and drove out the last significant Nazi opposition, liberating the city after four years of Nazi occupation. Paris was liberated from Nazi rule with the victory of American and Free French forces.
Pic shows a celebratory parade the following day down the Champs Elysees…
If the Biden Administration is subservient to a ragtag bunch of medieval goat-fornicators like the Taliban, imagine how he’ll be when China invades Taiwan. The Admin’s intimidating withdrawal is to reallocate our resources to focus on SE Asia; but, no one takes Pres Biden seriously. Japan and Taiwan are likely meeting right now to address the invasion scenario, and how they’ll deal with the next three years of American impotence.
Well given the interest we pay on our debt to China funds for the Chinese army, it is pretty close to the US arming China to take Taiwan. But yeah. Let’s raise the debt ceiling some more. He’s already made that deal- he’ll just look the other way. Joe has ZERO interest in stopping China. He’s already surrendered us. Joe Biden will Pre Surrender Taiwan , bet on it . North Korea will invade South Korea. Pakistan bombs the hail out of………….Iran will invade Israel.
Biden is trying to use our troops allegedly being in danger at the Kabul airport as an excuse for his disgraceful surrender to the Taliban. Either he doesn’t understand our troops, he doesn’t respect our troops, he doesn’t care about our troops, or all of the above.
Read: Afghanistan is ‘weeks to months’ from economic collapse, experts say.
Ever hear the term “GHOST” ? That’s how he will be invisible …
Biden’s a COWARD #Impeach46
Then he will go on TV and tell us …. it’s really better for the U.S. in the long run!!!
God brought you to it and God will bring you through it…and then you will help others in need of your guidance for making it through… pay your journey and perspective forward…someone out there is looking for exactly what you’ve been through…speak your truth, unapologetically.
You can find me somewhere in between inspiring others, working on myself, dodging negativity and slaying my goals

Proud naturalized citizen of the greatest country on earth,
who did it the Right way. us

Joe Biden Faces a Major Test Evacuating Americans From Afghanistan
Some conservatives may be discouraged by the latest surveys confirming
that nearly one-half of millennials are receptive to living under socialism and regard capitalism as a captive of greed. In fact, they present us with a golden opportunity to educate all Americans about the manifold failures of socialism and the miraculous advances the world has made under free enterprise.
For example, the Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson revealed at a Heritage Foundation event that between 2000 and 2012, “the rate of absolute poverty in the world fell by 50 percent.” That is, “the poor in the world are getting rich at a rate that is absolutely unparalleled in all of human history.” Heritage’s 2019 Index of Economic Freedom reported that the greatest advances came in African and Asian countries (such as Botswana and Taiwan) that limited rather than expanded the role of government. More than 100 countries, many of them with less developed or emerging economies, showed marked advances in economic growth and individual prosperity.
Such good news is seldom reported by the mainstream media, Dr. Peterson said, because of the technological revolution that’s occurring in every form of media. All the broadcast networks, leading newspapers and magazines exist in a shrinking market with dwindling margins of profit. To attract attention they are turning to an old journalism axiom: “If it bleeds, it leads.”
The news media obsess over the latest school shooting and bloody street riot. And yet,
Dr. Peterson pointed out, the rates of violent crime in the United States and in most places “have plummeted in the last 50 years.” The U.S. is now safer than it has been since the early 1960s, but the reporting of violent crime in America has materially increased as the mainstream media, in pursuit of ratings and revenue, have highlighted the dark side of society.
Conservatives must step forward to tell the truth about capitalism: the better life it has brought to billions of people, the diversity and freedom of choice it celebrates, the individual responsibility it encourages, the continuing miracle of Adam Smith’s “invisible hand,” its rejection of government planning that always leads to dictatorship.
Which brings us to the urgent task of exposing the chimera that socialism is just another political system. Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and their fellow socialists carefully omit any mention of the principles laid down by Karl Marx, the founding father of Socialism, such as the abolition of private property and the centralization of the means of production and of decision-making. But make no mistake: there are radical socialists waiting in the wings to promote these extreme initiatives.
