They’ve infiltrated and turned the Democrat party Marxist.
Biden signs executive order to boost diversity, equity within federal workforce.
People of all political persuasions all over the country are against this anti-American, pro-Marxist push for “equity”. This is designed to brainwash — Federal employees and ensure loyalty to this fascist totalitarian regime!
They can’t just come out clean and tell us they’re indoctrinating Marxism,
it’s always under the cloak of something we’ll allow…. huge crime wave in
the USA, the border crisis, inflation/stagflation, illegal aliens flooding
USA, and Biden is worried about Marxist indoctrination, that’s his priority.
Never mind who’s the most qualified!
This will certainly trigger people who hate working with Black and Brown People.
This clown is just hiring people to make a statement! Black, woman, or whatever else… he’s hiring people that aren’t qualified,
but making a statement is the right choice

1. Just look at that hyena as VP she’s NOT qualified or cares about the American people.
2. What makes you think there is a shortage of qualified black, women,
LGBTQ or other people?
Welcome to President Biden’s America. Mount Rush moron
Being a minority doesn’t make you unqualified.
Have you looked at the years of experience and qualifications of people
being hired? Republicans and Democrats approved of the majority easily. When you don’t see diversity in the workforce, do you think it is because
only 1 particular race of people is qualified to do the work? B/c, that is what your comment suggests… Not saying it doesn’t happen to people who are white. Biden is fueling the media’s agenda to promote a racial or LGBTQ. workforce and promoting chaos as a result.
When a minority doesn’t live to expectations, it is a big deal and so many people cry about it. Look around at your office and environment how many minorities are meeting expectations!!! I want people who are professional
and accountable…. Not some schmucks that Biden appointed to be fair for everyone. But what you are missing is this has been happening forever.
Plenty of people who don’t deserve jobs have gotten them. You just didn’t
care when it was white people. But when it’s POC, it’s upsetting.
If you think black people aren’t getting jobs because of their skin color you’ve missed the last 20 to 30 years. Since more than half the country wants to virtue signal and hire based on race and sexual preference we are tumbling backward. Explain how getting a job because the “President” says to hire you because of the color of your skin or who you sleep with is fair ? It’s just sad!
Because Biden thinks people of color need a damn work order to get a job. He thinks they’re not smart enough to get one otherwise. When will you all wake up and realize the Dems are insulting you and dragging you down? So I guess we don’t care about knowledge, skills and abilities? I would ask why in 8 years of Obama, he didn’t sign an executive order for the same? I guess everything was “equitable” back then. One need not tuned into Hannity nor Carlson to see how shallow and “PC” this order is.
It’s equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity.
That’s why. It’s true. Welcome to Communism – they want an equal outcome for ALL. That’s what they say, but they know it never works. All part of their (Obama and the Dems) disgusting anti-America agenda. How many tens of millions will die in the future because of this?
People should be hired based on skills and work ethic, not color of their skin and especially not on a damn quota system. Non Merit- based hiring results in a worse workforce by definition. Qualified persons will resent missing out on jobs to Black, Indigenous, (and) People of Color if less qualified. Qualified (BIPOC) persons will suffer because they will be thought of as unqualified diversity hires rather than solid hires. Because equity is not equality, it’s government enforced outcomes like in communist countries.
So how many executive orders does a president get before it is excessive?
List of United States federal executive orders – Wikipedia
I thought he was going to govern by reaching across the aisle … All this man has done is sign EO! Trump signed quite a few but Biden is on pace to signed more. . . . so I assume it’s somewhere in between those two numbers. who cares literally everything he has done can be undone with EO’ from any president after him. across the aisle is filled with self-serving Morons who aren’t doing a thing to represent their voters.
Maybe showing color is not the deciding factor. We should be color blind
and give assistance as needed. However, note the tall guy isn’t deprived of the opportunity to see the game at the expense of helping the little guy. But you cannot help those who won’t stand on their own.
Of course @JoeBiden is not committing to making the federal workforce more competent, effective or efficient. That might mean running the government like a real business…heaven forbid.
Why can’t we just hire the best person for the job regardless of their sex or color?
Affirmative action 2.0. It will not be based on job performance, so it will divide us more than anything. Good job. What this really means is overlooking someone’s qualifications and instead hiring and promoting based on the color of one’s skin. How about signing an executive order to boost the best qualified for the job directive!
That means qualifications and experience won’t matter anymore when applying for jobs.

The federal workforce seems to offer a reasonable approximation of our population. I’m not seeing the need for legislation. Holy shit! Now we’re gonna wait 60 minutes rather than the normal 30 minutes on the phone to verify something with a federal agency.

