Would you like a new healthy vibrant you this year? It really is possible to be healthier and more attractive by adding simple habits to your day. Your ego is not your amigo.
There are people who are unpleasant.
And then there are people who have a deep darkness in their soul. Know the difference. Unpleasant people can be kept. People with a deep darkness will seek to consume anything remotely good or righteous around them, by convincing you otherwise…..Pay them no mind. The Karmic Cycle is real. Be kind to others not because it’s a nice and humane thing to do. Doing bad on others puts bad energy in the universe.
It is time to add healthy habits to your life so you are full of vibrant energy.
“Everything is habit forming, so make sure what you do is what you want to be doing.” — Wilt Chamberlain
When we think of habits we instantly think of “bad habits” the kind your doctor asks about, or you laugh about with your friends.
Here are eight “good healthy habits” that your body will love you for. Anyone can do them. You can do these every day till they become your excellent healthy way of living. Staying healthy is then easy! It just takes commitment to keep on doing them. Are you ready to make a wonderful difference in your wellness?
Ease and flow, ease and flow, ease and flow!!!
EIGHT Healthy Vibrant Habits For You
Source: (realfoodforlife.com)
1. First thing in the morning, drink 2 to 3 cups of water.
Drink warm or hot water. It’s gentler on an empty stomach.
It is important that the water has nothing in it so that it passes through right away. If it contains anything at all (even lemon juice), it will stay in your stomach up to one hour not going into cleansing mode.
The water will flush your kidneys and the bladder will clean out fasting debris from your stomach and colon.
You will have a bowel movement right after drinking the two to three cups of water.
Make sure you are drinking clean water not full of chemicals. Learn more here: Unregulated Chemicals in Tap Water Is Not Good For Us!
2. Get Enough Sleep and Rest
This is a very important healthy habit that easily gets missed.
It is important to be getting 7 – 8 hours of sleep every night. If you are still feeling tired it is recommended to take short naps of 15–30 minutes.
What happens when we do not get enough sleep?
Your immune system is taxed, making you vulnerable to viruses. Your immune system rebuilds while you sleep.
You are therefore more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such as the common cold.
The brain needs to clean itself of toxins. Brain cells shrink during sleep, opening the gaps between neurons that allow fluid to wash the brain clean, according to a study in the Journal Science.
People gain weight when not getting enough sleep. Even just a few nights of sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain. – Research from the University of Pennsylvania found.
3. Breathe Deeply and Fully
Few of us breathe deeply. Do you remember the last time you took a long, slow, deep breath, and slowly let it out again?
This is What Happens When We Breathe Deeply
Here is a little from the 13 Health Benefits of Deep Breathing.
Deep breathing can help reduce stress. We often eat more when stressed.
Increases oxygen to the heart thus improving your heart rate.
It will help strengthen your lungs.
Breathing into the gut massages the internal organs to function well. It calms the emotions which directly affect the digestive system. There are other ways to improve digestion but this is an easy one.
Breathing more doesn’t do you any good if the air is toxic. Here are tips to help you Improve Air Quality.
Breathing mindfully increases energy, stills the mind and lifts the spirits.
Learn my Simple Method for Deep Breathing For Wellness.
4. Eat Lots of Vegetables (not just starchy ones like potatoes) Every Day
Often when I am doing a consultation with a client, I ask how many vegetables they eat each day. The answer often is: “I eat one or two vegetables a day.”
That is nowhere near enough. I eat between 6 to 12 every day and sometimes more.
We need to create alkaline balanced meals and vegetables are the best way to do that.
Did you know that the water fish swim in needs to be the correct pH to live? Life only exists where there’s a balance, and your body is totally regulated by pH!
Fill your plate three-quarters full of vegetables.
Vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients
On average, there are only 50 calories (or less) per cup in most of the most nutritious vegetables. (what I call SuperFoods)
Healthy Superfoods are high fiber foods that help cleanse your bowels, and thus your whole body.
For a healthy Acid/Alkaline Balance, your plate needs to be three-quarters full of vegetables.
Are you too acidic?
Learn How to Balance Your Body with an Alkaline Diet To Be Healthy
Here are some healthy and delicious vegetable recipes:
Vegetable Stir Fry Vegetable Stir Fry – A vegetable stir fry is a very simple and quick meal that tastes great.
Steamed Vegetables – Broccoli was developed in Italy and is well known and one of the major anti-cancer foods.
Alkaline Steamed Vegetables for Your Meal – Adding some alkaline steamed vegetables to your meal is a very healthy way to go. For a start, you will be eating many superfoods. Also, creating a balanced meal with these alkaline-forming vegetables.
Check out Vegetable Recipes for your meals.
It is important not to eat too much salt, learn how.
5. Control the Salt Habit.
Salt is sodium and your body needs some to function properly. It helps maintain a healthy balance of fluids in your body. Sodium helps transmit nerve impulses and influences the relaxation and contraction of muscles.
So a little salt is good for your body. Don’t eliminate salt entirely. But we do not need lots.
Adults worldwide consume almost double the daily amount of salt recommended.
This leads to weight gain, bloating, and the inability to lose those stubborn pounds.
Salt can make you feel hungrier and thirstier.
Where do we get all this salt? Processed and prepared foods are the biggest place.
Did you know that a belly will go down quickly just by cutting back on your sodium intake?
How to Get a Good Balance of Sodium/Salt
Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables which are naturally low in sodium.
Cut back on too much salt by using herbs and spices to add flavour.
