Guess what??!! Floridians don’t want all the possibly infected tourists visiting our state right now! We get visitors from almost every state & many countries. Why should we allow others to cross our borders? Especially that we have the most vulnerable seniors in the usa! Another thing I have seen often is several tourists straight off the plane w/suitcases sitting in FL restaurants no mask no quarantines before tests required spreading germs #CLUELESS They don’t care as long as they use our beaches & attractions run from their states rules
If, Biden was so worried about Florida, why did they let the entire Tampa Bay Buccaneers travel to DC and permit them to take the entire trip and spend time with the President with no masks?? Covid on the Border: Migrants Aren’t Tested on Arrival in U.S. – The New York Times (nytimes.com) AMENReason for spike!!! Media is a joke!!
ILLEGALS -A MILLION STRONG are spread around the nation.
Shocking covid spike!!! EVERYONE IGNORES “the illegal in the covid room.” Dems want votes so badly who cares about lockdowns!!!
That’s what they want!!! Election 2022!!!
You bring in covid infected people, of course the case # ‘s go up. The New York Times explained what was happening perfectly, back in 2007. Faulty PCR tests created this pandemic. Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t – The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Case numbers don’t matter. The death rate does.
We aren’t doing random sampling to find out exactly how many cases there are. The first step is to administer widely available vaccines and urge mask wearing and social distancing. Closing the border will surely protect the millions of people already here who are unvaccinated and spreading the virus to each other. Add Illinois to that list, they are having lollapalooza this weekend and it’s fully sold out. The Mayor and Governor are happy it’s going on. I just don’t understand why people are going to that festival this year. Mic drop!
Why aren’t they reporting hospitalizations instead of cases?
With 98.6% survival relative to the number of cases, what about hospitalized patients?
Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles
The bastardize the science to fit their narrative
Political science is to science what Canadian bacon is to bacon. We’re also learning in real time what despotism feel likes… and they can’t attribute it to DJT. Political Science – the precise study of large scale corruption carried out by millionaires whose wealth came after entering politics!
Let this sink in: “For the first time in Human History we can transmit a disease we don’t have to those who are immunized against it” . ~Madyson Marquette.
It’s all political.. they know that we know that. We’re learning the difference, in real time, between science and political science. Science is objective. Political science however, is subjective. And even Political Science is bad. At least they should care enough to have some grad students cherry pick the desired statistics and put together a decent PowerPoint presentation. SAGE: Next Covid variant could kill one in three people | Daily Mail Online
I heard scientists discuss the difference between science and “the science.” Any field that has to add “science” after it is really just masquerading as a science. We’re witnessing the merging of the two. Makes it more sciencier! The left is not seeing it as parallel lines that can’t meet – for them it’s converging. Is about control and money. It’s a tug of war for sure. Neither one has a good anchor man.. yep. I said man…Meanwhile promoting Bill Gates favorite book “how to lie with Statistics” to make “United Gates of America”!! #DoNotComply lol
It’s half-fast bullying in its better moments.
As someone on here has already said “if you can question it, it’s science; if you can’t question it; it’s politics.” I bet they will have more deadly variants out when more states announce forensic auditing of the 2020 election. Yes they want us on lock down to help them with the midterm elections. There is no hope for the left w my generation or my parent’s generation. All of their hope lies with 20 somethings and those that follow.
The rest of us have seen too much – the real war has to be for the minds of our youth — I’m old. Been around a long time. This is the biggest shit show I’ve ever seen!
They’re gonna try to use it to steal another election!
etch, and just who is “science”…I don’t think anybody knows.
No. We are being told to follow science.
But the science they are referring to is behavior science.
And the difference between real science and pathological science.
If democrats followed science….they’d know there are only two genders!!!
Male and Female
Political science is an oxymoron.
We’ve been trying to find it for a long time now.
“Politicized science”, aka mumbo-jumbo.
“Non Specific” vs. “Specific” Antibodies …
It’s all about the ScIeNcE!
What is the difference Between science and Lysenkoism?
And utter bullshit (Anthony Fauci.)
(2) We’re back to the days of the alchemists.
Between virus and bio-weapon…..Science vs. $cience.
The Awareness Foundation Covid 19 Roundtable – IN ONE PLACE
Fourteen of the world’s highest-profile doctors, all specialists in their own fields, come together to discuss the dangers that we all face from the Covid 19 pandemic. They discuss in detail the merits and the dangers posed by the vaccines that are being rolled out and pushed onto society. Hear their honest opinions and learn about the censorship that they have all faced from speaking out. Discussing together in one place for the first time, learn from the experts and heed their warnings.
Presented by Katherine Macbean of The Awareness Foundation
Featuring the following specialist:
Professor Dolores Cahill
Dr. Ryan Cole
Dr. Richard Fleming
Dr. Dmitry Kats
Dr. Tess Lawrie
Dr. Li-Meng Yan
Dr. Robert Malone
Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Dr. Lee Merritt
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Dr. Richard Urso
Dr. Sam White
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Awareness Foundation (awareness-foundation.com)