so far as to veto their bipartisan plan if a larger bill did not materialize.
We are at the precipice of losing our country to Marxism.
What are you willing to do to save America?
What will you tell your grandchildren when they ask,
“What did you do to HELP save America?”
Frank Gaffney: 2022 Beijing Olympics Is Like 1936 Berlin Olympics (breitbart.com)!!! Frank Gaffney, vice-chair of the Committee on the Present Danger and host of Secure Freedom Radio, likened the 2022 Winter Olympics scheduled to be held in Beijing, China, to the 1936 Summer Olympics that took place in Berlin, Germany, during the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler. “This is 1936 all over again,” Gaffney said on Friday’s … edition of SiriusXM’s – Breibart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
“The international community went to Berlin, Germany, and held Olympic games that Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich turned into not only a monster propaganda coup, but a validation, and it emboldened them to believe that they could do whatever they wanted.”
He added, “The international community would be accommodating, or worse, pulling in behind them. This will be true in spades if Xi Jinping, in the wake of all of the horrors that he has unleashed on the world — not least of which with Tony Fauci’s help, unfortunately — is a murderous pandemic, for gosh sakes.” Marlow stated, “[There is] absolutely no excuse for a single American to participate in the Olympics in Beijing, and I don’t see any logic on why we would legitimize them that way.”
Gaffney helped launch Stop the Genocide Games, a petition calling for a relocation of the 2022 Winter Olympics.
Gaffney remarked, “The only other reason for allowing these games either not to be — moved which is preferable, honestly – or to be boycotted is that the athletes want to go. They want to go and they want to compete. They’ve been training so hard and all that.”
Gaffney said the Chinese Communist Party intends to acquire DNA samples from Olympic athletes for bioengineering purposes.
“But what the athletes need to know, [and] I have not heard very much discussion about this at all, is that without their permission — absolutely, positively, certainly — their DNA will be expropriated by the Chinese Communist Party and turned into part of their superhuman bioengineering operation,” Gaffney warned.
He continued, “And it won’t just be to make sure that Chinese athletes always win Olympic games in the future. It will be to build — as they are now talking about doing — armies of super warriors whose purpose will be … to destroy the rest of us, or certainly, at least to conquer and dominate us.”
He added, “These are the sorts of things that I think all have to be on the table — and should be urgently used to impress upon both the Olympic Committees — international and American — and the athletes, and the sponsors, and our politicians, because we don’t want any part of these games… We should make sure that nobody participates in them as long as the regime in Beijing is run by the Chinese Communist Party,” he concluded.
Frank Gaffney: 2022 Beijing Olympics Is Like 1936 Berlin Olympics (breitbart.com)
There will probably not come a day again in my lifetime where this country is able to unite regardless of our political views. That ship has sailed…far far far away. Turn me loose, set me free, somewhere in the middle of Free America. Just draw the boundaries, and tell me which side is free, and which side is woke. Build a wall because CRT has been in EVERYTHING to divide & brainwash our young people for DECADES!!
Just tell it like it is.
THAT is totally & completely Strategically designed by this Marxist Democrat party.
They do not want peace and America first.
You would have to do away with both party affiliations — and unite for the greater good — of the Country. It’s Only POWER for them. Almost impossible to believe how wide that divide has gotten. Especially as we come up on the 20 year anniversary of 9/11, an event that brought us closer than ever.
That day is called the coming of Christ!
Until Obama, Biden et. al-at the helm. Such a ship of fools never returns.
I will never unite with America hating liberals..
How can I possibly unite with people who hate our country?
Can’t they see Joe Biden suffers from dementia?
It’s undeniably true that FakePresident Joe Biden exhibits symptoms of someone with a deteriorating brain disease. The guy is a sexual predator also, so maybe he has syphilis of the brain too.
Matt Gaetz, Rudy Giuliani, and President Trump are getting framed for the crimes that the Biden family committed. The new Manhattan DA is being told to do anything necessary to put @realDonaldTrump in jail for life! Whereas President Biden@POTUS 12.1 Million Followers…. will scare you to death or thy should?

There’s a book written about this strategy …
Trump had four years to stop what he knew was a commie takeover but he let the Dems control the narrative every day of his Presidency. Never went on offense, just defense. Obama didn’t take it far enough so Biden and friends now saying FU we aren’t even hiding it. Too late…What now? I have been busy. What did Trump supposedly do now?
He was busy getting things done…. Stopping it probably required more people with integrity than exists in our government.
