Stand Your GrounD

MR. BIG STUFF on Twitter: “Sending love and prayers from the US. We stand with the people of Australia. Socialism is bad.🙏🏻” / Twitter

 ꧁༒Ámê®ï©âñ ¤ (wo)måÑ༒ ꧂

Where are all these racist the Nazis & leftists screaming about? All I see on
my Twitter feed is people of every color & background supporting one another, sharing news, loving God, country, family & holding each other up even as our voices are censored & suppressed. God bless you all.

Libs oscillate wildly between “Hungary is a poor little rinky-dink country.”

“However, Hungary is about to conquer the world,”
Just once I would like these people to actually elaborate what exactly they mean. How the hell would Hungary be a threat to “Western Civilization“?!
Authoritarianism has and does exist in western Europe with no opposition.
Viktor Orban being allowed to exist sets an example that authoritarianism can in fact exist with little opposition in central and Western Europe. That’s where the threat lies, not “he’s gonna conquer the world”, which he didn’t say.

Does his regime have economic penalties such as sanctions against it?
Does his regime engage as a member of the EU and enjoy it’s benefits? If the answer is yes, there’s no serious international opposition. Poland and Hungary sanctions procedure back after pandemic (  All this article says is, sanctions are being pursued in court. So, currently there are no sanctions. Anyway here’s a video of Orbán buying opposition newspapers after libs said there’s no free media in Hungary

They expect people to believe that forced vacxin fashions & perpetual boostas with a side of southern invasion is somehow a superior way of life. How does one join this “cabal of fascist goons”? Sounds like a blast. This is the lib version of Bush Republicans who bought the “Axis of Evil” line. Orban is a “threat by example” God bless Hungarians. These anti-Europe globalists are threatened by #Hungary & Orban who refuse to sacrifice their land, culture, religion & people for foreign aliens.


The Coming Coup? – The American Mind  

There is so much more ahead of you than there was behind you!
No matter how “old” we are, we’re not finished even when we pass away.
We’re very young in eternity’s perspective. Could you imagine meeting one of the sons or daughters of the original Seth? How old would he or she be in Heaven today?
What would they be up to? Put your past behind you, and focus on the future God has for you. In the process of letting go, you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself. Forgetting those things behind, I’m reaching for things before.
I press toward the mark of the high calling of God!

“The Word of God is powerful.
It has the ability to calm you down, cheer you up, give you hope, and stir your faith up!”
Sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it. You need to know where you’re going. Genesis 4:7b
Keeping the Faith always & keeping my eyes on Jesus our Lord God Elohim…

Red heartCrownFolded hands🕊Musical scoreLove letterLove letter

Biden, in a Push to Phase Out Gas Cars, to Tighten Pollution Rules
Experts say it will not be possible for electric vehicles to go from niche to mainstream without making electric charging stations as ubiquitous as the corner gas station is today. And while labor leaders will attend the White House event, they remain concerned about a wholesale shift to electric vehicles, which require fewer workers to assemble.
But without a radical change to the type of vehicles Americans drive, it will be impossible for Mr. Biden to meet his ambitious pledge to cut planet-warming emissions by 50 percent from 2005 levels by the end of this decade. Gasoline-powered cars and trucks are the largest single source of greenhouse gases produced in the United States, accounting for 28 percent of the nation’s total carbon emissions.

Biden touts electric vehicle goals as boon for climate, economy and jobs

No turning back:’ Biden signs order targeting half of all vehicles
sold in U.S. to be zero-emissions by 2030

How old tires are turned into electricity

Maps of historic drought in West

 Biden’s vision for the border has gone bust. But what’s Plan B?
Six months into his term, Biden Administration is being proved wrong.
The number of migrants apprehended at the border isn’t going down this summer, even as the heat makes the journey to the U.S. more dangerous. Instead, it has reached a 21-year high — and there’s a record number of unaccompanied children arriving, too. As they’ve been pressed about the high numbers of apprehensions in recent days, Biden officials have argued that they never said seasonal migration was the only factor — and that they’re working hard to tackle the other contributing conditions, such as extreme poverty, malnutrition and violence, that are also pushing people to leave their home countries.
As the administration, local officials, border agents and nonprofit leaders grapple with the day-to-day logistical challenges of apprehending and processing or expelling thousands of migrants, U.S. officials and immigration experts say they have theories but no concrete explanations for why the increase is happening now. Many see it as a confluence of destabilizing conditions, some new, some long-standing: a still-raging pandemic, worsening economic crisis and devastation from past natural disasters. All told, U.S. border agents are likely to have encountered about 210,000 migrants in July 2021, the highest number seen since 2000, a top U.S. official said in a federal court filing earlier this week. 


