๐–‚๐–Š ๐•ฟ๐–๐–Š ๐•ป๐–Š๐–”๐–•๐–‘๐–ŠโžŸHave The Final Word

Their Agenda 21 conspiracy is no longer a theory. I was hoping it wouldn’t be in my lifetime.

We the People (Constitution Song)
Think about this: The Communist Democrats are pushing their Green New Deal, Climate Change & HOW America MUST decrease our CO2 emissions because in 9 yrs the World’s gonna end if we don’t. However, they Open Our Borders to MILLIONS of Illegal Aliens to invade our Country.

How much will All of these invaders increase our CO2 emissions??
That means we must produce More food, water supplies, housing, medical supplies, clothing, transportation, A/C emissions etc. which greatly increases our CO2 emissions & thereby ๐–‚๐–Š ๐•ฟ๐–๐–Š ๐•ป๐–Š๐–”๐–•๐–‘๐–Š will be Taxed according to the Paris Climate Agreement for having Increased CO2 emissions…. but they love making us breath in constant carbon dioxide with all that f’ing mask nonsense~ #thesepeoplearesick #LiberalHypocrisy #theyneverthoughtshewouldlose
(1) Think Mountain Zen: Don’t believe in Hope. Believing in opportunities!
Loving people means accepting that they’re human and flawed, not putting yourself in a position of surviving off their resources. Independence doesn’t happen overnight, but idealizing someone (even a great person) enables the worst in them.

โœž Never Give Up โœž

Democrats seem to have the entire system working to advance their interests. This should worry you if you know your history… I feel like itโ€™s been this way the whole time and weโ€™ve only just begun to see the damage they actually do.
I used to think the US military would never go after it’s own citizens. Now I have my doubts. Very scary. Iโ€™m glad youโ€™re seeing it. Everyone needs to see it before itโ€™s too late.

Just exactly what Barack Hussein Obama did for 8yrs.. stoked division in everything & everybody with that smile on his face Iโ€™d love to smack!

1921-1965 there was almost NO LEGAL IMMIGRATION to the USA. Why?
There had been so many immigrants in such a short period of time, had to pause in order for them to assimilate. Thereโ€™s a word you havenโ€™t heard for
a while.
Our Constitution is being desecrated! It does not grant us Rights, because our Rights are natural to begin with. Our Constitution is our Restraining Order against tyranny!

Every Dem, RINO & 3-digit institution has ripped it up. What part of it do we have left guys?
Nicely put. “Our Constitution is our Restraining Order against tyranny.”
It prohibits the gov’t from interfering with our God-given natural rights. Problem is none of our reps or courts are upholding our Constitution. All we have left is a grassroots revolution. In Montreal Canada… A Peaceful Rally comes to this, Listen to the announcement.

This is simply disturbing.

This is what’s planned, it’s all coming together, a Police State, you have no rights, no say and are merely a cog in their system. This ain’t living.
It’s time to RISE… This pandemic has surely shown us which political leaders have never taken the constitution seriously anyway…at least we now know where they all stand and its sickening!!

America is Done for. Let’s face it Trump is out of Politics for GOOD. See what
I did there. lol God is not mocked, neither are patriots. As a man sows what he will reap. Our rights are given by and protected by God, when natural order is disrupted nature will restore order. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

I’m here, you’re here we are here.

Our constitution acknowledges our rights and sets limits on our government.
If we allow them to violate those limits it’s our fault and our responsibility to reign them in. We have it all left for now, but itโ€™s quickly coming to the point where we either defend it boldly or lose it entirely. They’re turning our southern states into foreign countries.
They tore down statues, banned books, fortified an election, labeled the opposition as terrorists, and now want the guns.

This never ends well.

You are right. I wish they taught real history in school so half the country
was aware of these historical red flags. Any history book will show that this is exactly how a nation is overcome by tyrants. Actually — many great fiction authors will show the same…like Orwell’s “1984”. Chilling how far down that same path we citizens of America are at this point.

“Why do dems love open borders when open borders mean more human trafficking?”
NEW VOTERS!!!!! Turn Texas Blue and Dems turn the US into California.

The answer is in your question.

FOR 2 simple reasons.

1) New voters, plain and simple. Why do they want 16 yr old voters?
Why allow the flood of illegal immigrants?
2) Destabilization which leads to gov’t dependence. No care for citizens, children or sex traffic victims nor the cost. All to increase gov’t reach.
Cartels force and kidnap migrants into human trafficking to pay them for illegal passage to US. Easier to move โ€œproductโ€ when thereโ€™s less restrictions.
Watch Oscar El Blue on YouTube. 3.12.21 Scott McKay “Patriot Streetfighter” Interview W/ Legendary ICE Agent Victor Avila – YouTube

Unchecked vs checked:
I bet we stop a lot more when we check who is coming In the country
compared to when we just let anyone walk across it’s pretty simple.
That’s NOT TRUE. Lies make DIVISION.
People see KINDNESS, want HELP for them and they decide 2 take their own stands. People need to have what they need in their own Areas.. So that they can want 2 stay where they live happily.


