For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you will appear with Him in glory. ~ Colossians 3:2-4
#2Corinthians 5_21 He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. #Ephesians1_7 In Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. #ThreeWoodenCrosses @randytravis https://pic.twitter.com/goZPpx5ceC
Evil forces are aligned against us. It is indeed a scary time right now.
Let’s pray & seek courage to take action. Recognize the challenges, but keep taking action.
If you have to go through hell…keep walking. Never give up, never ever give up.
By endurance we conquer. #Courage
We need to humbly pray, seek God & turn from our wicked ways.
People all around the world are yearning for truth, justice & freedom.
The fate of all humanity is tied up with the fate of America.
I pray for God’s mercy & grace to be shown to
We the People of America & the world.
In the temple, not in the palace. Jesus had nothing to do with Rome.
We can use our vote and be good citizens, though; and trust God to carry on with His plan to end men’s rulership. “The lot is cast into the lap, But its every decision is from the LORD.” Proverbs 16:33
Jesus stood His ground without fear and He called people names that was offensive in their time but was true but the church has become full of cowards PHARISEES many worldly. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
* Ephesians 5:11 * Revelation 11:11-12
This started with Obama and here we are again.
Obama is running the show behind the scenes with Puppet Joe and Harris as media scapegoats. We allowed our institutions to become infiltrated. We stopped, maybe never started, holding our government accountable. We became complacent.
It’s been in steady decline for decades.
The Y2K – Bug was a computer flaw, or bug, that may have caused problems when dealing with dates beyond December 31, 1999. The flaw, faced by computer programmers and users all over the world on January 1, 2000, is

Either putting Democrats in Power in conjunction with allowing Democrats 2 steal elections with no consequences – 1 party system we got here in the USA – Democrats N RINOS – we the people got no one representing us – we R lied 2 everyday all day long. Quite simple. Illegally electing an incompetent idiot like Biden is where America went wrong. If Trump was in office, which he legally won by a landslide vote, Americans nor Afghanistan would be dealing with what we now are–all thanks to Biden & the radicals backing him.
We spent trillions of dollars in wars and nation building in other countries while our own country suffered. Our immigration policies are a disaster.
Only merit based immigration should be allowed but it’s a free for all right
now and has been since the 90s. What business do we have to “nation built” at all??? Unless we are physically attacked, like Pearl Harbor, we should mind our business and take care of Americans. Borders should be tightly closed and legal immigration very carefully vetted.
[Actof1871] #TheMoreYouKnow
Look up: spoon fed truth.
Good place to start

When we allowed prayer to be taken from our schools. When we allowed
our babies to be killed in the womb. We turned our children over to the government to be educated. It began with the neglect of our children. By putting God on the back burner. #Christianity #Jesus

99K govt schools vs 330K churches that sit empty 90% of the time. Christians put atheists in charge of “training them up in the way they should go” and here we are…The Church has the infrastructure to build One Room School Houses, but do they have the will power? #SchoolChoice
Removing God and the Pledge of allegiance from our schools/youth changed America…. darkening their souls to the point that many cannot see the
Land of the Free as a place to grow and prosper.
Hence, Drugs Riots Human trafficking Etc. etc. etc.
We became Godless. We celebrated our sexuality and lack of control.
We applauded abortion and lied to ourselves that the baby wasn’t a body too.
We were ashamed to stand for integrity in our friends and in ourselves.
It breaks my heart that I was a part of this. By not paying attention to the school system to the colleges and universities that they were putting in the heads of our kids that’s where we went wrong.
We went wrong long ago- and we were blissfully unaware and/or thought we could continue with our own little lives while we sacrificed children not to Molech for good fortune- worse; for selfish ambition… all while Satan played the fiddle. #underdeservedjudgment For too long we indulged lunatics, haters, commies, socialists and irrational people as worthy of debate, hearing out, and serious input into goings on.. Listen to lying politicians that didn’t do what they promised. They gained a foothold.. And the dominoes began to fall!!!
They began to own our educational system nearly 200 years ago.
The haters of God. It allowed a rigged election. It has kept an office full of evil cheaters in it. We need to turn this around. Give the real winner his rightful place back in the white house. Took in scientist and other Nazi sympathizers and gave them citizenship by high ranking politicians that secretly accepted their dogma. Eugenics came from the USA and was spread to Germany by some wealthy people. Only a few small tight knit groups who influenced politics forward to today.
Lots of places but the single biggest mistake was allowing the politicization
of our education system by the teachers unions. They no longer teach, they persuade or even brainwash the youth. Madalyn Murray O’Hair.. fought to
take prayer out of schools…1962-63..this was the beginning of the end. When education was put under federal control by Carter. #Departmentofliberalpropaganda
It was the Greatest Generation that let their guard down, understandably.
They thought they were done vanquishing evil but there was more to do when they got home. And with prosperity, the Boomers became complacent, starting the downward spiral with activist Marxism.
There’s always been dissension in the ranks of politics. To this level?
No. It was probably inevitable, I just hoped it wouldn’t be in my lifetime.
Money is the root of all evil.
When everyone became complaisant and tolerant of values that weren’t
our own. When people didn’t pay attention to what was going on in schools.
When everyone just thought of dangerous politicians as just amusing.
When everyone just sat on their butts and did nothing.
Started with political correctness, removing prayer and busting a kids ass in school and the home and letting liberal thinking be the rule.
I’m thinking we should’ve listened to MacArthur & Patton and rolled through Russia after WW2. Crushed communism back in the 1940s.
Instead we let it creep & fester into everything.
Turning a blind eye to all this. We know this has been planned for many years . Now that people won’t comply, they are trying to force us. So that’s where we went wrong! We allowed atheists to control the narrative. We didn’t stop the spread of Communism & they won by calculated increments. We allowed and paid for our children to be educated by Communists.
We sent the same people to DC over and over.
We allowed political correctness to advance. We became moral cowards.
We expected someone else to step up & fight those battles. You can’t elect someone to do that. This was an incremental battle and the “good guys” lost.
Now your kids won’t enjoy the freedoms you once had without now fighting those fights. I agree with everything but the atheist part. There are atheists out there that feel the same way we do about this shell of a nation we have left. My husband, an atheist, is a prime example of this.
You don’t have to be a Christian to be a Godly person.
Elected people should have to live in the poorest area they represent and payed the same as their constituent neighbors have to live with, things would change fast

