Differences between “师傅” and “师父”

Both “师傅 (shī fu)” and “师父 (shī fu)” are pronounced “shī fu” in Chinese,
but they are different in writing and meaning as well.
“师父”和”师傅”在中文里都读作”shī fu”,在说话时听不出二者的分别,但写出来就不一样了,且意义也有所不同。
Here is the major difference in general:
“师父 (shī fu)” is used to address a respectable teacher or mentor.
“师傅 (shī fu)” is used to address someone who teaches skills in the fields of industry, commerce, drama, art or medical.
“师傅 (shī fu)” is a very common and polite Chinese term usually used to address the workers from working class, such as taxi-drivers, construction workers, plumbers, maintainers, dustmen, doormen, cooks, barbers, elderly workers, or anyone (mostly the elder people) in the street, who you want to ask for help but whose name is unknown. However, there are exceptions as well. For example, it’s inadvisable to address a doctor or a policeman “师傅 (shī fu)”. It can be used to address men as well as women, but more suitable for men. If you know the person’s family name (Zhang or Wang), you can address him/her “张师傅 (zhāng shī fu)” or “王师傅 (wáng shī fu)”.
“师父 (shī fu)” is usually used to address a monk or nun, and a martial arts instructor. In the Chinese classic novel 西游记 (Journey to the West), you may find that Money King always address the Monk Tang “师父 (shī fu)”. The word “师父 (shī fu)” might make you recall the movie ‘Kung Fu Panda’, where Po called his teacher “Master”. Here, “Master” in Chinese should be “师父 (shī fu)” rather than “师傅 (shī fu)”.
Traditionally, Chinese people respect their teachers as their own parents, and that is the reason why they say “一日为师终生为父” (yī rì wéi shī zhōng shēng wéi fù. He who teaches me for one day is my father for life).
The basic meaning of these two words is the same, which are the respectful titles for the person who teach knowledge or skills to others. Compared with “师傅 (shī fu)”, “师父 (shī fu)” covers a wider range that includes the meaning of the former. But in modern Chinese, using either of them on the same person won’t cause any misunderstanding in most situations.
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This is the biggest responsibility we have in life, and it’s the clearest proof that two souls don’t just cross by chance.
This lovely tale, “The Tree of Friends” by the great Jorge Luis Borges, perfectly illustrates how relationships happen in our tree of life.
Some people in our lives make us happy simply for having crossed paths
with us by chance.
Some travel along that path by our side, seeing many moons pass.
And others are barely with us for a single step. We call all of them friends, and there are many kinds of them.
Let’s look at each one of our friends as a leaf on a tree. The first one that blooms is our father friend and mother friend, who show us what life is.
Then brother and sister friends come along, with which we share our space so they may bloom and grow as we have.
Further on, we meet a whole family of leaves, who we respect and have good wishes for.
But destiny introduces us to other friends, which we didn’t know would cross our path. We call many of them friends of the soul or best friends.
They are sincere and true.
They know when we’re not okay, and they know what makes us happy.
And sometimes one of those friends of the soul wedges into our heart, and they become an enamored friend. They bring a twinkle to our eye, music to our ears and a skip to our step.
However, there are always certain friends that only last for a little while, maybe only for the summer break or a few days or hours.
They tend to bring many smiles to our face, at least while they stick around.
Speaking of sticking around, we can’t forget long distance friends.
Those who are found all the way out on the tips of the branches, and when the wind blows, you can always see them through the other leaves.
Time goes on, summer ends, fall draws near, and we lose some of our leaves. New ones blossom in a new summer, and some remain for many seasons.
But what makes us happiest of all is that those who have fallen still remain close by, nurturing our roots with joy. They are the memories of the wonderful moments shared when they crossed our path.
I wish you, leaf of my tree, peace, love, health, luck and prosperity.
Today and always… Simply because each person that comes into our lives is unique. They always leave a bit of themselves behind and take a piece of us with them.
Some will take a lot, but none will cross your path without contributing something.
This is the biggest responsibility we have in life, and it’s the clearest proof
that two souls don’t just cross by chance.
