Trying to stop climate change is like trying to stop the seasons from changing. We don’t control the climate; IT controls US. We’re living more sustainably (or want to be): Realities of pandemic life—such as driving less, craving outdoor space more, and a heightened awareness of the importance of good hygiene—helped shine a spotlight on protecting our health and the health of the planet. Reimagining how and where we live (nationalgeographic.com)
13 Misconceptions About Global Warming
The climate will do whatever it will do. Warm, cool, we’re just along for the ride until our extinction. Stop acting as if climate change hasn’t happened before, you’ve been here for barely a small period of time. There’s been climates and temperature extremes WAY worse than right now in our era, heck in easter Canada we’ve had 1 month of real summer.
Call it climate hysteria instead!
Everyone else— especially capitalists— have been ignoring it just as long.
Show me evidence of this. You can go as far back in history as it takes.
You were misled by bad journalism 40 years ago. The rational thing to do is admit it, not berate people who had, and have, better sense than you. Oh bless your heart. You think journalism was bad when all they were doing is reporting the science from that time. The rational thing to do is to admit that science is always evolving. The science from today will be laughable 50yrs from now. Then why bother worrying about it?
Do you want to die in five years or twenty?
We need to prolong the mass extinction for as long as we can, while possibly finding a way to continue the human race, say from space. Growing up they talked about acid rain and the next ice age.
Of course this comes from government paid scientists. Scientists and shamans have been saying it for hundreds of years waiting to be true! You can’t stop the change unless you stop China and India from polluting!
Ice Age Is Coming, World Scientists Once Warned | Newsmax.com
They warned us about global cooling in the 70s and I guess we overcorrected. Would you have believed in global cooling in the 70s?
Did you trust science then?
Some Kind of wonderful https://t.co/EtstouxZP5″ / Twitter
We knew. Scientists warned for decades upon decades. It’s here. We cannot be restored. CO2 takes hundreds of years to dissipate, so what we have now is here to stay for hundreds of years & humans are increasing that input, add to that the natural feedback loops, yes, save drastic geoengineering, we’re screwed, but it’s a slow screw. Eating a plant based diet is the easiest thing that everyone can do to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that are causing climate change!!! Shifting to plant-based diets crucial in the fight against climate change (europeanscientist.com)
I’m 61 years old. Do you know how many heat waves I can remember as a kid growing up in New Jersey, or December 25 once it was like 80°. Climate change my ass. Weather goes through patterns, the flooding in Europe was from storms originating in Caribbean. All cars, boats, and planes switching to electric will greatly help. And clean energy. $ICLN, $ACES, $TAN, $PHO
Where will that electricity come from?
The grid is already stressed and electric cars are a fraction of the fleet now. Batteries, which are necessary for the storage of any green electricity we produce, are filthy to manufacture and make oil and natural gas seem reasonable. More solar, wind, vibrating wind, hydrogen, and better technology everyday. And no they don’t make oil & gas look reasonable lol. EVs also don’t spew exhaust into every forest and neighborhood.
Most of your electricity comes from coal, gas and oil. So yes, that car does spew toxins into the environment because its electricity is dirty to begin with. More energy from renewables without the capacity to store it is largely useless as it’s not always windy or sunny. My electric bill comes entirely from renewables, an option many electric companies are offering. Manufacturing pollution for EVs is isolated, unlike car exhaust, and electricity doesn’t have to be transported like fuel. And again, the tech is only getting better.
It’s NOT climate change.
It’s Climate Warming.
Please stop downplaying Its severity. #ClimateEmergency it’s here it’s real. Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?
We say climate change, not climate warming because warming is an effect, an effect of the change. there are a fuck ton of effects, we can’t name the crisis after them all. As I understand it, the ever increasing, anomalous weather events are occurring because of worldwide climate warming. Global warming sounded too scary, so they coordinated their media outlets to use the term climate change. All the media followed suit. Look up Frank Luntz.
Scientists have found that Mexico and Central America, the Persian Gulf, India, Pakistan and Southeast Asia are all careening toward dangerous thresholds of heat and humidity before the end of the century. To better understand why these places are becoming too hot and humid for humans to endure, you have to first understand how the body cools itself.