Eliminate high salt foods like bacon, hot dogs, sausage and ham.
Limit the use of soy sauce, salad dressings, dips, sauces, mustard, ketchup and relish which all contain high amounts of sodium.
Read the food labels. Most packaged and processed foods list the ingredients of salt or sodium-containing compounds:
– Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
– Disodium phosphate
– Sodium alginate
– Sodium citrate
– Sodium nitrite
Use salt substitutes like
Spike All Natural Seasoning – Salt Free or you can use Coconut Secret Coconut Aminos which I love. It is Low Sodium Soy Sauce Alternative, Low-Glycemic – Organic, Vegan, Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Kosher – Keto, Paleo.
To decrease your daily salt, start by only having 1/4 teaspoon of salt daily at the table and in your cooking. When you use less salt, your taste for it diminishes.
6. Make Time for Relaxation and Meditation
Below are a few of the benefits according to National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
Benefits of Meditation
Reduces stress: A study found that meditating for three months significantly reduced stress.
May reduce blood pressure
Helpful in reducing menopausal symptoms
May help with irritable bowel syndrome. If you have a meditation technique, try doing it in the morning before getting out of bed, for ten or fifteen minutes.
If the mind falls asleep, awaken it. Then if it starts wandering, make it quiet. If you reach the state where there is neither sleep nor movement of mind, stay still in that, the natural (real) state. ~ Ramana Maharshi
If you don’t meditate, simply put on relaxing music, close your eyes and breathe, trying not to get caught up in your thoughts, watch them.
Your spirit and energy is a breath of fresh air with so much negativity in our world!!!
Good for you. Glad you are calling it back.
Thoughts are the language of the mind Feelings are the language of the body Vibrations are the language of the soul.
Emanate with love Eliminate your fears Meditate with awareness.
I am wiser because of my mistakes I am happier because of my sadness I am stronger because of my struggles I am unconditional because of my love I am who I am and I love who I am…

I appreciate your genuineness and authenticity.
That what I allowed others to take away from me .. and now I call it back to where it belongs.
It means a lot to me your kindness and your energy is rare .. thank you
7. Keep Fit For Your Body
To start, go for a walk of 20 – 30 minutes every day which is a great healthy habit.
Walking out in the fresh air is super important. “People often tend to forget about the importance of spending time outside and underestimate the health benefits,” says Urmet Seepter.
“Despite the fitness industry boom, we are not seeing changes in national physical activity levels, so gyms are not the answer,” says Jacqueline Kerr, Ph.D. Professor at the University of California, San Diego.
Time spent in outdoor recreation leads to a range of benefits, from reduced obesity rates to strengthen family ties. ~ Robert Manning, professor of recreation management at the University of Vermont.
A regular exercise program of at least 30 minutes several days a week will help build a strong immune system and help weight drop off, too.
Being fit will help you recover quicker if you do get sick.
Going for a walk outside is better than taking my medications. ~ Ruth DeBeau
8. Keep Sugar Highs and Lows in Check.
Sugar Cravings can rule you because they are an addiction.
You will need to develop some new habits to overcome them.
Why do we need to keep the sugar out?
Sugar: Makes you fat, nervous, causes diabetes, kidney and heart problems, suppresses the immune system and causes wrinkles!
Sugar cravings are often due to lack of nutrients creating an undernourished, hungry body. Keep your body nourished with lots of real food and extra nutritional supplements.
Learn the 7 Tips to Stop White Sugar Cravings.
Things to do to help reduce sugar:
Eat fresh and dried fruit instead of sugary sweets.
Keep fully hydrated.
Don’t skip meals. When you miss regular meals; you create a starving situation in your body and you will eat anything to bring your blood sugar level back to normal — and you know what that means.
No sweets in your cupboards or fridge. It is too tempting to have them available.
When craving strikes, go for a walk.
The best thing to sweeten up your food is stevia. The ‘sweet leaf’, stevia sweetener, does not create an insulin response and actually nourishes the pancreas which helps regulate blood sugar.
The stevia plant is incredibly sweet and also incredibly good for you. The leaf is 30 times sweeter than sugar while extracts are 300-400 times sweeter making this a must superfood to have. This is good for Sugar Addicts which I was once upon a time. Learn the six health benefits of stevia: Stevia is the Most Amazing Healthy Sweetener!
Some people think that to get away from sugar they should substitute artificial sweeteners which are really not a good idea. Learn the Reasons to Avoid Artificial Sweeteners.
Are food cravings & addictions ruling you? Listen to this free cravings webinar: What is the Healthiest Sweetener? Diana Compares 5 Sugars.
Here is a link to Vegan Dessert Recipes that are refined sugar-free and gluten-free too.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle
Wellness matters: I hope that this can be helpful.

Be mindful, not afraid: All these healthy habits are pretty obvious and simple to start. The trick is doing them long enough so they are an established part of your routine. This will take time and attention.
To help you with this, check out the 2 5 30 Online Courses in which you can learn new healthy habits and balance out your body. They are focused on alkalizing your body permanently and also applying food combining principles.
There will not be a single bit of refined-sugar or too much salt in any of the healthy recipes.
This One Increasingly Popular Diet May Protect Against COVID-19, Science Says (msn.com)
Inflammation: Is the Gut the Driving Force of Systemic Inflammation? – YouTube
25 Best Weight Loss Tips Straight From Doctors | Eat This Not That
What can you do to keep cancer from coming back? – YouTube