0ne Nation Under GOD

TRYING TO BREAK Christian Science in this Spiritual War
Amongst The Commie DOG — WITH GOD 🙏 📿

Eric Church Calls Ashley McBryde on Stage to Perform “Bible and a .44”

🙏❤ love this song at is truth full lyrics really powerful music of life God bless you Hallelujah God send peace on Earth that’s all we need 🌎🌍🌏

Lauren Daigle – How Can It Be (lyrics) – YouTube

America’s democracy is going through a stress test.
But we have always been a Constitutional Republic…Still at work.
The quality and content of debates by either side is rather crazy!
We are living in historic times.

This song brings me so much peace in my faith. I hope you’d have it too. Hillsong UNITED, TAYA – Another In The Fire (lyrics)

I made this playlist for all the songs I’d love to hear and to pray. http://bit.ly/Another_In_The_Fire_Playlist

Comparison of Lutheran – Mormon Articles of Faith

I’ve found myself drawn into a conversation elsewhere about the
Articles of Faith written by Joseph Smith.

In my conversations, I’ve attempted to provide a Christian perspective to the Articles of Faith of the Mormon church. In a series of posts here, I intend to provide “side by side comparisons” of the Morman Articles of Faith and Lutheran teaching from our historical documents (primarily the Augsburg Confession of 1530).

(I find it interesting that there is such parallelism between the Mormon Articles of Faith and the Augsburg Confession Articles of Faith.
This will become apparent as we move through this exercise.)

Mormon Article of Faith #1
We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son,
Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

Augsburg Confession Chief Article of Faith #1 – God
The churches among us teach with complete unanimity that the decree of the Council of Nicea concerning the unity of the divine essence and concerning the three persons is true and is to be believed without any doubt. That is to say, there is one divine essence which is called God and is God: eternal, incorporeal, indivisible, of immeasurable power, wisdom, and goodness, the creator and preserver of all things, visible and invisible. Yet, there are three persons, coeternal and of the same essence and power: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And the term “person” is used for that meaning which the church’s authors used in this case: to signify not a part or a quality in another but that which subsists in itself. They condemn all heresies that have arisen against this article, such as that of the Manichaeans, who posited two principles, one good and the other evil; likewise, those of the Valentinians, Arians, Eunomians, Mohammedans, and all others like them. They also condemn the Samosatenians, old and new, who contend that there is only one person and cleverly and impiously argue that the Word and the Holy Spirit are not distinct persons but that “Word” signifies a spoken word and “Spirit” a created movement in things.

At first glance, it appears as though these two positions agree and that Lutherans are a whole lot wordier! The differences between classic Christian teaching (evidenced in the Augsburg Confession) and the Mormon teaching is only revealed as Mormons begin “unpacking” what they mean by their Article of Faith. The Mormon position identifies God the Father as “flesh and bone” where Lutherans confess God as eternal and incorporeal (that is not flesh and bone). There are three “persons” in both articles of faith, but for Mormons, there is no unity … except in unity of purpose. Lutherans confess the classic Holy Trinity, whereas the Mormons teach a variation of the heresies “condemned” by the Augsburg Confession. In fact, Mormon teaching most resembles Arianism, a heresy rejected by the church in the 5th century.

Mormon Article of Faith #2
#2: Comparison of Lutheran – Mormon Articles of Faith | Pondering Pastor (wordpress.com)

We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.

Augsburg Confession Chief Article of Faith #2 – Original Sin
Likewise, [the churches among us] teach that since the fall of Adam all human beings who are propagated according to nature are born with sin, that is, without fear of God, without trust in God, and with concupiscence. And [the churches among us] teach that this disease or original fault is truly sin, which even now dams and brings eternal death to those who are not born again through baptism and the Holy Spirit. [The churches among us] condemn the Pelagians and others who deny that the original fault is sin and who, in order to diminish the glory of Christ’s merits and benefits, argue that human beings can be justified before God by their own powers of reason (free will).