As cities around the world experience record-breaking heat, we continue to report on the climate crisis and climate-fueled weather events. We want to know your questions about extreme heat, wildfires, droughts and other climate-related events or topics. This is happening so fast and unfolding so exponentially that we are in “Day After Tomorrow” territory, reversed.
Business continues with platitudes about “5 years from now'” being mouthed while NO action is taken. Nature isn’t interested in our procrastination.
What do you think they will do.
Pass a law making fossil fuel illegal?
How many millions would that kill?
Face it, there is no cure for CC, no matter what they tell you. The climate will always change, it always has. What action would you like to take?
Do you know what this means?
Mass migration from Mexico to our border as people try to escape those unlivable conditions. Was any of this predicted to happen by 2021 already? I don’t think so! Did our brilliant climate scientists maybe pull their punches and/or just ‘goof’? We need to find out NOW (before they write anymore books). We need to KNOW NOW what will happen in 2022 & 2023 – not in 2050! No kids, and less time ahead of me than behind me, so why should I give a shit. And yet here I am.
Our 3D models show you how: https://wapo.st/3f82hGG
What will happen or what should happen? If the latter, is it because climate science is an old science, and we should revisit the widely accepted and unrefuted predictive models from 60 years ago and document what conditions they predict for the current decade or even year?
When it comes to heat, the human body is remarkably resilient — it’s the humidity that makes it harder to cool down. At a certain threshold of heat and humidity, “it’s no longer possible to be able to sweat fast enough to prevent overheating,” said Radley Horton, a professor at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. You might think that being closer to the beach would be a great way to catch that ocean breeze and cool off. But Horton said proximity to water in extreme conditions could make things worse. https://wapo.st/3f82hGG And humidity, driven in part by climate change, is increasing. A measurement of the combination of heat and humidity is called a “wet-bulb temperature,” a metric scientists are using to figure out which regions of the world may become too dangerous for humans. https://wapo.st/3f82hGG
There was an ice age, now there’s not. What would you be able to restore? Even if the climate is changing it’s no big deal. Humans just have to adapt and/or evolve to deal with the heat and other consequences of heating up the planet. See, no big deal. The end is coming soon and that’s not biblical, it’s just common sense. Mother Earth is going to devour us. If America can’t stop a virus how the fuck are they going to come together as a nation and fight a much bigger problem, global warming. Lies won’t stop anything.
When it’s cold outside, the weather isn’t cold. When it’s hot outside, it’s definitely because of climate change. Seriously ,if instead of talking about climate change , let’s do what the scientists had warned for decades . Actually ,stop degrading the environment so that we leave this planet Earth a habitable place to live for our future generations ! Humans are powerless against nature. Extinction is in our future, as with all species.
Maybe if we stopped talking about climate change and actually did something, we would leave a habitable planet for future generations. Why didn’t all those climate models predict this would start ALREADY, not just after 2040 or 2050?! It may ALREADY BE 2040, for all we know now. If it is, THEN WHAT? We need to find out FAST, not in another 5 years! Did climate scientists ‘goof’? Is that possible?
It will just keep getting worse and worse. Curious?
Will it finally ‘revolutionize’ the capture of ocean energy so it can provide 10%+ of the world’s clean-energy needs, 24/7? The issue with all the climate change people here is the focus. Most love to single out the US, for political reasons and ignore most of the worst offenders (3rd World, India, China, etc…)
Because the USA has emitted far more than every other country. You also must be ignoring the extreme scrutiny that China, Brazil and Australia get, The world is ignoring them. Can you climate change the cord gives them additional 15 years I think to bring your CO2 emissions down well the United States brought it down under Trump. What gives? Is the United States supposed to fund everyone?
‘Dry bulb’ temperature is applicable to inanimate materials. Humans and other lifeforms have many ways of cooling. Conduction, radiation, thermo-regulation of metabolism… If sweat doesn’t evaporate it still cools by transporting heat from out of the body core, etc. How close we have to get to oblivion before our damned public and private sector “leaders” pull together and seriously seek ways to mitigate the obvious dangers we have all known were coming for decades?? #JunkScience
Sorry, don’t believe it. I remember a summer back 45 years ago, it was so hot and dry there were huge cracks in the soil. Weather cycles happen all the time. Everyone whip out your favorite dystopian novel in which the rich and powerful survive by creating domed cities or massive fortresses and taking all the resources inside while the less fortunate struggle and die in the wasteland just outside the walls. Fiction no more.
