are Conquest, War, Famine, and Death.
What Are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? (learnreligions.com)
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” ~ Winston Churchill
It’s the majority rule for a reason. Most of the population aren’t at risk and should not be punished. Those who are susceptible have to take responsibility to protect themselves.
It’s not the government’s job.
What I have noticed is that when someone says “people need
to take responsibility for themselves” what they mean is “other
people need to change so I don’t have to.”
Part of being responsible for yourself is making sure you don’t
1) catch it and 2) limit the spread.
Stay Home. Wear a mask if you go outside. Wash your damn hands.
If everyone does this, it stops.
If you don’t want it, stay home, if you have it don’t force it on the rest of us.
Your lack of personal responsibility for your health and safety along with the lack of responsibility for the health and safety of those you love (and live near) is stunning.
The whole point of quarantine was never to wait out the virus, it was to flatten the curve so our health care systems were not overwhelmed. Well mission accomplished they have been underwhelmed now let’s go back to normal life.
No…the curve is flattening not flattened, which means it’s working.
Since there is no vaccine or very reliable treatment going “back to normal” now will mean “going back to March 15th” or so when the shit was hitting the fan.
Just opening the floodgates now is stupid.
A well-thought out, data (and SCIENCE) driven plan of action to reopen is smart. Not throwing away your freedom over something that’s not likely to
kill you is stupid.
Your freedom ends at everyone else’s safety.
When you refuse to take responsibility for yourself, you contribute to the spread. It’s not like you’re some isolated island that doesn’t come in contact with anyone. If you don’t take the responsibility to stay home, wash your hands, and wear a mask-when you get infected, you will infect a lot more people. imgflip.com/i/42fuch
Because they too are “protecting their freedoms” by not wearing a mask, not staying home, and not washing their hands.
I am taking responsibility for myself by working and making money to provide for my family and myself and not having to rely on the government for scraps. It’s not my job to protect others. It is my responsibility to look out for myself and my family. Everyone else has the responsibility to take care of themselves. What that looks like changes from person to person. If you choose to let fear control your life then that is your choice.
You don’t get to push your fears on others.
1 in 20 who get it die. About 1 in 200 people in the US have it or have had it.
Unless I’m mistaken, your definition of not likely is about 1 in 4000.
While 1 in 173 will have a reaction to the vaccine.
New York State has a population of 19.5 million. 53,905 have died.
(53,905 ÷ 19,300,000) x 100 = 0.27% have died.
Meaning, in New York, about 1 in 358 have died.
While in N.Y.C. has a population of 8,230,290. 33,736 have died.
(33,736 ÷ 8,230,290) x 100 = 0.40% have died.
Meaning, in New York City, about 1 in 244 have died.
So far in NYC they had 1,018,334 cases 33,736 have died.
(33,376 ÷ 1,018,334) 100 = 3.31% have died.
Source: Coronavirus (COVID-19) (msn.com)
Less than 1% of people have died. Tell me why is that scary?
As sad as it is, people die everyday. A disease that has killed less than 1% of people in a massive city is not a cause of concern. The world is not ending, move on with your life.
The question isn’t why I think it’s scary. The question is when does it become scary for you? When it’s 1 in a billion? 1 in a million? 1 in a thousand? 1 in the hundreds? You tell me.
The world is not ending. Human beings are dying of a disease not seen on this global scale in a very long time. 100 years in the US, at least. The Spanish Flu was estimated to have killed 675,000 in the US. The first wave in the spring killed only 10% of the final total. If this is anything like the 1918 pandemic, we’re expected to reach a death toll closer to 1 million.
It’s not the end of the world. But it may cost you your life to ignore it.
“Not to sound insensitive or anything but people die every day.
Let’s look at New York City with a population of 8.23 million people. You say the Spanish flu killed 675000 on the entire US. Well if that was just in New York City there still would be about 7.56 million people in New York City.
