✨Being Alive Takes Lotta Energy ✨

The Incredible Power of the ‘Third Eye’ Kiss – An Extraordinary And Ordinary Life (wordpress.com)

Evanescence – My Immortal (Official Music Video).

Quantum physics tells us that nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. 
That statement, from science, holds an enormous and powerful insight. It means that everyone is creating what they see. ~ Neal Donald Walsch

Unblocking The Third Eye What Illuminati Doesn’t Want You To Know.

The Nobel Prize awardees in physics, beyond doubt, proved that the physical world is one big ocean of energy that materializes and dematerializes in a split second, over and over again.  This is the world of quantum physics.
Nothing is solid.
They proved that thoughts are responsible for holding this ever-changing energy field together in the form and shape of the objects we know.
So why do we see a person, instead of flashing clusters of energy?
Think of a film roll. A film is a collection of about 24 frames per second. Each frame is separated from the other by a small space. Compared to the speed these frames change with, our eyes are tricked and see them as a continuous film. Related: People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do
Think about television. The cathode tube is a simple tube with a bunch of electrons hitting the screen in a certain way, making an illusion of shape and movement. Anyway, this is how all objects are made.
We have five physical senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste). Each of these senses has a specific range (for example, a dog hears a different range of sound that people do; snakes see a different spectrum of light than us, and so on). In other words, our senses perceive energy from a certain fixed point of view and that’s how they create images and form our perception.

But that’s neither exact nor complete. That’s just an INTERPRETATION.
How can we say that everything is energy and we control it with the power of thoughts?
All our interpretations are based exclusively on our “inner map” of reality, but not the real truth. Our “map” is the result of the collective experience of our personal lives. Our thoughts are associated with this invisible energy and they determine what form it will take. They can literally change the universe “particle after particle”, creating our 3D life.
Related: The Law Of Attraction: How To Transform Negative Thoughts (FAST!)
Look around you.
Everything you see in our physical world began as an idea that kept growing until it materialized into a physical object through a series of steps.
You literally turn into your most frequent thoughts.
Your life has become what you imagined and believed in.
The world is literally your mirror, it allows you to experience everything you believe to be the truth in this 3D plane … until you change it.
Quantum physics tells us that the world is not a constant as it may appear to be. Instead, it is a place of constant motion in which our individual and collective thoughts keep building, tearing down, and rebuilding. It’s a perpetual mobile. What we believe to be true is actually an illusion, almost magic.
Fortunately, we started to expose the illusion, and, most importantly, we are learning how to change it.
Watch this video to know how to use quantum physics to make your dreams your reality: – Bing video

Here’s a simple explanation.
What are the components of our body?
The human body comprises nine systems, including the circulatory, digestive, endocrine, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, and urinary system.
Related: Signs the Law of Attraction Is Working For You
What makes these systems?
-Tissues and organs.
What are tissues and organs made of?
What makes the cells?
– Molecules.
What makes a molecule?
– Atoms.

What makes an atom?

How To Unblock Your Pineal Gland And Open Your Third Eye.

Is your third eye chakra blocked? Unblocking your third eye, also known as pineal gland or Ajna chakra, allows you to tune into your intuition and connect with the divine realm.

What is the third eye?
Mystics and spiritual practitioners have long considered the third eye or the pineal gland to be the gateway to universal connection. Every ancient culture across the globe has mentioned the significance of the third in attaining spiritual fulfillment. According to the Ancient Egyptians, the placement of the pineal gland, situated between your eyebrows, mirrors the location of the Eye of Horus. Moreover, according to Ayurvedic philosophy, the Ajna chakra or the sixth chakra represents our third eye. 
Naturopathic doctor and holistic coach Erica Matluck explains “The third eye is an energetic center, or chakra. Though it is not an actual physical structure, it is associated with the pineal and pituitary glands on the brain and located on the forehead between the brows.” It is believed that the third eye leads to higher levels of intuition, concentration, foresight, clarity, imagination and extra-sensory perception. 
Erica adds “It gives us the ability to see beyond what is physically present in the moment. Seers and psychics typically have highly developed third eye chakras.”
Read also: The Third Eye, The Pineal Gland – This Is A MUST Read!

