It’s been quite a ride the past year.
(1) Lana Del Rey – Happiness Is A Butterfly (Lyrics) – Bing video
Lana Del Rey – Happiness is a butterfly Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
(1) Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always beyond
your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly – may alight upon you.
The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.
Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.
Meditation For Peace Of Mind | Finding inner peace | Meditation increases awareness | Meditation made easy | Meditation for inner peace and inner strength | The Art Of Living Global
Guided Meditation for Positive Energy, Relaxation, Peace – YouTube
EMPATHS UNITE! by David Sauvage. – Bing images
Relaxing and at Peace:
The energy over the last year has got me on an Emotional ride of crying out of the blue and drained then laughing like I’m a lunatic. Idk maybe I am going krazy. Plus, I can feel negative energy coming from others and it really weighs heavy on me. I haven’t paid attention to the cycles. Mercury retrograde is always draining us,,, Old pain is present. On the other hand, with a lot of energy to move on and happy feelings, w can relieve ourselves of that pain.
Chakra root healing – Bing video
I was wondering if it was just me. I keep telling others “They’re doing something to us” they just smile and say “I know. It’ll let up soon.” ChemPlane metal aerosol dumps, Solar Radiation Management Sun blocking and 5G frequencies are amping all the time… draining us and messing with everything…we’re in the middle of a shit storm of frequencies…”The Silent War”… Digital Psychological Warfare. NO one in my life truly understands this shit .. they want to drive us nuts…
You can feel things building, and have to let some of the pressure release just to be able to function at all. At least we’re lucky enough to have each other’s support …. There are “little black rain clouds” and “brilliant rainbows with puppies and unicorns” kind of stuff. Biggest thing is they are on a very short cycle. Be the log in the river riding the current, not the rock…. Empaths unite!
Reel for Empath By David Sauvage – EMPATHS UNITE!
We are empaths. We feel what you’re feeling, whether we like it or not.
We feel it in our bodies.
We know how you’re doing. When you say you’re doing fine, we know it isn’t true. We know what’s happening. Because it’s happening to us, too.
EMPATHS UNITE! – Are you an empath? Do you feel the feelings of others as if they were your own? Are you confused about what to do about it? Do you want to develop this ability into a real superpower?
We’re gathering empaths together for one highly sensitive night to learn from each other. – Splash!!!
Reel for Empath David Sauvage – YouTube
Empaths Unite! – WE ARE EMPATHS
We feel what you’re feeling, whether we like it or not. We feel it in our bodies.
We know how you’re doing. When you say you’re doing fine, we know it isn’t true.
We know what’s happening. Because it’s happening to us, too.
We do not mean this conceptually. We mean it literally.
We feel the feelings underneath your words, coming at us like bad breath. When you are anxious, we are anxious with your anxiety. When you are sad, we are sad with your sadness.
When you light up, we light up, too.
We may or may not be psychic. We may pick up information from other realms, but not necessarily. We may see auras or have visions or we may not.
What we share is nothing more and nothing less than the experience of your feelings in our bodies.
Feeling deeply is a beautiful thing, don’t misunderstand, but it does not make you an empath. What makes us empaths is that we feel you deeply.
We have been called sensitive and hyper-sensitive. We have been called weak. We have been told to toughen up. We have been told to get with the program.
We have been told lies.
We listened, but we did not believe it. We believed in something else, something we didn’t have words for.
We believed in Another World.
We believed in it, but we didn’t say it.
Now is the time to say it.
We call for a world built on empathy.
We call for a world that honors the emotional realm as sacred.
We call for a world that values the deepest experience of human beings and animals and the Earth herself above business, above money, above power.
Emotions are not obstacles on the way to achieving your goals. Emotions are the soul’s way of expressing your deepest needs.
The era of achievement is over. The era of empathy has begun.
You do not have to figure anything out. You just have to learn the language of emotions, their texture, their subtlety, their flow.
Do not attach words to your feelings too quickly. Do not explain them.
Not until you know them. Honor your feelings as they are.
Everyone likes to say separateness is an illusion. As an abstract idea, it doesn’t really matter. If you want to know it, really know it, know this: your emotions are my emotions; your pain is my pain; your joy is my joy. These are not words, this is not poetry, this is our life.
Empaths, we have been hiding. We have been hiding because we felt rejected. But they were not rejecting us. They were rejecting themselves.
They are ready now.
They are ready because there is no other choice. Not anymore.
They are ready to believe the stirrings of their hearts.
They are calling for us.
Let us face this responsibility together. Let us gather in circles, in person and online, physically and energetically.
We will feel each other’s struggles. We will feel the struggles of all those whose struggles we have brought with us.
We will acknowledge, to each other, the profound service we have been rendering, unacknowledged, to all of you.
We will laugh at the silliness of it.
What a relief.
We will learn from each other. How to protect ourselves. How to put on the proper shield. How to untangle the deepest entanglements.
We will unlock the locks. We will empty ourselves, tune into whomever we like, discover what is knowable, and use this knowledge for their benefit or ours.
We will release everything that is not ours. We will call back everything that is.
We will close our eyes, feel the feeling of the circle, feel our fellow empaths feeling it. We will disappear together into this feeling of togetherness.
We will amplify this feeling by bringing our attention to it. We will amplify it beyond our circles, beyond the spaces where we’ve gathered, beyond our understanding of the stale rules of cause and effect.
This is the joy of true interconnection. What everyone is searching for, our bodies have already mastered.
We will amplify this feeling with such power, it will explode the great lie of our culture.
We know our purpose.
We feel you, we feel all of you, we feel everything.
We are here so that you may know yourself through us. So that you may know yourself as us. So that we may be as one.
Empaths Unit Pinterest
4 Non Blondes – What’s Up (Official Music Video) – YouTube
Globalist Plot to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine Exposes Shocking Satanic Conspiracy
COVID-19 VACCINE MANDATE: The Horrifying Hidden Agenda
There are at least 3 essential takeaways from that extremely revealing and radioactive presentation made by an experienced bioweapon scientist who appeared to be the point man for the FunVax project. As follows:
(1) The U.S. Military biological weapons program has been creating a vaccine that is specifically formulated to immunize targeted individuals and populations against the expression of the God gene, also known as vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2). The suppression of VMAT2 has been a primary goal of US biological weapon laboratories for decades with the ostensible purpose of neutralizing terrorists who act on their religious fanaticism. However, the real goal is to inoculate people the world over against the inclination toward spiritual pursuits and/or mystical experiences (see the screenshot below). Some deep insiders have even surmised that the real purpose of the FunVax is to permanently stunt soul development.