‘Don’t let us be your nurse’: Health care worker describes Florida surge (

Democrats are in denial about their border catastrophe (

Covid-19 Vaccination Rates Rise Where Delta Variant Is Spreading

Coronavirus (COVID-19) (

Governments don’t want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people smart enough to run the machines. Nothing to fear. Just a government that wants all working people poor enough to apply for gov. assistance and if they can’t accomplish that they have plenty of new Americans coming across the border to suffice. I’d say I feel the fear, too, Sarah. The fear of losing what I know and hold dear, whether it’s material like my home or priceless like my family. It’s fight or flight when you’ve been cornered like prey. Unfortunately for others, I strike & fight.

May the best man win. Flag of United States Flag of United States

They want you in fear, so you cannot think for yourself. Fear is detrimental
to your immune system and cortisol levels. Be not afraid, arm yourself with knowledge not CNN style propaganda. Many of us are here to help..
Fear is useless, what is needed is trust. Luke 8:50

Prayer Always Helps,,, Clears My Mind. Fear not, for I am with you;
be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Most of the time, people who commit acts of bravery are
only doing it because they have a fear of what will happen if they do nothing.
Don’t be afraid of what’s going on, rather put 100% of your faith, hope, and trust in Jesus Christ. He will sustain you through these dark days. He is in control. Have no fear if you believe in GOD! It’s very scary in our Beloved Country.

You’re not alone. #PatriotsUnite
Take a few minutes and read this blog. Everything going on right now is for a reason. It appears Jesus is coming soon. Turn off the news. It is scripted to cause fear and hopelessness. No fear for me. I am emboldened. I like a good fight. Covid-19 the covert plan of World Leaders to destroy the world and people to create a New World Order?

Vaccine Passport XXX – Mike’s Blog (
No doubt this is harder for us simple folk. The elites have everything they need. Never get denied anything. Meanwhile the rest of us have to scratch & claw for what we need. We’re having our rights stripped away more & more daily. I’m scared & mad that people elected are letting Dems ruin the USA & that they are trying to force all to take this experimental shot even though they know there are over 11,000 deaths from it & even more disabilities. It’s pure evil. Unless you’re 1 of them your life doesn’t matter.

Worry not. While it seems that the sheep are in charge, the wolves are still here and we’re starting to wake up. I fear most for my children and grandchildren. What will their future be in the next 10-15 years. Will humanity survive and in what form? The experience I’m having is pure anger that a stooge managed to make it to the White House and the Republican Party helped make it happen. What’s more, I get texts from these pompous asses begging for money.
RINOs are despicable.

All you can do is breath, for now Flag of United States

New variant cases are from a virus mutation that has been caused
by the vaccines.

Genevieve Gorder, says she was “double vaxxed,” (Pfizer)
and now she’s in bed on day 5 of being sick with COVID
JULY 31, 2021

Former HGTV Star Says She’s “Double Vaccinated” and Very Sick With COVID Right Now. Well, it turns out that the latest victim of the “Delta Variant” is none other than former HGTV and “Trading Spaces” star Genevieve Gorder, who says she was “double vaxxed.” Page Six reported that Genevieve Gorder revealed she is currently battling COVID-19.
The 42-year-old interior designer shared that she was on “day 5” of the virus on social media, along with a selfie of herself in bed. Gorder added that she received a double dose of the Pfizer vaccine in March but still contracted the Delta variant of the coronavirus.

