Every time i thought i was being rejected from something good, i was actually being redirected to something better. There’s no way you’re gonna figure me out. I’m as complicated as they come. Don’t take for granted you will see the sun rise tomorrow.
‘Dammit I’m mad’
Spelled backwards is still
‘Dammit I’m mad.’
We don’t get to do some things again. Tell the ones you love how you feel and hug them a little tighter every chance you get.
Bill Gates roasted for saying rich countries should eat ‘100% synthetic beef’ (msn.com)
I could rule – Bing video
I’m a triple 3 in numerology and in real life. – Bing video
Return of Rock on Twitter: “What SONG blew YOU away the FIRST time listening?”
4 signs you’re dealing with someone with a sense of entitlement!!!
We all know that one person who would throw you under the bus to get what they want in life, but they don’t actually do it because they can’t find anyone to pick you up and throw you under the bus for them.
You know, the people who think they should have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth, or maybe the people who were, but can’t quite understand why things aren’t working out for them in real life?
It’s called entitlement. And many, many people suffer from the very real problems that come about as a result of it. Of course, they’d never admit this mess is all their own doing, because, you know, they are entitled. It’s always someone else’s fault.
Here’s how you can spot a person who has a real sense of entitlement.
1) They Don’t Even See Other People.
A sense of entitlement means that people only see and care about their own needs. They will expect everyone around them to go out of their way to help them in all walks of life.
They need help getting to and from work – and it’s your problem because they have a job to get you.
They need help paying rent – which is also your problem because you don’t want them to be homeless do you?
They lost that job and now they need you to get them a job – because, you know, they can’t look for one themselves.
It’s a real problem and it causes a wide range of problems for everyone around these people.
2) They Think Everything Belongs to Them.
Regardless of whether they want to use your pen or your home, people with a sense of entitlement have no sense of boundaries.
They have no idea the work that went into acquiring the pen or the home and therefore have no sense of pride or ownership over it.
But they’ll flash that pen to their friends and brag about how they got it without having to life a finger.
People with a sense of entitlement have a problem admitting that they need help to do a lot of things in life, and instead of asking for that help they demand it in the form of taking and infringing on the lives of others without any regard for how they might be taking too much from certain people.
3) They’ll Leave You Licking Your Wounds.
Whether they cut in front of you at the grocery store or they grab your seat when you get up to get popcorn at the movies, people with a sense of entitlement make you feel like you are not worthy of the things they seem to be worthy of – they make you feel oppressed, actually.
There’s just no nice way to say it. They’ll take and take and expect you to roll over and give them everything you have. They don’t make any apologies for it either.
It’s a tricky spot to find yourself in because they are going to make you feel so angry and hurt, but you won’t feel it’s your place to say anything. Wow, talk about a rock and a hard place.
You’ll leave the store or the party feeling like all of humanity is just awful and you’ll spend way more time than you should complaining about this person.
It’s just the way it goes when you are dealing with someone who has such a high sense of self that they push everyone else out of their way.
4) They Invite You to Their Pity Party.
The trouble with people who have a sense of entitlement is that this entitlement doesn’t actually make them happy.
In fact, it leaves them lacking in many areas of their lives without the wherewithal to turn things around for themselves.
The irony is that they think they can do and have anything, but the truth of the matter is that they can’t make those things happen for themselves.
So they are perpetually unhappy. Even when they get what they want, it doesn’t fulfil their needs and the pity party continues.
So not only is someone with a sense of entitlement taking from you all the time without apology, they are also unloading all of their emotional baggage on you too.
It’s exhausting and unfair, and unfortunately, isn’t going to change anytime soon.
Key Point:
So if you find yourself in the presence of someone who is demonstrating a sense of entitlement, it’s best to just turn on your heel and walk the other way.
You can’t fix these people. Hell, they can’t fix themselves. You can bet they’ll ask you for a ride as you are walking away though, so be ready for that one.
Are you acting entitled? Here are 5 ways to tell!!
