Biden Presidency Means the End of America.

Coup Underway Right Now – Alex Newman

Globalists view these tumultuous times as an opportunity to enact vast public policy changes that would upend the current world order. I’m a Democratic Socialist. But the DSA Has Lost Its Way | Opinion ( BY Adam Szetela

By Greg Hunter  In Politics 
If your path demands you to walk through Hell, walk as if you own the place. #TrumpWon #MAGA

Monopoly – Follow The Money – an overview of the Great Reset.

‘It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it’ ….George Carlin.

This informative video gives an overview of what is currently happening in the world in just 45 minutes. The video shows the modern global systems, and focuses on the situation in the Netherlands. We believe though, that people from all over the world will recognize this situation. In consultation with Tim Gielen, the maker of this video, and in cooperation with others who strive for freedom, we translated it into English. We think it is a very important video to share with the world, so we can change things for the better.

Greg Hunter as he goes one-on-one with journalist Alex Newman.

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Even though every mainstream media (MSM) outlet has now called this
2020 election for Joe Biden, journalist Alex Newman says don’t buy it.  This is a continuing psyop to cover and ignore massive election fraud unlike ever seen before in the free world.  Newman explains, “This is a flagrant effort to steal this election.  We actually warned that this was coming months ago.  I said the Deep State was planning a coup d’état, a Color Revolution, and vote fraud was a central element of that operation. 
Now, you are seeing the other pieces fall into place.  As Donald Trump challenges this, they are going to send out the mobs.  They are going to send out Black Lives Matter and Antifa to go riot and loot.  We are already starting to see a little bit of that in Oregon . . . and New York.  It’s going to get a whole lot nastier because Donald Trump is not just going to roll over and say okay, you can just steal the election and I’m going home.”

The MSM is playing a very important role in this massive election fraud scenario.  Newman contends, “Controlling the narrative is probably the most crucial element.  They just need to make enough people think this is reality, and they can almost get away with it.  We are now seeing a full blown effort on that front.  Every time you see President Trump’s statements on this, the MSM says Donald Trump is falsely claiming the election was rigged. . . of course there was vote fraud, and I gave 20 examples of it in my most recent article.”
Newman goes on to say, “This is on a whole other level.  They are not just trying to steal our money, they are trying to steal our country, our future, our liberties and our constitutional system of government.  That is, by definition, treason.  It is waging war against the United States.  The fact that no charges are being filed and no investigations going on tells you everything you need to know about AG Barr, the DOJ and the FBI. . . . There is a coup underway right now, a coup d’état. . . .Their goal is a complete overthrow of the United States of America.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with journalist Alex Newman, who writes for many outlets such as The New American, The Epoch Times and his own site Liberty

Biden Presidency Means the End of America. 
By Greg Hunter 

Journalist Alex Newman says, “If Trump manages to pull it off and stay in, it’s still going to be a very, very rough ride. 
If Biden does get in, it’s not going to be a rough ride just for the short term, but it may be the end of our constitutional republic as we have known it.  We don’t have to speculate about that either.  If they just do the things they have said they are going to do it’s the end of America.  Say hello to the ‘Great Reset.’ Say hello to what they call the New World Order. 
And Say goodbye to your Civil Liberties.  ALSO Say goodbye to your religious freedom.  AND Say goodbye to your most basic freedoms, your ability to earn a living, your ability to speak freely, your ability to elect your leaders, your ability to worship God, your ability to defend your family.  We are talking about the most basic and God given rights we have taken for granted in America for way too long.  They are going to be gone.” GOD, Family, USA!!! Back the military and the blue!!! Pro Life, 1A, 2A Trump always!!!

In short, a second Trump Presidency means freedom and liberty preserved, and a Biden presidency means the end of America.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with journalist Alex Newman, author of the new book “Deep Sate.”

The Council on Foreign Relations, founded in 1921, is a United States nonprofit think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. It is headquartered in New York City, with an additional office in Washington, D.C. Its membership, which numbers 5,103, has included senior politicians, more than a dozen secretaries of state, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and senior media figures. Is the Brain trust behind this New World Order Horse Shit as it relates to the United States. Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, is an independent policy institute based in London.

Chatham House, also known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs
is an independent policy institute headquartered in London. Its mission is to provide authoritative commentary on world events and offer solutions to global challenges. It is the originator of the Chatham House Rule. Its presidents are Alistair Darling and John Major.

(1) New World Order and Communist China – Alex Newman on USA Watchdog.
(2) New World Order and Communist China – Alex Newman on USA Watchdog.

