Give Him Praise for It!!!

“Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work hard at it” — Napolon Hill #WednesdayMotivation #SelfDevelopment
What I see….. When I think of THE CORONA [crown] VIRUS…

All types of Human Beings live their life. Having FUN and Smiling.
Enjoying The GIFTS and EARTH that GOD GAVE US.
Why are humans scared of Death?
Morning Thoughts on my early morning run. Today, let’s learn more about our emotional reaction to what life brings into our path.
The mRNA vaccine inventor has come out to say that fully vaccinated people are more at risk to transmit the disease than unvaccinated people.
He details it in the article. Extraordinary measures are being used to silence him. It’s not about the virus…!!! Inventor of mRNA Vaccine: Some Covid Vaccines Make the Virus More Dangerous (thegatewaypundit.com)
How are they diagnosing people with the delta variant when there isn’t a test for the delta variant?
More investigation is needed in the death of inventor Carrie Mullins(sp) that invented the PCR test. How did he really pass away?. Just in time ,after he criticized Anthony. He cannot stand Anthony. There’s a video of him saying this… There is a test for the Delta and indeed all other variants. This is not achieved with the standard tests but with genome testing procedures they do in the labs to trace the infection sources. When the genome tests all come back Delta….then Delta wins the prize for top variant. If you’re vaccinated and tested positive you have the Delta Virus. That’s how they’re reading the results…You’re not supposed to ask intelligent questions. Not only, is there not a test to differentiate between so-called covid and influenza, much less these ‘variants’ yet people still gobble their bullshit up.
You’re supposed to be scared!

Sh*t. Their PCR tests can’t even distinguish between influenza and Covid.
How are they diagnosing Covid at all if the pcr tests aren’t working? Thank goodness Bill Gates and George Soros are here to help! They just bought a testing lab that specializes in diagnosing multiple viruses at the same time. Good question! Let me guess.
“Don’t question the SciEnCE!!! It’s for your safety!”

Suzy on Twitter: “How are they diagnosing people with the delta variant when
there isn’t a test for the delta variant?” / Twitter

PolitiFact | Large-scale testing, not individual testing, tells when delta variant causes COVID-19
Biden’s Epic Blame Game Begins; Rand Paul Roasts Tony Fauci; Del Dives
into the Data; Dr. McCullough on the Vaccine, Delta Variant, and much more; An all-new HighWire Hero! Episode 225: THE COVID BLAME GAME!
Coronavirus: What is genome testing and how will it help New Zealand stamp out Covid-19? | Stuff.co.nz
COVID falls from America’s #1 cause of death to #7 as of June 2021 (medicalxpress.com)
Truth doesn’t mind being challenged, it opens a dialogue for greater understanding on both sides. A lie hates being challenged, because
it can’t be defended.
The Clock of LIFE is Wound but ONCE.

By Geoffrey Grider,
What the heck is the Cloward Piven plan and what does it have to do with the Far Left? Richard Cloward and his batshit crazy wife, Frances Piven were sociologists and Democrat Socialists that developed a political strategy in 1966, creatively referred to as the “Cloward and Piven Strategy”. In short, the Cloward and Piven Strategy calls for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with “a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty”.
President-elect Joe Biden’s decision to immediately ask Congress to offer legal status to an estimated 11 million people in the country has surprised advocates given how the issue has long divided Democrats and Republicans, even within their own parties. A new report shows Biden released 50,000 illegal immigrants into the country. 87% refused to show up to an ICE office as instructed. No one is surprised. What’s the best way to jack up flagging COVID numbers and cause another lockdown? Allow thousands of illegal immigrants into the country. They don’t even have to be COVID positive, the gov will say they are and boom!
We’re shut down again.
Biden to Prioritize Legal Status for Millions of Immigrants | Political News | US News
COVID cases in the Rio Grande area have surged 900% because of all the illegal criminals pouring into our country. But, Dookie Drawers Joe Biden wants to lock us down & force masks on us again. It’s coming. Man, close the border or GET FUCKED. I wonder what the delta variant will mutate into by the mid term election…. #Democrats Just love to call #TrumpSupporters racist. They are just muddying the waters..
We will not comply.
When I was on YouTube, I came across this !! Just thought I would share!!
The free world is run by a person who ‘probably couldn’t find his way home after dark’
It is clear there is “no way” US President Joe Biden would pass a test to determine
his cognitive ability or memory impairment, says Sky News
Coming up from @Rasmussen_Poll today:
Record Low Biden Presidential Job Approval.
Strongly approve 26%. Strongly disapprove 42%. Approve/Disapprove 46/52% Right track 32%
Wrong direction 60%
Gratuitous advice: try closing the border.
We are watching a movie called American Deep State.