It’s no fun when you realize you might be letting your entitlement show, especially if you feel like you are the victim in a particular situation, but it’s something that is worth paying attention to so that you can start to change your viewpoint.
It’s not easy, and you won’t be happy about what you find as you move through your thoughts and actions sometimes, but calling out your own entitlement is the first step to changing the way you show up in the world.
1) You think the world revolves around you.
You find yourself getting frustrated with the way other people act around you, but it’s only because of the way you are thinking.
You might believe that everyone should act a certain way around you instead of the way they are acting.
It’s not that they need to change the way they are, but you need to change the way you are thinking about them.
Get a grip on your thoughts and you’ll be on your way to living a life without feeling entitled.
2) You want what other people have but you don’t want to share what you have.
Entitlement shows up in a lot of ways. One way it can manifest itself is that you are happy to take from other people, especially when you feel like you are in need, but you don’t want to share your stuff, thoughts, money, experiences, or anything else with someone who might need them.
You don’t see the point of helping people just for the sake of helping them. There needs to be a reason that benefits you in order for you to get involved.
3) You think you should have things just because of who you are or where you grew up.
Entitlement is most strongly based on who you are and where you are from.
People who come from a life of privilege don’t always realize how entitled they are. It’s a hot topic these days, actually, and if you want to kick your entitlement to the curb, look at the way you were raised and how many times you stomped your feet because you didn’t get your own way.
4) You always try to justify your anger or disappointment.
Entitled people think that they can act out on their emotions, despite how it might make others think. Sure, you are allowed to feel your feelings, but you don’t need to throw them all over other people.
You are entitled if you think people need to put up with you because you are angry or frustrated with something.
5) You feel like nobody is paying attention to you.
You might feel like you are all alone and nobody cares about what happens to you, but that’s not true; that’s just the thoughts you are having and indulging in.
If you indulge in your thoughts more often than not, you are entitled. You want people to see that you are struggling and feel bad for you.
It’s not the ideal way to live and you might get tired of your own company if you carry on like this much longer.
Breaking the cycle of entitlement is not easy, but if you pay attention to how you show up in the world, how you react to things and people that are out of your control, and how you decide to express your emotions in the world are all signs of how entitled you really are.
Make conscious decisions to be different and not inflict your entitlement on to other people.
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Everyone that comes into your life was put there by GOD Almighty!!
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What We Mean When We Talk About Entitlement
New data shows it’s not always a negative.
Wisdom that does not lead to love and compassion is not wisdom at all.
We call that “entitlement”
Entitlement is an enduring personality trait, characterized by the belief that one deserves preferences and resources that others do not. Like boundaries, we recognize entitlement chiefly by its effect on us: envy, anger, and frustration. “Why do they think they deserve it any more than I do?” we wonder. And then, “Is it them, or is it just me?”
Sometimes we mistake entitlement for a sense of self-confidence projected by competent, assured, often charismatic others. Sometimes we confuse it with narcissism, with which it’s often associated, or self-absorption, which occasionally looks like the same thing. And sometimes, according to research, a bit of a fleeting, situational rush of entitlement can be a good thing; it can increase creativity and lead to novel, unusual solutions to problems, the kind of out-of-the-box thinking that organizations and employers encourage.
Whether deserved or not, a sense of entitlement enables people to think and act differently from others, and the more they do so, the more willing and able they are to generate creative ideas. On the negative side, a chronically entitled disposition may diminish the motivation to put in extra effort. When we talk about lazy, entitled millennials, particularly those who haven’t earned their As or promotions through their own hard work, those are the people we mean.
Pejoratively labeling an individual or a generation as entitled sometimes reveals more about us than it does about them—our unwillingness to recognize another’s meritorious worth or hard-earned success, which indicates how often we think with our beliefs rather than about them. (A good example is how Hilary Clinton was viewed as entitled when she ran for political office, but not when she was actually in it.)
