A storm RAGES in my heart, my gut, my head every day, all day, ever since that bumbling idiot claimed victory. But I’m older, a lil wiser, have faith & a lil patience left & love storms. Resume standby & start praying. Casting Crowns – Praise You In This Storm (Official Lyric Video).
“Twenty years of inspiration from Jeremiah Wright, an outspoken enemy of Israel and demonstratively friendly with the greatest star of American Jew-hatred, Louis Farrakhan, moved Obama to a different place than the great moral consensus that united the mainstream.” “And he became an evangelist for the dogma that America’s inexpungable sin of racism makes it no better than Nazi Germany, Stalin’s Russia, or the mullahs’ Iran.” And we are stuck with his smooth brained cohort who evades every question and does the exact opposite of what rational Americans want. Joe-Obama again pushes the anti- Israel agenda. Let’s just hope he does not push to the point of no return. Biden Peddles Obama’s Sham Vision of the Middle East| The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
It is like America has been taken over by a hostile tribe?
The Calm Before the Storm and
and the democrats, fighting for human rights, civil rights, healthcare4all, a clean environment.
Whether you want to believe it or not they are coming for us. They can’t have people who love America and freedom be roaming around spreading freedom which is now considered wrong. The communists hate what we believe in, Which is civil liberty for all people. We are targets, and we can’t rely on anyone in government to stand up for us. They want to do away with us. They thiNk they have a right to oWn us. They’ve pillaged our resources for billionS and now it’s time for us to Go! Just sAy No
We will have to decide if we are willing to give in or if we will fight for our freedom. “They” have worked so hard, bought so many, and are so close to toppling the government. It’s not hate, it’s a misconception.. They know about as much as the stupid elite. The trickle-down will affect everyone but the rich and businesses. The rich stay rich at the expense of the rest. Tax them and they simply charge more and hire less. Even if an elite member doesn’t understand, they believe.. nothing else exists.. canceled.. The only horror are guns in the hands of evil people, criminals and mass shooters. They put the US Constitution through a shredder last March over a virus with a 99.8% survival rate, lied about Hydroxychloroquine, brought in fake ballots to Install a fake President, and now opened the border to invite an invasion. They aren’t hiding it. They declared war on us.
Isr@el wants open borders for the USA to destroy the American population. They want to be the last “pure” people left, make sense? They are behind this woke B.S. Yep, you can go to wiki and look up the companies that own the media companies you know, then look up the early life section of the owners. Do (((They))) Control the Media? (renegadetribune.com)
Well I’m an Army veteran and believe me this current administration isn’t worth fighting or bleeding over. This administration is a joke and that’s why the fake installed president will never be my commander-in-chief. He wants racial tension in the military.
They were also behind the transformative 1965 immigration act. Did the same in every Western country, except. A friend did share the people behind the Bolshevik revolution as individuals entirely of Jewish surnames aka crypto-Jews who adopted Russian surnames. That was mind blowing.
Why would they do this again?

꧁𓊈𒆜 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔱 𝔐𝔢 𝔑𝔬𝔱 𒆜𓊉꧂
Vice President Joe Biden delivers a eulogy for Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-WV).
Two teenage girls have been charged with murder after they stunned an Uber Eats driver with a Taser, attempted to carjack him, then crashed the vehicle and killed him, according to DC police. The girls, 13 and 15, were charged in family court with felony murder while armed, second-degree murder while armed, carjacking, and reckless driving, according to ABC7. One was also charged with possession of a Taser. A DC homicide detective testified in family court that one of the girls said the pair had agreed in advance to meet up at a Metro station and do a carjacking together, ABC 7 reported.
Since the girls are being charged as juveniles, their names and personal information remain private. The victim was 66-year-old Mohammad Anwar. A GoFundMe page set up by his family described him as “a hard-working Pakistani immigrant who came to the United States to create a better life for him and his family.” The page added that Anwar had been making an Uber Eats delivery when the deadly attack occurred.
Filmed by a bystander, a highly disturbing video circulating online appeared to show the lead-up to and aftermath of the crash. Anwar could be seen struggling with the girls, who were seated in the driver and passenger seats, as he tried to get back in his car. Anwar and other bystanders could be heard yelling that the girls were trying to steal the vehicle. At one point, the car suddenly zoomed down the street, with Anwar hanging out of the driver’s side door, clinging to the frame.
The car then crashed at the end of the street and flipped onto its side.
Though the girls could be seen climbing out of the capsized car through the passenger-side door, Anwar appeared to have been thrown several feet and was laying face-down on the sidewalk. National Guard members could be seen helping the girls out of the car while a bystander, who appeared to be filming the crime, yelled that they had been stealing the vehicle. The DC police said paramedics soon arrived at the scene and brought Anwar to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
Read the original article on Insider.
