Big Pharma isn’t liable for making it. The FDA isn’t liable for approving it.
The CDC isn’t liable for promoting it. The media isn’t liable for lying about it.
Fauci isn’t liable for being misleading about it. But we’re liable if we refuse the vaccine.
Fantastic response. I am vaccinated and I believe people should be free to decide what they do with their body. I will not encourage anyone either way, it’s their responsibility to decide for themselves. I agree with you @CassyWearsHeels .
People need to ensure they are getting info about the vaccine from legitimate sources.
No more conspiracies and fear mongering. Drop political ideology and use common sense.
That “vaccine” needs to be approved by the FDA, and big pharma needs to be held responsible for any issues arising from it. IMMEDIATELY!
Let me make this clear they’ll have to sign a contract stating they are liable for any adverse reactions IN RETURN I WILL PAY FOR MINE I DON’T WANT ANYTHING FOR FREE THAT MAKES THEM NOT RESPONSIBLE!!!!
I went to my Dr last week for an annual checkup. MA & Dr asked if I was

have it in the office now. That’s it. No high pressure used car salesman pitch. No MSM hysteria. So the CDC now says vaccinated people need to wear masks indoors again against the delta variant.
What does that tell you?? They’re a fraudulent politically compromised
agency just like the FBI…NSA and the DOJ. All the alphabet agencies ARE…
Delta Variant designed to stop future Trump rallies. Tells me that clowns are running the show… That tells you AUDITS are uncovering the election fraud. Wake up people! It tells you it’s all a game about control. Tell me they been smokin’ too much verbiage. That they don’t know what the hell they’re
talking about

Wearing Masks Was Like Trying To Keep Dust Out With Chicken Wire…
Not enough Americans are afraid and under control.
1st was distance or mask. Then distance & mask. Then inside & outside.
Then vax or mask. Then vax & mask. So, next is inside & out again.
I’m recovered & vaxxed, so I’d like to sit this one out.
That the inmates are running the asylum. It tells me they feel like they’re losing their grip on the plandemic. It tells me that no matter what this is never going to end. It tells me that we are close to November Governor elections and not too far away from Midterm elections…..gotta get us locked down again to be able to mail in those bogus ballots.
There will always be a new variant and new guidelines to follow. Sounds like more bool

Patient for 20 yrs. It was nice. All of the above (not us) will face criminal penalties for violating the Nuremberg Code. Once justice is served.
They know it, so they all push to do as much damage as possible first.

Just remember, enhancing the transmissibility of a virus for it to gain in its effectiveness is not gain of function. Doesn’t matter that it doesn’t make sense. You are to believe anything that comes out of Fauci’s mouth. No doubt about that… Yet, he had to go to “Chyna” to find a lab willing to do his Dr. Hyde/Dr. Death experiments, because the FDA never would have allowed such devious experimentation in the U.S.A. and still hasn’t approved his genetic alteration injections (“vaccinations”). #faucivirusfromchynah
The unvaccinated pay all the taxes. If they die, the vaccinated don’t get any money for their social welfare programs #yourbodytheirchoice
But they are a threat to other unvaccinated people and their failure to vaccinate prevents herd immunity and allows for variants to proliferate.
Plus, they are incredibly selfish, especially if they have children. you’re not very smart are you?
Well if they get Covid they can still pass it onto vaccinated people who
could pass it onto others. Vaccinated people themselves can still get infected. Vaccinated people may very well be a danger to unvaccinated people, their vaccine sheds the spikes it generates. I have the mind of a vaccinated person in an unvaccinated body. I am a trans vaccinated person! My body is my choice! Do you think that works? #RespectTransvaccinatedPeopleNow
Meanwhile at the beginning of this thing they told us to stay indoor and
closed gyms. While locked down people drank and ate more instead of getting healthier. Seems the GOV’T should focus on getting people to take better care
of themselves. But that would be fat shaming.

