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Since they announced the arrival of Delta, what happened to the original Wuhan Virus?

I suppose it went back to its homeland.

(1) Life in Wuhan, 1 Year After First Virus Cases – Bing
(2) Life in Wuhan, 1 Year After First Virus Cases – Bing video

Surging in U.S. New data show #DeltaVariant much more contagious than previous versions of #COVID19. Unvaccinated people: get vaccinated & mask until you do. Everyone in areas of substantial/high transmission should wear a mask, even if vaccinated.
Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuro electronics describes brain controlling bio circuits using AI-powered graphene.(transhumanism.news)

What Are The Long-Term Safety Risks Of The Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 Vaccines?
On Friday evening, December 18, 2020 the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved Moderna’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccine for emergency use,  joining Pfizer’s previously approved vaccine in the fight against Covid-19. In previous articles, I discussed how these mRNA vaccines work and the safety data gathered from clinical trials thus far on the Pfizer vaccine. But the big question with these new vaccines, developed during ‘Operation Warp Speed,’ is do we have enough data to predict if they are safe long-term?   ‘I am Legend’?”

I must admit that I haven’t seen that movie, but was also concerned about what long-term data we have about the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines developed in less than one year. As eloquently posed in an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine article about the Pfizer vaccine, “Only about 20,000 people have received this vaccine. Will unexpected safety issues arise when the number grows to millions and possibly billions of people? Will side effects emerge with longer follow-up?”  
The authors of the Pfizer vaccine clinical trial study explain that their data show a greater than 83% likelihood of finding at least one adverse, or undesirable, event, if the true incidence of that event is 1 in 10,000. However, the study does not include enough participants, nor has it followed them for enough time, to reliably detect adverse events that are rarer than 1 in 10,000. 

Should I Get A Pfizer Or Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine? Your Questions Answered.
Is The Covid-19 Vaccine Safe?
How Do The Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines Work?
Of course, the only way to know what, if any, long-term side effects result from the use of these mRNA vaccines is to follow the participants of the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials, vaccinate and study many more people, and then follow all of them for several years. That effort is well underway. In fact, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) developed a new smartphone-based tool, “v-safe,” to increase the CDC’s ability to rapidly detect any safety issues with the Covid-19 vaccines.  But what do we know about the potential long-term side effects of mRNA vaccines now?

mRNA vaccines are not as new as you may think. In fact, mRNA vaccines have been studied over the past two decades and have shown great promise for both infectious disease and cancermRNA vaccines have several benefits over the traditional vaccines that many of us have taken for years, that are made using a piece of a dead or weakened virus. One of the benefits of the mRNA vaccines over these traditional vaccines is safety. Because mRNA vaccines are not using a live virus, there is no potential risk of being infected with the condition (in this case, Covid-19). Another benefit of mRNA vaccines is effectiveness. mRNA is efficient and can be taken up and used by the body quickly. Finally, mRNA vaccines are quicker and easier to produce than traditional vaccines, because they are produced in a laboratory instead of in an egg or other mammalian cell. Therefore, mRNA vaccine production can be controlled more closely, and is less expensive and faster to produce in large quantities. 

This is not the first time that an mRNA vaccine has been used in humans. image.png
Yes, Texas and Florida obviously have the problematic governors.

The first human trial of an mRNA vaccine began in 2009 in a small group of patients who had prostate cancer. Overall, that mRNA vaccine was well tolerated and had a good safety profile.  In 2013  a clinical trial began of an mRNA rabies vaccine in healthy human adults. This rabies trial was important because the safety requirements for a vaccine in a healthy population are more stringent than those for a vaccine being used to treat a disease. The study ran from 2013-2016, and continues to collect long-term safety data. But overall, this vaccine was deemed generally safe and tolerable. mRNA vaccines are now in use in clinical trials for HIV, the Zika virus, and influenza.

We will all feel more comfortable when millions of people have received the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines and we have years of data to prove that they are as safe and effective as we believe them to be. Unfortunately, time is not on our side, and we have more than enough data to understand the risks of Covid-19 infection and its deadly consequences. Today, more than 1.6 million people worldwide have lost their lives due to Covid-19 and more than 75 million people have been infected. We have enough short-term data on the mRNA COVID vaccines and long-term data on other mRNA vaccines to make emergency use authorization a reasonable decision.

