It’s there to humble you and teach you a thing or two about yourself.
Life should not be met to be lived by the status quo “old money” versus “new money” and who has the most. Before my cancer: I had an extremely stress filled job in my life as an insurance claims adjuster with clients always wanting you there yesterday. Heck my work schedule was always three weeks out … adjusters are scarce people nobody wants those jobs.
So it was always go – go, push and shove and not thinking about your health. Therefore, having cancer has a steep learning curve and a tough lesson about seeing the good and bad in all of us. Why is jealousy such a powerful emotion that it can cause people to say hurtful things?
Within that learning curve: I even look at the Alabama Gulf Coastline differently today. With four main rivers flowing into the Gulf ( The Great Mississippi, Rio Grande, Grijalva and Usumacinta.) Each spring the farmers spread fertilizer on their land and rain washes these fertilizers off the land…. into the streams and rivers flowing into the Gulf reducing oxygen (hypoxia) creating dead zones.
It’s when these dead zones are being created in disputed depths of between 3750 to 4384 feet of water. While water testing in the Gulf of Mexico is showing increased levels of arsenic out of the Gulf. So why eat any seafood from it. . . for Christ Sakes people, why are we messing with mother nature
and an ecosystem that is so vital for life and living.
However the greatest thing cancer has taught is that no matter what …
Live the Life You Love and Love the Life You Live. While living where you love to live it and love doing the things you love doing. Also never take life for granted its way too short. Hurricane Frederic in 1979 was the last hurricane to strike Alabama Coastline and prior to that the last Cat 3 wind storm was in 1916. Hurricanes usually go either to the east or west of Alabama.
That said though, ‘never take your life for granted or what it has given you. . . it can change instantly. It could have been the stress of last season’s hurricanes that caused my recurrence but I don’t know for sure.
ALL I KNOW IS That I became very ill and there’s nothing to blame.
Different strokes for different folks if you Love Living along the coast.
I promise you… you will live where your heart is. Some people love paddle boarding out into the gulf to paddle where the dolphin swims. For me I find the excitement that enters into my body comes from walking nature paths and listening to The Old Oak Tree Andrew Jackson stood upon to talk to his troops. Read More: Sweet Home Alabama | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)
Happy Birthday Mallory

Negativity is A Thief That Steals Happiness!

How To Heal Our DNA with the Assistance of Our Innate Self (innerself.com) Bing images
The Smith Cancer Saga — Can Cancer Be Cured Naturally?
By Huda Munir Last updated Mar 11, 2017
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity;
and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein!!
The only thing we are sure about in cancer treatment is that it has
a direct link with good nutrition. Proper nutrition, which includes essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, and fats, ensures that the body has the vital ingredients to rebuild and repair its tissues and cells during the vigorous treatment regimes. Eating healthy before, during and after treatment is essential to help the patient heal.
However, not everything is clear about nutrition therapy and cancer.
Like, for example, we don’t know the extent to which nutrition can help,
or that can cancer be completely cured only through nutrition therapy?
Can we bypass chemotherapy and radiation by adopting proper nutrition?
Is it possible to stop cancer metastasis by consuming the right diet?
For the last 50 years, chemotherapy has been the only choice of treatment for different neoplasms i.e. abnormal growth of tissues. However, some carcinomas can be cured through medication only as well. Chemotherapy and radiation kill cancerous as well as normal cells. Apart from nutrition, the role of botanical extracts and herbal medicines is also unclear.
It should be noted that one of the most powerful anti-cancer drugs is ‘Taxol’ which contains plant extract of ‘Taxus brevifolia’.
The fact of the matter is that cancer patients are given a Hobson’s choice
for their treatment. Hospitals, doctors and pharmaceutical industries, intentionally or unintentionally, propagate the idea that conventional treatments are the only cure for cancer. Otherwise the only option left is death.
Cancer patients don’t have much of an option, even though there are many stories of cancer survivors who have shunned conventional treatment and who claim to have cured their cancer using an aggressive nutrition regime or botanical extracts. One such story has been narrated by Carol Smith about her husband’s battle with bladder cancer.
THE Trevor Smith Cancer SAGA
According to Carol Smith in 2012 her husband Trevor Smith 52 years old at the time, was diagnosed with stage T2A bladder cancer. After double consultations in the UK and the US, Trevor was recommended chemo, radiation and radical surgery which would remove Trevor’s bladder, prostate and intestines. An artificial bladder would also be constructed for Trevor to pass urine.
There was a twist in the tale.
The doctors forgot to tell the couple that if Trevor undergoes the operation,
he would only be able to live for 24 to 30 months and that too as an invalid.
The couple decided to think this through and seek alternative treatments.