The 1000s of illegals being flown all over the country daily not tested and unvaccinated put on planes are the problem.
Until the border is closed,.no one should be forcing Americans to do anything. Even after that, they can stop with their attempts to vaccinate us all, lick us down and force mask mandates. I never could have imagined this America until it was here. And yes, this illegal policy is destroying our country.
They are coming here infected and extending mandates.
Unless the vaccinated aren’t truly vaccinated?
If they got a therapeutic treatment that depends on participation to work?
Like the individual mandate supported the success of Obamacare.
“This thing will be AWESOME, as long as everyone does it whether they want to or not” It becomes more evident every day that the “vaccinated” are a threat to the “unvaccinated”.
Might explain why they are pushing so hard to vaccinate. Well I’m unvaxxed and I would be dangerous to the vaxxed because if they come at me I’ll slap the idiot right out of them. That actually isn’t true, because the vaccine isn’t 100% effective, there will still be some people that catch COVID, even if they are vaccinated. By spreading the virus among unvaccinated people, it increases
the chances of breakthrough cases for people who are vaccinated.
332,550,000 people in the USA 34,293,127 cases of Covid-19 = Natural antibodies 186,474,836 people = Vaccinated from Covid-19 220,767,963 people in the USA protected 66% Herd Immunity. Just 4% more …..
Exactly. If the vaccinated are so sure it works, they have nothing to fear.
A Covid infected person could run through a group of them naked and coughing in their face and they would be safe, right?
I mean that’s why they got the vaxx. The CDC said vaccinated people didn’t have to wear masks, changed their minds, it protects against delta variant, changed their minds, have to ask yourself why are they pushing so hard
for the unvaccinated to get a shot that doesn’t work?
Why is it not racist to call it Delta.
Why are we still listening to people who thought the COVID would kill
millions of people nationwide and turn the U.S. into some zombie apocalypse. Caused fear always scares people into believing the most insane things. I know, right! Because that’s what the vaccine was designed to do. cause sheeples like fear porn. It did. Look at those zombies walking and saying “we have a legit president… he is the best president ever…our government is just and truthful …everything is Trump’s fault…”
Ironic that America’s first “black” president left race relations worse than when he started.
It’s absurd that we live in a society where people are offended if you use the wrong pronouns but they’re fine with terminating an innocent baby. High school boys have faster times than women Olympic athletes…. another reason why biological males should NOT be allowed to compete with girls. Are they stupid because they’re liberals or are they liberals because they’re stupid?
It’s not an attack on science to ask Fauci tough questions and hold him accountable for funding the Chinese lab and his multiple misstatements
and flip-flops.
Notice how “14 days to slow the spread” has become “shut up, get the vaccine.”
Well we’re nearly a month into Israel’s second mask mandate, and what do you know?
It’s been a spectacular failure at preventing cases from rising, just like the last one! Who in the world could have predicted this?!??
It looks to me that the curve is exactly like the flu curve…low in the summer and high in the winter.
I am just so nonplussed by these “Science-based” flip-flops! It Will NEVER End! CDC to Reverse Course, Recommend Masks for Vaccinated People.
Looking at data from mask mandates only tells you that mask mandates do
or don’t work to reduce the endpoint you’re measuring. They don’t tell you whether mask-wearing works because they tell you nothing about who wore masks and what happened to them.
As usually mask proponents should be able to prove that masks work.
Such a stupid graph and conclusion. They are not providing anything solid. Anything else is just wishful thinking?
I suspect masks have some impact, but mask *mandates* (which have unsolvable loopholes for at-home socialization and indoor dining) alone
are clearly not enough to stop a wave. You can’t run counterfactuals.
(You don’t know what that graph would look like without the mandates.)
You can only work with what you have though.
Mask mandates remain in place in Scotland. Case rose with them and is now falling with them. The idea that they make anything more than a marginal impact seems at odds with real-world data.
Experts STILL say that the vaccine is better than actual infection and
related antibodies/T-cells?