“As a kid with asthma, an adult with autoimmune, covid was not something I took lightly,” Gorder captioned her photo. “In fact, we were more careful than anyone I knew. But here I am after being double vacc’d in March (Pfizer).”

MORE NEWS: Stew Peters Show: AZ Audit – ARREST THEM ALL! –
Biden PAYING INFLUENCERS to Target Kids with JAB!

She added, “And guys, Delta is a b*#•h!”
The following day, Gorder, who has asthma and two autoimmune diseases,
said that she was feeling “better” while sharing more details about how the virus is affecting her physically. “Nights are bad, lotta upper respiratory coughing,” Gorder, best known for being part of the “Trading Spaces” cast, 
said in an Instagram video.

RELATED: Trading Spaces’ Genevieve Gorder Says
She was on ‘Day 5’ of Battling COVID Despite Being Fully Vaccinated

“I’m constantly running a 99.5-100 fever,” she added. “I have not had a lot of energy, but I know I’m gonna be okay.” In both posts, Gorder urged her 177k followers to get the vaccine because she feels that being vaccinated saved her life — especially due to having a compromised immunity. The bigger question now is, did she catch that strain, or did the vaccine cause it within her body. Genevieve Gorder Feeling ‘Better And Better’ on Day 9 of COVID Battle, but ‘It’s a Wicked Beast.’
Genevieve Gorder is sharing an update on her health on day 9 of her battle with COVID-19. In an Instagram story on Tuesday, the 47-year-old HGTV personality said her condition continues to improve as she fights the Delta variant.

“It’s day nine of COVID. I’m here, I’m alive, I’m getting better and better
every day,” she wrote. “Happy to report most of the symptoms are gone,” the Trading Spaces alum added, “The tight, high cough is very minimal.
I’m exhausted. It’s like I just got done fighting a hundred rounds of boxing.
I think I won. But I get tired quickly. Maybe another week?

I can’t taste or smell. That was weird.”
In her initial post on Friday, Gorder revealed she had received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine in March. She has two autoimmune diseases — Lyme Disease and Hashimoto’s — and said she couldn’t imagine what her experience with COVID-19 would be like had she not been inoculated.

“I just have to say this isn’t like the flu,” she noted in her latest post.
“It’s like saying rattlesnake is like chicken — it’s just not. It’s a wicked beast. And if I didn’t have the armor of the vaccine additionally, I wouldn’t be talking to you right now, most likely.”
Gorder said in Friday’s post that she and her family “were more careful than anyone I knew,” as they did not take the coronavirus lightly. In addition to her autoimmune diseases, Gorder said she had asthma as a child.
“I am so grateful to be vaccinated because I know as a person who’s had asthma since I was a little girl — and two autoimmunes as an adult — I would be on that hospital table,” she wrote Saturday in her second post about the ordeal. “I would be on the ventilator.

I would be the one you were praying about.” ⛪📿🙏👑

RELATED: Genevieve Gorder Gives Update on Her Battle
Against Delta Variant of COVID: ‘This Really Sucks’

Gorder added that nights were difficult and indicated she had “a lot of upper respiratory coughing” on top of constant fever and lack of energy. The fever died down around day 7, and Gorder said she began to feel “so much better.” Also “The cough is just slight, [the] cough is high and tight and dry,” Gorder said in a post on Sunday. “It’s not like a cough … or like the flu. Whenever [someone] says ‘oh, it’s just like having the flu,’ it’s not.
This is something totally different than the flu. The cough sounds like a strange machine that you didn’t know could come out of your body.” She continued: “Congestion, I didn’t take any Sudafed, nothing. So, I gotta say, a remarkable change from day six to seven. [I] feel like a human being, and I have energy to maybe do laundry or brush the dread out of my hair.”

RELATED: Genevieve Gorder Reports a ‘Remarkable Change’
in Her COVID Battle: ‘I Feel So Much Better’

Now, Gorder is trying to work on regaining her sense of smell and taste,
which has not been a simple task. “I’m just training my dead sniffer on essential oils,” she wrote Tuesday. “It’s hard. It’s like I’ve lost two senses.

