I can’t wait to see everyone start flipping out cause they got
the jab and are now super spreaders!

So what you’re saying is, the choice is between being able to spread it and having severe side effects, or being able to spread it and have mild side effects.
If that’s so, why do you care if people don’t want to get it, the only person it’s
harming is themselves!!!

Portugal’s 98 pct COVID-19 patients not fully vaccinated.
Are you sure? ask 65% severe cases of fully vaccinated in Israel :)))
“In some sense, vaccination is now about personal protection — protecting oneself against severe disease. Herd immunity is not relevant as we are seeing plenty of evidence of repeat and breakthrough infections.”
“I think the central issue is that vaccinated people are probably involved to a substantial extent in the transmission of delta,” Jeffrey Shaman, a Columbia University epidemiologist, wrote in an email after reviewing the CDC slides.
Great, then why mandate the vaccine?
Close The Border!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CDC says nearly 67% of U.S. counties have substantial, high COVID-19 transmission | Reuters
So what do people care if people are vaccinated?!
Do you go and tell all obese people to lose weight ?
NOW C.D.C., says vaxxed must be masked,
That means all of us will be masked. Freedom was nice while it lasted.
Sick of this sheet. You are a fool if you comply. Go sit by their side if you are that quick to forfeit your constitutional rights.
Wear a mask. We can identify the enemy better. Why is the government letting in people from the borders being sick and shipping them all over the USA?
Government wants to have the sickness spread to control us!!!
Do you not know Fauci’s record? Of course it doesn’t “fit the narrative”
so it’s been demonized. because he knew that there is evidence that taking hydroxychloroquine is effective in preventing a person from contracting the coronavirus or developing COVID-19. Imagine that. “The Delta variant is as contagious as chickenpox and may be spread by vaccinated people
as easily as the unvaccinated, an internal C.D.C. The report says”
Funny how I was told today that I have to be tested for Covid again in September prior to a medical procedure but they said nothing about
testing for delta variant……. it’s because there is no test for the delta
variant. So tell me, if there’s no test for the “delta variant” how are
people “diagnosed” with the “delta variant”??
They are lying about this delta variant,
This is never going away, is it?
The Covid-19 vaccine was never a one and done deal.
It will be a yearly vaccine required by the government.
Get ready.
Honestly, everyone should be extremely happy about this!
The Delta variant is 19 times LESS LETHAL than the original.
The original Covid is all but gone now. Covid has mutated into a mild flu, and instead of celebrating this and everybody getting their life back to normal, the media (with the help of CDC & Fauci) are using it to drive fear into the nation for higher ratings. VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (see the Lazarus Report) of vaccine injuries. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at vaers.hhs.gov. The OpenVAERS Project allows browsing and searching of the reports without the need to compose an advanced search (more advanced searches can be done at medalerts.org or vaers.hhs.gov). (openvaers.com)
Unvaccinated people are actually less likely to die from the delta variant then they were from the original virus…more contagious and less deadly…
that’s what I’m seeing in the data…

DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Vaccine’ (rumble.com)
Rumble — EXCLUSIVE! Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD!
The inoculation being referred to as ‘COVID Vaccines’ is a poisonous
death sentence, and nobody should subject themselves to the shots.
CONTRADICTIONS: 169 Dead, 644 Hospitalized in Illinois Breakthrough COVID Cases – NBC Chicago More than 160 people have died and nearly 650 have been hospitalized in Illinois due to COVID-19 in “breakthrough” cases after they were fully vaccinated, according to state health officials. According to data updated Wednesday by the Illinois Department of Public Health, 169 people in Illinois have died due to COVID-19 or complications after being fully vaccinated. That figure equates to 2.44% of COVID-19 deaths in the state since Jan. 1, officials said.
At least 644 fully vaccinated people have been hospitalized in Illinois, IDPH said. The state only reports breakthrough infections among those who have been hospitalized or died, following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, IDPH said. Those totals mean 10 more fully vaccinated individuals have died and 51 more have been hospitalized in the past week since the state last updated its reported numbers.
The state does not publicize the number of residents who tested positive after being fully vaccinated but did not die or require hospitalization in order to “help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance,” IDPH’s website reads.
A person is considered “fully vaccinated” two weeks after receiving the second dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccine, or two weeks after receiving the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Illinois’ top doctor said earlier this month that breakthrough cases of COVID-19 in fully vaccinated residents are a “unicorn” as she again urged those who have not yet gotten vaccinated to do so.
Everyone playing into this should be held accountable…
For proof of the “19 times LESS lethal” claim, just look at the numbers.
Vaccine pathogenic priming according to animal studies done on SARS vaccines. Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical
illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity (nih.gov)
Didn’t end well for the mice & ferrets.
This report is from Public Health England.
Alpha (original) – 1.9% Delta
(current) – 0.1% – Bing
19 times LESS lethal!
What bullshit.
Over 40% of those in hospital, in Ireland, are fully vaccinated.
This is more contagious, but it’s lethality the same or less
than the flu.
Have you done any background on Fauci?
He’s a fraud and always has been.