This South Dakota nursing home was 100% vaccinated.
COVID-19 broke through anyway. Here’s how | INFORUM  

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — Two people who lived in a small, rural South Dakota nursing home are dead and more are sick with COVID-19, even though 100% of the facility’s elderly residents were vaccinated against the virus, Forum News Service has learned. Seven residents among 30 were sick with COVID-19 and two ill with the virus had died as of Thursday, July 29, according to Rochelle Rindels, vice president for nursing and clinical services at Good Samaritan Society, which owns and operates the Clear Lake facility.

“An increasing number of people becoming aware of graphene oxide being identified in covid vaccines, a company called INBRAIN Neuro electronics demonstrates that graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology using AI-powered neuro electronics is very real.” Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuroelectronics describes brain controlling biocircuits using AI-powered graphene (transhumanism.news)

Everyone is warning about coronavirus. Everyone is talking about how dangerous it is.

Know this: they don’t want things to get better or for life to go back to normal. None of this ever had anything to do with coronavirus. There is only one way out: DO NOT COMPLY. This is the only way. Is no more dangerous than the flu. Has been tampered with to make money contagious.

Just build your immune system up. Use many spices in cooking. 
Grow your own food so it is clean of chemicals.
Get some sun & exercise.

All 50 states report rising vaccination rates as COVID infections surge, data shows (msn.com)

20 Banned Foods from America (moneywise.com)
The 14 Healthiest Vegetables on Earth | Healthline

How Long Do COVID Vaccine Side Effects Last?
Here’s a breakdown of the potential side effects and what you need to know.
As many receive their first or possibly second dose of the coronavirus vaccine, some may be experiencing side effects, but at what point should you seek medical attention?
Here’s a breakdown of the potential side effects and what you need to know.

What are the potential side effects?
Side effects are possible after receiving any COVID vaccine currently being administered in the U.S. Experiencing side effects isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it’s a sign your body is responding and the vaccine is working. According to Pfizer, about 3.8% of their clinical trial participants experienced fatigue as a side effect and 2% got a headache.

Moderna says 9.7% of their participants felt fatigued and 4.5% got a headache.
The CDC reports the most common side effects for the vaccines is at the injection site. 

They include:
Common side effects in the body include:
Muscle pain

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises people to stick around for 15 minutes after vaccination, and those with a history of other allergies for 30 minutes, so they can be monitored and treated immediately if they have a reaction.
As the nation gets ready to start receiving vaccinations for COVID-19, it’s important to understand the side effects. Here is what doctors are saying people can expect.

At what point should you call a doctor?
In most cases, discomfort from pain or fever is a normal sign that your body is building protection, the CDC states. Still, the agency recommends you contact your doctor or healthcare provider if:
The redness or tenderness where you got the shot gets worse after 24 hours
Your side effects are worrying you or do not seem to be going away after a few days
Anyone who believes they are experiencing a severe allergic reaction after leaving the vaccination site should also seek immediate medical care by calling 911, the CDC recommends.

When do the side effects start and how long do they last?

According to the CDC, side effects usually start within a day or two of getting the vaccine, but they should also go away “in a few days.”
Are side effects more likely after the first or second dose?
With the two-shot vaccines, people are more likely to report side effects after their second dose, experts have said. 
According to the CDC, side effects after your second shot “may be more intense than the ones you experienced after your first shot.” “These side effects are normal signs that your body is building protection and should go away within a few days,” the CDC states.
In trials of both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, more people experienced side effects after the second dose. 
But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get your second shot if you get side effects after your first, experts say. The CDC also noted that both shots are needed. “The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine both need 2 shots in order to get the most protection,” the CDC states. “You should get the second shot even if you have side effects after the first shot, unless a vaccination provider or your doctor tells you not to get it.”     
 Pfizer vaccine side-effect – Bing video

Are certain people more likely to experience side effects?
There are also some factors that could make you more likely to experience side effects. 
Experts say younger people are more likely to experience side effects because they have more robust immune systems. Also Women are much more likely to report side effects than men. Some of this may be because they may just be better reporters, but it could be more than just that.

