The Great Awakening! Some will still remain in their self-imposed slumber.

I had felt I was done with simple minded thought before… Now? I’ve been solidified.
Corruption and evil has always existed but it is being forced out into the open like never before.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be brought to light. Mark 4:22.

Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.” Revelation 12:12

The devil never likes to be exposed. And we did just that……
We are in a global world war….. Wakey Wakey

So important to #KnowMore because the #DeepState wants to keep us brainwashed.

It’s a beautiful thing to see so many waking up.
When the arrests begin and the prosecution’s get under way,

I have absolutely no doubt “The best is yet to come”. There will be a lot of traitors sending money offshore as they look for safe havens in socialist ratholes. It’s time to begin the refurbishment and open Gitmo. The truth always comes into light ….

God wins Folded hands all the time!!!
They’ll move the goal posts again next week and ask for more money Smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes

Insane in the membrane. “They” and “us” is pretty vague — But then again, your statement that “the truth is coming” is pretty damn vague too.
Things are crazy right now, because they are cracking down on you and the truth is coming out. People are waking up. They know your time is short. Thank you for reminding us of the bigger prize on the horizon.

Keep the faith! We must persevere!Heart suit

Anyone watching @CNN got their heads full with hate for those
speaking the truth..only the good long cries will heal them now.

My friend went to the VA because he was sick. Dr said he thought he had
a sinus infection but not to be surprised if he tested positive cause everyone was testing positive. Sure enough he did…Do not let yourself be manipulated because your country will not be there.

Which is why we all need to be one step ahead of all our enemies,
as they know people like you are almost there!

Which is why we all need to be one step ahead of all our enemies, as they know people like you are almost there! I’ll be honest.. not feeling really hopeful- we are quickly moving into communism and I think a lot of people in the country are fine with that! The more people are educated and show proof, the better we can come together to take down rampant corruption, our fraudulent elections and more!

No disrespect to you but damn we have heard this for far too long, it seems to us this is just a stalling method and nothing is believable anymore because no one ever shows proof. The truth is coming……any minute now… really – it’s almost here……for real this time…..right around the corner…..promise…..yup it’s….coming…..almost there….for real this time….just one more minute….. scouts honor……Maybe the raccoons in your head chewed up the last remaining functioning wires.

We the people are tired of hearing the “Big thing coming” statements all the time, if you have the proof let the public see it, if you have served subpoenas, arrest someone, if you know the election was fraudulent prove it please.


Stop voting for Republicans who are no longer fit to serve Up pointing index

It’s soo bad I’m always afraid to check Twitter in the morning to see
what fresh hell I’m going to see today. I believe in two parties, but the current administration is dangerous to our country. This is why we stepped up to vote. I feel the same way. I’m tired of the hopeful, “happy talk” of pundits.

We are not winning this war. America is falling.
I have seen no proof that we are winning anything since 2016. They have played us for suckers and goaded us into traps and we walked into each one with smiles on our faces and some out there still waiting for some “Q” guy to save them. Get the damned report done and let’s go. This party is failing you. You deserve better. This gives us hope and peace. Please Pray Patriots for all those who are fighting for our freedom! #Godwins

King James Version Ephesians 6:12 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

They have 2 thorns on their side right now. -Assange Hearing on 8.11 -Maricopa Audit Distractions galore, from these important issues.
Feeding the rhetorical divide. #KnowMore #SpeakOutNow

Our nation is being destroyed! Hurry the hell up! Respectfully!!

🇺🇲 When is the information coming out?? Longest recount ever!

I’m getting equally tired of the “it’s coming” banter…
I want to believe I really do. But I’m sitting here staring at a black pill and debating whether to take it. You know you’re spot on — when your thread is
full of trolls. Get prepared now because it’s going to be a rough few months.
Joe is…. Just like Satan! He knows his time is coming and he’s trying to —
wreak as much havoc as possible.

They aren’t going to go down quietly without a fight.Boxing glove

This government is a pile of sh#t. We pay so the wealthy can play, We pay so the politicians can kill the US, We pay so the politicians can have secrets, We pay so our gov take our jobs, We pay so our gov can pay off Banks, We pay so

our Gov can poison our food. Down pointing backhand index

Yep, the Devil screams loudest just before exposure.

Keep America Great Flag of United StatesScales

If something doesn’t change soon it will be us in the “green” zones!
CDC Publishes ‘Green Zone’ Concentration Camp Protocol,
Preparing Masses Imprisonment (

You make a good point. They arrested his CFO and we hope they’ll arrest him next. But we have to be patient and give his CFO time to think about flipping on the crook. But I agree with you. Keep hope alive. 5 years of a witch hunt against Trump and he’s not in prison should tell you a lot. You love America.

Why are you on the side of Big Pharma, Big tech, Big business, Wall Street?
If you’re not awake at this point, there’s little chance you ever will be. When
I look around me, it doesn’t appear people are becoming more aware (waking up) to what’s really going on. It’s unbelievable. Trump will be reinstated soon! Everyone with a functioning brain & without the Rona Jab knows it.
This is their end game. The U.N. has admitted a global ‘pandemic’ may be the only thing to save their one word government. Innocent peoples’ time is even shorter. Too many good people are suffering because we have to ‘awaken those who are asleep’. Not good enough anymore!

What do Cesar, Mao, Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler & Biden have in common?

Please call Joe “President Sniffy” Out To Steal Our Civil Liberties!!
They hate nicknames, yet they so easily earn them Face with tears of joy 😂

Something needs to be done about employers demanding their employees
to get an experimental vaccine. I doubt this. I believe the Authoritarians
(now in control) outsmarted us all. They knew that once they cheated,
it would be too late/impossible to stop them.

That’s why they are smarter than us.
The only truth that isn’t coming out: the extradition hearing of Assange
on 8/11. There’s so much info they’re trying to push it seems maddening.
We have already won. All they have are words.. just words. We need to stop being the victims.. and speak words of confidence and victory — otherwise we’re feeding their fear. and giving them power over us. We gave them that power. #KnowMore #DropTheCharges #ImpeachBiden

Sadly, the truth is only coming out for the people who already know the truth. No one who is brainwashed by the Maoists will be persuaded one iota when this truth is confirmed. Dead Balls On! The Window for Capture & Total Control & Compliance is Closing Rapidly. Then it gets markedly more difficult! Share info, that is why they are making this impossible. Love & Protect each other & tell the truth! Don’t let them divide us! Life & future depend on it!

Arizona will remove Biden from office and put him in prison for election TREASON !!
Seems crazy? I think we are on a crazy overload. I agree it’s all a distraction. Can’t wait for those dominos….Voter integrity is the right of all Americans. Cheaters should be exposed and prosecuted. “WE THE PEOPLE” can complain amongst ourselves to get our frustrations out, BUT we ALL NEED TO SPEAK to our commie DemonRat leaders themselves AND TELL THEM YOUR FEELINGS! Face with look of triumph Email them or tweet them… do whatever you have
to do to get your voice heard! It’s our right, for now. #AuditAll50States

The DemonRats aren’t brave enough to make a move to take over the
United States on their own, this is a joint effort by the Democrat party & our foreign enemies. Been hearing this for three years. “It’s happening, It’s about
to happen”! Nothing ever happens, because those in power (both sides) don’t want anything to happen. This country is lost. Just look at the 17 republicans who voted for the infrastructure deal.

Influenza vaccines save lives but don’t stop the spread.

Same for COVID.

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