When making decisions, you should go with the one that scares you. Author Caroline Myss said it best: “Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that’s
the one that is going to help you grow.” Caroline Myss on Vimeo
Aum is the most rhythmic vibration.
Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates. All leads to equalization and balance followed by recalibration. I agree because if you break the word universe into uni and verse and consider that verse etymologically means both poem and to turn, the word universe then means “one poem turning.”
One who cares is one who listens! Music is a moral law. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything. It is the essence of order, and leads to all that is good, just and beautiful • Plato
I believe this to be true…Although I also believe at times it is playing a jazz number.
Improv is the universal language!
Oumou Sangaré – Djoukourou (Auntie Flo Remix) – YouTube
1 of the 7 universal laws is The law of rhythm… that can be discovered through meditation!!!
Energy, Vibe, Soul, God. No matter what you name it but believe in it.
The universe’s energy doesn’t lie…Eshonai hummed to the rhythm of praise..
I seek it out /align with whenever I can. Especially before my consciousness dips closer toward its mysteries at bedtime. The ebb and flow of love Certainly there is. I would like to discover a vast rhythm, with the heartbeat, the universal.
If you want to know the secrets of the universe thing in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. 3 6 9. ENNEAGRAM. Understand humanity.
It’s okay to be a beginner at the things you are interested in. There is no reason to feel intimidated by people more advanced than you are, because they too were in your place at one point. Keep learning and growing and expanding in whatever it is that you love. “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” — Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind!
I also think it is ok to keep being a beginner at things you like. it’s okay if you’re not really improving in your hobby. it’s okay if others are way better in a short time. as long as the activity brings you joy and comfort, constantly striving to excel at it isn’t the main goal. I’ve been knitting/crocheting for ~3 years and
I haven’t gotten any better than making anything except what I taught myself.
I also play Yugioh and have been for ~4 years and haven’t won a game but I have fun so that’s all that matters! Having fun doing something you like!
And this applies to ALL age classes. You can be a beginner at 90, so long as you enjoy doing it and learning it and it makes you happy, just keep doing it. There is no age barrier for anything. If you die doing it, then at least you died trying.
I meant to comment on this earlier.. but asking questions is SO important.
Ask the people who are advanced what they did to get there. A lot of people don’t mind sharing their tips and tricks. This is based on my own experiences anyways. Talent is a pursued interest.
Anything you’re willing to practice you can do.
I teach people about the 4 Stages of Competencies as it shows how that uneasiness you feel is part of the learning process and is normal. If you’ve struggled, please research that and growth mindset. And remember that your self talk is extremely powerful to the process. Anything worth doing is worth doing badly for a start. Perhaps someone is driven by sheer hard work and relies on high moral work ethics, which requires a significant amount of effort and the other who is advanced due to natural abilities would never know humble beginnings.
Give yourself permission to be seen while you are still in the process of figuring it out… the only ones who would dare to judge you, are those who are intimidated by your bravery. I meant to comment on this earlier.. but asking questions is SO important. Ask the people who are advanced what they did to get there. A lot of people don’t mind sharing their tips and tricks. This is based on my own experiences anyways. Watch Navillera on Netflix. The old guy who’s already in his 70’s wanted to learn ballet. This show might change your perspective.
Are you Schrödinger’s cat, perchance?
I’m just me! “I wanna put the snap and crackle back into POP!” Doin it
for the underdogs and the underestimated., it’s all about personal expression. First you learn, then remove ‘L” from it !!! Scars to your beautiful – Alessia Cara (Lyrics) – YouTube
May you all have a great day and nurture your spirits, hearts and minds
and focus on great things…. Covid is the flu with better marketing.
The standard you walk past is the standard you accept!!!
Always searching for Truth–Never forgetting that Truth is the Word
and the Will of the Creator of the Universe & the Author of Law. #MAGA #KAG #DrainTheSwamp
“Around the world, every minute of every day, three million masks are tossed out. Let that sink in. THREE million masks are tossed out every MINUTE.”
Discarded masks will hurt the environment? Not we humans when they’re probably covered in Covid? Well, just give the earth a vaccine shot, it’ll be okay!!! Nolte: Researchers Say Discarded Masks Could Hurt Environment (breitbart.com)
Sweden had 7.7% more deaths in 2020 than its average for the preceding four years. Countries that opted for several periods of strict lockdowns, such as Spain and Belgium, had excess mortality of 18.1% and 16.2% respectively. Sweden saw lower 2020 death spike than much of Europe – data | Reuters
If the Scamdemic stays at this trajectory, there will be camps for non-compliers in the coming years. All this for 99% survival rate… come at me with any of that nonsense and I personally guarantee 100% mortality rate. Not true. Also Some friends/family had mild symptoms, while others have debilitating residual and seemingly permanent lung & nerve damage and memory loss. Younger men in otherwise good health! Scary sad.