Or They were outnumbered by Bill Barr. As The Swamp was thicker than anticipated! Durham is our last hope to clean the swamp. Durham filed his petition on Nov 13 and it was docketed on Dec 8th. Initial document hearing on Dec 23rd, the day Barr resigned. Some decisions in the lower court may take precedent before the Supreme Court decision.
Just like the first impeachment when Trump was framed for what Biden did…And no one can do anything about it but whine. I’m pretty much fed up with one bad thing after another happening to America 1st Patriots while we’re being told this or that is GOING to happen and nothing ever happens. Good guys are pretty pathetic when it comes to fighting evil. Arrests or it’s time for We The People to fire these criminals. When is enough actually enough, when China invades or Civil War breaks out? They work for the U.S.
Dr. Fauci NIH Ebola Research Funding – Ebola United States It is time for us to rally and take control of their criminal acts! Enough..Dr. Fauci Ebola research gets millions of dollars of NIH funding… Ebola research exploring how Ebola spreads in people with implication for targeted Ebola treatments.
Next week will be terrible. All predictable. Won’t leave the guy alone!
The Founding Fathers were the original farmers.
Dems are the new framers..
Yup those people are sick and we all need to rally about this crap they are pulling!
It is up to us to stop it!!! @TheJusticeDept@FBI Par for the course.
When will something be done about the corrupt, evil Dems ??
Yup, straight from the liberal, socialist, communist playbook!
Alinsky 101
The Boomerang Effect Accuses your enemy of what you’re guilty of –
Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals | Virginia Right!
Perfected by #ClintonCrimeFamilyWe the People Had…ENOUGH!!
U.S., Russia and China Race to Address Growing Threats in Heart of Asia (msn.com)
Biden’s behavior raises serious questions about ‘who the heck is in charge’ – Bing video
Joe Biden Accused of Holding Infrastructure Deal ‘Hostage’ in Fresh GOP Showdown (msn.com)
Trump on “Strange” Biden Press Conference: “He Got Softballs… It Was Like A Different World” | Video
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date March 26, 2021
Who brought critical race theory to America:
Politicians want you to believe 80% of white people don’t want to acknowledge they’re racist or at least are complicit in racist institutions. Sounds about right!!! And every joint and drug any man has enjoyed has helped fuel the drug wars and cartels which affects Hispanics and indigenous people feel every day. Every time you enjoy chicken you’re helping the chicken farming industry ruthlessly farm hens. Comfort is oppressive.
An easier way to say this is that 58% of Americans hold an unfavorable view of Black people. No, let me help you. 58% of Americans don’t want their children brainwashed into being taught racist white hating ideologies. Real question. May I ask if you believe that in the past 500 years. Have white people not harmed other races at a disproportionate rate compared to other races? And if so, do you believe that there isn’t justification for the consequences of those past actions?
We don’t need CRT to understand white rage and why white people behave like animals toward their own kind and other races. So now we have black people committing a disproportionate amount of the violent crime in the US. Or just like wouldn’t we hold you responsible for the own actions insta of your (grand)father. Should you be held responsible for that?
While 58% of Americans don’t know what CRT is & don’t have the intellectual curiosity to find out AND that it’s way too advanced for children to comprehend. But, it’s the new Liberal “Willie Horton ” boogeyman intended to rile things up to turn out the black vote in 2022. Sad.
Which is the reason the left pushes it. Except real soon it will be federally mandated. We will see 3 flags on the pole. Guess which ones ?Breaking 911 baits its republican lunatic followers into believing the legitimacy of a poll when the sample size is incredibly small. but that won’t stop them from believing only what they want to believe…
Ah yes the next chapter in the culture war brought to us by DEMOCRATS. Critical race theory ( CRT) is a framework in jurisprudence that examines society and culture as they relate to categorizations of race, law, and power in the United States of America. It began as a movement in American law schools in the mid- to late 1980s as a reworking of critical legal theory on race issues.
In state houses across the country, Republican lawmakers are pushing to restrict how race is taught in classrooms. At least 22 states have proposed such bills, and they’ve already passed in five. Politicians now often call this type of legislation a ban on, quote, “critical race theory,” which has actual scholars of critical race theory frustrated.
Do you guys realize that CRT is only taught in high level college law classes? This is manufactured outrage trying to convince you guys that kids are being taught to hate America and you’re eating it up s.m.h. You know you’ve got a bad argument when 58% of Americans oppose your ideology. you’re doubling down stop just claiming nobody knows what it is, people know racism when they hear it.