Read up on Robert Gallo & Tony Fauci’s Aids work.
I personally know someone who was double vaxxed and had it so bad they thought he had bronchitis and was coughing up blood. I think if you’re unvaxxed your immune system can combat it easily but after the “experiment” you’re immunocompromised.
Well it is summer time and obviously the flu isn’t quite pronounced as it is during the winter months. So let’s wait until winter and see how the vaxxed MONKEYS

Who actually believes anything these people say?
Strange they have a name for it already, and can “test” for it. And wait, it’s more contagious! We need herd immunity… So why the hell is Resident Biden talking about mandatory vaccines? #stopthemadness
We shouldn’t even have a chicken pox vax. We didn’t need the vax.
It’s a mild virus that affects kids and then they are immune. Drug companies needed a new vaccine to make money off of it. This time next year there’s gonna be 20 “variants” and 47 different shots needed unless you want to kill grandma … Hear me out, what comes next. “Oh if you want to survive, everybody must take that new Pfizer va xine booster, its 10 times more powerful and fixes delta!!”
It’s all about $$$$$ Fauci’s Moderna stock is up 209.35% this year…
Yeah every news outlet is saying it’s more contagious but there’s no one saying if it’s more or less lethal. Viruses follow a path of mutation to a less lethal variant because a lethal virus will hit a dead end.
The virus needs you alive to spread it. Yeah would make the most sense.
If the host dies, the virus will die with it. If the opposite was true, we’d all be 100 feet tall by now with the ability to shoot lasers from our eyes.
Let’s let all these Illegals into the USA to spread the virus so the government can control us!!! Translation: “be afraid, live in fear.”
Every 6 months this is going to be the case. Entire Greek alphabet. And I don’t want to hear the word “Lockdown” either. This government won’t even give you a UBI or healthcare and they are going to let the eviction thing expire!
So clearly they don’t care about anybody at all. Population control pushed by globalist. They can’t control all us freedom loving Americans. Wake up, stand up.
All of this was in the crimson contagion document @BillGates @wef
and Rockefeller foundation did 3 years ago. All I can do is laugh…there ain’t no point and it’s not a vaccine FDA needs 2 be prosecuted for misleading, misguiding and the mislabeling of the shot…
cuz it does nothing but CONTROL US..
Delta, Alpha, Beta I’m over Covid-19 bring them all on.
Can’t wait for a second set of pointless lockdowns for a virus that has a
99.7% chance of survival assuming all the death numbers they counted
are true (which they aren’t) for a variant that although cases are RISING, deaths are DECLINING…
My question is …. if the PCR test can not differentiate between influenza
and COVID how do we even know there is a Delta variation of COVID?
Pretty sure that 2 weeks of the lockdown should have stopped the spread.
I’m ready to go back to 2019.
A D D E D — B O N U S
Simone Biles Answers Questions About ‘Twi sties’ on Instagram.

Simone Biles responds to people who think she “quit” on her team by explaining the “Twi sties” she’s been experiencing and what it feels like