On this afternoon in 1931, the average temperature around the US was 94°F (34°C) and almost three-fourths of the US was over 90 degrees. If we truly want to survive we need to immediately stop burning the vast majority of the fossil fuels we burn, stop cutting down forests, and start taking care of the only planet where we can survive. Ya know maybe we should give this the same level of worldwide attention that we have given the pandemic… cause climate change is going to be a global killer.
We’re in a disaster cycle (magnetic incursion/solar micronova) that occurs every 6000 years or so. Don’t believe me? Check the geology, I’ll wait Not too many people noticing the events that precede a Magnetic Poles Reversal.
It’s been taking its time! The Hercules Myth Those that survived a Zero Gravity Event vs. those born after a Zero Gravity Event. ‘Not everybody is as strong as you!’
How will humanity survive? The short answer is, it probably won’t. Why? Because everything In our finely balanced environment is interconnected and as such there will be devastating flow on effects from increased heat. We are, in all probability, a species in swift decline.
Destruction of the Amazon and destruction of forests in Indonesia and other countries has caused many problems. It is urgent to stop the destruction of TH3 RAIN forests.
Any reasoning being, looking over the evolving climate crisis can answer that question. YES, parts of the world will soon be unable to support human life. Massive human migration is both the answer and the next problem. Where will they go?
It was 115 in SW Washington State a few weeks ago, in Lytton, B.C., #Canada it was at least 121° F. Canada wildfires: Lytton in British Columbia devastated a day after temperatures topped 121 degrees – CNN In truth? There’s not really anywhere safe until we STOP adding free carbon to the atmosphere & find ways to sequester it.
But I am concerned about future generations, and I’m despondent about the future they face. Climate change is real. Those deniers are in for a big surprise if it hits them. Tornados, hurricanes, typhoons, Blizzards, wildfires, and rising seas are true examples of climate change in addition to summer heat wave that covers the whole US. If you think there’s an immigration crisis now, just wait until some countries become practically unlivable.
May I strongly suggest we stop using the phrase “climate change”?
It sounds so very casual and leisurely.
We should refer instead to THE CLIMATE CRISIS!
Because it IS a crisis that threatens our existence as a species.
Not tomorrow. NOW. It’s ironic how companies keep polluting to save money and make more in the process, but fail to realize their negligence will cause devastation to both the global economy, and even their own if they are held accountable later on.
We have failed to protect our planet even with so many warnings from scientists, as if there’s another planet to move to. Now we have to pay the price of putting profit first. It is no longer only politicians and scientists . It is now in public domains that this environment change is largely negatively affecting the earth planet. The survival of our generations depend upon the action and awareness we must do irrespective of borders. Oh course, many parts of Earth will soon have increased temperatures too great for life to exist. The high temperatures will continue to creep inward until everything dies. Global warming until complete death is a definite possibility.
This Isn’t a Heatwave — It’s a Dying Planet | by umair haque | Jun, 2021 | Eudaimonia and Co (eand.co) In their conclusions, and climate scientists are *constantly* changing warming benchmarks… but feel free to preach your religion… another great article as a supplement, “we’re living on a dying planet. I guess the question then is: who gets to survive?”
Where I am, it’s a cold summer on the Atlantic side of the country (Canada) and ridiculously hot (record breaking) on the Pacific side. Complete reversal of conditions from one side of the country to the other, and yet, all over forest fires are rampant. The shift is happening. Burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and the continuation of industrial farming will only expedite the problem!.
Take out invasive plants and plant local native plants, trees, flowers, shrubs and vines
to help cool your neighborhood
Garden for Wildlife
It was an Iceberg that sank the Titanic. I watched a YouTube video where it shows the 2+ hours of it sinking. Truly an Amazing Piece of work. Do unto nature as you wish nature to do unto you!
It’s the humidity that makes it harder to cool down. Humidity, driven in part by climate change, is increasing. https://t.co/RgVKWkrRFp https://t.co/XEDNdmvJ7a” / Twitter