Understanding the pineal gland
Your thir
d eye or pineal gland is a small gland in the brain shaped like a pea. It is a conical mass of tissue situated in the vertebrate brain close to the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus gland. From a medical perspective, it’s function is still unclear. However, research indicates that it generates and regulates certain hormones, like melatonin. Melatonin helps to regulate sleep patterns and protect against various cardiovascular issues according to a 2016 study.
When exposed to light, our third eye becomes activated and performs several functions in the body related to regulating our biorhythm. Along with the hypothalamus gland, this pear-shaped organ helps to control our hunger, thirst, sexual desire and our aging process. One study describes the human pineal gland as “an extremely active neuroendocrine transducer. Environmental light acts through the retina and entrains the pineal gland’s circadian rhythms by way of the hypothalamus and sympathetic nervous system… this tiny gland is considered to be the “regulator of regulators” and important in general homeostasis.

However, the third eye or the sixth chakra plays a much larger role to play than simply taking care of our health and wellness.

When your third eye is blocked

A blocked third eye can make you feel lost in life.
Lose touch with your intuition and become spiritually stagnant. Your perception becomes negatively skewed and you start becoming increasingly anxious and afraid about your past and future.
When your third eye is open, you’ll experience clear insight, open-mindedness, intellectual balance, and a strong connection to your intuition or inner wisdom,” explains Aletheia Luna, writer, and co-founder of Lonerwolf. She adds that when your third eye is constricted, you will “struggle with narrow-mindedness, overthinking, insomnia, suffocating beliefs, lack of purpose, depression, and an inability to connect with your Soul.
Read also: 3 Tools To Decalcify And Open Your Pineal Gland
A blocked pineal gland can also lead to feelings of disengagement in life. It can make you lose your sense of purpose, feel exhausted, and hopelessly stuck in the daily grind. “A blocked third eye chakra can seriously affect your motivation and zest for life, which will lower the vibration of all your other chakras. A third eye chakra blockage can make it difficult to see the meaning in life, and feel grateful for the experiences that you have during your time here,” explains the Power of Positivity.
When this chakra is blocked, you will feel a lot more confused, pessimistic, jealous, and uncertain. Moreover, it can also affect your physical well-being as the third eye chakra governs various neurological functions like regulating sleep, metabolic function, and preventing infections. This can lead to becoming ill frequently, having high blood pressure, and experiencing insomnia.

Signs of third eye blockage
When your pineal gland is blocked, “you may struggle to have faith in your broader purpose. So, you may feel there’s no point to what you’re doing, or feel it is insignificant. You might also be struck by your inability to make decisions. Some people describe this as a feeling of psychological paralysis,” writes Law of Attraction expert Katherine Hurst.

So how can you know if your third eye is blocked?

Here are a few signs that will help you find out:
Lack of clarity
Feeling monotonous, bored and trapped
Unable to have a broader vision in life
Indulging in fantasies and illusions to escape reality
Unable to connect with spiritual self
Anxiety and depression
Delusions and paranoia
Having nightmares
Poor immune system
Migraines and seizures 
Sinusitis and sciatica
High blood pressure
If you can identify with all or most of these signs, then it is imperative that you clear the blockage so that you can tune into your higher self and live a better, more purposeful life.

Read also: What Are Chakras? A Quick and Easy Guide

How to open your third eye or pineal gland….
Here’s how you can start to unblock this energy center and open your third eye:

1. Practice third eye meditation
Meditate on your third eye or Ajna chakra. You can do this by practicing transcendental meditation or mindfulness meditation by yourself. Meditation can help significantly when attempting to unblock your third eye. Holistic coach Erica Matluck says “Focus your attention on the point between the brows in meditation, and simply observe what images or thoughts arise.”
By becoming increasingly aware of your thoughts and emotions, you will be able to open more spiritual space within you.
Read also: 7 Informal Meditation Practices: How To Meditate Without Meditating

2. Do breathing exercises
Breathing is one of the simplest ways to increase your awareness and bring your attention to the present moment. Intentional breathing exercises can help you a lot in opening your pineal gland. Erica adds “There are many kinds of breath work, but holotropic breath work is particularly well-suited to opening your sixth chakra.”