Certainly, the concept of original sin is not popular today, and I find myself in frequent discussions about it. In some ways, these two articles of faith agree. Nowhere does the Augsburg Confession suggest that we are punished for the sins of others, but rather says that human beings are in a “fallen state”. We are contaminated by sin. Part of one of our liturgies reads “We confess that we are in bondage to sin and cannot free ourselves.” The problem with the Mormon Article of Faith above is that it invites the possibility that human beings can act their ways into God’s favor through their decisions and actions. Unstained by “original sin”, we have the ability, they say, to obey God. We will even see that in some of the other Articles of Faith.

Part of the problem ignored by the Mormon Article of Faith is that scripture says something different than they do. Consider, for instance, Exodus 20:5-6 (which is part of the 10 Commandments). “You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me, but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.” Likewise, 1 Samuel 3:13: “For I have told him that I am about to punish his house forever, for the iniquity that he knew, because his sons were blaspheming God, and he did not restrain them.” Granted, this is not “Adam’s Transgression” but likewise it is not punishment only for one’s own sins.

 From the dictionary: Concupiscence?
1. sexual desire; lust. 2. ardent, usually sensuous longing.
Remember, the church in the middle ages (and certainly at other times) had some trouble with human sexuality, especially sexual desire. The Evangelical Lutheran Church is presently discussing a draft Social Statement on Human Sexuality which in part states “We are all sexual creatures. The Bible makes clear that our sexual nature is both a blessing and a source of vulnerability.)
One of the important elements of classic Christian teaching (witnessed in the Augsburg Confession) about original sin is that if we are so thoroughly stained by sin, then we cannot accomplish our own “cleansing.”  Even our good efforts are “contaminated”. 
We will see that the Mormon teaching lacks this significant element.

#4: Comparison of Lutheran – Mormon Articles of Faith May 6, 2008In “ELCA”
#2: Comparison of Lutheran – Mormon Articles of Faith May 2, 2008In “ELCA”
God’s Grace: So much more than what Mormons teach July 29, 2008In “Church”

Buddhist view
Buddhism claims that life is one, which means that all forms of life are essentially related to one another and share a common essence.
Even though there are different expressions of life, their lives are basically the same and they only differ in their external forms of being.
Buddhism believes in the Wheel of Rebirth, meaning that all forms of life will be reincarnated according to the karma they accumulated while living. Someday, in the process of reincarnation when all karma has been completely exhausted, the wheel of rebirth can be stopped. In order to reach this Nirvana, every Buddhist must carefully observe the 8-fold Path and the Ten Precepts that help prevent any accumulation of karma.
These precepts include: not taking life, not stealing, being chaste, not lying, not drinking intoxicants, etc (35). The first of the five precepts in Pali reads as Panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami meaning that “I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking life.” Here the word pana refers to any living being that has breath and consciousness.
The Mahayana Brahajala Sutra explains the first precept in this way: “A disciple of the Buddha shall not himself kill, encourage others to kill, kill by expedient means, praise killing, rejoice at witnessing killing, or kill through incantation or deviant mantras. He must not create the causes, conditions, methods, or karma of killing, and shall not intentionally kill any living creature” (36,37).
Modern Buddhists will generally use vaccines to make sure their health is protected. But according to the essential teaching of Buddhism, if the vaccine is derived from any life form its use is debatable. The first of the Ten Buddhist Precepts is “not taking life.” However, early Buddhism was never confronted with the question whether a fetus is a life form. Buddhism basically forbids any act that will lead to the destruction of any potential life. Therefore, Buddhism requires its followers to treat all life kindly (38).
On the other hand, Buddhist biomedical researchers who experiment on life forms believe that the purpose of biomedical research is to save rather than to sacrifice life. Buddhist biomedical researchers do the experiments for the love of life, for instance, they experiment on the donated tissues or samples, thereby accumulating no bad karma. The modern view of Buddhism will stress the importance of saving life rather than taking life (39). Generally speaking, Buddhist teaching is rather conservative in terms of using any life form to create vaccines.