Maybe Americans just don’t want their children brainwashed into prejudice and hating one another. #walkinlove
The Systems Thinking View of Simple, Complicated, Chaotic, and Complex – Net Objectives Portal
L0V£ourD1V£R§£¥…loveF£LL0W citizens…}G£Tit?!?!?!?!?!?!MAGA
LSSC12 : Decentralizing Control: How Aligned Initiative Conquers Uncertainty – Reinertsen on Vimeo
A Grateful Heart is a Happy Heart but this is the rule that really matters in life, the 95/5 rule.
I know, you think I’m bad at math and got the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) wrong,
It’s the People, Not the System
When I first learned about D. Edwards Deming’s idea that 95% of performance should be addressed to the system and only 5% to the people it seemed totally counter-intuitive to me. Not even the idea itself, but its consequences. I mean a simple thought that you can basically stop working individually with the people on their performance as it just doesn’t make any sense. The impact of suboptimal system improvements should be tenfold or better than the best possible people-related changes.
Then, after researching the subject a bit, I swayed to the other side. The examples shared by Deming or Eli Goldratt are undeniable. I can also find a lot of examples from my own experience how the system was impacting performance heavily. Not that I had the numbers, but it resonated well with me.
Now, finally, you know what I think? Both approaches are crap.
Yeah, I’ve just tried to piss off both: guys who strongly believe in Deming’s work and those who totally disagree with him with a single attempt.
What Deming Really Said
I guess this story started when I was looking for Deming’s quote on one occasion. It seems that the meaning people attach to his words wasn’t there initially. The original 95/5 thingy was not about performance literally but about variability in performance.
Let me use a sports analogy to explain that. Let’s take a basketball player. If he scores anything between 5 and 30 points a game, and neither extreme is an extraordinarily good or an extraordinarily bad game for him (meaning: it happens on occasions) , variability of his performance is high. As a comparison we can have another guy, a second-tier player, who regularly scores anything between 0 and 5 points. Variability of his performance is significantly lower, even though his average performance is significantly worse.
Now, it’s not a surprise that the system governs variability. I mean, the more repeatable the situation the less variability you can expect. If the team plays are consequently set to create situations for one player his performances will be sort of repeatable. He won’t be suddenly disappearing from the game. At the same the system also governs variability of performances of a role-player who joins the game only under special circumstances, e.g. when the team needs more three-pointers or maybe when one of important players is injured. Variability of performances of such a player will be significantly bigger.
Of course, to some point, the system also governs performance itself. Think what happens when the star sits on the bench throughout the whole game or when a guy who is typically a sub plays the whole game. It doesn’t mean, however, that you tell a third-tier player to substitute a team leader and expect them to score 30 points a game. It’s not going to happen in a consistent manner. (For basketball fans: yes, I know Jeremy Lin’s story, but that’s an exception.)
What Deming was talking about was basically that the system governance is responsible for creating a stable and repetitive environment so people’s performances are controllable. Again, it’s not about how exactly people perform, but how their performance varies from day to day.
In fact, the above statement is mostly an interpretation too. Deming was talking about the system being, or not being, in statistical control which isn’t exactly performance variability, but for the sake of this argument let’s leave it as it is and not complicate things even further.
Anyway, Deming Is Still Wrong
So far I made an attempt to convince you that: first, Deming was basically talking about performance variability and second, the impact of the system on performance itself, while existent, isn’t anywhere close to 95%.
However, we shouldn’t forget Deming’s background, which is a factory floor. In other words it’s a place where workers are supposed to produce the same things in a repeatable manner. I could exploit the basketball analogy further by pointing that every game, heck, every play is different, but I guess in software development we simply don’t need that analogy anymore. It’s enough to ask: how many times have you built exactly the same feature?
And for all three of you who accidentally had this chance: how many times have you built the feature a second time in exactly the same way you did the first?
I bring this argument to show that in knowledge work, or sports, we naturally have significantly higher variability to deal with. And, unlike on a shop floor, that is good. What’s more, there is a different value attached to every single thing we develop. In fact, it’s even worse than that. Very often we don’t know exactly what value is attached to a work item we’re going to build.
This means that in such a situation we should use a very different statistical mechanism than Deming based on. We need to take into account both expected cost and expected payoff. The latter, naturally, isn’t taken into consideration on a shop floor as in this situation payoff for each part is well known. In knowledge work, on the other hand, payoff function is extremely important and never flat.
Coming back to the basketball analogy: if you wanted to bet which player is going to score 30+ points during the next game would you rather choose this reliable guy who averages 15.0 and who always scores double-figure but rarely, if ever, exceeds 20.0 or rather that crazy shooter who (surprise, surprise) averages 15.0 as well but, depending on a day, can score either nothing or 40+ points? Bravo! You’ve just chosen higher variability, which is totally against what Deming taught us.
