“There are illegal migrants on the Mexican border with Joe Biden T-shirts waiting to cross,” she said. The United States is currently on track to receive two million migrants on the southern border alone over the course of 2021
with some facilities already exceeding capacity by 900 per cent.
However, Ms. Panahi pointed out the celebrities and media have become “suddenly uninterested” in the plight of “kids in cages” despite treating migration problems under Trump as a major crisis. “Under Biden they are not cages but holding facilities. Under Trump the media called them concentration camps.
“As the number of migrant children in detention has more than tripled,
the very same people who saw kids in cages as the biggest crisis facing the
US are suddenly silent. Ms. Panahi said, “the issue is now far worse under Biden thanks to him abandoning policies that worked and all but inviting undocumented migrants to cross illegally”. In response to the issue
Mr. Biden said “well I guess I should be flattered. People are coming because I’m the nice guy … I’m a decent man or however it’s phrased”. The US government is currently paying more than $86 million on hotel rooms to house illegal migrants and have brought about a “humanitarian disaster” by repealing Trump’s asylum reforms. Illegal migrants wearing ‘Joe Biden T-shirts’ line up at Mexican border (news.com.au)
Liberalism is an Inferiority Complex
The Pathological Psychosis of Progressive Politics – The Millennium Report
Why is it that liberals all act on feelings instead of reasoned thought?
Driving today: just past someone that was going below the speed limit
on a two lane highway and as soon as I started passing her she sped up.
Why do people do that (BTW… I had no problem passing.)
I believe there’s no improvement if you have an inferiority complex and victim mentality … Kim Nam-joon
Liberals try to make themselves feel better through their actions and deeds. The solutions tend to be disastrous. I tend to think maybe it has something to do with the feminization of men and the fact that so many gay’s are liberals. Is it a lack of testosterone that causes this lapse in judgement! I think liberals act on feelings instead of reasoned thought. I don’t think anybody really acts on reasoned thought.
The difference between the two ideologies, to me, follows a federalist/anti-federalist distinction. It used to be Republicans/conservatives tend to view a government that’s best is one that governs least. Our Founding Fathers set up the constitution for separation of state. They liked the concept of the states having more power allowing the federal government to worry about federal issues, dictated by Article I of the Constitution.
Democrats/liberals used to see the federal government as the answer to America’s problems. They thought the states should take care of the ills in their State.
I think it’s better if both sides would sit down, shut up and start listening to each other. It’s amazing how much people really do agree (if you don’t mention socialism or abortion) on what needs to be done.
1st of all Liberal used to have a totally different meaning than it does today.
For instance the 1st Republican President Abraham Lincoln was deemed Liberal in his time, however, according to today’s meanings of Liberal and Conservative he certainly was a Conservative. I pretty much classify myself as a Moderate Conservative since well I am not Ultra Conservative but I am pretty Conservative on many things and I am of course a Republican.
I would be deemed Liberal by Iranian Clerics for sure due to my viewpoint on being opposed to forcing Women to wear a Veil. But anyways to the point though on how Liberal is applied today, a lot of Democrats call themselves Liberal and a lot of Liberal ideology today is pretty Marxist compared to what Liberal used to mean.
A lot of today’s Liberals (especially Liberal Democrats) have the idea that they will not listen to what the Public wants but instead will tell the Public what to want and expect the Public to comply. For instance the Liberals are Pro-Choice on Abortion and they want to tell us to think the same way, they like to call Pro-Life people names instead of trying to understand why a person is Pro-Life.
The Liberals can’t seem to get over the fact that Bush won in both 2000 and 2004. Ok yes Gore won Popular vote in 2000 but got this numerous states that Gore won he outranked Bush by virtually the same number of votes where Bush outranked Gore in Florida. However Bush did not demand a recount in those states that Gore won (and heck maybe a recount would have given those states to Bush but it does not matter because Bush did not demand a recount in those states).