And I think that’s the hardest part of this when this is all gone right,
getting those back?”
Gorder has urged people to continue wearing their masks as the pandemic continues globally. She encouraged unvaccinated people to get vaccinated as well. “To all of you who are not vaccinating…please, I’m begging you to go get vaccinated today, this would be unbearable without it. Mask up everyone,” Gorder said Friday. “See you in a few weeks.”

Breakthrough cases — COVID-19 infections that occur in people who have been fully vaccinated against the virus — are rare, but possible and expected, as the vaccines are not 100% effective in preventing infections. Still, vaccinated people who test positive will likely be asymptomatic or experience a far milder illness than if they were not vaccinated. The majority of deaths from COVID-19 — around 98 to 99% — are in unvaccinated people.

Genevieve Gorder Feeling ‘Better And Better’ on Day 9 of
COVID Battle, but ‘It’s a Wicked Beast’ (

‘Trading Spaces’ star Genevieve Gorder has COVID-19, is vaccinated (

LIBERAL Comedian Jimmy Dore described side effects he’s experiencing
more than four months after being injected with two doses of Moderna’s experimental Covid jab. Liberal Comedian Jimmy Dore Complains about Lingering Vaccine Side Effects, Brain Inflammation – NewsWars

Liberal Comedian Jimmy Dore Discusses His Side Effects From Experimental Moderna Jab, Including Brain Inflammation – The Trump Patriot

Red Walrus on Twitter: “Too much graphene in his jab. He can’t pass a metal detector without sounding the alarm.” / Twitter

Keep jabbing Skull and crossbones you brainwashed, freedom hating, liberal:

Clown faceClown faceClown face

The $1 Billion Whistleblower Search; International Vaccine Mandates Start; W.H.O. 
Insider Exposes Pandemic Response; The Ultimate Proof Masks Don’t Work!
Episode 224: THE COVID CARTEL (

Rumble — Watch the FULL DOCUMENTARY exposing Bill Gates
At the Gates of Hell | This Documentary Exposes the Man w/ the W0-2020-060606 Patent (

Question #1 – Why Did Microsoft File for a Patent for a Cryptocurrency
System Using Body Activity with a Publication Number WO-2020-060606?

Revelation Chapter 13: 16-18 (Revelation was written by John the Apostle While Being Exiled On the Island of Patmos) 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom.
Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

Question #2 – Why Does Bill Gates Seek the Satanic Guidance of the Spirit Cooking Marina Abramović?

Question #3 – Why is the Bill-Gates-Controlled CDC Calling for the Implementation of Nazi-Style Quarantine Camps?

Question #4- Why Did Choose to Invest His Time with the World’s Most Prolific Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein?

Question #5 – Why Did Jeffrey Epstein Have a Satanic Temple on His Island?

Question #6 – Why Was Jeffrey Epstein Working to Seed the Human Race With His DNA?

How Bill Gates monopolized global health Brighteon
There can be no doubt that Bill Gates has worn many hats on his remarkable journey from his early life as the privileged son of a Seattle-area power couple to his current status as one of the richest and most influential people on the planet. But, as we have seen in our exploration of Gates’ rise as unelected global health czar and population control advocate, the question of who Bill Gates really is is no mere philosophical pursuit. Today we will attempt to answer that question as we examine the motives, the ideology, and the connections of this man who has been so instrumental in shaping the post-coronavirus world. Brighteon

Who is Bill Gates? A software developer? A businessman? A philanthropist? A global health expert? This question, once merely academic, is becoming a very real question for those who are beginning to realize that Gates’ unimaginable wealth has been used to gain control over every corner of the fields of public health, medical research and vaccine development. And now that we are presented with the very problem that Gates has been talking about for years, we will soon find that this software developer with no medical training is going to leverage that wealth into control over the fates of billions of people. Brighteon

The takeover of public health that we have documented in How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health and the remarkably brazen push to vaccinate everyone on the planet that we have documented in Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World was not, at base, about money. The unimaginable wealth that Gates has accrued is now being used to purchase something much more useful: control. Control not just of the global health bodies that can coordinate a worldwide vaccination program, or the governments that will mandate such an unprecedented campaign, but control over the global population itself. Brighteon

