Yeah, I agree,… created by Democ

Covid affected POC disproportionately though.
White rage theory is obviously true.
From the award-winning author of Medical Apartheid, an exposé of the rush to own and exploit the raw materials of life—including yours. Hillary Clinton: Britain is “on the path to fascism MPs are “the path to authoritarianism [and] fascism”, Hillary Clinton has said. “The truth is [Democrats] are covering up that Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russians to get dirt on Trump…. to feed it to the FBI….
Communists hate the free market and Biden’s plan is to put us so far in debt we won’t be able to pay the interest. Then our money will be worthless and they will be able to usher it into socialism. Biden’s spending spree is killing the construction industry. Many in that field say when they get a quote from suppliers they are good for only 24 hours.
Used to be two weeks. I have been told by some people in the business that they are forced to postpone much work until after…. the building costs come down. People aren’t wanting to pay for large projects right now. QUOTE: My boss doesn’t know if we’ll be able to make it next year. He’s worked his butt off to build this company. It’s pretty sad.
Rumble — China rewrites the bible as the left wants to remove it (rumble.com)
Evil wants you to die forever God wants you to live forever the choice is clear it is real-As the evil of paying China for a bio weapon and let them have it 11 days before Joe and Obama ran out of office stealing 250 billion in gold he than sent to Iran…..
Think your body is your own to control and dispose of as you wish? Think again. The United States Patent Office has granted at least 40,000 patents on genes controlling the most basic processes of human life, and more are pending. If you undergo surgery in many hospitals you must sign away ownership rights to your excised tissues, even if they turn out to have medical and fiscal value. Life itself is rapidly becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of the medical- industrial complex.
Deadly Monopolies is a powerful, disturbing, and deeply researched book that illuminates this “life patent” gold rush and its harmful, and even lethal, consequences for public health. It examines the shaky legal, ethical, and social bases for Big Pharma’s argument that such patents are necessary to protect their investments in new drugs and treatments, arguing that they instead stifle the research, competition, and innovation that can drive down costs and save lives. In opposing the commodification of the body, Harriet Washington provides a crucial human dimension to an often all-too-abstract debate.
Like the bestseller The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Deadly Monopolies reveals in shocking detail just how far the profit motive has encroached in colonizing human life and compromising medical ethics.
It is sure to stir debate—and instigate change. Amazon.com: Deadly Monopolies: The Shocking Corporate Takeover of Life Itself–And the Consequences for Your Health and Our Medical Future. (9780385528924): Washington, Harriet A.: Books
Govt. does not dictate my health decisions — Liberals are now societies’ conformists. Exiting the matrix.
Economics professor Dr. Asatar Bair – applauds the Soviet Union ruler Joseph Stalin’s discussion style and contributions to Marxism …. while others point out that Stalin’s regime killed millions of people.
The man was neither savior nor saint, but he was, at once, a very successful revolutionary, a contributor to Marxist theory, and said to be a great listener and collaborator during discussions.
Stalin intentionally starved millions of Ukrainian’s, killed millions and purged his own people and threatened the free world until 1953.
See You Again – Music Travel Love (Lyrics).
Tell us more about this ‘fair and balanced’ view you hold?
The fairness doctrine of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, was a policy that required the holders of broadcast licenses to both present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was honest, equitable, and balanced.
The New York Times was a failing newspaper before changing its business model to muckraking on Trump. Fox News had to drop its “Fair and Balanced” motto because that’s false advertising. CNN should be renamed the “Know-Nothing Network.” Info Wars‘ listeners are freakin’ certifiable.
If you’ve spent any time on social media, or in the inescapable presence of extended family, you’ve heard someone slagging on the news sources they disagree with. Their main grievance is, of course, how biased and unfair those news sources are when compared to their reliable, fact-based preferences.
While a mere annoyance in that moment, such mindsets have become a widespread social ill. We as a society require a consensus of truth to make sound social decisions, and the news is one of the gatekeepers to the facts required to build those truths.
When news content begins to prioritize opinions and tribalistic tendencies over journalistic integrity, it clouds the entire media landscape with suspicion, deepens political polarization, and allows readers to sidestep unwelcome evidence with alternative narratives.
Such a state is pernicious at the best of times, but in dire times, such as the coronavirus pandemic, the spread of unreliable information can be of fatal concern. Stalin created the Gulag archipelago in Russia.
I believe the gulags were in operation under Lenin, but expanded under Stalin. Correct. For people who would like to read about that.
Gulag | Definition, History, Prison, & Facts | Britannica
As a progressive music fan, the best insight into Stalin’s character for me came from (1) Dmitri Shoshtakovich’s memoir, Testimony – Bing video. Stalin was a sadist and DS spent the years after WW2 perpetually worried about a knock on the door for not orchestrating Georgian folk tunes. 2/ Even if he was forced to write a Stalin Prize-winning treacle like March of the Soviet Secret Police. Not the most important atrocity, but as a modernist to my toenails, I’ll never forgive how the attacks on “formalism” shut down the burgeoning post-revolutionary art scene.
