Shereen Monique
The light shines through the dark for all the beauty to be seen!!!
Starting from scratch is a great thing… reinventing yourself is always a plus
in my eyes…Embrace the unknown but never go in fully naked (protection energy) discernment is a very lacking quality in most (cannot see through the veil of illusion) But we have a heart… use it… I am personally not a Christian… but I have many Christian friends who are very open minded and love me for my heart and good spirit and I love them regardless of our different paths…
it is called true togetherness and not dictating and isolating those on a different path.
Most of my ancestors were born in America and Ireland…many migrated to
the U.K permanently…and hence here I am always calm in any form of storm… I am a lion surrounded by sheep…. but I am willing to guide the sheep if they need my help… I live in the u.k and it is really bad here, I know the focus is on America only right now but we are suffering this madness around the world , we are suffering severely in the U.K. but I have been calm throughout it all and my main focus now is my son and his peace during the trials and tribulations of LIFE!!
Love you all
#QuantumComputing #light #love #artofwar #chess
But to add I do see god and the power of the divine creator / source. Not interested in the colour wars… if you are a good spirited person that is open minded that is enough for me, I do not play….the played out division game… sorry. Why does everyone want to kill the ego?? The ego is what makes you human and to push yourself / confidence etc. the goal is to navigate the ego and control it… not kill it.. just my perspective.
I have no desire to be a spiritual guru, regurgitating knowledge that I demand you accept and if you do not you are a false light being….what I share is truly for me and if others connect with it I am honoured. I observe a lot of spiritual accounts on Twitter… Many are very dictating and try to find negative and outlandish excuses. Why others express certain things the way they do..no one is right or wrong, we are experiencing our thoughts together and some may resonate while others may not. Breath work is important… The science of breathing should be a daily activity for all especially children… the more oxygen and air vitals you breath in your health physical and spiritual will optimise greatly.
I am doing this truther movement a lil different… I have no desire to push constant fear/ doom and gloom… you have to see your power and understand how to utilise it in this spiritual and physical war… whatever your beliefs it does not matter at this time.. strength is key. There is also too much darkness within humans globally. Until the scales are tipped more towards the light then you will see your true liberation… You fear the idea you are giving your power away to something that is not really in your favour so you project, my role here is to present alternative ways of seeing things, I have no interest in cult fandoms or to be coerced into it…humans are not ready for true free realities.
I question everything… I never blindly follow anyone or anything… no one
can use intelligent emotional psychological sorcery to make me do so either…
I observe and analyse… Again… do not follow me if you have an issue with my spiritual path… this is not the time for more division and dictatorship… this is the time to see people’s spirit / soul and see if they have any light…
I remember flipping on swings , climbing trees, doing near death shit. These children today are not built tough enough, Too pampered and too spoiled.. Let’s be clear.., you also must SAVE YOURSELF!! Activate the divine warrior within you and use the guides of light to assist you, but never think you can sit on your ass and expect someone or thing to beam you up and save you, do the inner alchemy and it will be clear.
I am a Gemini… I sit on both sides of the veil… I see the light and the dark…
I see through bs… I see the layers of tricks ( remember most dark spirits are tricksters who pretend to be light) but we can learn a lesson from all,
I am not a Christian but I see God. The world is a clown show and the humans are it’s willing and unwilling participants, I observe the world but not of it…
I am here to help only those who want to help themselves and truly see… enjoy the show!!! I do not entertain the black vs white mind control programming,
I read your spirit/ essence and that is how I determine what type of being you are. With the god force in my heart and my mind, I can’t be moved by you!!!
Spiritual Enlightenment
Meditation and cleansing is a must regardless of the path you choose,
I serve no deities as they use you as food to harvest your energy
( I will break this down soon).
Breathing correctly will eliminate the stress and worries you put yourself through on a daily basis… you need more oxygen.
I honour the divine light and heavenly frequencies, I do my healing work
and learn from everything. I agree… division is poison in my eyes!!!
You trap yourself in archontic energy.

