John Mayer – Waiting On the World to Change (Official Music Video).
The One Sign You Have to Drag Out of the House…
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Chatty Gemini also loves to be in environments that are invigorating to
her vivacious spirit, but that doesn’t necessarily mean roaring parties and rambunctious crowds. Occasionally they’ll let loose at a concert, but these renowned dual personalities flourish more in spaces where they can moderate intellectual conversations. Geminis are content in the comfort of their own homes, enjoying their own company. If they should throw a shindig, it’s likely to be something small.
You can find Geminis hosting a small book club in the backyard with
fancy hors d’oeuvres, followed by a deep discussion about a new novel.
You might also catch them at a small networking event, brushing up on their personal branding skills. And you can expect them to host an intimate watch party for the latest environmental documentary that just came out on Netflix, right in their living room. Basically, these social creatures don’t get on the VIP list, they create it.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of Evil is for
Good Men to do nothing.
Actions Determine Your Destiny

God ✞ Truth ✞ Justice & The American Way ✞ Worldwide Geopolitical
Warrior ✞ Advocate of God’s Law & Justice ✞ No Mercy for the Evil or Wicked ✞ Questioning the narrative, question everything and form your own opinions but don’t try to change mine! It is NOT about a virus!


Life is for living, not just existing!

if U stand 4 something, let it B freedom. if U have freedom B thankful. if U R Thankful, do the right thing & protect it. my views R my own– because I am FREE!!! I know my mind and love my life. I don’t want a New Normal.
I love music, movies & blogging about


I’m a proud American! I love this country and our president is still
Donald Trump by a landslide ! Puppet Joe was put there by deception!
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion #NoMoreLockdowns #NoNewNormal
I AM Just your average 𝑷𝒂𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑨𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒏 & God fearing guy
who loves his nation & & will ALWAYS strive to find ℙ𝕆𝕊𝕀𝕋𝕀𝕍𝕀𝕋𝕐 in all situations! Great things never come from comfort zones….Faith beats fear every time if you let it…Hope is being able to see the light despite all the darkness… THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
LiveWell, Love Much and Laugh Often!!!
Living and loving my life. “I’m a strong believer in” you reap what you sow,” “LOVE is the greatest gift of all”.
Too many of you are too afraid to face the inadequacy of your own slothfulness, yet want to face the evils of humanity to save America and the world. I’ve seen too many men with bigger boobs than women. I’ve seen too many women with bellies bigger than men. America is so unhealthy & unfit, mentally & physically. We ain’t winning shit like this. Worse than you think. Young people today have less dense bones than youths of the past because of less physical activity. The military is having to lessen training strain as otherwise, injuries mount.
This is a huge National Security issue. Huge.
The Human Body…. Working In Unison…. Is A Miracle Within Itself!!!
(1) The Central Nervous and Circulatory System Works in Unison.
How the Human Body Works documentary – Bing
Which of the five senses do you treasure the most?