Furthermore after the Supreme Court made their final ruling Al Gore on his own free will conceded Florida to Bush. Had the Florida recount went to Gore then Bush would have conceded to Gore and no further recount would have occurred. After Bush became President Liberal and Conservative Media outlets did their own investigations to see who really won Florida and guess what, every Media outlet Liberal and Conservative all concluded that Bush won Florida and was thus the rightful winner of Election 2000
Election 2004 it did not matter this time if we would use Popular or
Electoral vote because in that instance Bush won both not to mention Bush won 51% of the Popular vote. But the Liberals cannot get over the fact that loads of American people do not wish to pledge allegiance and guilt to Liberal ideologies in fact the Conservatives and the Moderates of America outnumber the Liberals of America majorly big time. The Liberals are failing repeatedly to sway a lot of Moderates into voting for their side.
Conservatives try to solve the problem. It might not “look” right to many but the solutions tend to work. Read Marxism, then it makes more sense why they think the way they do.
It’s all based on a pipedream of an utopia. I think your close homosexuals,
baby killers, bush bashers and atheists all find a home with liberals. They are all different people and think different things long before they have any political knowledge.
Liberals love to think of themselves as intellectual and nuanced, but liberalism is incredibly simplistic. It’s nothing more than “childlike emotionalism applied to adult issues.” Very seldom does any issue that doesn’t involve pandering to their supporters boil down at its core level to more than feeling “nice” or “mean” to liberals.
This makes liberals ill equipped to deal with complex issues.
Since liberals tend to support or oppose policies based on how those policies make them feel about themselves, they do very little intellectual examination of whether the policies they advocate work or not. That’s because it doesn’t matter to them whether the policy is effective or not; it matters whether advocating the policy makes them feel “good” or “bad,” “compassionate” or “stingy,” “nice” or “mean.”
Because of this, liberalism has more in common with religion than it does with other political ideologies like conservatism or libertarianism. Moreover, liberal beliefs are more like religious doctrine than any sort of battle-tested policies that bear up under logic or examination. Although the interpretation of the doctrine that the Left supports may change a bit over time, just as religious doctrine does, it’s essentially taken on faith, like scripture.
That’s why, for example, you may see ferocious debates on the right side of
the blogosphere about the war, illegal immigration, or spending. But, with the netroots, the debates almost always revolve around the best strategy to get more liberals elected. The issues are not really up for debate, other than debate over how to get them enacted.
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This same thinking leads to very little criticism of liberals by other liberals. Liberals will ferociously defend and even happily echo the lies of other liberals. Liberal feminists will defend Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy. Liberals who pride themselves on being tolerant of other races will support Robert Byrd. Why? Because even if they’re wrong, they’re still fellow liberals — which must mean they’re nice people. What this leads to is an attitude that can be summed up like so: “The only things that a liberal can do wrong is to be insufficiently liberal, to question an important plank of the liberal agenda, or to do something politically that aids conservatives.”
Conservatives, on the other hand, just by virtue of being conservatives,
are mean at best and evil at worst. Is it wrong to lie about an evil person? Technically, “yes,” but there’s a reason “two wrongs don’t make a right” is said so often — it’s because so many people do believe “two wrongs do make a right.” Moreover, what about defending the indefensible? Well, is it wrong to defend a good (liberal) person who is being attacked by an evil (conservative) person, even if it’s justifiable? At the gut level, most liberals don’t think so.
Once you understand what I’ve written so far, you can understand everything that liberals do.
* Why are so many liberals hostile to religion? Because religion sets rules and tells people that if they break those rules, they’re sinning! That keeps people from doing things that make them feel good and telling people that they’re sinning makes them feel bad.
* Why are so many liberals hostile to the troops? Because the troops tend to be conservative (evil) and because they’re out killing people and breaking things (which would make most liberals feel like bad people).
* Why are so many liberals unpatriotic? It makes liberals feel morally superior to rant about what’s wrong with their own country. Plus, as an added bonus, people from other nations agree with them and that makes them feel good as well.
* Why do so many liberals have so much confidence in the government? With liberals, it’s not about whether something works or not, it’s about how it makes them feel.
So, they can look at the IRS, post office, airport security, FEMA, and ICE and then say, “These are the same people we want handling our health care” — because it’s about making themselves feel good that they got people insured, not about getting the best system of healthcare for everyone.
* Why do so many liberals have so much confidence in the UN? See the previous answer and apply it on a global scale. The UN may be corrupt, anti-American, and utterly incompetent, but it makes liberals feel good to think they’re sending money to the poor in some godforsaken country (sure, it’s not their money and almost all the money may be wasted or stolen, but it’s the thought that counts).