PLEASE forget about diversity guys! Focus on efficiency!
Demographics of Federal Workforce Summarized (fedweek.com)
,,,”As the nation’s largest employer, the federal government…”.
That’s the most disturbing aspect of this story. I’m not sure what this will really do, the federal workforce is certainly more diverse than most businesses. On the top end it’s a little light but those positions are limited in number and seldom open…That depends on if you think the best person is right for the job or if you think it should go to someone based on how they look. Where are meritocracy, ability, effort?. That’s discrimination.
Could it be a violation of the 14th amendment?
Joe Biden’s Criminal Justice Policy | Joe Biden
When will it just be about qualified people earning the jobs? That’s it. . . .
When you don’t have a clue as to what to do, just sign an executive order,
there now it’s fixed. Great. More taxpayers dollars for more fed workers.
White people better start learning a trade, college grad jobs will be going to minorities… https://joebiden.com/justice/
Just as he has continued to boost diversity in prisons and at the border.
Dictators write forced law…. Just opening the doors to have more jobs taken by immigrants. This dude is just coloring by numbers waiting on these criminal justice reforms including decriminalizing marijuana and releasing prisoners, granting clemency, all of these reforms.
Affirmative action has been around for 40 yrs…
Making America Great Again

They have perfected the system of brainwashing, with data collection.
Here’s one tactic they use: TINA – there is no alternative. That’s a lie. In America, there always are new and creative alternatives – such as clean coal (which we have now). Don’t accept TINA. Huge TINA tactic Dems & GOP have used – only open borders or closed borders.
Solution: Increase immigration employees to vet people faster, let in who qualifies by our rules, keep out people who don’t. We decide, but it’s ridiculous it takes 5-10 years to be let in. TINA. Exactly … This isn’t right what they’re doing & it has nothing to do with the virus.

Chinese Communist Party condemned by bipartisan resolution for 100 years of human rights abuses | Fox News As we approach the CCP’s centenary on July 1, we should all reflect on their legacy of brutal repression. I’m leading an effort to make sure the world knows the true story of the CCP: repression, torture, mass imprisonment, and genocide.
If you don’t know what that means, use the “Almighty Google”, and Google it!!! You’re on the same level as Leonid Brezhnev!! You’re a mental midget just like he was!!
I think you would enjoy listening to
Jesse Lee Peterson. Do you know him?
The Marxists in the last century first introduced critical theory, based on class division;
in the 21st Century, it’s being repackaged as critical “race” theory, to divide the races.
Same diabolical, Marxist theory, different name. Same old shit, from Marxists.
Barack Obama led America down a path of hatred and division.
He could have been a shining example of what’s possible in America, but he chose a darker direction. Now he’s back as O’biden and once again, we’re worse off.
That is not something to brag about. Most races of the world are tribalist and prefer their own race and cultures over others. Whites are the least like this and allow the whole third world to flood their countries.
A class of FBI Agents pledging their allegiance to Antifa/BLM =
Burn, Loot & Murder. Victims of Stalinism and the Soviet Secret Police:
The Comparability and Reliability of the Archival Data-Not the Last Word (tripod.com)
This is a sad day for America and the American Tax Paying Public.
I just checked this out on the net. It’s true. They have fallen for the ideology.
Sickening. Insulting to those of us who pay their salaries and who have to deal with the idiocy this kind of behavior is feeding.
Instead of not being politically involved.
They have disgraced the American public. Choosing a side is very bad for a public servant. We can no longer trust the top branches of our country.
Unbelievable any law enforcement agency would turn toward political Marxism created by Roosevelt to protect the Democrat party… it’s their mandate.. Who is the 500 # fat chick in the back? How in TF did she get chosen for the FBI?! I’m guessing she’s a relative of the Clintons,
Bushes, or Obama’s.

How thoroughly shameful, bunch of

Are they praying that they will NOT go 2 prison? Any FBI special agent that turns states evidence may get leniency, maybe – my opinion The ENEMY WITHIN!!!
A new class of FBI Agents pledging their allegiance to Antifa/BLM = Burn, Loot, and Murder. This is a sad day for America and the American Tax Paying Public. Even the rank-N-file FBI needs prison time Sean Hannity!!!
My belief!
Our agency always did the job as trained & never pushed any political narrative. always has been.. Sad day in America WHEN IT no longer stands for the people in all walks of life.
Mayors tied PD’s hands.
Sure looks like the Gestapo to me. Raise a right hand, take a knee. All symbols of tribalism.
If they believe what they are doing is correct. It’s going to be a long war. Look on the bright side, Putin has already offered his assistance in our efforts. I’m sure Britain will too. Who’s going to take over when local police are abolished and the social workers cry for help?
Those agents know the answer, and crave that power….FBI knelt to Act Blue funded BLM, so we have no expectation of neutrality.
Who the heck are they bowing to?
Has Jesus Christ come down from heaven??

They’re all traitors! We are living a “Color Revolution”, a “Coup D’états”.
Freedom will win this fight and all traitors will be brought to justice. Our Founding Fathers knew this would happen, they wrote The Constitution,
The Bill Of Rights. They knew this day would come.
What’s the real backstory. Most are hard working true Americans, many veterans and prior local Law Enforcement Officer LEOs, so what’s the story?
One nation under the “prince of the power of the air”! Ephesians 2:2
“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” Every answer to every situation and every question is found in one Book ~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Chinese Scientist Who Shipped Deadly Pathogens to Wuhan Held 2 Patents
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Real CCP virus infection cases are 20 times higher than officially reported, leaked documents reveal : kotakuinaction2 (reddit.com)
ShariRaye: 92K Troops at DC! The Rest of June Will Be Explosive! General Flynn – Return of Trump? | Prophecy | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
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Just Released: Epoch Times documentary on CCP Virus : Meta Canada (reddit.com)
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