In January of 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates announced a $10 billion pledge to usher in a decade of vaccines. But far from an unalloyed good, the truth is that this attempt to reorient the global health economy was part of a much bigger agenda. An agenda that would ultimately lead to greater profits for big pharma companies, greater control for the Gates Foundation over the field of global health, and greater power for Bill Gates to shape the course of the future for billions of people around the planet. Brighteon

YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax &
All Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped (

Patriot Patrick King represented himself in court after being fined $1200 dollars for protesting against the Covid-Hoax, he slew the beast and emerged VICTORIOUS. He issued a subpoena to the Provincial Health Minister for proof that the so-called Covid-19 Virus exists, and they were forced to admit that they had no evidence whatsoever.
The virus has never been isolated, and thus the government had no legal grounds to impose any of the punishing restrictions they have inflicted on society. Since this shocking confession came to light, the Province has since rescinded all Covid-Restrictions and now officially treats Covid-19 as nothing more than a mild flu! WE WON…

Surgeon General says “Odds are high” vaccines for children under 12 will be approved next school year…

Well “Odds are high” he’ll have to stick them up his ass.
Everybody MUST push back on this, whether you are a parent or not. This is child abuse and will impact them for the rest of their lives! If the FDA approves the vaccine before 2 years of clinical trials are completed for any age group, It is over. The FDA does not exist. We the people will abolish them. They were not elected and we do not have to abide by anything. #masksdontwork #UnionBusting

How to refuse the jab without refusing the jab. #NoVaccine

I’m not giving my child that poison.
Nor will I take it either, I do believe President Trump tried to make this a safe thing, but there were too many evil hands in it! That makes it not safe. I hope my children are protected from this evil. And out of harm’s way. I know they have already been harmed so much by vaccines and other traumatic events in their lives. I’m devastated about it. Can’t protect them or heal them either because CPS has them and won’t let them come.

Homeschool your precious children. Do not send them to government
run Public schools to be indoctrinated to communist ways and beliefs.
I am Prepared to quit my job, if they mandate vax-x and teach my children COMMON SENSE!! Then let my children receive this Toxin!!
That would be considered criminal if vaccines are approved for children
under 12 years of age. The last SARS vax they did for children was pulled by
the FDA AFTER approval because there was a “very high rate of sterilization
of children”. The vax attacked their testes, ovaries and uteri. H○m€ sch○○l!

Screw them there is nothing more than the flu.

Any one who takes this crap is not looking into it at all !!!Pouting face

I have Faith that the Lord will show me the way!!

YUGE!!! Canadian Court Victory Proves Covid-19 Is A Hoax & 
All Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped (

Rolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughing

Sir, like a boss! Fisted hand Smiling face with sunglassesSmiling face with sunglassesSmiling face with sunglasses

#closetheborder image.png

The 1/6 hearings are designed to scare you from taking to the streets en masse. But until you do, they will continue to institute a new communist oligarchy.

Then it’s too late. Smiling face with sunglassesThumbs up Done!
Lawful Affidavits are a Powerful Weapon Scales 
 Lawful Affidavit (

Why was Nancy Pelosi in China in 2015???????????????
Amazing good news (you are unlikely to hear from govt fear mongers) Monoclonal antibodies can be given to elderly spouses or family members
who live with someone who has COVID 19.

FDA Authorizes Use of COVID-19 Antibody Therapy for
Post exposure Prophylaxis (

How can ANY government mandate ANY experimental drug on ANYONE?
 This “great reset” bullish!t must be destroyed.

 It starts with the world economic forum & Klaus Schwab.

Their arrogance has caught up with them. Pride comes before the fall —
I do believe their time has come!. #GodWins

Same here!! No damn way is a non approved experiment being done on me! My God, how can anyone willingly trust these crooks! Fauci and Gates have been linked to thousands of deaths from their past vaccines! Always the Rothschild’s involved. History always repeats because the same Elitists Family/Bloodlines control it all for generation after generation. Odd

Yep, all controlled by the central banking cabal owners… running the show from their not so secret society. It’s all coming to an end and they’re terrified. They killed Kennedy, sunk the Titanic and caused 9/11 to stop past takedowns. But we all know now… It’s over! Absolutely, nobody ever tosses shit on Dr. Evil, Klaus Schwab! I keep waiting. For Pete’s Sakes! Someone needs to flip him serious shit. Maybe there can be a whole movement to flip him shit because he’s a sack of shit.