Mass vaccinating millions with different experimental vaccines whilst a wild virus is around seems like a good way to get yourself into a whole world of trouble, a vaccine needs time to adjust into the immune system.
It’s also 2 jabs, what could go wrong?
Should we be concerned for the future is the question? Evidence is mounting PCR is heavily used to inflate ONS stats The west has a boomer pension & health crisis coming Dr. Bossche says vaxing masses will create a worse problem and will be killing our own.
Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic – Benefits versus Risks: Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche
Immune system by vaccinating millions in a pandemic and the scarier stuff starts later on the video about 25 mins in. But basically what he is saying is we are compromising our own immune system by mass vaccination in a pandemic. For anyone unsure what he is saying i’ll try explain As we are in a pandemic the virus is still all over & active…it needs 2 jabs. As we are not immune & can still get the virus not only are the jabs learning how to work with our immune system the virus is learning at the same time as the jab as we’re in a pandemic
This means Cutting all the jargon away from what he is saying is… We are effectively helping the virus work around the vax & our own immune system and making it easier for it to mutate into more deadly & different strains. Now I know vax lovers will think Dr. Bossche is a nutter but He is Pro vax and there is evidence to back this up, the deadly variants we hear about are from SA, UK & Brazil. And they are the same countries that AZ did all their trials in. Its spread over 3 continents.
Now there is a reason people get a flu jab before flu season. It is Because they try to learn what strains are about in advance of a break out. This is so after your flu jab your immune system has time to adapt to the jab & be ready before flu season starts. A Mass vax of millions in a pandemic means the virus is working alongside the vax in Millions of people. Effectively helping the virus learn how to mutate and change into our immune systems alongside the jab and actually making our own immune system worse. In short the jab will create more deadly variants and help kill our own non specific immune responders.
Every person I know that’s gotten Covid (including myself) has not been hospitalized and was no different than a bad cold or flu. For people under 65 it’s not that bad. Same here. When I had it it was just like a mild flu. I don’t know many people who have had it but the ones who have had the worst of it are over 65. Because it’s literally no different than the annual flu .. this whole thing is a scam. It’s true Many have lingering effects like loss of smell and taste, respiratory and cardiac issues. Lingering fatigue…
That is true and why they should work out, eat healthy and take care of their bodies instead of forcing everyone else to wear masks that don’t work and go into lockdown. Also the fact that they’re pushing a vaccine passport for Americans to travel within the United States is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard… It is not about a virus at all it’s about a digital wallet with control over your finances, your personal data and Geo tracking you.
There’s no amount of money you could pay me to take that vaccine.
Everyone should research before accepting any shot, vaccine or medication and decide what they feel is right for them. Research the Gardasil vaccine (for HPV) and see how many young lives have been ruined needlessly. And that wasn’t a rushed vaccine. What if you can’t buy food without the vaccine passport? I’m preparing for the worst. I bought guns. I bought a house in the middle of nowhere. You can’t get the internet here. I’m about to buy some cows and start growing my own veggies. I’ve also been getting right with God.
Someday they’re going to find that the vaccine causes cancer, inflammation,
or infertility. Mark my words. That’s why they want us all to take it.
Because It changes your immune system. It attacks the virus until it mutates constantly. The immune system gets weaker and can’t fight off other viruses and infections. They will be forced to keep coming out with more and more vaccines. This is exactly right. Dr. Geert Vander Bossche- a top vaccine scientist in the world has sent out this warning about the vaccines. Moderna And Pfizer Skipped Animal Trials On mRNA COVID Vaccines Because They Already Knew The Animals Would Sicken And Die | Justice4Poland.com
It seems the vaccine will be some sort of population control. Why else would they want us all to take it? Well Bill Gates straight up said that on Video.
And he is the number one backer of WHO, Pfizer and the CDC. I’m just surprised others haven’t taken the time to research why he is involved. He wrote the playbook with Windows, then Viruses and Anti-Virus. It could be, being no one knows the long term side effects of any of them. It’s definitely mind control. That and money for these vaccine manufactures which is probably coming back around into the pockets of those pushing the vaccines. Particularly if you are a woman and want children. Doctors being censored explaining what these mRNA does to spike proteins causing the body to attack itself.