The masks do not work, never have! Watch this episode from Ron Paul.
First part is about Jan 6, bet after twenty minutes or so it gets into some interesting reports by foreign media you will not hear in US Soviet-Style Justice: The Persecution Of Paul Hodgkins.
It’s almost as if whoever is counting the cases is doing it incorrectly.
Everyone who reads Pfizer BioNTech study results already know
this vaccine is not significantly better than the placebo.
They sold it as 95% efficiency

Israel’s Second Lockdown Seems to Be Working Better Than Its First – WSJ
The imperial model (no typo) clearly shows that without a mask mandate the cause count per day would already exceed the population of Israel. It doesn’t matter if masks stop droplets of saliva as you talk if they don’t stop aerosols as you breathe. The virus is spreading via aerosols. Mayor de Blasio, though an idiot, has a good metaphor: A vax is like a cannon and a mask is like a peashooter.
Delta is so contagious that masks are almost useless in preventing spread. Looks like they institute masks when they start noticing an uptick, then the incubation period catches up two weeks later. The fall/winter resurgence is going to be a media propaganda nightmare. They’re going to go nuts blaming “anti-vaxxers” and “anti-maskers”. They’ve been so brainwashed to think the virus will just disappear at some point.
Probably because the cases are entirely based on the fraudulent PCR test and it’s varying parameters and have absolutely nothing to do with masks, social distancing, vaccination, or anything else. End the fraudulent testing and poof…pandemic over. The 60-Year-Old Scientific Screwup That Helped Covid Kill | WIRED
Everyone who desperately wants to believe the experts are really experts.
So much so that they willfully ignore the failures of those experts.
Cloth masks probably spread disease IMO… ‘Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% and medical masks 44%’… For some reason these fools believe in magic. The only direct action which has any impact on stopping the spread is isolation.
BREAKING: New Trafalgar Group poll shows Americans oppose mandatory COVID vaccination 71-22. So that means only 71% believe in the constitution, that is troubling!!!
Ask yourself, why have there been so many outbreaks in hospitals, supposedly one of the most sanitary environments with the strictest protocols. N95 masks do not keep out dust after several hours of use. Why would masks that don’t even approach N95’s work for germs?
Interestingly, 22% don’t understand that if they’re allowed to do that they’ll
do it with a wide variety of other things. I kinda thought that would be higher;
so there may be hope yet. Very close to the long running estimates that 20% of the country have latent totalitarian tendencies. And the 7% that don’t know. Otherwise people that are surprisingly surviving life without a clue.
22% confirmed idiots; 7% still undecided on idiot status. Trafalgar Group are the most accurate pollsters. The Trafalgar Group (@trafalgar_group) / is the only genuine poll out there. The 22% must be brain dead. Send the 22 communist to Cuba…. Only the leftist commies want to make it mandatory. The rest of us respect everyone’s right to choose for themselves. It’s called fweedom…Hands down.
Trafalgar poll shows 22% of Americans are fascist lunatics!
The 22% percent would be okay with killing the unvaccinated.
After all, it is for your own good.
Give Democrats the night to work on that poll.
They will fix that, look at what they did with the 2020 election.
They can fix the numbers on anything. They know Americans don’t want this, but they want the #TheGreatReset !
I’m vaccinated & oppose mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations.
Americans should value personal choices and freedom higher than that.
Source: COSA-National-Vaccines-Full-Report.pdf (the trafalgar group.org)
(2) Hitlers Nazi Germany explored Gain of Function, experimented on people and Children.
Hitlers Nazi Germany explored Gain of Function, experimented on people and Children.
It was Heinous as Heinous goes.
Americans opposed ACA-Obamacare by 67%, a clear majority,
and then 63% after Obama lied multiple times about the “plan”.
Still a clear majority, but the Dems passed it w/o a single Repub vote anyway.
These people do not believe in our Republic, or our Democracy, PERIOD.
COVID-19 has a recovery rate of over 99%! There are therapeutics.
There is no need for an Experimental injection that causes thousands of deaths and injuries!

Looks like the same ratio of Trump to Biden voters, yet we know how that turned out. Since when does the will of the people matter

Hadley Huffman – Bing
The cases are spiking due to the scattering of illegal aliens across the country into sanctuary States and cities.
Yeah, that’s not where the dividing line is. The question is will unvaxxed people have restrictions placed on them that vaxxed people will not? That is trending, yes.
We are seeing PLENTY of breakthrough cases (vaxed and now infected)
but ZERO re-infections (previously infected but not infected again).
They should really do a poll asking if they believe the unvaccinated should
be able to be banned from stores, restaurants, and jobs. I fear the number approving would be much higher. I’m vaccinated but feel strongly that no
one should be shamed or discriminated against if they choose not to.
It’s a personal decision and nobody’s business but your own.
It’s like the twilight zone: in uno, falsus in omnibus!!!