In Carol Smith’s own words, “The oncologist and the surgeon were nearly forcing us to get the procedure done. The surgeon even booked a date for us.
We just felt that we needed to slow down a bit and consider all the options.”
During these tumultuous times, Carol stumbled upon a natural cancer cure called ‘Essiac’ h. Essiac is an alleged herbal cure for cancer made up of
four different herbs: Burdock Root, Slippery Elm Inner Bark, Sheep Sorrel
& Indian Rhubarb Root. All the herbs have roots in native Canadian Ojibwa Indian culture and the treatment was discovered by Rene Caissie.
Trevor was administered the treatment within a week of his diagnosis and a naturopathic was also consulted. Following the blood tests, it was found out that he was deficient in Vitamin D. A new plan of action was put together and his diet was revised. It should be noted the couple did not forgo conventional medical aid such as the use of MRI scans, biochemical tests and even laser surgeries to remove Trevor’s tumors, but instead used them in combination with their alternative plan of natural healing..
“The conventional doctors gave my husband 18 months to 2 years to live,” Carol said, adding “It has been 19 months since my husband was diagnosed and my husband is cancer-free and he has his bladder intact.”
Candidly, Carol Smith also acknowledged the use of an illegal substance, Cannabis Oil, for her husband’s treatment for 90 days and said that it had played a major role as well. Contrary information on the association between marijuana and cancer exists in the scientific community.
Some literary reviews cite it as a probable cause of cancer, while others argue the use of weed through smoking may be a contributing factor.
While some clinical trials have shown positive effects of using poppy plant extracts to kill cancerous cells. The Cannabidiol (CBD) present in cannabis was recently found to be effective in killing cancerous cells in breast cancer through the process of apoptosis i.e. programmed cell death and is being proposed for further investigation as a potential antineoplastic agent.
In the same way, Trevor Smith’s diet was completely changed and he was no longer allowed to consume dairy, sugar, white flour, white potatoes or any kind of processed foods such as pastries, meats, cheeses etc. Trevor only ate a plant-based diet with small portions of fish and chicken, He was also given large doses of vitamins such as C, D3, B17 and K2. Likewise, in the initial stages, detox powders were added to the diet but later on he was given DHEA to boost the immune system.
Carol Smith has also written a book on her husband’s cancer journey called ‘Taking Control’ under the pseudonym of ‘Alyssia Sade’. “It is shocking that we are led to believe that there is no cure for Cancer, our story is a living proof there is another way and I am now consumed with only getting the word out that cancer does not need to mean death,” said Carol Smith.
Most oncologists would say that nutrition-based treatment is not being adopted due to lack of substantial scientific evidence. However, if there is a window of opportunity, why not explore it? Search Results for Cannabis Oil | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)
5 Best CBD Oils For Cancer in 2020 | Redstorm Scientific
The Trevor Smith Story: How he beat bladder cancer naturally with cannabis oil – www.CureYourOwnCancer.org
Bladder Cancer Healed with Alternative Therapies (Trevor Smith) ⁄ Cancercompassalternateroute.com
The Trevor Smith Story: How he beat bladder cancer naturally with cannabis oil – www.CureYourOwnCancer.org
(1) robin swan cannabis – Bing
(1) trevor smith cancer – Bing
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Biography of Dr. Carl O. Helvie

Dr. Carl O. Helvie born in Gouverneur, New York, on August 13,1932. and departed this life on December 3, 2019 in Hampton, Virginia was a world-renowned nursing educator and nursing theorist. His specialties are public health and holistic medicine. Some of his special concerns are holistic treatment of cancer, the homeless, predicting future behavior of clients through the life cycle, and nursing care in other countries besides the United States. He is best known for his nursing theory entitled Helvie Energy of Nursing and Health.
He is also known for his account on how, using holistic health measures, he survived a fatal diagnosis of lung cancer in 1961.He was always headed for a career in nursing, which was quite unusual for the time. Upon graduating from high school in 1954, he went to work for a hospital in Rochester, New York, where he was awarded his R.N in 1958. From there, he became head nurse at Bellevue Hospital in New York City. Attending school at night, Dr. Helvie obtained his BSN in 1958 at New York University.
From there, Dr. Helvie moved to San Francisco, where he used his Public Health certification to work for the Veterans Administration, San Francisco Health Department and the Oakland Health Department.
He had the honor of being San Francisco’s first male public health nurse. This was quite a step forward for male nurses at this time; and it was necessary for him to move to California to obtain a position. In 1961, he was offered a scholarship at the University of California to participate in a master’s program in Public Health. He also adopted a holistic lifestyle to cure his diagnosed lung cancer, while continuing school and work.
The nursing theorist secured a lecture position at the University of California upon his graduation, becoming the first male public health instructor in the state.
