Life Begins at Conception

Are they going to be covering up vaccine deaths with Covid deaths?
I think that they already are.

We’re living in a damned Clown World. You’re either a performer or the heckler

who is tossing popcorn at the idiots on stage. Popcorn

Germany is pursuing this and some doctors there have tweeted that 30% to 40% of deaths are jab related. Of course! At this point it’s best not to believe anything this administration has to say! The spin doctors are discussing their strategies as we speak. They’re already covering up vaccine deaths and they’re covering up the fact that the ER’s are full of sick vaccinated.

That’s the plan…and don’t forget to blame the unvaccinated… ON DJT.

Face with rolling eyes

German chief pathologist sounds alarm on fatal vaccine injuries (

The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg,
Peter Schirmacher, has carried out over forty autopsies on people who had
died within two weeks of their vaccination. Schirmacher expressed alarm
over his findings.

They are doing that with other illnesses, strokes, heart attacks…etc. the kicker those agencies get a 38k kickback from the government for each case reported. They spread covid-19 deaths with heart disease, cancer and old age. That would be an interesting twist! I think there’s already cases where they have buried it within their lies. Of course. That’s what the variants are for. It’s their cover story. Even though they admittedly can’t even test “Covid” accurately with the PCR let alone the variants. >>> Niacinate vs. Vaccinate.

Dr. Anthony Fauci has money invested with Moderna?
Moderna reveals how long its vaccine protects people so far (

Breakthrough Covid cases: At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive (

With pharmaceutical companies putting out information about potential booster shots, we talked to our medical expert Dr. Vin Gupta about who will and who will not need a Covid vaccine booster shot before 2022.  Who will and will not need a Covid vaccine booster soon (

The experimental bio weapon injection is causing most of the infections
and death. A simpleton could figure it out. Don’t let them baffle you with BS.
I got my second shot and spent 4 days in the ICU. The Carrell

I can guarantee you it’s already happening. Start talking to nurses that are not afraid to speak . One of my oldest high school friends’ daughter is a ICU nurse in Cali, every patient has been a jab victim. they’re in ICU and they’re dying.

Yes. And blame the unvaxxed. You think the vaxxed are mad now.

Wait till their kids start dying.
They already are. I heard that young people are having all kinds of health problems including deaths after taking the vax. Of course they will say it was due to something else. They refuse to track that data. They are saving “vaccine deaths” until Trump announces that he is running again in 2024….
At which time he will be blamed for all of them!… 24/7

You can set your clocks to this!!!Winking faceThumbs up
Then imagine when they link up all their Graphene or Magneto and create a REAL hive mind. Genetically engineered ‘Magneto’ protein remotely controls brain and behaviour | Science | The Guardian

Kirk Cousins would rather surround himself with glass than get COVID-19 vaccine

“My Dog Now Has More Energy, No Itching, Better Digestion & No Limp”
We’ve reinvented dog supplements (

Speaking head in silhouetteHow The Media Manipulates Our Opinions. Speaking head in silhouette

•Create a diversion •Exaggerate a Issue •Gradual strategy •Postponing strategy •Appear kind •More emotions, less thinking •Keeping people uninformed •Encouraging people to accept mediocrity •Making people feel guilty

Convince people they know more about you than you know about yourself.
They definitely have propaganda down to a fine art and certainly deserve to be held financially if not criminally liable!!!

A big part of their strategy is lying by omission. Like not talking about the border crisis, not talking about inflation, not talking about the global protests, not talking about vax deaths, etc.

Biden’s blithely unconstitutional government (

17 charts to track the US economic recovery. Explore the data.
They will set Trump up, and falsely publish massive amounts of deaths from the vaccines. Dr. Fauci Praises Trump for ‘Wise Investment’ in COVID-19 Vaccine Development (

History always repeats itself. Don’t worry about covid-19, eyes on Audits.
Check your history, every tactic listed has been routinely used by tyrannical politicians in the past. Mika B said it’s their job to control what people think.