American Deep State — The Movie.
David Rohde – The American “Deep State.”
Does this sound a bit familiar in 2020?
Ironically, just one year earlier, Paul Harvey,
a conservative broadcaster, aired some comments, a concept and now a reality, titled
“If I were the Devil”. If you’ve never listened to this before, spend 3 minutes and listen to it. Paul Harvey was many years ahead of his time, but I digress.
Now, back to these two idiots Cloward and Piven.
Sadly, Cloward and Piven were visionaries and they knew exactly what it would take to turn America inside out. Thank God they’re both dead but their legacy and “Strategy” is alive and well, they’d be so very proud.
I know, I know, Socialism, Communism/Marxism are bad enough, what could Cloward and Piven possibly add to the Far Left agenda?
Both Socialism and Communism/Marxism are founded on (10) “planks”,
Basically a high level construct on how to achieve Socialism and Communism/Marxism. Think of Socialism, Communism/Marxism as the framework and the Cloward and Piven Strategy as well as Saul Alinsky‘s Rules for Radicals as the mechanisms to make Socialism and Communism/Marxism a reality.
Unfortunately, the media sources “normal people” rely on (Fox News, OAN, Newsmax TV, etc.) never discuss the Cloward and Piven Strategy.
Perhaps they are worried it would further confuse people or perhaps it’s just easiest to refer to Socialism and Communism/Marxism, I’m not really sure. However, from where I sit, I think it’s important for people to understand the different frameworks and mechanisms currently being used to destroy America.
The article below