* Why are liberals so hostile to successful people who don’t happen to be celebrities, trial lawyers, or big donors to the Democratic Party? Again, this is another great opportunity for them to feel morally superior. They can feel like good people because they want to give money to the poor — granted, not their money, but rich people’s money. The rich have so much and the poor have so little, so why shouldn’t liberals take it from them and then pat themselves on the back for their compassion?
Once you understand the basics of how liberals think, you can understand everything that they do. Granted, there will be a few exceptions, but if the
vast herd of liberals is doing something that doesn’t seem to fit the template, it’s either because there’s money or sex involved, they’re doing what they have to do to win politically, they’re taking that position because they refuse to be on the same side as conservatives, or there’s something going on you don’t know about and it’s not really an exception.
You’ve heard of the Dog Whisperer, right? Well, congrats, because after reading this column, you are now a “liberal whisperer” and you understand everything you need to know about the way that liberals think.
Why Liberals Think What They Do
Note that Barack Obama ran not on his liberal record, but as a challenger against incumbent Mitt Romney who has done all sorts of terrible things like causing the 2008 meltdown and outsourcing jobs to China. In Obama’s view, given the supposedly tranquil world abroad, we must try nation building at home, and thus concentrate on bold new initiatives like stimulus, infrastructure, green jobs, and federalized health care — none of which have been envisioned before, much less funded.
And to the extent Obama has a concrete example, he points to efforts of the private oil sector to find more gas and oil despite, rather than because of, his own efforts. Conclusion? Obama himself apparently has given up on liberal ideas in lieu of Big Bird, binders, bull****ter, movie stars, and hip-hopsters, which prompts the question: does anyone believe in liberal ideology anymore — and if so, why?
Did California’s redistributive elite really believe that they could all but shut down new gas and oil production, strangle the timber industry, idle irrigated farmland, divert water to the delta smelt, have 37 million people use a highway system designed for 15 million, allow millions of illegal aliens to enter the state without audit, extend free medical programs to 8 million of the most recent 11 million added to the population, up taxes to among the highest in the nation, and host one-third of the nation’s welfare recipients — and not have the present chaos?
The California schools — flooded with students whose first language is not English, staffed by unionized teachers not subject to the consequences of subpar teaching, and plagued with politicized curricula that do not emphasize math, science, and reading and writing comprehension — scarcely rate above those in Mississippi and Alabama. Did liberals, who wanted unions, a new curriculum, and open borders, believe it was good for the state to have a future generation — that will build our power plants, fly our airliners, teach our children, and take out our tumors — that is at the near-bottom in national test scores?
Do Bay Area green tree huggers really believe that they will have sufficient water if they blow up the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir? Did Barack Obama think that the Keystone pipeline or new gas and oil leases in the Gulf were superfluous, or that we do not need coal to make electricity, oil to make gasoline, wheat to make flour, or to cut timber to produce wood?
Did liberals (and their hand-in-glove employer supporters who wished for cheap labor) think that letting in millions from Central Mexico, most without legality, English, or a high school education (and in some sense at the expense of thousands waiting in line for legal admission with capital, advanced degrees, and technological expertise), was not problematic and that soaring costs in law enforcement, the criminal justice system, the schools, and the health care industries were irrelevant?
What, then, are the motivations that drive so many to such absurdities?
Note here that I am talking of the architects of liberalism, not of those who receive generous entitlements and whose desire for bigger government is thus existential and elemental.
Equality of result:
Keen minds from Aristotle to Montesquieu and Tocqueville have lamented
that the proverbial people sometimes prefer equality under authoritarianism
to inequality accompanied by personal freedom. As long as there was grinding poverty, the liberal agenda of “leveling the playing field” made sense enough — Social Security, disability insurance, the 40-hour work week, and Medicare.
But once modern mass production and consumption arose, energized by globalization and the entry of billions of new foreign workers into the equation, and high technology extended the appurtenances of the aristocracy to the poor (today’s ubiquitous smart phone is 100 times more versatile than yesterday’s $3,000 primitive suitcase cell phone), how could you keep promoting government-sponsored equality for the less well-off? Why Liberals and Conservatives Think So Differently | Psychology Today
Conservative Vs Liberal Minds – YouTube
Why Liberals Think What They Do – PJ Media