It’s up to us to tell the truth. Socialists promise a classless society but create the prison camps of the Gulag and the Isle of Pines. They assure peace but engage in wars of national liberation. They abolish private property but depend upon the underground economy. They stamp out religion but worship Big Brother. They bring down corrupt dictators but institute a dictatorship of the Party.
Here are some of the most telling failures of socialism.
One, socialism has never succeeded anywhere, including the Marxism-Leninism of the Soviet Union, the National Socialism of Nazi Germany, the Maoism of Communist China, the Chavez-Maduro socialism of Venezuela.
It has never come close anywhere to Marx’s ideal of a classless society.
Two, Karl Marx has been wrong about nearly everything he predicted.
The nation-state has not withered away. Capitalism didn’t break down as a result of the Industrial Revolution. Workers haven’t become revolutionaries but capitalists. The middle class hasn’t disappeared; indeed, it has expanded exponentially around the world (see the above about the sharp decline in global poverty). Marx’s attempt to use Hegel to create a “scientific socialism” has been an abject failure.
Three, socialism denies the existence of an essential human trait – human nature. Marx borrowed from the Enlightenment to declare that human nature was malleable, not constant. Christian theology with its idea of a fixed God-given nature infuriated Marx. The socialist state established by Lenin tried for seven decades to create an entirely new human being – Soviet Man. In December 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev gave up trying and dissolved the world’s most spectacular failure in human engineering.
Four, socialism depends not upon the will of the people but on the dictatorship of the Party to remain in power. In “The God That Failed,” six famous Western intellectuals describe their journey into socialism and their exit when they encountered the gigantic gap between their vision of a socialist utopia and the totalitarian reality of the socialist state.
After visiting the Soviet Union, the French Nobel Laureate writer Andre Gide said: “I doubt where in any country in the world – not even in Hitler’s Germany – have the mind and spirit ever been less free, more bent, more terrorized and indeed vassalized than in the Soviet Union.”
What is socialism? The Chinese philosopher Lin Yutang listed the “little terrors” that prevailed in China – making children of 12 subject to capital punishment, sending women to work in underground coal mines, harassing workers during their lunchtime with threats of prison if they were late returning to work. A Soviet defector said of the perpetual surveillance: “We lived in a world swarming with invisible eyes and ears.”
Given the ignorance of so many of our fellow Americans, especially young Americans, telling the truth about socialism has become an imperative. If we do not, Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez and their fellow travelers will fill the vacuum with their misleading rhetoric.
This is the truth about socialism: It is a pseudo-religion founded in pseudo-science and enforced by political tyranny.
INVESTIGATION – Bill Gates has major shares in both Pfizer & BioNTech, and an FOI has revealed he is the primary funder of the MHRA – Daily Expose
Why banks need to be in ‘the room where it happens’
The democrats have been secret Eugenics members since the early 1900s
and then Margaret Sanger put their plans in motion.
Georgia Guidestones commandments – Bing
The Georgia Guidestones consist of four major stone blocks
that contain 10 ‘Guidelines’ in 8 languages. 1. English. 2. Spanish.
3. Swahili. 4. Hindi. 5. Hebrew. 6. Arabic. 7. Chinese. 8. Russian.
A shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in
The Georgia Guidestones and the Globalist Plan to Reduce Humanity
to Half a Billion – Sto Vounó (sto vouno.org)
INVESTIGATION – Bill Gates has major shares in both Pfizer & BioNTech, and an FOI has revealed he is the primary funder of the MHRA – Daily Expose
Sovereign_Independent_Issue4.pdf (archive.org)
Fact Check: Context of Bill Gates TED Talk Quote About Lowering Population
Growth By 10 or 15 Percent With Vaccines | Lead Stories
False Bill Gates ‘depopulate with vaccines’ news a conspiracy theory classic – Australian Associated Press (aap.com.au)
Depopulation Through Forced vaccination: The Zero Carbon Solution.
Biden says Afghan evacuation on track; humanitarian crisis looms
Inside The 5 Secret Societies That Some Say Run The World
Pat Barrett – Build My Life ft. Cory Asbury (Lyrics)
No one talks about the sinister Bill Gates.
He’s a monster against humanity.