Whether deserved or not, highly entitled people are less concerned about what is socially acceptable or beneficial, according to researchers at Harvard and Cornell whose studies of 99 undergraduates and 98 MBA candidates yielded another finding: Entitled people don’t follow instructions, because they see them as unfair. “They would rather take a loss themselves than agree to something unfair,” said the authors, who correlated high scores on entitlement measurements with difficulty complying with the “rules” of the experimental task. Attempting to understand why students ignored them (selfishness, control, or punishment), they found that fairness was the primary reason.
When people feel entitled, they want to be different from others. But just as frequently they come across as indifferent to others. That’s why they often provoke such negative responses in those they encounter, especially those they don’t personally know.
That may be the most significant fact about entitlement; that silent signal that our negative feelings have been triggered by it. Recognizing when our own sense of entitlement is driving us helps us understand our need to balk at social convention, rebel against limitations on our autonomy or prohibitions on our preferred behavior. Marching to our own drummer is one thing; knowing when that sound affects others like chalk on a blackboard is another.
It’s often said of the baby boomers that they felt privileged and lucky rather than entitled, while their kids and grandkids feel entitled, whether they are or not. And frequently parents are blamed for fostering that trait in their kids by giving them everything they want, when they want it, and colluding in the belief that they deserve it.
It’s an unfair rap to those who want their kids to be successful and do the best they can. It’s not up to us to tell them their dreams are unreachable or their expectations are too high. Instead, we would be wiser to support their efforts to achieve them.
Zitek and Vincent, Feelings of Entitlement Enhance Creativity – Association for Psychological Science, and
“Entitled people don’t follow instructions because they see them as unfair,” SPSP News, 12/20/17
With a survival rate of over 90% without any vaccine, I wonder why the brainless math-challenged people still think getting a 66% effective vaccine is a good idea, or makes any goddamn common sense. If I met you in person off of Twitter would you be the same person you portray to be on Twitter?
Some people don’t know they don’t know.
Some do. If I could be myself I would do it so fast & gladly! It’s Truly a Sentence. A daily struggle. A kind word or a put down can set the tone for a day. May last even longer. My actions are not my choice sometimes. A little compassion helps!
Yep we have to trick my mind with Sativa also to be happy…and Indica to calm down mania #bipolarclub #depression
Having a family member who has suffered for far too many years, I know the most annoying and most used phrase is…’you got yourself into it now get yourself out of it’….implies they have deliberately got themselves into it. I agree, it is one of the worst phrases! I’ve been there myself & have had family members as well. I don’t think I have seen those statements EVER work – it only increases the shame & guilt already experiencing. Compassion is the way forward. #BeKind
Judgement comes from critical-spirited people– It’s in their nature. Unfortunately, all a critical spirit can see is what wasn’t done. They can’t see the effort it took to do what was done. How do I know? I’m depressed, married to a critic. It’s cyclothymic depression, but slower frequency and shallower wavelengths most of the time than my Dr. will diagnose. But it’s also love, better than most people find. This is so true. My daughter ( god rest her soul) suffered severe depression, anxiety, and PTSD her whole life. Until her life was taken from her from bilateral pulmonary embolisms at the tender age of 32.
Love you sweet girl . Tiffeny Marie Kline 1985-2017
Adrian on Twitter: “Depressed people can’t choose to be happy, their chemical makeup doesn’t allow it. So instead of judging them, try showing some compassion.” / Twitter

And stop asking them what’s wrong, why are they depressed. I’m depressed because you keep asking stupid questions is what I want to say. You may wish to specify “people suffering from depression” to distinguish it from “feeling depressed” because otherwise people don’t get it. With bipolar depression, objective circumstances are irrelevant. You are without most or all of the ability to experience positive emotions.
This is so true, I fight being bipolar everyday some days.
It’s like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and most of the world treats you as if you’re broken.