When we went to sleep on politicians and taking in way to much of all the bread and circuses

Only a small group of men & women have been protecting this country since the inception. We let our values waver, ignored the small issues, & pointed fingers when they became a problem. We expected others to pick up the slack instead of banding together & doing our duty. God first, 1820. The top 20% of the official Democrat Party Elite (the Free Blacks and whites) were allowed to keep using slaves instead of paying Workers.
1871 – when Congress sold America back to England, specifically to the Rockefellers.
Justin Church
Start there. You will find SO much more. I have also written a book that will give you a good start to that, and more called, “American Babylon” find it at http://JustinChurch.com
Your Imaginary god was never in our secular constitution. So we took your deity out in 1776?
You asked, so I’ll tell you:
1. Taking God out of everything: schools, public places, homes, etc.
2. Welfare subsidies to a point that people didn’t have pride in their
own work and it was ok to have fatherless homes.
3. Government promoting fatherless homes.
4. Thinking that the truth is “relative”.
5. Thinking that just having your little houses, with your little cars
and your little jobs was enough and life was good.
6. Not getting involved, truly involved in the politics of your cities,
states and country.
7. Thinking that just because we are Americans, we are superior.
8. Allowing foreign governments and individuals that are not US citizens to
buy land and real estate all over this great country.
9. Allowing lobbying.
10. Taking away critical thinking, arts, music, etc., out of schools.
11. Citizens taking for granted our Constitution and thinking that judges, lawyers, politicians are the ones that have our best interest in mind.
12. Wasting our time on professional sports, Hollywood movies.
13. Spending precious time on superficial garbage that does not help
us grow as human beings.
14. Placing more importance on “things” than on “people”.
15. Thinking that what happens in our world is their problem,
when in reality America is one of the most corrupt countries.
16. Wake up America, there is no time to waste! This can go even more wrong than already is if each one of us don’t take our rightful place and fight tooth and nail against EVIL. Finish.
Maybe the better question is how can America go “right” now?
We took a wrong turn circa 1861 and then really went off the rails circa 1913….le sigh…..ENTIRELY I’d say that eliminating the income tax is the first step. It’s time to defund the government and reimagine them in the eyes of the constitution.
That would allow people to use real money (gold, silver, crypto, etc.) without income tax on every transaction. It would force us to go to sound money.
When God and prayer were banished from public schools. Since fewer were exposed to a concept of God, fewer developed a fear of God which acted as a restraint on evil for those who reject the Christian faith but accept that a higher being expects adherence to a moral code.
I’m 61 years old and I’ve seen the good and bad side of America. I am a firm believer that America went wrong when politicians started pandering for votes and appeasing groups of people who were not part of the majority and did not share their same values or ideas, 1965.
In 2000. Instead of “hanging chad” we should have been hanging politicians. When we started replacing God for greed, lies for truth, morals for corruption, families for drugs, hate for love…When the people turned their back on God/Yeshua due to the lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Debased mindset. GOD’S BLESSING IS LIFTING AND JUDGMENT IS COMING. #GodSaveAmerica
President Biden Broke His Oath Of Office Obligation To Protect The Constitution.
By now you have noticed the Congress has very little power and no authority.
Have you noticed how the Biden admin is ignoring the Supreme Court?
When there is only one branch of government what do you call that?