Bill Gates is the Chief Eugenicist of the New World Order.
Check how much of Pfizer he owns, CDC,FDA, etc.
It’s Unethical ~ Plain & Simple.
If this vaccine were off-brand, the CDC & Fauci wouldn’t recommend it.
Mr.Fauci has skin in the game, financially vested, he’ll push booster shots. It’s a profit based medical experiment with no proven efficacy. You STILL catch COVID, you’ll wear masks, & social distance.
What gain?
In an effort to better protect people with weakened immune systems against the COVID-19 Delta variant, @US_FDA authorized a third shot of the COVID-19 vaccine for a portion of the US population. Visit the below link for more info on eligibility and booster vaccines in general. #BigPharma
Yeah, you’d think more people would be talking about how odd it is that the same guy who partially funded the Wuhan Lab is also the same guy who funded the vaccine – who is also the same guy who, along with George Soros, bought the company that manufactures the Covid-19 tests. Keep electing Lady Graham and the corrupt turtle to lead the “opposition”
Personally, I get the impression he’s just a middle man – a useful idiot.
I’m convinced a cabal of others (bankers) are pulling the strings; they’re starting to come out of the woodwork now https://weforum.org/agenda/2021/08
That Unter Menschen is a eugenicist. It makes me laugh every time.
His weak ass would have been kicked off tarpeian rock a couple thousand years ago for being a weakling.
Lady holding up The Sovereign Independent
In a 2010 Ted Talk, Gates stated, “First, we’ve got a population.
The world today [in 2010] has 6.8 billion people.
That’s headed up to about nine billion.
Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines,
we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”
Retired Lt. Gen.: This would be embarrassing for both the US and Taliban
Countries That Are Considered Socialist
Country Type of Socialism
Angola | Socialist Party in Power
Bangladesh | Non-Marxist-Leninist
Barbados | Socialist Party in Power
Bolivia | Socialist Party in Power
China | Marxist-Leninist
Cuba | Marxist-Leninist
Ecuador | Socialist Party in Power
El Salvador | Socialist Party in Power
Ethiopia | Socialist Party in Power
Greece | Socialist Party in Power
Guinea-Bissau | Socialist Party in Power
Guyana | Non-Marxist-Leninist
Laos | Marxist-Leninist
Mauritius | Socialist Party in Power
Mozambique | Socialist Party in Power
Namibia | Socialist Party in Power
Nepal | Non-Marxist-Leninist
Nepal | Socialist Party in Power
Nicaragua | Socialist Party in Power
North Korea | Non-Marxist-Leninist
Portugal | Non-Marxist-Leninist
Republic of the Congo | Socialist Party in Power
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Socialist Party in Power
Sri Lanka | Non-Marxist-Leninist
Suriname | Socialist Party in Power
Tanzania | Non-Marxist-Leninist
Tanzania | Socialist Party in Power
Uruguay | Socialist Party in Power
Venezuela | Socialist Party in Power
Vietnam | Marxist-Leninist
Zambia | Socialist Party in Power
Inside The 5 Secret Societies That Some Say Run The World
Who exactly is running the world
List of socialist states – Wikipedia
How Afghanistan rattled Asia and emboldened China
Democratic Socialist Countries 2021 (worldpopulationreview.com)
Harris calls on Vietnam to join in opposing China ‘bullying’
In private, Qatar warn US officials of ‘growing crises’ at bases housing Afghans
Two Congress members make unauthorized trip to Kabul amid evacuation efforts
A man discovered passed out in a car in a 7-Eleven parking lot had a gun, drugs, and over 300 California recall ballots (msn.com)
Intel just signed a major chip-making deal with the Pentagon, and it could help the US solve its semiconductor problem (msn.com)
Cat in the Kettle (parody) – YouTube
Countries That Are Considered Socialist – World Atlas
Biden Says He Is ‘Checking’ Whether Constitution Allows Him To Seize Means Of Production | The Babylon Bee
Here’s A Comprehensive List Of All The Socialist Countries That Haven’t Turned Into A Totalitarian Hell scape Where You Have To Eat Your Dog (freerepublic.com)