“Privilege” is two teenage girls stealing a car for fun and ultimately killing a 66-year-old man working for Uber Eats. Although I can support some backing to the original public housing and lack of parent presence for financial reasons. It’s simple and No matter skin color. Single parent children, especially poor, create a cyclone of bad statistics. We need the children growing up with mom and dad. Keep voting Dems and see if that helps the inner city.
You are “privileged” to look at you , you should be in Africa starving but your ancestors sold you off , only for you to become what you are, if a Asian or white people said what you said, they would be fking cancelled. Tell me if this isn’t your black privilege. Jenna bears no responsibility for the actions of these criminals, whatever anyone’s color. The fact that these girls may have come from broken homes has nothing to do with color. What is reprehensible is the fact our justice system will take anyone’s color into consideration.
Lyndon Johnson, the biggest racist ever to be president created a welfare system back in the mid sixties that encouraged financially black families to break up. Generations now of black kids growing up without a father. That man was a Democrat. WRONG..! That is not true. It is women popping out children & not raising them correctly. Children should be taught right from wrong at a very early age. They should know the consequences. I am tired of hearing the whining & pity parties.
I’m trying to understand, I really am, but white privilege? Just teenagers that haven’t thought about the consequences of their actions. I have teenage daughters, I am familiar with this. RIP Mohammad, wrong place, wrong time, love to your family. Why is everything about race?
There is no such thing as white privilege. I’m not privileged. And can you define white privilege? What exactly is considered white privilege?
Always white’s fault. How about taking responsibility for your own action?! This was clearly a hate crime against middle eastern by blacks. Stop middle eastern hate!!
Sorry for the propaganda brainwashing sure did find some fertile ground between your ears. There are NO EXCUSES for the craven criminal choices those girls made. The kids are a product of poor parenting….. but amazing that your logic can link it back to “whItE PeoPLe. An innocent man was murdered. NO ONE is just a victim of circumstance and their surroundings. That is a pathetic excuse for a lack of morality. Hitler was a child of his circumstances also. What is your point?
Growing up they created their own condition plenty of success blacks have made it out of the ghetto just fine. Plenty as in who???? Not entertainers who exploit those communities for financial gain and not athletes either, so who else ya got? Plenty of people in the inner city don’t kill other people. I would argue the vast majority do not actually. I worked with and was in a master program with people who used to live in inner cities. I am not telling you their names, so don’t ask, it’s an odd request. I lived in one.
You better check on what political party runs most black inner cities ….. The same democrats that have ran them for years and do nothing to change anything for the same people that vote them in. I love my heart and soul I love all humanity join hearts and souls together love peace and Harmony love peace and harmony. Resources – Love Peace Harmony
Ask Oprah, Spike Lee, Denzel Washington, Sidney Poitier (you get it) how they got out of the hood and made millions, I don’t think your finger pointing of white privilege is correct. Everyone has opportunities to do the right thing and make a name for themselves and do well!
Those girls are responsible for their own actions. Just like you, me and everybody else is responsible for theirs. You deflecting personal responsibility & blame helps no one and solves nothing. Unless of course your intent is to drive deeper wedges.
It was the Dems in the 1860’s out of fear of rebellion from emancipated slaves that put blacks in slums they could control, and overlord. Look into black codes intentionally written to get their freed slaves back in the fields in chain gangs as convicts. I mean shit… The Democrats are all that goes bump in the night concerning the oppression of blacks. Instituting slavery. Forming the KKK. Racially motivated gun legislation to keep former slaves unarmed. On and on one can go… You are really stupid@. My ex husband was very poor growing up. He chose his life. The blame game does not work. The democrat party is going to crumble. It’s already started!!
Sorry Ashley, but regardless of where and how these little pieces of s#!% were brought up, their actions caused a death and they’re both getting charged with murder, which they fully deserve. Anyone who excuses their behavior because of their “conditions” is an idiot. No, we can’t keep pointing fingers. It’s us and the black family falling apart. The first question should be, where the hell are and where have been their parents, period. You can’t send your kids to school to be raised, that’s our jobs. Once you have kids, it’s not about you.
Only a true idiot would shift the blame for the choices these girls made on their own to some hypothetical BS fictional privilege of other people as leaving them no other choice but to break the law and kill someone. Take your mask off Ashley. Lack of oxygen is not good. Stop listening to the media and do some actual research on why the inner city is the way it is. You should research where the KKK originated instead of being led around by MSM. It’s making you look like a fool.