Technically we have loads more than Five Senses.
Proprioception – being an obvious extra one.
perception or awareness of the position and movement of the body.
“Exercises to improve balance and proprioception.”
Mostly, ‘MY 6TH SENSE” Gut instinct about people and the shit they are about to pull. However, of the traditional 5 I’d go for hearing as it connects you with people and music
The holy spirit But I can smell most things before I see, taste, touch, or hear them.
Most people say sight. But isn’t it more isolating not being able to talk to people?
Sight… Can read, write and see… Gigabytes more information in sight than all other senses combined.
Seeing & Hearing. It really is almost impossible to tell which is more important.
The songs you love, or the faces you love. Almost impossible. Seeing wins out a bit.
(1) What is the sixth sense?
(2) What is the sixth dimension?
(3) What is the 6th Dimension? – Bing video
(1) What is the sixth dimension science – Bing video
(2) What is the sixth dimension of space – Bing video
(3) What is the sixth dimension in physics – Bing video
“Does the president believe that a 15-week-old, unborn baby is a human being?”
A reporter asked Jen Psaki during the daily White House press briefing.
“Are you asking me if the president supports a woman’s right to choose?” replied Psaki, dodging the question. “He does.”
Biden’s support for abortion in all stages, despite claiming to be a devout and faithful Catholic, has recently resurfaced in the news after the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) voted to clarify the guidelines for
pro-abortion politicians receiving communion.
“Joe Biden is a strong man of faith and as he noted just a couple of days ago, it’s personal,” Psaki said, adding that the president did not “see it through a political prism.”
“That’s how many Americans feel as well,” she added.
Psaki also ignored follow-up questions about Biden’s struggle with the USCCB over the issue of abortion. “I think we’re going to move on to the next question, because I’ve just answered that, and it’s personal,” she said. On Friday, Biden challenged the bishops on the issue.
“I don’t think that’s going to happen,” he said to reporters at the White House.
White House Dodges Question About Humanity of 15-Week Unborn Baby (breitbart.com)
Humanity is Waiting in line to file for unemployment benefits in Fort Smith, Ark., last April!!!
The Pandemic Stimulus Was Front-Loaded. That Could Mean a Bumpy Year.
The U.S. economy is about to face a new challenge that has its roots in the arithmetic of growth: That which fiscal stimulus giveth, fiscal stimulus taketh away.
The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan enacted in March, as well as a $900 billion pandemic aid package passed in December, are heavily front-loaded. They were set up to get money out the door fast. But one consequence of that strategy is that fiscal policy in the quarters ahead will subtract from economic growth.
Economists mostly project that the economy, with strong momentum in the labor market and huge pools of pent-up savings by households, will be strong enough to keep growing despite the fading of the fiscal boost. To avoid an economic downturn, a huge handoff must occur from government-driven demand to the private sector. The mainstream view is that this will be successful.
But there are aspects of this unusual economic moment that could make the road ahead bumpy. There is no modern precedent for such huge swings in sums the government is pumping into the economy. And there is a risk — recently acknowledged by a top Federal Reserve official — that if pandemic-era savings are disproportionately held by the affluent, they will sit on that cash rather than spend it. “We’re definitely going to see a huge drop-off in fiscal stimulus,” said Nancy Vanden Houten, lead economist at Oxford Economics.
“The question then is how well positioned is the economy to deal with that,
and we don’t really know for sure, which applies to so much about this period we’re going through.” Most Americans who were to receive stimulus checks of a combined $2,000 per person have already gotten them. The Treasury Department said this month that $395 billion of that cash is now shipped, which is slightly more than the payments in the American Rescue Plan were projected to cost when it was passed.
While unemployment insurance payments remain elevated, that spending is also tapering as people return to work — and supplements to those payments are scheduled to expire in September. Much of the other spending was either near-term, focused on things like vaccine rollout, or will be spent very gradually, such as on an expanded child tax credit and grants to state and local governments.
Overall, government spending added 8.5 percentage points to the economic growth rate in the first quarter, according to calculations by the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at the Brookings Institution. But that so-called fiscal impact is forecast to turn slightly negative in the second and third quarters — and then act as a meaningful drag on growth in the fourth quarter of 2021 and in 2022.
By the second quarter of 2022, fiscal policy is on track to subtract 3.3 percentage points from the growth rate, considerably more than the 2.2-percentage-point subtraction in the third quarter of 2011, which was the most extreme quarter in the last post-stimulus hangover of the previous recession. That could change depending on where negotiations on infrastructure and family support policies lead, but those policies would be expected to influence fiscal policy over many years — they are back loaded rather than front-loaded — so they shouldn’t radically change the near-term future.
The case for staying calm even as federal spending plummets rests on the rapid growth of the private sector in recent months. Employers are adding to their payrolls at a breakneck pace, so rising compensation ought to prop up consumer spending even as government support goes away. Businesses report being in an expansionary mood, which bodes well for investment spending. And overseas economies should start to surge ahead as other countries achieve more widespread vaccination, which would be good news for American exports.
“I think the basic story is that the economy is reopening, so it can take the fact that this stimulus is coming off,” said Louise Sheiner, a senior fellow at Brookings.
Moreover, Americans are sitting on a vast pool of savings from money they didn’t spend on things like travel and restaurants during the pandemic. Households have saved an average of $282 billion per month since March 2020, compared with $103 billion a month in 2019.
So a big question for the economy in the second half of 2021 and 2022 is what happens to that cumulative additional savings of $2.5 trillion. Will it prop up near-term spending enough to keep growth on a strong track, or will Americans instead prefer the comfort of having a beefed-up balance sheet?
That’s where the distributional concern arises. To the degree that money is held by people who are financially well-off, they may be less likely to spend it and help propel the economy. “Today’s fiscal tailwinds are projected to shift to headwinds next year,” said Lael Brainard, a Fed governor, in a speech this month. “So an important question is how much household spending will continue to support growth into next year, as opposed to settling back to pre pandemic trends.”
On the other hand, the rapidly shrinking fiscal surge could help moderate the inflation pressures that have been building in the economy. Whatever you think of the decision to send $2,000 to people, there won’t be any more checks that might push demand even higher and risk fueling a cycle of inflation. Ultimately, this is another example of the ways the pandemic-driven economy is an unusual one.
The only real historical comparisons to the kinds of surges in government spending of the last five quarters involve the beginnings and ends of wars, which have their own economic dynamics. Which means it’s worth watching exactly what happens as the federal government pulls back, and whether American consumers and businesses and importers from around the world step up the way forecasters expect. 100 Most Dangerous Cities – 2021
100 Most Safest Cities in 2021 50 most meaningful jobs in America
(1) How to Start Healing During a Season … – The New York Times.
How to Beat Burnout — Without Quitting Your Job – Vistage Albuquerque (janicehoneycutt.com)
Map: What’s Your State’s Flea-and-Tick Season? – American Kennel Club (akc.org)
Celeriac, Potato, Leek and Apple Soup
Dr. Laura Esserman, the director of the Carol Franc Buck Breast Care Center in San Francisco, said she was shocked to learn of the prevalence of the problem when one of the speakers at a 2011 symposium she led on the management of breast cancer sympTOMS.
(1) When Pain Persists After Breast Cancer Surgery
Voter fraud: 1 in 3 Americans believe the ‘Big Lie’
The 30 worst habits when you’re stuck at home
(1) Dr. Laura Esserman, – Bing video
If You Have a Right to Burn My Flag
(Then I Have a Right to Kick Your Ass) – YouTube · Creed Fisher