However, to progress in the teaching field at the University of California,
a PhD was needed. So, in 1965 he entered the master’s and PhD program in public health at John Hopkins University. Dr. Helvie has commented that his past education was science and disease based, whereas the education at John Hopkins was community and holistic based.
He chose to make community nursing care issues his life’s work after graduation. After completing his second masters and his PhD, Dr. Helvie
began to teach public health nursing at Duke University in 1969. He taught there while working to expand his knowledge of holistic medicine, and he
took classes to learn spiritual approaches to patient care in John Hopkins’ Department of Divinity.
In 1971, Dr. Helvie accepted a position in the Nursing Department at Old Dominion University in Virginia, where he stayed for the next 30 years until his retirement in 2001. Over the years at Old Dominion, Dr. Helvie conducted research and publication of his major nursing theory in public health, and he continued to do research into nursing care delivery. He also developed an interest in nursing education, leading him to accept the Nursing Department’s Chair. In particular, he postulated his Helvie Energy Theory of Nursing and Health. This was first published in the Canadian Journal of Public Health in 1989 over two separate articles. The first article dealt with the nursing care of the individual; the second article dealt with the family of the client in the community. This theory formed the basis for his book Advanced Practice Nursing in the Community which he had published in 1998.
After retirement from teaching, Dr. Helvie went on to teach at the University of Applied Science in Frankfort, Germany and acted as a consultant to Russia to improve their nursing education and practice. This last resulted in Dr. Helvie’s article on the differences of the response to the homeless population in Europe, Russia and the United States. Dr. Helvie continues to lecture, do research, work in the fields of public health and holistic medicine.
Carl O Helvie – Bing video R.i.P. My GooD FriEnD Carl
Yes it is going to come to you for whatever you have prayed for it has come true for me,
it will come true for you. Believe in God and have patience..
America’s Got Talent contestant battling cancer moves judges to tears, wins Golden buzzer!!!
The judges on “America’s Got Talent” were moved to tears in the latest
episode, as Nightbirde, a contestant from Ohio, swept them off their feet with her heartfelt performance. Jane Marczewski, who goes by the stage name Nightbirde, had Simon Cowell hit his Golden Buzzer: as she delivered an impeccable performance of her original song.
So who is Nightibirde and why did the panelists Simon Cowell,
Sofia Vergara, Heidi Klum and Howie Mandel find her story so moving?
What is June A.k.a. Nightbirde’s story?
Nightbirde is a 30-year-old from Ohio who is battling cancer. She revealed to the judges that her original track “It’s Okay” narrated her life in the past year, her journey as a cancer patient and how she navigated it.Nighbirde further shared that the last time she checked, the cancer had spread to her lungs, spine and liver. What followed was a beautiful melody that left everyone speechless and the singer received a standing ovation at the end of her act.
The judges were unable to hold back their tears and heaped Nightbirde with praise for her powerful performance. While Howie said, “That felt like the most authentic thing I’ve heard this season”, Heidi added, Nightbirde’s song gave her “chills”.
Cowell, who at first caught everybody off guard saying he was “not going to give a ‘yes’ for her performance”, went on to smash the Golden Buzzer, sending her directly to the final live shows.
She shared another picture,, with her hands touching the floor after winning the Golden Buzzer. The singer captioned it “Too good to not be true.”
Fans congratulate Nightbirde
The audience soon took to Twitter to shower Nightbirde with compliments, as the majority of them shared quotes from the latest episode in the form of tweets.
Nightbirde says it’s “too good to be true”
The singer shared a few moments from the show on her personal Instagram and thanked Cowell for hitting the Golden Buzzer. Posting a picture of the moment when Simon took to the stage after her performance, Nightbirde wrote, “Thank you @simoncowell for the most unforgettable moment of my life.”
Nightbirde has over 105,000 followers on Instagram and uses her platform often to share motivational posts, to keep her followers posted about her personal life along with many samples of her music. Get to know the singer more by checking out her account here.
Honestly after watching @_nightbirde ’s AGT performance, I couldn’t
tell what was more inspirational: her amazing voice or this incredible quote. Going to quote this for years to come. “You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy.”
Life is made of moments. Some take your breath away, some bring you to your knees in agony, some fill with us pride. Life is messy. Life is beautiful. Life is worth living. Search Results for cancer survivor stories | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)
Three-Time Cancer Survivor Nightbirde Wows Judges with Powerful Performance on ‘America’s Got Talent’ | CBN News
Watch: Ohio singer ‘Nightbirde’ wins Simon Cowell’s Golden Buzzer on AGT | NBC4 WCMH-TV (nbc4i.com)
The goal is to laugh forever with someone you take serious….