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Japanese view
There have been many religious forms in Japan. However, Japanese people do not have a clear belief system called “religion.” So that “Japanese religion” means “Japanese metaphysical common sense.” This metaphysical sense has been formed by integrating and mixing Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, based on the indigenous Shinto (4042). Here “metaphysical” means “a way of seeing or thinking of the universe or the total reality,” which is the core of religion. Religious forms are various, but their metaphysical core is consistent.
The universe for Japanese people is a moving network of various relations of things and actions, like an infinite living system. They believe in an unknowable and willful entity reflecting the universe like a virtual focus in a mirror, which has been called Kami (gods), Hotoke (Buddha), or Ten (Heaven). This mysterious entity orders and gives people all the necessary connections of the universe, which is called Michi (Tao or Way) or Ri (Logos or Ratio). Based on their religious common sense background.
Japanese people accept all relations of things and actions as they are and feel very familiar with everything relating to them. Moreover, with gratitude, they hold memorial services for used tools or for sacrificed laboratory animals (43
). Therefore, they tend to reject all biomedical practices, technologies, or effects considered as unnatural. This is very obvious in the case of organ-transplant and vaccination. This “unnatural” implies the complex feelings of certain deviation or excess from the standard course of things.
Since the Meiji Revolution (1868), Japanese people have basically acknowledged modern biomedicine, and they have gradually accepted vaccination as its symbol. In 1948, the new Japanese government made vaccination mandatory. Thus, after 1962, vaccination has been practiced collectively and compulsory. But, in 1994, it was suddenly proclaimed optional under the pressure of the public taking side effects as dangerous.

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Concluding remarks
Vaccination refusal among the parents of the pediatric population is emerging globally, regardless of religious or political background or geographical location.
In many countries legal systems advise how to react to vaccination refusal (44). For example, in Croatia vaccination is mandatory, the law is clear, but the practice of vaccination and the court judgments are not standardized. The legislators are unlikely to enact legal limitations of religious or philosophical exemption (4,5).

The number of vaccination refusals based on religious exemption is increasing. The question is whether religious freedom is a threat to public health, in this case to the vaccination system (45).
There are many publications regarding the religious exemption of vaccination (6,14,15) based on the rights of religious freedom. Most of these publications refer to religious exemption for immunization. However, religion can provide perspectives on vaccination that are rarely used in debates on this topic. For example, the notions of solidarity, risk sharing, or taking the risk of vaccination for those who cannot be vaccinated because of medical contraindication or because of their conditions.
Although in this paper the authors did not cover all religions, they reflect on religions and the social environment of the society which they come from. The majority of religions respect life as a basic value and therefore oppose the use of vaccines derived from aborted human fetuses (Catholicism) or any form of life (Buddhism). But if these vaccines serve to protect many more lives they are permitted. Regarding this, we should not consider vaccination opposed to the theological base and values. Following this idea, religion is not in contradiction with vaccination and public health.
It is only individual parents or religious leaders and their questionable interpretation of religious practices that are opposed to vaccination, no religion as such. In order to protect vaccination from the questionable religious interpretation we should bring closer to the public the basic theological perspective. The society of the 21st century, just as many societies and cultures in the history of human civilization, use religion as an excuse for wars, discrimination, and now for vaccination refusal. The question is whether the public is aware of the teachings of their religion on these issues. One of the first steps in resolving the situation should be the appropriate communication (4648) to illuminate the essence of theological perspectives regarding vaccination.