This is because you’ve taken the payoff into account. In the former case any payoff is almost impossible as, because of low variability, it’s highly unlikely that the guy is going to score 30+ points. The other case is a different story though.
Now, especially when we think about product development we are in a betting business. We bet that this or that feature will bring a ton of new users or a truckload of money. We can’t ignore the payoff function. We can’t assume the payoff function is flat. In either case we’d be throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Besides, Who Does Create the System?
I’m not done yet. I don’t challenge the idea that the system affects performance. I simply challenge the so-called 95/5 rule or, to be more precise, I challenge the way some people interpret the so-called 95/5 rule.
The question we should be asking is who (co-)creates the system. If we start with Deming he points to shaping the system as a management responsibility. This is probably very true on a factory floor. We are not at the factory floor though.
Let’s stay for a moment within the software development perspective and think what exactly an equivalent of a production line is.
Obviously, one part would be organizational culture. What are general ways things are done in the organization? Does the org use a lean / agile or rather a heavy-weight, formalized approach? How do your clients act? These general rules will be difficult to change.
However, when we consider a lower level it’s a different game. Let’s try to translate low-level manufacturing processes to software development. Production line would likely be a sort of a process: analysis, coding, testing, deployment, etc. What’s interesting though is what is happening on each of these stations. How exactly is the work done? Who makes decisions on how the work is done?
Take coding for example. Who decides whether unit tests are there or not? How many of them? What kind of tests? Who decides on a specific coding style? A manager? Um, no, not really. Most, or even every, of those decisions are made by a coder – a worker.
Now, the important question: do such decisions define the system which a developer operates in? Obviously! Just think what is going to be the outcome of the work of a cowboy coder and what happens when a worker is an eXtreme Programming fan. These are different systems indeed.
The conclusion of this story is that in our world workers can influence the system heavily, thus completely changing Deming’s equation.
One might point out that leaving people free and empowering them is still the part of the system design which is still the management job. I’d disagree. One thing is that adopting a technique or a practice isn’t comparable to moving the machines on a factory floor. I can perfectly start writing unit tests and it doesn’t instantly require everyone else to change the way they work.
Another thing is that it’s way easier to be a Grace Hopper follower in our industry. We can easily change the part of the system that goes through our desks, no matter whether we are empowered to do so or not. Eventually, if anyone notices (which isn’t that obvious by the way) we should have enough information to have meaningful discussion about the impact of how we’ve done our work.
All in all, in knowledge work there’s no clear line that separates the system from the people, thus the whole notion of addressing a specific part of influence to one or the other is flawed.
It’s the People, Stupid!
The last piece of this puzzle is a story. Not that long ago I joined the organization that is exceptional when compared to its surroundings. I’m far from saying that it is a perfect system already, but it’s definitely the most mature company that I’ve ever been working with.
In fact, it’s not only the maturity of the software development process we have but also this touchy-feely stuff we call the atmosphere. Not a dream job (yet) but pretty damn close to it when compared to everything else I’ve had a chance to experience.
Let’s try to translate this to a system definition then. It would be pretty effective. It would be delivering high-quality stuff. It would be a great environment to work at. It would help everyone to grow. How could one possibly not like it?
The only problem is that I’ve lost one third of technical stuff over the course of a few months. The system? No, the people! Their individual needs, frustrations and dreams. Their unique contributions to what the system is, or has been.
Because at the end of the day, in our world, the system is not machinery with replaceable humanoid parts; it is inseparably connected with the people who operate within the system. Change a single person and the whole system is different. Suddenly the rules of the game have changed and everyone else operates in a very different system. And the only thing that has changed is a single person has left.
My message in all that is that we should first understand our work, how it gets done and what kind of system we operate in. Because when we think about that it becomes obvious that there’s no simple way of separating the people from the system in the knowledge work domain, especially when we’re talking about a small scale, e.g. dozens of people, not thousands of them.
At the same time I’m challenging the common notion of Deming’s rule because it’s nothing close to what Deming really said and it is simply flawed in our domain anyway.
At the end of the day you should understand the system (obviously!) but focus on the people too if you want a significant change.
Of course one must focus on people, because the “system” in this context is a “social system” and a “cultural system” more than a “system of (manufacturing) processes” — even though some still like to see and present it as such, for various reasons.
Don’t Judge until you spend a day in their shoes. A Democracy only last 250 years
People will come & go in your life. HOWEVER, THE ones who STAY…touches ur Heart R True friends
-whether near or far
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