That’s why they call it tv programming. Key word is programming…
Guilt you into taking an experimental drug. – Twist words to fit
their narrative – Instill mass fear….

 The wise determine from the gravity of the case; the irritable, from sensibility to oppression; the high minded, from disdain and indignation at abusive power in unworthy hands. “Be diligent and sober minded. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.”

There’s a spiritual war going on and the battles are fought throughout our lives. Be sober. Be diligent. Pray and put on God’s armor. Seek His face.

DELTA PLUS: A new sub-strain of the delta variant has been detected here in the Bay Area. It’s called delta plus and officials say it’s the most contagious variant we’ve seen. @MKingstonNews reports. Delta plus: New sub-strain of delta variant detected in Bay Area | KRON4

US COVID-19 cases and deaths by state | USAFacts

Those who willingly signed up for the shot should’ve done better research.
As predicted, vaccinated people are now transmitting the virus to unvaccinated

people, including their own infant children.Down pointing backhand index

Nurses speak out – Bing video

“That is exactly the opposite of what herd immunity is supposed to be.”

Red Walrus on Twitter: “EXCELLENT MINDS ~” / Twitter

Six Nurses Speak Out – The Latest [VIDEOS] | The Liberty Beacon


When you consider the high false positives of current PCR (40 cycle)  testing, you realize that there is NO SCIENCE in Covid policies. No Science in Covid Policies – Google Docs ! I know multiple people who lived in the same households and some got it and others unvaccinated didn’t…

It’s just a sham-demic…
You will probably stay healthy but the incubation period from exposure
to symptoms is anywhere from 3 to 14 days. I would up Vitamin D and C
though as a precaution.

I take zinc, magnesium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D to get regular sun Sun with rays and exercise.

TO Keep that immune system strong Flexed biceps

Anonymous Statements:
I’ve worked in a critical access hospital for the last 5 years, never vaxxed.
Some of my coworkers contracted either COVID or the flu (can’t tell —

since the PCR test is flawed & they stopped tracking flu cases for some reason).

 Thinking face

In any event, we all survived… My wife had to get surgery done a couple weeks ago. The clinic that tested her and then they called her at work and said her test was positive. But the clinic did the test again and it was negative. False f*cking positives is why we are where we are today. It’s all a hoax.

A couple of weeks ago, I drove a van with 5 riders. All 5 are vaccinated,
1 got Covid, brought it into the van, another got it, she sits right behind me,
I didn’t get it. Thank the good lord. 
CDC says vaccinated people who contract the COVID-19 Delta variant can transmit the virus due to high viral loads upon infection / Twitter Vaccinated people who contract the COVID-19 Delta variant can spread the virus just as easily as unvaccinated people, the CDC reports.


My father died from Covid in February. My mother slept next to him every night and cared for him every day…and they refused to even test her for Covid upon his dx because she didn’t have symptoms. She never got Covid.
Make it make sense.

Hundreds of people have had Covid and did not even know it . 3 vaxxed people at my job got Covid, now they say that some of us who are unvaxed might have given it to them.

My whole family all had it last month. Kids had a cough, parents had body aches and respiratory issues and lost our sense of smell and taste.

We all recovered in a week. Trick is z-pack and to get out of bed and
get moving so you don’t get pneumonia and end up on a vent.

I drive a truck night shift. Have worked the entire Plandemic.
All other drivers sharing my truck have tested positive with one getting very sick but recovered. I use common sense hygiene practices and I haven’t been sick.

It’s happened to me with 5 different people at work, they eat at my desk.
I work in close contact with them, and we share a bathroom.
I haven’t had so much as a sniffle this whole time.

The tests are like 75% false positives.
Unless you have preexisting conditions, the CV19 is a “cold”.
#corruptdemocrats #cdc

Most probable thing, she or he was tested using a PCR which is,
besides dangerous, totally wrong to detect it as it has a 70% error
margin detecting covid. If you have the flu it will say Chyna virus. 
CDC is not going forward with EUA for the PCR test.

Every previous attempt at a Coronavirus vaccine failed in testing
due to Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE). Just sayin.