3/ That DS managed to write such remarkable and original music up until his death while spitting out what was needed to placate the authorities is a Stalin testament (testimony) to the resilience of the human spirit. 4/ And the fact that he didn’t emigrate to where his most enthusiastic audiences were like Stravinsky and Prokofiev is a feature, not a bug for me.
Stalin testament (testimony) to the resilience of the human spirit.
He was a Russian patriot and honorable for that. Stalin was not perfect, but without him the USSR would not have been able to move from feudalism to a fully industrialized country. Holodomor genocide question – Wikipedia
Aside from me personally being a direct product of immigration due to this precise event, this post from an established university states the most realistic death toll was 3.9 million.
Holodomor | Holocaust and Genocide Studies | College of Liberal Arts | University of Minnesota (umn.edu)
A Soviet-Era Survivor Revealed How Life Was Like Under Joseph Stalin (businessinsider.com)
Marxism is about absolute control of everything by the state.
Under him 40 million perished so why it says 20 million is further proof that the historians are still split over the biggest blood curdling monster history has seen since the days of Genghis Khan . Soviet repressions of Polish citizens (1939–1946) – Wikipedia
Apparently it takes the genocide of about 7 to 10 million innocent lives to be deemed a “very successful revolutionary. Any credibility or “decent attributes” you have is kind of lost when that amount of blood is on your hands. The myth of it being an intentional act by Stalin was started by Ukrainian fascists during WWII (because Ukraine allied with the Nazis) To say that Stalin was a threat to “the free world” during this period of time is implied Holocaust revisionism. Who killed more people? Hitler Stalin Mao!!!
His mother wanted him to become a priest
Josef Stalin: Positives and Negatives by Adam Baumgardner
Fun fact: Johnny Cash was one of the first Americans to know of Stalin’s death (since he was in the Air Force, he monitored radio traffic in Europe, where he was stationed), and was/is worth ten of Stalin.
Remember when Stalin wanted to kill all the intellectuals and then no doctors wanted to tell him that he was dying (the Doctors Plot) they made a movie out of it.
And as we all know, the US has never committed any war crimes or contributed to any genocides in any way whatsoever and has never deliberately acted to quell democratic movements in weaker countries to keep them unstable and exploitable by our capitalist interests. America intentionally killed millions of people in India with famine.
America also kills like 20 million people annually from preventing people from getting food, proper medication, housing, and other easily preventable causes. Almost none of what you’re saying is true lmao. the USSR did all those things as well, even when they all lived in communes https://t.co/ErquySXZiB” / Twitter
“Kill Every Buffalo You Can! Every Buffalo Dead Is an Indian Gone”
Knowledge is power. The more we understand others, the better we are armed in dealing with them. wait until you find out what American founding fathers did to Africans and Native Americans… Garry Kasparov Keynote: Molotov-Ribbentrop 80 – Toronto September 12, 2019.
This idiot is proof our Socialist Progressive so called Institutes of Higher Learning have failed the United States.
We have #LostGenerations to this
Stalin was notoriously silent at meetings. A monster. Mao was also. Power corrupted both.One of the problems Marxism has in implementation is the centralized power required for that level of control. So far that power has been abused, as all power like it is. Not to mention murdering all the Polish people in the Katyn massacre and blaming it on Hitler at the time.
His post says a great deal about Dr. Bair and his lack of objectivity and understanding of history. By that standard, Hitler was a great contributor to Fascist theory. Lmao you are the co-founder of an organization of conservatives, whose entire policy is built around starving, punishing, and being cruel to the poor and minorities and that’s before we get to how long your organization covered for one of your guys preying on teen boys.
Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot are all villains of history and mass murderers. Full stop. Totalitarianism is bad, Whether it’s fascism, communism, or some other kind. It’s all bad. A liberal constitutional republic with checks and balances. That is the way to go.
Before being CCCP dictator, Stalin fundraised for the Russian revolution.
He committed bank robberies, extortion and kidnappings. I’ve also read when Stalin was in his 30s he had sex with 14 year old Lidia Pereprygina. I’m sure you’re NOT a big fan of Churchill, who starved 3 million Indians. Stalin replaced Hitler in 1945 and subjected the co-tine to 8 more years of authoritarian barbarism. 1932-1953 living under 2 golems… Mao and Stalin. intentionally kill Churchill and others are just unfortunate with their famines. The Koch fortune was built in Russia under Stalin, coincidence?