These Are the Vitamins You Need Before Your COVID Vaccine, Doctor Says.
All we’re doing is wasting time, efforts, potentially harming people. Killing our economy. All to say, the vaccine doesn’t work. Gotta keep the country closed, masks on…oh wait, immigrants are welcome even though we can’t get back to normal. They are working on something bigger and it’s not going to be good for us. The studies are starting to finally come in, and they are indicating that they do indeed reduce transmission significantly. I kind of feel like some people will find that disappointing. What’s worse is that they propose to make them “official” with a passport potential super spreaders!
No vaccine can prevent infection or stop spread.
They never really talk about that as it dilutes the magic bullet marketing. Viral Shredders that will infect others. That’s the plan of dominant class deep state. 90% depopulation over 10 years. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that this type of “vaccine” requires 100% of people to be vaccinated to be effective. No such thing as a super spreader, the illegal migrants right now crammed together one on top of another in border patrol facilities meant for 300 and 4000 are there? Only 10% have China Virus. Why aren’t they all dropping dead?! SCAMDEMIC?! Maybe?!
It just means it’s all a bunch of BS with the objective to control and have people surrender their freedoms because of fear. The mindless, Democratic bureaucracy at its best. Former US Attorney/DOJ official: Check it out ==> Said by Harry Litman in his tweeter post @ HarryLitman “Vaccine passports are a good idea. Among other things it will single out the still large contingent of people who refuse vaccines who will be foreclosed from doing a lot of things their peers can do. That should help break the resistance down.”
Experimental vaccines on children who have an approximate 0% chance of dying from the virus for which they are being vaccinated against is a type of child abuse. ZERO long term trials conducted. I just cannot understand parents that would allow their kids to be guinea pigs.
The silent ones always hit the hardest.
Democrats know they overplayed their hand with the 2020 election, and if they can’t pass overreaching legislation controlling elections going forward, those same strategies they used to ‘fortify the presidential election will be illegal. Sorry, not sorry.
Democrat voters are gullible. Have absolutely zero intellectual curiosity and blindly follow what their masters tell them. But Democrat leaders are Corrupt. Cunning.
They know what they currently have is razor thin and that their actions now are to ensure their hold on power. Accurate. GA fired the first shot yesterday w/ solid election integrity legislation. Other states must follow ASAP. It will all be tested @ Supreme Court. If the court fails to abide the Constitution & the specific rights of states 2 run their elections, then the Republic is done. This is the key point. If the federal courts overturn what was passed, or worse…allow HR1 to stand if passed and signed…then I do think we inch closer to a real civil war.
I am not hoping for a civil war, nor hoping for what goes with it, but sometimes inevitably happens. I just hope that there are enough that are truly realizing what is happening (or trying to happen) because I really don’t have faith in the typical voter. First, they’ve become malleable and secondly, they’ve become complacent and don’t depend on the GOP, because they’ve become pussies.
If HR1 does get past the Senate, I can see state governments flat out rejecting the gross over reach of Federal authority. It’s going to happen.
According to the Constitution, lots of shenanigans were illegal also, yet the State Legislatures are still abrogating their responsibilities to these grifters….. And there’s no chance more specific laws will be passed to stop it, and SCOTUS is compromised. Obviously, ‘more laws’ is not the answer going forward. Let’s hope we can do more than make them illegal. To those who don’t follow the law. DNC does not care any more, because they now have the nukes and military maintaining the status quo.
At this point the only thing that would stop them is a few honest politicians who have a backbone, Provides a little insight into how rampant the fraud actually was. They already were illegal, they just ‘got away’ with it. Notice the barrage of attacks on Ga. election reforms … they did not count on Trump getting the number of votes he did…so they had to go into overdrive…more votes than Obama, right…81mil votes most votes in history, right.
Shameful, if you have to cheat to win you did not win.

Know any of those in DC?
The one thing that always saves us-Democrat overreach! the thing is,
each time they seem to have gained an inch or so more….they know they are overreaching, it is part of the strategy. Frankly, I think the reason they’re working overtime at break next speed to implement all the crap they are is precisely because they know they’re about to be deep six in the upcoming elections and never see office again this side of Hades.
You Need to Stop Eating Before Your COVID Vaccine, New Study Says.

Tips For Traveling With Rheumatoid Arthritis – HealthyGem