It is definitely about vitamin D. Use your leisure time for outdoor

activities and your body will rejuvenate itself. Folded hands

My wife had COVID and I didn’t.. 
Same house, same bed same everything we were tested 3 times.. 

she tested positive and I’m negative each time.. go figure Man shrugging

Remove who and what doesn’t fit anymore.

Declutter your life. Dizzy symbolFireDizzy symbol

Addendum: Life begins at conception because it makes no sense for it
to begin at any other point during pregnancy.

Every individual is unique in history. If something should happen to you,
God forbid, your parents couldn’t simply have another child and replace you. The child would be its own individual self; you would be gone forever. This is why abortion is evil. If a human life is a human person then a fetus has rights and dignity of its own, and the freedom of others stops where the rights of others begin.

What is right and what can be legislated are separate discussions.

I wish anti-vax-choicer would just see people who don’t want the Covid vax as fetuses, then they would not be so concerned that they were dying.

A fetus is a reproductive organ growing inside a human person.
Yes, it’s human life (so is a tumor?) but it isn’t a human person.
This has no scientific basis.
Your interpretation of life is not fact. You can’t compare an unborn child to a tumor. It’s an argument that holds no water and makes no sense.

According to democrats this is controversial…
Democrats have no shame in scooping out their offspring.
A fetus is a protoplasm in process of becoming a life form.
Nope, it’s cells. If you are so pro bodily autonomy with vaccines why not be pro choice? The biggest hypocrisy is that all Repubs do is try and strip social nets while also forcing people to have babies they don’t want. Once the baby’s born you stop caring.

The words life, living, live are found 16 times in this chapter.
God speaks LIFE from Genesis throughout His Word. If people want to argue (until blue in the face) about abortion, their argument is with the Creator of Life. John 6KJV

 – Revelation 18:23 *Merchants – Gates, Zuckerberg, Page, Brin, etc

*sorceries- in Strong’s Lexicon, G5331, Pharmakeia, administration of drugs and poisons. I’ll go one step farther, a fertilized egg is human.
23 chromosomes, the genetic instructions are designed to be human. A human fetus is a blank check to planned parenthood. They breed neighborhoods to breed fetuses that they then sell.

The other half of the neighborhood breeds professional athletes that are bought

by the elites to show off for sport. One Great society Flushed face

Once we shift the language from “human” to THING we’ve just given ourselves our first license that learner’s permit to start using each other as means rather than respecting ourselves as ends.

We can all agree that life ends when the heart stops beating.
Why can’t we agree that life begins when the heart STARTS beating?

Human fetus is human life?
1) That’s never been a theological question.
2) Often Gen 2:7 is cited that life begins at first breath.
3) Socially it’s a forced question to provide guidance on how to make law.
4) What criteria does the law use to recognize life and rights?

Agree to disagree. I think life happens when the brain is developed.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

To me consciousness is in the mind.
If we can scientifically prove when consciousness starts (most likely
in the brain) then can we put this argument to bed? I’m pro-choice up until consciousness. Absolutely correct. 24 years ago, I had a still born at 26 weeks along. I had to have a funeral home pick her up from the hospital and was given a death certificate for her.

Yes, life is life !!! A fetus is living human being
Look no further than Ultra-Sounds for proof.

Life begins at the moment of conception.
GOD said, “I knew you before you were in your mother’s womb.”
Democrats say we need to be vac. So we don’t harm other lives.
Democrats say IT’S okay to kill babies at birth,
yet are these not lives? More-so family!

Walking ahead of the crowd and doing what is best for you,
makes you a leader. People who follow the crowd usually get
lost in it. Leaders don’t create followers.
They create more leaders.

Stay blessed my friends.Folded handsFolded handsFolded hands

Always look up & never look down. No crowded box for me 🌟

Elizabeth Hurley, 56, goes for a bike ride in a blue bikini top (

Sydney Sweeney, 23, Shows Off Toned Abs in Bikini (

𝔻𝔸ℕℂ𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣





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