So in this, do you believe the antichrist is the system?
A spirit? A person? D. All of the Above? Your view on 45? Good? Being used
by God? Or Luciferian? And thoughts on the former prophet Kim Clement? Was he legit or false? Thanks for your replies Bro!!!
From what I saw in the bible,
Kushner Unveils $50 Billion ‘Peace to Prosperity’ Plan for Mideast | Voice of America – English (voanews.com)
I believed that Trump would announce an Israeli peace agreement in June of 2019. https://www.voanews.com/usa/us-politics/kushner-unveils-50-billion-peace-prosperity-plan-mideast
Remember, Trump would not be elected for another 9 months…
How did I know that 3.5 years before it happened?
Nobody else was predicting that.
Ain’t many that would agree with me but I believe we’re now down
to around 5 1/2 years. Show me a 7 year tribulation in the bible…
It’s not there, there are (2×3.5 year periods.) with the first 3.5 being when they “ask you to join” and the second 3.5 being the TRIALS & TRIBULATIONS where you’ll suffer greatly if you don’t join…I believe we’re in the first 3.5 year period where they are establishing/ consolidating power. Trying any way they can to entice people to join them.
Right around mid 2023:
I believe the asking phase is gonna be over.
By that time, they will have clearly delineated who’s on what side.
You’ll either have done what they told you to (Join them) or you won’t
utilize their Banking, Utilities, Grocery stores, or Medical facilities.
This is about them building a Worldwide Army to fight Jesus Christ
when he returns to earth.
The Satanists know the full implications of Rev 16:16 and they know
the 7 year countdown began when the Israeli Knesset accepted that peace agreement (Notice the complete global chaos began within several weeks of the Knesset’s decision.)
The Satanists actually believe they can defeat the Creator of the cosmos.
Just as Jesus said, 99% of average Christians will be too busy with helicopter parenting their kids, or worrying about a non deadly virus or some other insignificant issue to notice his imminent return. This is just my opinion though…
Death Sentence | JTLP American Patriot (gab.com)
@40AcresandaPrayer I’ve been thinking along these lines too….
like everything else in the Bible, we have overanalyzed Revelation.
Christians don’t see the big picture because they are wrapped around some timing detail, and are like the old story about the man on the roof in the flood who keeps turning down rescuers, saying “God will rescue me…” and when God yanks him off the roof — he says to God “what took you so long?” God says, “who did you think was in the boat, and the helicopter, and the raft….”
@CJLowcountryPatriot @40AcresandaPrayer Let us look at Revelation for a minute, we know that Revelation takes place around Israel. Israel was not a nation again until 1948 when Psalms 48 mentions a birth in one day, that was Israel. Most people did not associate Israel with Revelation so nothing could happen until Israel became a nation again. So now let us look at Psalms 90 verse 10, generation is 70 years, with strength 80 years, but when strength, labour, and sorrow fails we fly away. Israel is 73 this year. Now let’s look at what Jesus stated, this generation shall not pass until all prophecies are fulfilled. Since the generation ends at 80 there are only 7 years left.
So let us look further into the bible, Song of Solomon 2 shows the bridegroom comes after winter in the spring when the fig tree branch is tender. We also see the mention of over the mountain the bridegroom comes, Behold, in Psalms 121 the mountain is mentioned as well as we shall no longer be smitted by the sun and moon, in seal 6 of Revelation we have the mention of the untimely figs from the fig tree, Matthew 24:32 the green branches and summer is nigh, as well as after we are taken to heaven then the sun will not touch us nor the heat and we shall be with the Lord and He takes us to God to have our tears wiped away.
So to see exactly where we are right now, Solomon, Psalms, Gospels for the fig tree, and seal 6 all say the same thing for the rapture.
Then we look further into Psalms and Revelation then we see that from
Psalms 121-128 matches seal 6 to chapter 19 for the 7 years and in Psalms that match with Revelation 20 Israel survived its youth. So we are indeed further along than what people want to believe. For soon the rapture of the church shall be here. Check it out for yourselves. For when sorrow-kingdom against kingdom and nation against nation fails, labour- the workforce is declining and fewer people are wanting to work, and strength- the time between 70 and 80 years when people shall be worn out. fails we fly away, Psalms 90 verse 10.