I’ve had depression from such a young age and been on and off enough antidepressants as an adult to know there is something not quite right with the chemicals in my brain. I’ve accepted that and take antidepressants long term. Not a fix, but the downs aren’t so far down. They can choose it but it takes action, it takes dedication.
Compassion is something we need more of…right, left, in between….it is so needed…for so many reasons!
I think depressed people should be heralded for their strength because it takes a lot to get through each day. It takes a lot to deal with what life throws at you and still paste a smile on your face. Fake it till you make it! So true, an ounce of compassion can be the best medicine
….exactly…that could be you someday. Wifey goes through bouts and it took me the longest time to understand this. I had to learn to not take it personally that there was nothing I could do to cheer her up. Just be patient and understanding.
When you fight with it everyday for years like me you become increasingly afraid to reach out for the help you need and people who you can trust. I hate being deemed broken so I put on a fake face but it just masks my outside doesn’t fix me inside. Need more understanding. So true we are inclusions and we must take our power back.
Having suffered since my early teens, having a long standing of depression & suicide in my family I just want to say that we CAN choose to be happy. But it’s MUCH different than it is for ppl w/o depression. It’s a roller coaster life, but there are tools that we can fight. Off and on depression back with, but it isn’t easy! For me recognizing all the absolute shit I say to myself, beat myself up over everything, etc. It took a while to even recognize how much we can “enjoy” punishing ourselves, even for things that are totally out of our control.
I found it much easier to forgive others than I can forgive myself. BUT it can be done because I’ve done it. Oh, I still sink down to the darkness where I was comforted for over 30 years, but I recognize it and don’t allow myself to stay there anymore. A day/two & GTFO of my head. Or I KNOW where I’ll end up. It took me until 45 to decide I wasn’t going to allow my depression/anxiety control me. You have to want it BADLY though. It is much easier to surrender to it of course, but I wish I would have learned there are ways to overcome, or at least for me: keep those negative emotions at bay because I recognize the destructive way my mind works.

Amazon.com: Inspirational Poetry: Disability rights! eBook: Garson, Gafsa Bux: Kindle Store
My Dad who was dying of cancer when I went through my depression said something that really opened my eyes in 2006. With such sadness in his eyes, he said “I wish I could understand how you feel, but I simply can’t.”
I wish more people knew about what depression does to a person. It literally kills. A kind or supportive word can do incredible things …It’s hard to do anything when you’re depressed…Be responsible for your own recovery. But it’s MUCH different than it is for people w/o depression. It’s a roller coaster life, but there are tools that we can fight depression back with, but it isn’t easy!
For me recognizing all the absolute shit I say to myself, beat myself up over everything, etc.
It took a while to even recognize how much we can “enjoy” punishing ourselves,
even for things that are totally out of our control. I find it much easier to forgive others than
I can forgive myself. BUT it can be done because I’ve done it.
Oh, I still sink down to the darkness where I was comforted for over 30 years, but I recognize it and don’t allow myself to stay there anymore. A day/two & GTFO of my head. Or I KNOW where I’ll end up.
It took me until 45 to decide I wasn’t going to allow my depression/anxiety control me.
You have to want it BADLY though. It is much easier to surrender to it of course, but I wish
I would have learned there are ways to overcome, or at least for me, keep those negative emotions at bay because I recognize the destructive way my mind works. Also my Dad said something a few years ago that really opened my eyes. With such sadness in his eyes, he said “I wish I could understand how you feel, but I simply can’t.”
It made me realize that as much as our loved ones want to understand and be able to help, they simply cannot. When you realize that, it is HUGE! I know I can’t get help for my depression from someone who’s never lived it. It’s like trying to understand a psychopath. When you have feelings/ emotions you simply cannot understand one who feels
nothing, not by choice, but because they’re incapable. I recovered from depression on my own for, The enemy within! NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!!! ~ Anonymous
Science says the Earth isn’t cooling itself because we’re not paying enough in taxes. (The Earth knows these things.)
Johnny Cash – God Will https://youtu.be/fTkrFeGrSLs via @YouTube