Why is that?
Estrogen can elevate immune responses, while testosterone can decrease it. Many immune modulating genes also live on an “x” chromosome, which women have two of, while men have one. 
Data from the CDC also reported women were more likely to experience side effects than men, according to monitoring from the first month of vaccinations.  
SideNOTE: They should test to see if you qualify for the vaccine first or take into account if family history of any health issue (e.g. autoimmune disease, Alzheimer gene covid vaccines.) will throw off a successful conclusion. 
From Dec. 14 through Jan. 13, more than 79% of side effects were reported by women, the data showed. Meanwhile, women received roughly 61.2% of the doses administered during that same time. 
While many are posting questions and concerns about coronavirus vaccine side effects, it’s important to remember that many people have no side effects from vaccines at all,
 NBC News’ Dr. Natalie Azar explains.

Does Experiencing Side Effects Mean You Had COVID?
Side effects could also vary depending on whether or not you’ve had coronavirus. 
If you had COVID a while ago or you have some immunity already, the vaccine can act like a booster, which in some cases can be completely asymptomatic. But not getting side effects isn’t a negative, health experts say. It simply means your body didn’t react with as much of an inflammatory response.
What can you do if you experience side effects?
The CDC recommends people talk to their doctors about taking over-the-counter medicines like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin, or antihistamines, for any pain and discomfort after getting vaccinated. 
“You can take these medications to relieve post-vaccination side effects if you have no other medical reasons that prevent you from taking these medications normally,” the CDC states. “It is not recommended you take these medicines before vaccination for the purpose of trying to prevent side effects.”

My husband was not happy when he got this from the VA yesterday. L M Wilkins

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him,  and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and life was the light of all mankind. John 1-1-17 KJV. Folded handsFlexed bicepsHundred points symbol


Israeli scientist says COVID-19 could be treated for under $1/day – The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

Double-blind study shows ivermectin reduces disease’s duration and infectiousness • FDA and WHO caution against its use.

The US comes in last in health care rankings!
By Tami Luhby, CNN 2 hrs ago

Two Americans break the previous women’s 400m hurdles world record
‘He just didn’t look good’: Lexi Thompson’s caddie can’t finish round due to heat in Tokyo (msn.com)

The US once again ranked last in access to health care, equity and outcomes among high-income countries, despite spending a far greater share of its economy on health care, a new report released Wednesday has found. The nation has landed in the basement in all seven studies the Commonwealth Fund has conducted since 2004. The US is the only one of the 11 countries surveyed not to have universal health insurance coverage.

While the latest data does not reflect the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, it lays out the strengths and weaknesses of each country’s health care system when Covid-19 hits the world in early 2020. US health insurance does not provide enough protections, which compromises Americans’ health and finances, said David Blumenthal, president of the Commonwealth Fund, which promotes better health care access and quality, particularly for the uninsured and disadvantaged. That forces people to skip care or become burdened with medical debt.

“In no other country does income inequality so profoundly limit access to care as it does here,” Blumenthal said. “Far too many people cannot afford the care they need and far too many are uninsured, especially compared to other wealthy nations.” Half of lower-income US adults reported that they did not receive care because of the cost, compared to just over a quarter of higher-income Americans, the study found. In the United Kingdom, only 12% of people with lower incomes and 7% with higher incomes said they faced such financial barriers.

What’s more, a high-income American was more likely to report financial hurdles than a low-income person in nearly all the other countries surveyed — which include Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. Norway, the Netherlands, and Australia were the best performers in the study, which looked at access to care, health care outcomes, administrative efficiency, equity and care process, which includes preventative care, patient engagement and other metrics.

In addition to lower access to care, the US also ranked poorly on maternal mortality, infant mortality, life expectancy at age 60, and deaths that were potentially preventable with timely access to care, the survey found. And the nation landed at the bottom when it came to administrative efficiency because of the time providers and patients have to spend dealing with paperwork, duplicative medical testing and insurance disputes.

The one area in which America excelled was the care process, where it earned second place. The nation outperformed in terms of rates of mammography screening and influenza vaccination for older adults as well as the share of adults who talked with a health care provider about nutrition, smoking and alcohol use.

Adults in the US and Norway reported the highest usage of web-based portals for communicating medical concerns and refilling medications. And among those with chronic illness, American adults were among the most likely to discuss goals, priorities and treatment options with their providers, though less likely to receive as much support as they felt was needed.

(1) Charlie ward – Bing video

(2) Mel K’s videos – Bing


The Most Dangerous States for Violent Crime in the U.S. (moneywise.com)

(2) Obama wants to control what’s on the internet – Bing

Full coverage and live updates on the Coronavirus

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