You saw the Coronavirus has killed 640,800 so far in The United States people well if all those people lived in New York with 8,230,290 people that still leaves 7.59 million people. In 1 city. Worldwide that’s less than a scratch on the total population.
I’ll take my chances. I like that 99% survival rate. It won’t be scary for me until that changes. So it will never be scary for me. What I mean is if you want to stay home or wear a mask or don’t work then don’t. But for those of use who want to should be allowed too.
In 1 city. Worldwide that’s less than a scratch on the total population.
I’ll take my chances. I like that 99% survival rate.
It won’t be scary for me until that changes.
So it will never be scary for me.”
99% survival is uncertain. 94% survival of the virus is closer to certain.
“A little fear is healthy” this isn’t a little fear. People are allowing fear to control your life. If you want to find me, I don’t care. But your fears don’t control my life. As to responsibility, call me a murderer but I haven’t killed anyone and if you die from a virus that’s not on me.
Fear has an aspect of control on many people’s lives. What you choose to do about it is entirely up to you. Until it isn’t and the way things are going our freedom to choose won’t last much longer. Your freedom to choose may be suspended temporarily if people choose to ignore the virus. And continue to encourage other people to ignore it. I’m not ignoring it, I’m just not running around like a headless chicken.
“Most of the population aren’t at risk and should not be punished.”
“Those who are susceptible have to take responsibility to protect themselves.”
“The whole point of quarantine was never to wait out the virus; it was to flatten the curve so our health care systems were not overwhelmed.
Well mission accomplished they have been underwhelmed now let’s go back to normal life.”
“America: gives up freedoms to temporarily make them feel safer; American Government: never gives them back; America: :O”
“No throwing away your freedom over something not likely to kill you is stupid”
“I’ll take my chances. I like that 99% survival rate. It won’t be scary for me until that changes. So it will never be scary for me.”
All of these seem to indicate you’re encouraging people to ignore it and that you, yourself, are ignoring it.
I believe people are overreacting. If we want to vote away our freedom to choose the government doesn’t have to give it back and we would be powerless against them.
The virus is not likely to kill you unless you are at high risk. If it was really that bad we would all personally know someone who has died from it. As it is, nobody I have talked to can say they know someone who died. As a matter of fact I have heard the opposite.
“Both my grandparents got the Coronavirus but they are still alive and well”
Meanwhile I don’t know anyone who has died and neither do the most pro masks people on this website.
So my question to you, good sir, do you personally know someone who has died of the Coronavirus?
No human can tell another human what’s mandatory.
Even the creator of all things, God, granted us free will.
You are making a choice.
We are living in biblical times that’s for certain.
Where are we on the biblical timeline?
Bible Answer:
The Bible provides us with many signs that reveal where we are on the biblical timeline.
A previous study titled, “Prophecy of The Future” provides a summary of the future, but here is a brief overview of the future events. In brief, the Bible reveals that the universe is quickly approaching the end of time and the removal of Christians from the earth (the Rapture) is the next major event. The rapture occurs before the Tribulation.
Following the Rapture is the Tribulation Period, seven years that end with the Second Coming of Christ which will usher in a 1,000 year kingdom on the earth. The Rapture occurs when Christ comes to remove Christians. Next comes the Tribulation Period which begins with 3.5 years of peace followed by 3.5 years of terror. Then the Second Coming of Christ occurs, followed by a worldwide 1,000 year kingdom which will be ruled by Christ.

Signs of the End Time – Given by Christ
In Matthew 24:3 Jesus’ disciples asked what are signs of His return and the end of the age.
As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” Matthew 24:3 (NASB)
Then in verses 4-28 Jesus gave them a long list of signs. Verses 4-8 are the initial signs. Verses 9-14 provide us with more serious signs that will occur before the rapture.