The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which
 hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government.[3][4][5][6][7]
The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually —
 rule the world through an authoritarian one world government—which replaces sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda  whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.[3][4][5][6][7]

Before the early 1990s, New World Order conspiracism was limited to two American countercultures, primarily the militantly anti-government right and secondarily that part of fundamentalist Christianity concerned with the end-time emergence of the Antichrist.[8] Skeptics, such as Michael Barkun and Chip Berlet, observed that right-wing populist conspiracy theories about a New World Order had not only been embraced by many seekers of stigmatized knowledge but had seeped into popular culture, thereby inaugurating a period during the late 20th and early 21st centuries in the United States where people are actively preparing for apocalyptic millenarian scenarios.[4][6] Those political scientists are concerned that mass hysteria over New World Order conspiracy theories could eventually have devastating effects on American political life, ranging from escalating lone-wolf terrorism to the rise to power of authoritarian ultranationalist demagogues.[4][6][9]

The reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States (1776). The Latin phrase “novus ordo seclorum“, appearing on the reverse side of the Great Seal since 1782 and on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill since 1935, translates to “New Order of the Ages”[1] and alludes to the beginning of an era where the United States of America is an independent nation-state; conspiracy theorists claim this is an allusion to the New World Order (conspiracy theory) – Wikipedia.[2]

USA Gangster Government – Alex Newman | SGT Report
Journalist Alex Newman says the rule of law is disappearing in America. 
You can see it in the thug tactics of raiding the office of the President’s former attorney Rudy Giuliani to the election audit finally underway in Arizona that is sure to reveal massive ballot fraud.  Newman contends, “This is one of the biggest stories out there, which is why you won’t find much of it on legacy propaganda media. . . .  Arizona is ground zero. . . . If they find fraud, and I believe they have and will find more, that means all these races get thrown into question.  I think it is very clear the election was stolen from Donald Trump by Joe Biden and company. . . . If the Democrats are in such a comfortable position right now, all they have to do is wait and they will have a one-party state very much like California.  They know if they lose one seat in the Senate, all of that is suddenly in jeopardy.  Then there is the possibility to reverse this and, even more significant, to hold some of these criminals accountable.  Right now, we just saw the raid on Giuliani.  We saw the raid on some of Trump’s attorneys.  This is banana republic stuff.  This is a gangster government, but it’s also the behavior that they don’t have solid control over.  It is the behavior of people who are terrified if things turn the other way, and they could, that they are going to be in some very deep trouble.”

TRUTH LIVES on at Newman says look for the legacy propaganda media to go to war over the uncovering of election fraud with the Arizona audit.  Newman says, “I think the media will distract.  They will try to litigate this in the courts.  We already saw the Democrat Party in Arizona say that this audit was a ‘threat to democracy,’ by which they mean a threat to their vote rigging.  It goes way beyond this Arizona Senate seat. 
That is the first and most obvious to fall.  If they can show massive fraud in Arizona, and I suspect they will be able to do that, then we need to start looking at Georgia and Michigan.  I just interviewed a whistleblower who worked at Dominion who witnessed blatant fraud and election rigging in Michigan.  Once Arizona falls, and, yes, this will strip the Senate seat and the very narrow majority Democrats have, then we have to go back and look at the implications for the Presidential Election.”

Newman also says, “We have an illegitimate federal government.  We have the majority of the population recognize we have an illegitimate government.  They just want us to pretend that everything is normal and everything is fine.  Well, Arizona might finally force the issue.  This is why the little bit we are hearing in the public arena are things like:  these are conspiracy theorists, Trump supporters, kooks, these are partisans, extremists, and they may even be domestic terrorists and this is not a valid audit.  So, they are throwing everything they can think of at this without trying to make too many waves because this does have the potential to bring down the whole criminal enterprise.  That means a lot of people would be in legal jeopardy. . . .
Then the whole narrative implodes and people start speaking out.”
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with hard hitting journalist Alex Newman, founder of and author of the recent book “Deep State.”

Coup d’état
The American militia movement claim that a coup d’état will be launched by a “Secret Team” in black helicopters. American right-wing populist conspiracy theorists, especially those who joined the militia movement in the United States, speculate that the New World Order will be implemented through a dramatic coup d’état by a “secret team“, using black helicopters, in the U.S. and other nation-states to bring about a totalitarian world government controlled by the United Nations and enforced by troops of foreign U.N. peacekeepers. Following the Rex 84 and Operation Garden Plot plans, this military coup would involve the suspension of the Constitution, the imposition of martial law, and the appointment of military commanders to head state and local governments and to detain dissidents.[73]
These conspiracy theorists, who are all strong believers in a right to keep and bear arms, are extremely fearful that the passing of any gun control legislation will be later followed by the abolishment of personal gun ownership and a campaign of gun confiscation, and that the refugee camps of emergency management agencies such as FEMA will be used for the internment of suspected subversives, making little effort to distinguish true threats to the New World Order from pacifist dissidents.[24]