This lovely tale, “The Tree of Friends” by the great Jorge Luis Borges, perfectly illustrates how relationships happen in our tree of life. Some of the leaves on a branch may fly off, but surely the branch will bloom with new leaves once again.
A friend is he who knows all of your flaws and loves you despite them.
Maybe these are your friends of the soul and enamored friends, those we can call life companions. They are incredibly valuable, and it’s because of them that we’re always lush and colorful.
I think one of the biggest challenges of being a tree is defoliation. In other words, forcing your leaves to change color and fall in order to reap the harvest. Some leaves last our whole lives. Others fall off when it’s their time to do so. And others fall before autumn arrives. These are the most painful.
If one of them falls off our branches too soon, it can make us think we are ill, and they produce a deep sadness in our roots. But once a leaf withers, it means they’ve given you all of the beauty they had to offer, and it’s time to make room for new leaves in the spring.
It’s simple, as trees our biggest aspiration is to have lovely leaves and bear good fruit. To gather the most beautiful ones we can find, our biggest treasure.
Our greatest responsibility is to remain vigorous, take root and grow.
In short, to be symbols of love, health and prosperity.
Remembering Great Master Wang Peisheng (ycgf.org)
Master Wang (王师傅) is a psychic artist and master of astrology famous in China for being able to draw anyone’s soulmate. Thousands of people have found love thanks to Master Wang’s gift.
Answer just a few simple questions and Master Wang will draw you a picture
of your soulmate. Psychic soulmate drawing reviews Master Wang Draws.
Souls who help remind us who we are.
In life, it sometimes seems that we battle with growing away from ourselves. We are these amazing children filled with fire and creativity, and somewhere along the way, we forget what we used to believe in with such vigor.
We often sell out for being adults and responsible, and somewhere along the way, we forget who we were truly born to be. This isn’t about how much money we make, or even what kind of job we hold down—it’s about our soul and inner compass.
Are we living each moment being true to ourselves?
Or have we instead adopted the ideals and expectations of others, in an attempt to be someone that we think others need? The most difficult aspects that any of us face is the decision (and journey) to be ourselves, to break the mold, and to live according to our own truth.
These types of souls come into our lives to help remind us of who we were,
so that we can begin to be more true to ourselves. Sometimes, they will do it gently—and at other times, it will need to be more disruptive, so that we can remember what it is we’ve so deeply forgotten.
Sometimes, the truth is that in order to become who we are meant to be, we first need to remember who we were before we tried to be like everyone else.
Souls who simply hold space for us.
Often these are the ones who we simply cross paths with momentarily,
who are meant to hold space for us in some small way.
These are the conversations that begin instantly and last for hours while on a bus, or those smiles as we walk with a coffee in hand, wondering how our hearts became broken once again. Sometimes, it seems we believe that cosmic, soul connections have to be these big, lifelong experiences—but in reality, we have them every single day.
Just because someone doesn’t stay in our lives for years doesn’t mean that their purpose isn’t a fulfilling or meaningful one. Usually these types of souls don’t know us well; perhaps, it may even be that it was merely us noticing someone who is invisible to most, such as a homeless person on the street or that hitchhiker on the side of the road.
However, the beautiful thing is that we all have a story, and we all have a purpose in this life. Sometimes people come in to change our lives and stay—and at other times, they merely hold space so other changes can occur.
Our threads of interconnectedness are what make this planet as amazingly unpredictable as it is, because the reality is that we just never know when
we’ll bump into someone who was sent to us to change our lives.
There are a lot of definitions floating around for the term “Soul mate”. However, if we come to think of it, the meaning is pretty simple,
a soul mate is someone who is a mate of your soul first and foremost.
A soulmate is someone who shares a similar energy and similar purpose as yours and therefore you two share a strong spiritual connection.
I believe soul mates come to help remind us of our purpose and help to awaken us to the reality of who we really are. Soul mates don’t have to be necessarily romantic but most often they are because of the strong attraction and connection between them.
If you are wondering if you have encountered a Soulmate connection,
here are the 7 tell tale signs and signals:
Soulmate Signs and Signals: 7 Identifying Signs Of A True Soulmate – YouTube
Psychic soulmate drawing reviews Master Wang Draws – YouTube
Two different souls created by Sughn | Popular songs on TikTok