Verse 5 – Individuals claiming they are Christ
Verse 6 – Wars and rumors of wars
Verse 7 – Famines and earthquakes
Verse 9 – Christians will be persecuted
Verse 10 – Christians will be betrayed
Verse 11 – Many false prophets will appear
Verse 12 – Lawlessness will increase and people will become more unloving
Verse 14 – The gospel will spread to every part of the earth
Verses 15-28 give us signs of things that will occur in the last half of the Tribulation Period.
Verse 15 – Abomination of desolation occurs.
Verse 21 – Great tribulation is in process
Verses 29-30 describes the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Signs of the End Time – From Other Parts of the Bible
There are ten other signs that are given in Scripture that either agree with those given by Jesus or are in addition to those given to the disciples. The following chart summarizes these signs or prophesies.

Destruction of Jerusalem
One of the earliest signs was the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman army because they had rejected Jesus Christ. This prophecy was given by Jesus.
For the days will come upon you, when your enemies will set up a barricade around you and surround you and hem you in on every side and tear you down to the ground, you and your children within you. And they will not leave one stone upon another in you, because you did not know the time of your visitation. Luke 19:43-44 (NASB)
In Daniel 12:7 the prophet prophesied that Israel would be shattered.
This is the identical prophecy that Jesus gave.
Kingdom Is Still Future
In A.D. 90-100, the apostle John writes,
And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming. 1 John 2:28 (NASB)
It is clear from His words that Christ has not yet come. He wrote this verse after Jerusalem was destroyed and the nation of Israel was shattered. Those who are Preterists claim that Jesus came at the destruction of Jerusalem, but both Scripture and the early church disagree. Also in Luke 17:22 Christ told the disciples that they would not see the kingdom.
And he said to the disciples, “The days are coming when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it. Luke 17:22 (NASB)
This further reveals that the rapture, tribulation, Second Coming of Christ and the kingdom did not occur before A.D. 95.
Israel Must Return to the Land
Isaiah 11:11 reveals that the nation of Israel was prophesied to return to the land and that occurred in 1948.
In that day the Lord will extend his hand yet a second time to recover the remnant that remains of his people, from Assyria, from Egypt, from Pathros, from Cush, from Elam, from Shinar, from Hamath, and from the coastlands of the sea. Isaiah 11:11 (NASB)
There are many other prophesies about Israel returning to the land in the minor prophets and especially in the book of Zechariah (Hosea 3:4-5; Micah 2:12; Zephaniah 3:20; Zechariah 2:6-13; 10:1-8; 12:1-9; 14:1-21).
Knowledge Would Increase
For example, Daniel 12:4 prophesied that knowledge would increase.
But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. Daniel 12:4 (NASB)
It is obvious to any adult that knowledge is not just increasing today, it is exploding.
Peace In Israel
The major sign that we are waiting for is peace in Israel.
This must occur according to the prophecy of Daniel 9:27.
And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week, and for half of the week he shall put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator. Daniel 9:27 (NASB)
The tribulation period will occur after the peace treaty of Daniel 9:27 occurs.
It is important to note that a peace treaty might occur in the Middle East that is not the peace treaty described in Daniel 9:27. Once this peace treaty occurs, the temple in Israel can then be built. Then Christ’s prophecy (Matthew 24:15) and Daniel’s prophecy (Daniel 9:27) about the abomination of desolation can occur since a temple will exist.
In summary, we are waiting for a peace treaty to occur in the Middle East that includes peace for Israel. That was prophesied by Daniel 9:27. Once this occurs, the rapture will occur and the tribulation will start. It is possible that the rapture occurs before the peace treaty since it comes like a thief in the night. Either way, the world will be a miserable place in which to live as all the demonic forces and the nations of the earth literally attack Christians and the nation of Israel.
Taliban-released terrorists could be sneaking through the US southern border (msn.com)
The Brightest States of America, From Most to Least Educated (moneywise.com)
Biden wasn’t elected …he was installed:
You know kinda like a toilet
You have to watch this interview with @BenSasse.
If this is the only thing you do today, it will be a day well lived.