I just bet these two little negroes have no father in the home. The welfare system has done a good job of pushing fathers out of the house. The death penalty is warranted. More negroes are in prison bcuz they commit more crime. People make decisions that define the course of their lives no matter what fucking color of their skin. They murdered someone. End of story. Assholes like you always want to insert race because you’re a racist yourself. White privilege did not force these girls to taze a man, steal his car and cause his death. They choose to create this mess. We are responsible for our actions.
It isn’t impossible to raise good children in the ghetto, even in “underprivileged conditions.” The blame belongs on the girls for being awful human beings and their parents for raising them like that.
Barrack Obama, a black man, became president of the USA. Not for one term, but two! How do you explain how this occurred within a country that is supposed to be so racist?
He is an example that we are all responsible for our own destiny!
You believe this crap you’re spouting? Nothing but excuses, everyone is responsible for their own behavior and everyone has the opportunity to make something of themselves. How many more ‘programs’ and ‘resources’ do people need?
That is emblematic of what’s holding back the black community. . .refusal to accept personal responsibility. The only thing oppressing black people is themselves. Success is there for people who look inward instead of outward. Good luck! Give us all a break. This narrative is getting old. I by no means have “privilege”. I was born to a teen alcoholic mother and a meth head father. I have WORKED every day since I was fifteen years old. The fear of God is why I didn’t turn out a criminal as well.
No one but those girls are responsible for their own actions. Their lives probably aren’t all that bad. But like most self involved kids these days they don’t care. There are people who suffer the worst kind of abuse & are good. Blaming others for your own actions shouts LOSER.
really? children are a product of their environment. want your children to do better? do better in the home and start by teaching respect and personal responsibility.
My family is black none of us are criminals or murderers, we work very hard,we take care of families, pay our bills n taxes, we’re conservatives, pro-God,pro-life n we patriotically love this country, pls how come “white privileges” didn’t affect us? GTFOH!!!!! These girls made their own decision. The inner cities are a direct result of President Lyndon Johnson and the Democrats beginning welfare programs in the ’60s that encouraged unmarried girls/women to have children for benefits. He did it for votes and to ruin black families.
Johnson said that by starting these programs, “We’ll have these (n-words) voting Democrat for 200 years.”
These are children of those conditions.” / Twitter
The older I get, the more I realize I don’t want drama, conflict, or stress. I want a cozy home, good food, and to be surrounded by good people. No matter how good or bad you think life is, wake up each day and be thankful for life. Someone somewhere else is fighting to survive. The people whose first instinct is to smile when you make eye contact with them are some of the Earth’s greatest treasures.
Quiet people have a lot of knowledge because they listen, observe, and only speak when necessary. May self-love be your soul medicine & anti-depressant. NOVA | Life’s Greatest Miracle | Season 28 | Episode 16 | PBS
Fascinating Medical Research Kills Cancer and Viruses Using Frequencies We’ve Found The Magic Frequency (This Will Revolutionize Our Future) A/Cure for Cancer and Covid 19?
CDC Says “DO NOT” Do This After Your COVID Vaccine (msn.com)
“Do Not” Do This After Vaccination, Warns Expert Panel (msn.com)
COVID-19: This Is The Safest County In The Safest State (msn.com)
You’re Sick for This Long, You May Have “Long” COVID – Bing
Biden is splitting with Obama on the economy and the proof is in their stimulus plan.
Kamala has no plans to visit the Border but she is in charge: why are they not proud to display their so called successful border effort to America. She believes heavily in the ‘system’ she signed onto. To someone like her, we’re the dumb ones; and she and the left are endowed with the ‘wisdom of the ages’.. Sick, isn’t it?
Vice President Harris was in Atlanta to meet with community leaders in the wake of the mass shooting two weeks ago when she summoned top aides to discuss what she would say. Raised to identify as Black, Harris steps into role as a voice for Asian Americans amid rise in hate incidents (msn.com)
40 million vaccine doses thus far unused; 35% of American adults have had a shot: live COVID-19 updates (msn.com)
The same people who mock people for their Christian beliefs insist the “universe” has a reason for everything, karma will teach you a lesson, and using crystals will help you become more wealthy. I’m gonna go ahead and say this is largely just untrue. Most atheists probably don’t believe in crystal spiritual bullshit. They’re out there… and they’re probably even more annoying than stereotypical Christians, but I don’t think it’s a large portion. They say that because they want to have God in their image. They don’t want to have a God who holds them accountable for the things that they do. So instead of saying God they just say “universe”, which allows them to make up the rules as they go along!!!
Tavistock Institute will make you question everything from the soap you use to the thoughts you thought were yours. This book covers a broad scope of social engineering & think tank ops used against the public. Surprised this book isn’t already banned: Corona Virus & The Tavistock Institute.