(2) The most practical form that a VMAT2 vaccination program can take in light of the necessity for extreme secrecy is a respiratory virus, which could be covertly released throughout any city or nation or region of the world. This would eliminate the problem posed by those societies that are averse to vaccinations administered by injection. Religious cultures, in general, are increasingly fearful of the true intention behind immunization shots. Many folks have not only experienced and/or witnessed adverse vaccine side effects, they are also rightly skeptical of their efficacy.
(3) The proposed FunVax vaccine would be aerosolized in a manner similar to the systematic, wide area and indiscriminate spraying of chemtrails over the unsuspecting population below. Because the U.S. Armed Forces have forever denied the existence of chemtrails, most citizenries have been conditioned to falsely believe they are contrails. In this way, aerosolized vaccines can be furtively administered to the citizenry of any nation that illicitly permits chemical geoengineering operations.
Newsom says.. Any Californian vaccinated against the coronavirus has a chance to win $1.5 million. Sounds like a gameshow from fucking hell. No thanks. That should be enough to cover the future hospital bills for the late damages from the vaccines.

The politicians who shut down the economy should be put in jail for life..
After all that debt @gavinnewsome
ran up, Biden gives him 100s of million to clear it and this is how he spends it. Like an 18 year old that just got his first tax return. That’s bribery and against the law he is using government funds(tax payer $$) for a drawing. And guess who pays for that $1.5 million…We The People for such vermin. Throw money at the problem and hold a virtue-signaling press conference….it’s the Democrat m.o.

RC – Just Say No (Official Video)…
I will accept that as a challenge…
Lemme see what I come up with

I’m trying to figure out a way to enter without getting the shot. Kinda like being dead and still voting. it’s a joke maybe win your tax dollars back Stupid is as Stupid does. If you have to bribe people to take a “shot”, NOT A VACCINE, well……somethings up. (Hunger Games) only it’s $1 million. Anyone under 18 has a chance at a paid Scholarship to any college they choose. He has to do something with all the trillions his tax hikes have collected, and left over stimulus checks that have brought in.
Don’t they realize how shady they look doing this shit!?!?