Nearly 4,000 fully vaccinated people in Massachusetts have tested positive for coronavirus. The easiest way to present the main reason why I don’t trust any of the rapture doctrine today is because some years ago when I was researching Marxism, I discovered that Rothschild had his hands in so many things that took root in the year 1844 and Darby with his dispensationalism and rapture were one of them. So I will start with Darby the man, funded by the house of Rothschild to bring confusion to your church and why it didn’t bother him to do so at all. Hold on rapture lovers this is going to take your breath away.
John Nelson Darby was a Satanist, Freemason and agent of the Rothschild-owned British East India Company, which was a powerful multinational corporation that supplied trade world-wide for the Crown.
And we now know after the Revolutionary war, via the Paris Treaty, the East India Company in the colonies ceased and Payseur became a debt collector for the Crown in its place in Virginia. We now know this later changed in 1871 to THE UNITED STATES INC. when congress sold the land to pay off its’ civil war debt via entering into a tri-corporate agreement between the Vatican and London Bank, via using Vatican’s gold to pay off the Crown.
Darby’s family owned Leap Castle, which was famous for being the most sinister and occult castle in Ireland’s history. But, he soon became more famous for being the leader of a Christian sect called the Plymouth Brethren (named for Plymouth, England, where its most popular gatherings were held). He is generally credited with originating the “Secret Rapture” doctrine and made several trips to America to spread his ideas.
The Rothschild’s committed their fortune to the Zionist movement, beginning around but no later than 1829. Now this was a shared effort with the Oligarchy/Cabal and concealed from the public. A secret society movement to help achieve its global policies through international organizations that later grew into Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, and an upper level of Freemasonry. With its highest identifiable source as the Rothschild banking dynasty. Their shared goal is to bring Lucifer out into the light and to do away with the Christians, or at least move them into confusion in order to direct them into a one world religion. Which today is the sustainable development goals for the 21st century that are the big push of the United Nations.
Which is controlled by Babylon the Great.
Now one of the other things that happened in 1844 was the World Zionist Movement officially organized in New York City. Also brought to you by Rothschild’s and the Secret Societies who sought to rule the world. At the same time in 1844, Darwin’s Theory on Evolution and Marxism reached a popularity and these pet projects were now recognized and pushed as truths even though all were theories.
All of these theories were funded and or encouraged by the secret cabal to serve their bidding. I have done a lot of research on the year 1844 and was wanting to do a book on it titled, “1844” With a subtitle, “The Year Satan Pulled Out All His Guns”.
For all the seeds planted in 1844 grew into monsters of acceptable practice of today. Even cyber warfare was born in 1844 with the telegraph and the first overseas communication. The message sent was, “What hath God wrought?”
I always thought the Prince of the Power of the air was mocking God…as it should have stated, “What hath Satan Wrought?”
Today it has grown into the World Wide Web and Cyber Warfare.
Everything from 1844 has grown into a monster used by the Satanic Cabal to control the masses today. From the work of James Perloff, he has documented a very thorough history of Darby and all the Cabal/Illuminati movements generated by the same. Here are some of the excerpts to his link on the subject:
“Darby used many terms in common with occult Theosophists—he referred to Jesus as “the coming one” (same term New Agers use for the Antichrist); referred to God as the “architect” (same phrase employed by Freemasons, meaning “God” for the uninitiated, “Lucifer” to true adepts); and many other occult phrases, as summarized in this article.
“Darby even penned his own satanic version of the Bible.
The Illuminati have always known they could not perform a wholesale transformation of the Bible, because it would be recognized as such and rejected. Therefore the approach through the centuries has been to whittle it away: a word here, a phrase there—the universal strategy of boiling the frog.
“Darby slyly introduced satanic wording into the Biblical text. For example, in the King James rendering of John 6:69, Peter told Jesus: “And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.” Darby rendered this: “And we have believed and known that thou art the holy one of God.” “Holy one of God” is a title used for Jesus only by demons in King James. For a comprehensive review of Darby’s satanic mistranslations, see the article John Nelson Darby Version: Doctrinal Changes to the Holy Bible.
No one wants to hear that the beliefs and interpretations to the Bible they have memorized and believed, and shared with others to bring to the Lord are a tool of the illuminati and the same Cabal that stole the election and is pushing vaccines and wants to rule the world in a tyranny after it is depopulated. No Christian wants to know they were duped by Satan himself into believing a lie. No one wants to hear that.