Stalin was perhaps the most lethally effective anti-communist in history . . . . when it comes to incarcerating and killing Communist Party members. The best thing I can say about Stalin is, if I owned a business where he couldn’t murder anybody, I’d select him to manage it over Trump. This didn’t happen, for people interested in learning the actual truth read “Fraud Famine and Fascism” available here: Douglas Tottle – Fraud, Famine and Fascism_text.pdf
Threatening western satanic hegemony is threatening the free world? Three men enter a bar in the USSR. One says, “Why did Stalin only write in lowercase?” The other one says, “Because he was afraid of capitalism.” The whole bar died laughing
1. Wrong. http://carlbeckpapers.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/cbp/article/view/89…https://garethjones.org/tottlefraud.pdf
2. By purging his own people and killing millions more, do you mean he rightfully sentenced Fascists and Whites to prison? Victims of Stalinism and the Soviet Secret Police: The Comparability and Reliability of the Archival Data-Not the Last Word (tripod.com)
3. Threatened the “free” world? Stalin tried multiple times to work with the “free” world only for the “free” world to sanction the USSR several times.
4. The “free” world proposed several nuclear strikes on China and a land invasion into the USSR which would have killed hundreds of million.
5. This “free” world also traded with the Nazis and Japanese, starved millions in colonies, locked up minorities, and supported the Whites.
White Terror (Russia) – Wikipedia
Он не только морил голодом украинцев,но и казахов. Из-за Сталина наша нация потеряла много людей.
Translate: He not only starved the Ukrainians, but also the Kazakhs. Because of Stalin, our nation lost many people.
The only thing with Stalin in it worth watching- Stalin was a stone-cold sociopath. His papers show he signed death warrants for his former fellow revolutionaries with zero emotion. He murdered Communists by the thousands to “cleanse” the Party.
Sounds like there’s a new hallucinogen in town.
Stalin is responsible for killing millions and millions of Russian citizens.
Fuck Stalin. How the hell do you starve your own people?
Then he sent someone to Mexico to kill the other devil Leon Trotsky.
Didn’t respect other nations territorial integrity.
Stalin is the only reason Emperor Adolph II isn’t presiding over a Nazi world government right now, you chud.
Stalin was a subhuman piece of sh*t! @#$% Stalin. And yet, liberals will embrace this. I honestly can’t understand what has happened to their intellect.
Source: Tell us more about this ‘fair and balanced’ view you hold?” / Twitter
Meeting Blinken, Israel’s Top Diplomat Aims to Fix Netanyahu ‘Mistakes’
U.S. airstrikes target Iran-backed militias in Syria, Iraq (msn.com)
Did you know that bees smell fear?
(Bonus points if you can name the movie that this is from! Movie camera)
Bee Movie/Transcript | Bee Movie Wiki | Fandom
Bee Movie – Bing video
Georgia Audit Documents Expose Significant Election Failures In State’s Largest County
“This is Bull Sh*t” – Iowa Teacher Fumes She Can’t Teach Marxist CRT in Her Classroom,
‘We Need to Tear the Systems Down’ (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)
I’m not racist. I hate any person that picks out a person & attacks them for the color of their skin or political choice. The person who calls another ‘racist, is truly a racist themselves, trying to project their bigotry onto someone else. Lefties, You do not practice what you preach. That’s a true BIGOT. I detest anyone who tries to destroy our country and our way of life and I don’t care what color they are. I don’t discriminate
There’s no talking to a Democrat but it’s not our fault that’s the way they choose it to be. Democrats are more angry now than ever; they’re angry
because of what they got themselves into.
They’re the ringleaders and will toss their BLM mates to the curb when they’re done with them. I hate no one. But feel sorry for those who are brainwashed into the false reality of government control. The fascists want us to grow to hate others and to become tribal.
This feeds their strategy. #DemocratsAreWorseThenCancer
According to white liberals you’re a racist if you don’t agree with all they say and believe. Specifically white liberal women. They are the downfall of society… That means you are the opposite of racist. Because the only racists are white liberals. It also means that you’re very likely undereducated, unintelligent and uninformed. They are bigots and the racist dividing our Constitutional Republic against one another!! It was never about flattening the curve, it was about flattening the middle class…
Look up the word “Dixiecrat” — it’s the history of the Democrat Party.
Americans Must Prepare For A Land Invasion Of The United States (free worldnews.tv)
Defend Yourself With The Best Tactical Flashlight Ep. 2512b – Trump Is 100% Insulated, Expect Fireworks, Justice Is Coming.
AOC calls the concerns over the spike in crime ‘hysteria’. https://youtu.be/YGIIpp_AX2w via @YouTube
Vivaldi – Summer – Presto [HD] https://youtu.be/IB5OsPwQVRA via @YouTube
Awesome video from a reformed democrat concerning brainwashing your children.
She speaks the truth !! Don’t allow these racist communist to destroy your children !!
Must listen https://youtu.be/XyCWdTihPyI via YouTube