Children are the closest to divine God energy, that is why they are targeted the most for their pure light… they cannot produce their own light so they harvest humans especially children for it, they have to be parasitic… I love to create and breathe life to my ideas… being an artist is truly a powerful ride and
I have no intentions of getting off any time soon, I am a VALSOULS visionary…
I feel I am too otherworldly deep for most on here… lol
This is an experiment… I am observing and taking mental notes, very interesting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Humanity has to stop giving their power away and fight for themselves also… relying on others to free you is not the way… you have to fight for you… lazy thinking will keep you on the sinking ship…remember this. I can be whoever
I choose to be, as long as my heart is aligned right and my light is bright.
Trump is a hidden genius… very divine in his calculations and moves… sometimes you have to show them who you truly are without actually showing them who you are Let the unveiling begin… not when the people demand it but when the divine order decides it.
Get in on these frequencies humans and realise the power IS IN YOU! God gave us all the abilities to heal ourselves… pay attention All is in GOD’S divine hands… stay on the RIGHT side and strap them boots tight! Everyone around the globe! Keep up the good fight and never back down! Love wins!
#godwins #divine #light #love #meditation #GreatAwakeningWorldwide #bestisyettocome
My mission here is bigger than politics and man… although I am here to
help those who are ready to help themselves there is a truly divine plan. I am following that connects humans and higher intel / spirit on a huge scale.. My light will always be my sword of truth, not here to be recognised or applauded, not even here to be liked or favoured… my purpose is beyond any movement or expectations… my spirit speaks for itself and those who are intrigued by it will innerstand my song. I was told not to be a typical anon / patriot poster…
I am very connected to the metaphysical and spiritual world, higher advanced beings of light always tell me do things my way and it is not necessary to feel out of place or inadequate in the truth movement, I am Beyond it.
I truly feel many do not understand the divine spiritual prophecy playing
out here that is beyond politics and man… all will be clear soon beautiful ones Manifestations This is BIGGER than politics and even trump… things have to play out according to humans perception level especially individually… nurture your spirit and keep God’s / divine love in your heart.
Nothing to fear when you are aligned and connected to the divine god energy
#godwins #divine #light #love #meditation #GreatAwakeningWorldwide #bestisyettocome The best is STILL yet to come!! keep the love and light in your heart!
I know why I was chosen and no matter what land you live on around
the world you were chosen to be the light for generations to come.
This must be a American thing because in my country black people don’t
really do the victim hood mentality programming… a forced agenda for the cabal color wars sorcery… black people in America capitalise off division and false superiority it seems. On the BBC news just, Dr. David Holywell…
look at the words on the vision check board … #hoax
Wake up…. unplug… I wrote this with almost tears to my eyes.. I can see through the veil and I see the truth… wake up you beautiful humans…. save yourself before anyone can save you… ignorance has now become a choice… our children are so connected we cannot fathom it sometimes…I came down the stairs to find my son singing LAND OF THE FREE! HOME OF THE BRAVE! I said son where did you learn that song? he just looked at me and smiled!!!

#together #love #light #greatawakening
All the dreams I had with Trump he was always a beautiful soul and was
always about his business and being the leader In liberating earth…but this is also PERSONAL to him… his ancestors are leading him to victory because they died trying to free the people, TRUMP card —
The people need to demand freedom and sovereignty at this moment to show they actually want freedom and not be lazy and expect trump Q and military to do all the legwork, FIGHT!!!
Deception has become the order of the day The old adage is that “if you repeat a lie often ” enough it becomes the truth. This is sometimes called the illusion of truth effect; it is useful for establishing and entrenching propaganda. Please don’t learn “how to act” in infinite scenarios of life. If at all, seek and reclaim your own true nature i.e. eternal effulgent Self. Once you are inclined that way, whatever you do, is an act of love. And, there is no better way.
“A coward dies a thousand times before his death… the valiant taste of death but once.”
W. Shakespeare
Divine Harmonies ~ Music For The Soul ~ Inspirational Music ~ Oliver Wakeman.
May you all have a great day and nurture your spirits, hearts and minds
and focus on great things. India.Arie – I Am Light (Lyric Video).