Before 2000, some survivalists wrongly believed this process would be set in motion by the predicted Y2K problem causing societal collapse.[74] Since many left-wing and right-wing conspiracy theorists believe that the 11 September attacks were a false flag operation carried out by the United States intelligence community, as part of a strategy of tension to justify political repression at home and preemptive war abroad, they have become convinced that a more catastrophic terrorist incident will be responsible for triggering Executive Directive 51 in order to complete the transition to a police state.[75]
Skeptics argue that unfounded fears about an imminent or eventual gun ban, military coup, internment, or U.N. invasion and occupation are rooted in the siege mentality of the American militia movement but also an apocalyptic millenarianism which provides a basic narrative within the political right in the U.S., claiming that the idealized society (i.e., constitutional republic, Jeffersonian democracy, “Christian nation“, “white nation“) is thwarted by subversive conspiracies of liberal secular humanists who want “Big Government” and globalists who plot on behalf of the New World Order.[15]

Fourth Reich
American writer Jim Marrs claimed that former Nazis and their sympathizers have been continuing Nazi policies worldwide, especially in the United States
Conspiracy theorists often use the term “Fourth Reich” simply as a pejorative synonym for the “New World Order” to imply that its state ideology and government will be similar to Germany’s Third Reich.[citation needed]
Conspiracy theorists, such as American writer Jim Marrs, claim that some ex-Nazis, who survived the fall of the Greater German Reich, along with sympathizers in the United States and elsewhere, given haven by organizations like 
ODESSA and Die Spinne, have been working behind the scenes since the end of World War II to enact at least some principles of Nazism (e.g., militarismimperialismwidespread spying on citizenscorporatism, the use of propaganda to manufacture a national consensus) into culture, government, and business worldwide, but primarily in the U.S. They cite the influence of ex-Nazi scientists brought in under Operation Paperclip to help advance aerospace manufacturing in the U.S. with technological principles from Nazi UFOs, and the acquisition and creation of conglomerates by ex-Nazis and their sympathizers after the war, in both Europe and the U.S.[62]

This neo-Nazi conspiracy is said to be animated by an “Iron Dream”
in which the American Empire, having thwarted the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy and overthrown its Zionist Occupation Government, gradually establishes a Fourth Reich formerly known as the “Western Imperium”—a panAryan world empire modeled after Adolf Hitler‘s New Order—which reverses the “decline of the West” and ushers a golden age of white supremacy.[63]
Skeptics argue that conspiracy theorists grossly overestimate the influence of ex-Nazis and neo-Nazis on American society, and point out that political repression at home and imperialism abroad have a long history in the United States that predates the 20th century. Some political scientists, such as Sheldon Wolin, have expressed concern that the twin forces of democratic deficit and superpower status have paved the way in the U.S. for the emergence of an inverted totalitarianism which contradicts many principles of Nazism.[64]

Mind control
Social critics accuse governments, corporations, and the mass media of being involved in the manufacturing of a national consensus and, paradoxically, a culture of fear due to the potential for increased social control that a mistrustful and mutually fearing population might offer to those in power. The worst fear of some conspiracy theorists, however, is that the New World Order will be implemented through the use of mind control—a broad range of tactics able to subvert an individual’s control of his or her own thinking, behavior, emotions, or decisions. These tactics are said to include everything from Manchurian candidate-style brainwashing of sleeper agents (Project MKULTRA, “Project Monarch“) to engineering psychological operations (water fluoridationsubliminal advertising, “Silent Sound Spread Spectrum“, MEDUSA) and parapsychological operations (Stargate Project) to influence the masses.[90] The concept of wearing a tin foil hat for protection from such threats has become a popular stereotype and term of derision; the phrase serves as a byword for paranoia and is associated with conspiracy theorists.
Skeptics argue that the paranoia behind a conspiracy theorist’s obsession with mind controlpopulation controloccultismsurveillance abuseBig BusinessBig Government, and globalization arises from a combination of two factors, when he or she: 1) holds strong individualist values and 2) lacks power. The first attribute refers to people who care deeply about an individual’s right to make their own choices and direct their own lives without interference or obligations to a larger system (like the government), but combine this with a sense of powerlessness in one’s own life, and one gets what some psychologists call “agency panic,” intense anxiety about an apparent loss of autonomy to outside forces or regulators. When fervent individualists feel that they cannot exercise their independence, they experience a crisis and assume that larger forces are to blame for usurping this freedom.[91][92]

Who wants to bet DemocRat’s try to pass legislation that says you have to show proof of Covid-19 vaccination before you can vote???
New World Order and Communist China –
Alex Newman on USAWatchdog
See the source image
IN GOD WE TRUST to be REMOVED from (U.S. Currency)
3,775 views Nov 23, 2013

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