But it has to be heard. If not now…when? It will be too late to come out of her my people. So anyone wanting to argue over scriptures…we can. But before we put energy batting words back and forth. Look and see whose message you are spreading. For it is not of the Lord, it is of the very thing you hate. It is the same Cabal that little by little stole your Constitutional Freedoms and God given rights. These same ones are behind stealing your Jesus and making his message twisted into something that is not true.
Dispensations take the entire Bible and censors things saying they no longer apply and fits things where they don’t belong. It leaves room to twist and reinterpret and destroy the true meaning of what God’s Word said. It is literally an abomination to the meaning of the Word of God. All to dumb you down –
it is the fake news of the Bible!
FAKE with a little truth here and there.
Please read the motivations as to why the Cabal had Darby teach it and
how the Cabal has modified it all along the way.
More excerpts:
“Unfortunately, as we will now see, Fundamentalism was itself infiltrated and hijacked, consistent with the Rothschild strategy of funding both sides of wars. Fundamentalist churches were targeted to enlist their support for the Zionist agenda. The two principal agents in this scheme were
John Nelson Darby (1800-1882) and Cyrus Scofield (1843-1921)
What Darby planted, Scofield watered and disseminated. The theology they developed served the agenda by making several claims:
• God wanted the Jews to return to, and take over, Palestine.
• God has two plans of salvation—one through the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
the other a guarantee reserved for Jews, his “Chosen People.”
• Christians should not involve themselves in politics, education, business or the arts, as these are “worldly” matters that should be left in the hands of “worldly” people. (The consequences of this doctrine are very visible in American culture today.)
• God deals with mankind differently during different historical time frames or “dispensations,” of which there are seven. The current one, “Grace” under Jesus Christ, is merely the sixth of the seven dispensations.
• The Christian Church is doomed to inevitable failure, which will bring the Dispensation of Grace to a close.
• The end of this dispensational age will be marked by the Tribulation—worldwide persecution under the Antichrist for a period of seven years; however, Christians need not concern themselves with this, since Jesus will “Rapture” believers off the Earth and they won’t be around to experience it.
• Earth will then experience a Jewish era; Jewish ritualistic animal sacrifices will be reinstituted; Jesus will reign for a thousand years from Solomon’s rebuilt temple in Jerusalem.
These doctrines, whose main outcome was “Christian Zionism,”
might seem boring to atheists and agnostics, but they are nonetheless exceedingly relevant to the state of the world. They are espoused by celebrity-status theologians like Hal Lindsey, Pat Robertson and John Hagee, in the best-selling Left Behind book series, and are prevailing views in many conservative evangelical churches. Without these ideas?
The Demon Hunter’s Compendium: The Elemental of Leap Castle (demon hunter’s compendium.blogspot.com)
I’m Sunshine mixed with a little Hurricane….I’m not perfect

Angels are going before you to prepare your way and behind you to be your rear guard. God guides and provides. He leads you in paths of righteousness
for His name’s sake. Don’t give this much importance to angels in day to day…life…otherwise it will question the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit which we freely receive from Him. And, you forgot about the Holy Spirit???? Bless The Lord O My Soul for reminding me of HIS faithfulness towards me!!!!


So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives.
Then you won’t be doing what your
sinful nature craves. ^!^ Galatians 5:16 NLT.
A young tech worker takes a job at a powerful Internet corporation,
quickly rises up the company’s ranks, and soon finds herself in a perilous situation concerning privacy, surveillance and freedom. She comes to
learn that her decisions and actions will determine the future of humanity. Casts: Emma Watson, Tom Hanks, John Boyega, Karen Gillan, Ellar Coltrane Watch The Circle 2017 full HD on Actvid.com Free
Watch The Human Stain 2003 full HD on Actvid.com Free
End Times Revelation
Give me the day Give me the air See the world with open eyes Not feel like
I’m so alone I walk the line The arms of time Change the day Turn the hour….
Robert B. Reich: America’s greatest danger isn’t China; it’s much closer to home.
Biden issued a curious domestic terrorism strategy — the FBI should proceed with caution.
Vladimir Putin Warns of ‘Unpredictable Incidents’ as U.K. Denies Russia Fired on Warship.
I’m in a maze Nobody here No memory left It disappeared

America is lost.
That’s how important this election was.
I weep for the soul of America now.
20 of the most bizarre stories from the bible.
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Jann Klose DOING TIME Music Video – YouTube