bodies that are toxic!!!! My prayers are for those who need to take the blinders off. When we allowed the government to pay themselves a salary instead of a per diem. It’s a service they have been called for, turned into the American dream. Work for the gov. And get a blank check that’s never audited
When the Marxists infiltrated the public schools in the late 1950s. Immigration – we knew this 40 years ago that the country would be attacked from within !!
The U.S. ain’t the Roman Empire or the British? The former lost a war, the latter never even lost its final war on the Falklands/FACT. We went wrong when they allowed lawyers to make new laws that made more new laws that allowed them to basically pickpocket us with those laws that prevent us from acting like the humans we are.
So called “Patriots” that actually stand against what the country is supposed to stand for. You support a corrupt criminal insurrectionist that only cares about himself, and you dare ask that?
Not an insurrection! We now have a weak, pathetic Surrender in Chief who will leave thousands of Americans stranded in Taliban territory to die. Biden is a TRAITOR and will be IMPEACHED and COURT-MARTIALED!
When we came to an inhabited land and killed off almost everyone. When women were less than men. When we practiced slavery.
When we resisted integration. When we denied scientific knowledge. Basically, everyone on the right is wrong, & there’s no cure for idiocy/ignorance
He TRIED Hard, To Warn Us….
They wanted democrats to take care of them because success is too hard.
Hard to place the beginning. Maybe when we declared victory over the mobs, and actually negotiated a ceasefire. Negotiating with evil only advanced evil.
From then it grew and, well now, this.
꧁•⊹٭𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚎٭⊹•꧂
Replying to @ArgenBrightLife
and @ReadMoreBible