The Cloward-Piven strategy is an 8-step plan designed in 1966 by hardcore anti-America Liberal Socialists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven – that called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis.
This article you are reading is the 7,629th article I have written since
Now The End Begins – YouTube came online 10 years ago, and it is perhaps the hardest one I’ve ever had to write, so I want you to pay close attention to what I have to say. It is going to present to you a very, very hard truth to swallow, but it is the truth nonetheless. What is happening right now in America is something we have long written about coming to pass one day, it began under Obama but didn’t fully complete.
It is now happening under Trump, why is he not stopping it?
Trending: The Bankruptcy of The United States – Prepare For Change
“This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations. For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?” Isaiah 14:26,27 (KJB)
Back when Barack Obama was president, one of the things we said he was attempting to do was to destroy the American economy with something called the Cloward-Piven strategy. It is an 8-step plan designed in 1966 by hardcore anti-America Liberal Socialists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven that called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a new national system. Here is their plan, look at it and tell me if you see anything it mentions that might be happening right now. This is not conspiracy theory, I am asking you to exercise some intelligent, critical thinking. Ready?
Here it is…
The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Collapse America:
- Healthcare– Control healthcare and you control the people. HAPPENING NOW
- Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live. HAPPENING NOW
- Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. HAPPENING NOW
- Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state. HAPPENING NOW
- Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives. (Food, Housing, and Income) HAPPENING NOW
- Education – Take control of what people read and listen to us“ take control of what children learn in school. ALREADY DONE
- Religion – Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools. ALREADY DONE
- Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor. HAPPENING NOW
Right now, steps 1-5 and 8 are being executed right now in how our government is reacting to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, with steps 6 and 7 already having been implemented since 2008. The American economy is being split into pieces right now by the combination of a $2 trillion dollar bailout with more coming, Americans under stay-at-home orders, and with more people right now on unemployment in two weeks of the coronavirus crisis than in the second year of the Great Depression of 1929.Daily Caller on Twitter: “California Gov. Newsom says that coronavirus is an opportunity to create a new “progressive era.”
Thread by @Justint88117236 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
What is 2021 really about? You’ll recall President Trump’s comment:
“They’re not coming for me, they’re coming for you. I’m just in the way.”
It then occurred to me that we are now in the fast tracked implementation of the Coward Piven plan, 1x
developed in the mid 60s, to bring about social collapse and thereby ushering in, we’ll call it The Great Reset. Here’s the basic plan, :https://conduitforaction.org/the-cloward-piven-strategy-orchestrating-a-crisis-so-government-can-solve-it/… and should you 2/x
read it you’ll clearly see how much of this had already been accomplished, but done slowly to not draw over attention to it. Now of course this is in addition to many other ideologies and agendas, but they all feed into the same goal. When was CP developed? 1966. 3/x
When began the rise of the Great welfare state? Roughly 1966. No coincidence. Who pushed it? Democrats. Now I’m not smart enough to bring in all the writings of different intellectuals and philosophers. There are others who can fill in the blanks far better than me. But, 4/x
I am smart enough to see how everything that’s been happening, particularly since 2008, but also from 9/11/01, has led us to this perfect storm. It began with racial division to highlight almost immediately after Obama was inaugurated. And recall his slogan, Hope and 5/x
Change? What was coming was his hope for just this implementation of change. Then we moved on, things becoming more disruptive. Economically, socially, educationally, racially, climatologically. Lots going on for sure. And THEN came 2016. They 6/x
thought she’d never lose. Now they’re in a pickle. They started ramping it up, all of it, and brought the whole force of their fury against Trump and of course his supporters. They fueled the energy of the left into a weapon. All of them. Media, colleges and lower schools. 7/x
And they kept piling it on for 5 years. Now the left is in full out attack. They don’t even hide it anymore. And then came the 2920 election. They had to do ANYTHING to win that election. The fraud was massive, as I think we’re going to find out. But, 8/x
2020. Sorry. That was to be expected because they HAD to get this back on track. And so in 2020, a pandemic was started and that was the final tool to be used to bring it all together. Fear, control, pitting the vaxxed against the unvaxxed, using guilt, shame, false data 9/x
Anything they could use to bring it all together again. Wrapping this up, and yes it’s a rather simplistic view, let’s look at all the ways all of these things are used to bring us here, and where I think the endpoint, in their minds, is. 1st. Using George Floyd as the 10/x
catalyst for claimed social justice. It justifies the use of BLM and their Marxist origins to obfuscate their real purpose. It also justifies the rioting and the censoring by the real fascists, ironically called antifa. And of course big business, big tech and the rest. 11/x
Then economically. Shutting down our energy independence while giving Russia more control over European oil needs. Using the pandemic to obliterate jobs, smaller businesses. 12/x
People panic over their health and finances. Now let’s add tens of trillions to an already over bloated debt. How will this ever be repaid? By the next 10 generations? Of course not. They’ll be in even less of a position to do that. Again, overwhelming the system. 13/x
Next up? Culturally. Everything is racist. Or racial/cultural appropriation. That used to be called a “melting pot”, or assimilation. Now each culture is afraid to share each other’s traditions, while at the same time holding on to ours. 14/x
Off then to history. Statues are being pulled down by people who don’t own them, we do, because they are offended by them. Again, an attempt to erase remembrance of our history. And since that won’t be taught in schools, in short order that will be gone. 15/x
Cue up the Lincoln project, 1619, CRT all designed to create a new narrative that is based on division and hatred. Which it is designed to do and to create. It has nothing to do with the truth, as that can be included as age appropriate teaching. 16/x
Then mass illegal immigration embraced to overwhelm the system. But! Not for the Cubans. Why? The Cubans experienced totalitarianism and they will escape and fight against that here. The others are all coming here for the freebies, basically. 17/x
Additionally, the gov’t doesn’t care about your health. There is no provision for that in their plan. They are mandating an unproven, no long term data vax, yet distributing 10s of thousands of non vetted for anything illegals all over the country. 18/x
So. In the end, unless we really stand up to these people, I see this beginning with the implementation of the trickery of Mao, and culminating with the brutality of Stalin. It scares me to think that by 2024, it won’t matter if there’s any elections because that has 19/x
Already been taken away. Either by decree, or by fraud. It doesn’t matter. And if so, I fully expect that a significant amount of the population will simply be removed to internment camps for re-education. 20/x TheEnd!
It woke me up at 4am the other morning. When I realized what was happening. I read this plan about 15 years ago. And I just put it all together. These are my thoughts. I’m not the end all to be all. I hope, at best, to be a catalyst. Many more are much smarter than I. Have to get it on track for implementation earlier than that now. Too many unknown variables. When it was done slowly then 2030 was reasonable. Now too many are awake to let that much time go by. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
The intellectual right contemplates an ‘American Caesar’ (msn.com)
Scientists Accidentally Find a ‘Very Exciting’ Unique Exoplanet Has More Water Than Earth (msn.com)
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