So they can sell human beings who have no documentation! Theyโ€™re sick!
With this virus thing goin’ on, we reaaalllly don’t need immigrants right now!
Just gonna make it impossible to eradicate. The only reason Hispanic people vote Democrat is because Republicans do everything they can to insult them. Mexican culture is inherently conservative, religious and libertarian. They come here to work. Some border counties in Texas voted for Trump.

Because Socialist Democrats, whether by accident or design, will collapse our system to rebuild it Green. And we all know how well โ€œgreenโ€ products and services work. They will take every person regardless of how they come. Because that is one more person to give stuff away to and protect.
In exchange, that person will vote for the ones that take care of them.

(Until there is no more money…)

Illegals mean undocumented children for trafficking. Means less people looking for them.

Open borders is a pedophiles dream!

Because they want to be seen as sympathetic to the plight of the “immigrants.” It enriches their main donors with cheap labor; allowing them to say they want to up the minimum wage with no effect on them. It creates a bigger voter base with the anchor babies the illegals create. Also yeah they appear more humane as everyone wants to help the poor.

I Agree – a lot of Republicans are in on the cheap labor for their donors as well though. It just means that nether party has truly addressed illegal immigration for the past century; seems only Reagan granted amnesty to work toward citizenship which eradicates slave labor wages.
If most illegal entry into the US meant more Republican votes… the Dems would have pushed for a solid, 50-ft-high wall the entire 2,000+miles of our southern border!!

For the sake of Exploitation & Cheap Labor plus Free
Heavy plus sign Votes
๐Ÿ—ณ. That’s it. Period.

Itโ€™s been obvious that all they care about is chaos. Black vs white, Illegal versus legal citizen, Republican vs Democrats. Without chaos, the government canโ€™t swoop in and โ€œsave usโ€.
You’re a victor and not a victim. Thank you for taking something so horrific and using it to strengthen other women. Mad props to you young lady. You deserve to protect yourself. You donโ€™t have to justify it to whoever doesnโ€™t like it. Thatโ€™s their problem. Be kind. Be polite. But have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

Defending yourself shouldnโ€™t have boundaries, except for your own conscience. Your heart and mind will tell you whatโ€™s fair to preserve your life. Odds are, the one being attacked is a better person than the POS attacking. So it makes it — easy to determine who gets to live. #Swamp Living like a truly Free American, good for you. That’s how you take back your country. People, if you only fear dying, then you just ainโ€™t living….

This is How You Takeย Back Your Country!
Clapping hands sign

Correction: Biden and his cronies are regressive and only use “progressive”
as a label when in fact none of their plans are progressing America in any way except toward a dark Marxist future. Biden claimed his entire soul is for unity. So why did he begin his address to the nation last Thursday night with a swipe at his predecessor, while being silent on Chinaโ€™s role denying the existence of COVID? Donโ€™t be fooled: Biden is extremely partisan and increasingly progressive.

“Progressivism” as defined by the mega-Satanist, Albert Pike, is to “progress
to a state under Lucifer’s doctrines to be without morality or compassion. All weak emotions like love, hope, and empathy must be purged so humanity can achieve its highest state.” Dems lie, cheat, steal and murder to gain control and power. While Republicans dance with fairies and spread flowers and love and truth and joy and wealth! Unify is communist code word for ….shut up if you oppose the current people in power. If youโ€™re prepared to effectively cut off your family because the government told you to, I dread to think what else you would be prepared to do.

If the government were telling all men we are under a curfew. We as a country would do it. Thatโ€™s crazy. Then there’s talk of environmental lockdowns. This wave of compliance is just beginning and those who dig compliance will have NOTHING to say when there is gone!…You’ll own NOTHING and be HAPPY that is their mantra!!

If you’re “excited” for the vaccine so they can “see their family” ….. If you
are taking a vaccine because the government stole your liberty and freedom there is something seriously wrong. Some people think visiting their own parents/children/siblings is ‘selfish’. But not seeing them (when you can) is ‘caring’. Most people would drink their own piss if the government or Dr. Faucci told them to do so. Most likely the same people have never read the constitution or understand where their rights come from.

It would be selfish if they asked you to stay away, but thatโ€™s not what people like you and myself are arguing for. Weโ€™re saying that itโ€™s totally unjustified
to force people away from loved ones. Iโ€™m constantly reading replies to gauge viewpoints, love it. What interests me is how divided society seems right now, and how this could be solved.. and feel like right now. Itโ€™s just a ticking time bomb, as I canโ€™t see people suddenly โ€œgettingโ€ it on the world’s a stage.

A lot of people are FOR curfews for men. I donโ€™t know what society has come to, but if this becomes a thing, thatโ€™s a very dangerous precedent for our rights as men. My aunt was diagnosed and died from brain cancer within the last year. We could not visit her except via Zoom. Yet I can go in and out of people’s homes or go to Walmart. How have people accepted the narrative that shaking a hand or hugging someone will lead to death.

Astonishing bullshit. Freedom is slavery Ignorance is strength just let the government think for them Amazing. Could never be me. #FACTS

Must Watch โžŸ We the People Constitution Song

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