Dr. Stella Immanuel, Hydroxychloroquine Advocate, Sues CNN, Anderson Cooper for $100M (newsweek.com)

JUST IN: 111,000+ Vaccine Breakthrough Cases Identified in US –
More Than **10X** CDC’s Count When They Stopped Tracking in May (thegatewaypundit.com)  What numbers can you believe from the CDC?  
Fauci warns ‘things are going to get worse’ with COVID (msn.com)

Fauci says COVID cases will continue rising, but does NOT see America returning to lockdowns | Daily Mail Online

Coronavirus (COVID-19) (Tracker)
There is NO virus surge in Oregon. Here is some REAL Oregon hospital data. 44+ tests throughout one of the largest hospital systems in OR is NOT a surge. And they’re using PCR testing that is being RECALLED because it CAN’T distinguish between C0VID and the flu!
The powers that be are now trying to enforce mask mandates again,
force VAX Federal mandates,
by putting us on domestic terrorist and “globalism extremist watch list & censor us tech networks.”

66% of people think we should have hearings on the “Summer of Love”

rather than Jan. 6! 🙈🙉🙉


Is anyone else wondering how a man in politics for 47 years,
w/Annual income of $174,000 is worth $50 MILLION &
owns several mansions…???
This OneDumFuk isn’t so dumb after all…is he? Flag of China

ANTIFA is a Domestic Terrorist Group!

Yes          Yes           Yes Down pointing backhand index             Down pointing backhand index              Down pointing backhand index

Antifa is a democrat group, just like the KKK
SO is BLM Whom Rioted ALL Last Summer. They’re an international Global Terrorist Group. And should be treated as an insurgency. Under the control of the democrat-new communist party.
And were bussed in on 1/6/21 disguised as Trump supporters to create a fake insurrection and further demonize those of us who support President Donald J. Trump. and should be neutralized by any means necessary.
But Jack P. Dorsey,  co-founder/ CEO of Twitter and the founder & CEO of Square, a mobile payments company. Still has @SocalAntifa & @RoseCityAntifa on Twitter And they are traitorous cowards to our country?

American Gulag – Forbidden Knowledge TV  
What happened on January 6th, 2021 was a crime perpetrated by a corrupt government against the American people. This is evident to everyone outside
of the brainwashed herd. Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken out against these crimes and yet, former president Trump has not. Perhaps the worst part of all, is how both Liberals and Conservatives remain silent. Like cowardly domesticated pets, they say nothing, while dozens of innocent Americans are tortured in jail like war criminals, without any evidence of a crime. 


They aren’t racist — They just hate AMERICAN society as a whole.

#Antifa is a fascist, insurrectionist, anti-American domestic terrorist group.

They’re Anti First Amendment and when you GOOGLE antifa.com 

It takes you to Biden’s White House.

Washington D.C. riots: Destruction and looting just meters from the White House | 7NEWS

Kinzinger: ‘Significant amount’ of subpoenas likely in Jan. 6 probe (msn.com)


Rep. Adam Kinzinger, left, leaves after the House select 
committee hearing on the Jan. 6 attack on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tues, July 27.

Where is the national manhunt for #Antifa and BLM? Where is the outrage? Why did the riots die down after Nov 3rd? Why were most charges dropped?

image.png image.png
For God and Country.  I get knocked down, but I get up again!  📿🙏🙏🌟

New Book’s Shock Claim: Aaliyah Was Drugged Before Her Fatal Plane Crash!!!
NBCUniversal CEO: Olympics Will Make Profit Despite “Bad Luck”, Lower Ratings!!!

US Olympic hammer thrower Berry undeterred by anthem backlash!!!

Golf World Reacts To Major Development For Tiger Woods!!!

These are the cities with the most stressful traffic!!!

This is a remarkably interesting post to have stumbled into… For reasons I have never fully understood, you simply don’t read much about these sorts of exchanges between certain Reformation era theological schools and non-Christian or semi-Christian groups like this. I have said for some time I would love to be a fly on the wall in a debate hall where a Jehovah’s Witness and a Mormon hash it out! LOL
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