3. Practice Yoga
Kundalini yoga can be especially helpful if you want to unleash your third eye and enhance your spiritual and psychic abilities. Kundalini yoga is a form of intense and highly spiritual yoga that can lead to opening of the third eye. However, make sure you focus on particular kriyas. “When you practice Kundalini yoga, choose kriyas that focus on the pituitary or pineal glands,” explains Erica Matluck.
However, you may choose to practice other simpler types of Yoga as well. Katherine Hurst writes “Yoga can also be helpful when learning how to balance your chakras. Third eye yoga poses include the child pose and the eagle pose. You can find pictures and videos that will guide you through these straightforward positions. You may notice 3rd eye chakra opening symptoms soon after”

4. Eat a nutritious diet
If you are hooked to take outs and junk food then there’s a good chance you might not be able to unblock your third eye. Following a strict nutritious diet is one of the best ways to open your pineal gland and chakra alignment.  International yoga specialist and plant-based health coach Claire Grieve  explains, “Your food choices govern your energy. Adding an array of purple foods, such as blackberries, blueberries, grapes, eggplant, purple kale, purple sweet potatoes, and purple cabbage into your diet will boost and balance your third eye.
Consume a lot of fruits, vegetables and whole foods. Eliminate packaged foods from your diet and eat foods like whole grains, nuts, legumes, raw apple cider vinegar, goji berries, spirulina, raw cacao, dark chocolate, chlorella, cilantro and chlorophyll. You should also add vitamin D, omega-3 rich foods, and naturally purple foods like purple cabbage, eggplant, blueberries, red grapes and blackberries to your diet. “Your diet is important because it directly influences your energy levels, hormones, and therefore feelings and thoughts,” explains Aletheia Luna.

5. Practice tapping
pping your pineal gland is one of the most ancient and effective ways to open your third eye. Gently tap your forehead between the eyebrows to activate this energy center. It transmits a vibration to your pineal gland which helps to activate it. This process also helps to stimulate the pituitary gland and activate the hypothalamus. Reiki master Serena Poon explains “Try gently tapping the forehead where the third eye is and activating your pineal and pituitary glands by sending light waves of vibration.”

Read: Tapping Into Your Consciousness And Feeding Off On Your Energy

Here are some ways to activate your pineal gland and open your third eye:
Use sound bath or sound healing
Use essential oils
Practice toning, humming or chanting “Om”
Spend time in darkness to release melatonin
Practice mindfulness
Use third eye healing crystals
Explore Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP
Exercise regularly and and drink adequate water
Avoid fluoridated water & toothpaste
Practice supportive third eye affirmations
Engage in third eye visualization
Let go of your ego
Pay attention to your dreams
Laugh and smile

Unleash your pineal gland
When you learn to unblock your third eye, you will be able to welcome an infinite source of divine energy. Your third eye will enable you to enhance your perspective and gain a new understanding of the universe. By opening your pineal gland, you can add insight, intuition, concentration, decisiveness, and clarity to your life. Opening your third eye can also help you attain abilities like:

Clairsentience (clear knowing through feeling)
Clairvoyance (clear seeing)
Clairaudience (clear hearing)
Clairtangency (clear knowing through touch)
Claircognizance (clear knowing)
Clairempathy (clear feeling)
Clairsalience (enhanced sense of smell)
Clairgustance (enhanced sense of taste) 

Aletheia Luna concludes “Learning how to open your third eye takes dedication and the willingness to dig deep and make a few changes in your life. But the effort you put in is well worth it, and the gift of clarity will bless your entire life for years to come.
Although the experience will vary from one person to another, it will enable you to strengthen your spiritual self and enhance your psychic abilities.

So go ahead and unleash your third eye. 
  unblocking the third eye – Bing
Evanescence – Better Without You (Lyrics Video) HD – YouTube

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