I totally agree with you. People should have the liberty to choose what they want . It looks like blackmail to me. My personal case, I had to get vaccinated only for professional purposes, Otherwise I would have lost my job. What about that

Misinformation about adrenochrome and its supposed links to Covid-19 has gone into overdrive. But what is it? We separate the substance’s literary history from its real-world functions.
Read more about the bizarre life of the ‘truth about adrenochrome’ story here
If you’ve spent much time online lately, like everyone else in lockdown, you’ve probably fallen down some strange Covid-19 rabbit holes. One word you might have seen is “adrenochrome”. It’s popular with the conspiracy set: it makes you young, or high, or part of a Satanic tribute. Before you become hypnotized by the swathes of Facebook comment threads, you should know how it got its mystical status.
Where have I heard of adrenochrome?
Aldous Huxley’s 1954 essay “The Doors of Perception”,
Aldous Huxley’s 1954 essay “The Doors of Perception”, written mostly about his experiences with mescaline, discusses the possibility that adrenochrome is a compound with similar effects to the psychedelic cactus. He has not taken it, and doesn’t know how one would obtain it, saying just that it’s spontaneously produced by the human body. He describes it as “a product of the decomposition of adrenaline”, which is, surprisingly, correct.
There’s a brief mention of “drencrom” in the 1962 novel A Clockwork Orange, where it’s an optional addition to the cocktail (glass of milk) Moloko Plus, but probably the most cited use of the compound is in Hunter S Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It might be a novel, but many assumed it was a real thing that people really did. Thompson did not explain the adrenochrome buzz in great detail, but this probably isn’t too far from his vision: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (10/10) Movie CLIP – Too Much Adrenochrome (1998) HD – YouTube
It’s important for anyone reading Fear and Loathing to remember that Gonzo journalism, the writing style Thompson invented, is based around fictionalization and exaggeration of real-life events. In the DVD commentary on the 1998 Fear and Loathing adaptation, – Bing video director Terry Gilliam said Thompson told him he made the whole adrenochrome thing up.
Does adrenochrome exist at all?
Yes. Just like Huxley said, adrenochrome is a compound formed by the oxidation of adrenaline. Its main medical use is to slow blood loss by promoting clotting in open wounds. It’s available for purchase online by researchers, with most outlets stating its source is synthetic and its uses are the inhibition of COMT (which deactivates certain neurotransmitters), and the synthesis of prostaglandins (fats involved with blood clotting).
When asked for comment, the University of Auckland neuropharmacology and neuroscience departments said it wasn’t on their radar.
It’s got a cool name, and some medical uses, but by and large it’s not a very exciting compound. Sorry.
Is there a hallucinogenic drug called adrenochrome?
In his 1973 book Legal Highs, Adam Gottlieb described adrenochromes being “physically stimulating” and inducing “a feeling of well-being, slight reduction of thought processes”. It’s unknown whether he ever took the drug or if this was based on hearsay. Legal Highs also contained entries on catnip and guarana, so the bar for a “high” was low.
Most reports of adrenochrome throughout literature sound a lot like DMT — it’s very possible Beatniks just gave DMT the cool name “adrenochrome” and the real compound got caught up in the mix.
Why are people talking about it now?
Adrenochrome is a popular topic in conspiracy circles: it’s a drug of the Hollywood elite, it’s addictive, it’s harvested from tortured children in Satanic rituals, they reckon. The current strain of theory is that a huge amount of celebrities have come down with Covid-19 due to a tainted batch of adrenochrome.
Most celebrities classified as “liberal Hollywood elite” are American or British, two nations that have been struggling to manage the Covid-19 outbreak, so it’s not hugely surprising that many have contracted the virus.
Adrenochrome harvesting, according to the conspiracies, is done by: drinking blood, heart surgery, or tapping into the brainstem. The adrenal glands are located above the kidneys, so that’s probably where you really want to look.
Why does anyone believe children are tortured to harvest adrenochrome?
The blame must land on Hunter S Thompson. In Fear and Loathing, the character Dr. Gonzo says: “There’s only one source for this stuff… the adrenaline glands from a living human body. It’s no good if you get it out of a corpse.” You could also argue that this conspiracy is weirdly similar to the plot of the film Monsters Inc., and maybe that’s part of the cultural background making this theory seem reasonable to some.
Does adrenochrome have anything to do with Covid-19?
Are you, the mainstream media, lying to us about this?
Also Exposing adrenochrome junkies while elitists go hide
Read more about the bizarre life of the ‘truth about adrenochrome’ story here
adrenochrome-junkie – Bing video
If the pandemic is so real, why are there all of these marketing strategies out there offering all kinds of things if sheeple get vaccinated? Question is where and why are these “blue” states using this money for this. Wasting money as always, most of them were so upside down until they received the bailout money. We are living in the twilight zone and They want you dead. That is the lotto.

No crooked anything (government) gives anything away for free!
This is a — brilliant 18-minute video — about the plot to steal America, produced by Man in America. It is a must-watch for every American citizen to understand that this historical time we are in requires great action by all, right here, right now. The Plot to Steal America.
Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody (Official Video Remastered).