1/ Fear is the accepted weapon. The common man must fear life, fear death, fear God, fear the Devil, and fear most of the overlords, the keepers of his destiny.” Manly Palmer Hall
2/ When the Communist Chinese express surprise at
your level of authoritarianism, you’ve officially crossed the Rubicon.
Australia is now a post-democratic country. 

Australia Has Fallen – YouTube

We are fine over here. Just looking out for one another. Community spirit is high and once vaccinated we will move on from this. A couple of months behind everyone else but with 100k less deaths than most countries in Europe. Why do people keep saying they thought Aussies are all tough with a take no nonsense attitude and are like Crocodile Dundee? That’s just stereotypes and Hollywood exaggeration, especially nowadays …

Start as a prison colony, end as a prison colony. Aborigines were here for tens of thousands of years before the English brought their prisoners here. That’s what happens when you LET your government DISARM you. We’ve had our share of Military enforcing lockdown regulations in South Africa over the past 16months. Hell, they even beat to death citizens for drinking beer in their own backyards just for good measure.

The opposite to what the Austrian woman said is true, in times of crisis we need community, we need friends, family neighbors, we need the smile of passing strangers, the random person saying ‘hello how are you, how you getting on in these crazy times’ not isolation.

EVERYONE WATCH AND SHARE THISDouble exclamation markDouble exclamation mark 



This is true only because the blokes and sheilas have gone soft !
The Australian’s of old would have smashed these few liberal devils a.k.a.
Nazis that terrorize this good country ! So , honestly no one feels sorry for you ! Stand up and reclaim your Heritage . Fight !!!

Not under authoritarian rule? Try saying no and see what happens to you.
I say no every day & nothing happens to me, if you think Australia is under authoritarian rule then you have no concept of what authoritarian rule is.
I don’t support Morriscum and hope he gets ousted in the next federal election but Australia isn’t authoritarian.

What have the Nazis got to do with us Anzacs? We’ve had fewer deaths and illness per capita than most the world and had full sports stadiums before any large country. What’s nazi about it? I’m in Aus right now and it’s worse than is being portrayed. Not better, WORSE. Things have gone sideways pretty fast, true. What in the Vegemite #BananaRepublic hell is wrong with these folks in Australia? They need to get out in the damn streets like they are in Europe and the US! #StayLoud  

“Obey The Mandate” from Frank Ed Thornton’s (@frankedthornton)
new album, “2020: The Music”.
Frank Ed Thornton – Obey The Mandate (Music Video) |
Album – 2020: The Music – YouTube

Australians (not me) appear to be okay with it, hence THAT’S why we find ourselves in this position. There’s no hope when the overwhelming majority of the population has been brainwashed by the fear porn. No matter what’s going on, I still have good memories of Oz in my brain. Australia is on the news but not cos of Paul Hogan. – YouTube

Do good… they’ll talk.. do bad.. they’ll talk.. so do you.. let’em talk! #mood

Absolutely!!!! Woman bouncing ballWoman bouncing ballWoman bouncing ballWoman bouncing ballkeep it moving Raising handsFolded handsCollision symbolCollision symbolCollision symbol

Nothing can separate God from His Word … He “will do” what He said He
“will do..” Nothing can separate Him from what He has spoken.. what He has PROMISED … that’s☝🏿all the incentive I need to Trust Him …Man shrugging He got mo Promises then I got problems.. Left pointing backhand index

fa sho ..Flushed face

John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ has been rereleased with a realistic description of Communism.

Enjoy the music video now. 🎺👑🎺👑🎺👑🎺👑🎺

Imagine… Communism (John Lennon Parody) – YouTube

Anarcho-Capitalist Imagine  John Ploskina – YouTube

Rachel Platten – Better Place (Official Video)

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