Everything about you is a miracle.
Life is ironic.
Stop making yourself small when you’re grand
“Behind every strong person is a story that gave them no other choice.”
Allison Stokke’s Pole Vaulting Career Thwarted by this One Photo
Toxic people will do their dimmest to infect you with their negativity, and when they can’t, treat you as if you’re the problem. That’s an endless well of sadness you don’t need. Unwanted thoughts are always hardest to brush away.
I love vicariously experiencing joy through the real life, hallmark moments that our loved ones are having in any given moment… And I’m especially grateful for people on here, strangers, delighting me in that same way with their sharing.

What attracts me to you is the calm of your mind and that storm in your eyes ♡
Just an observation: if, no matter what you’re doing, you’re always waiting for it to be over with, you’re probably suffering from depression. That’s a sad state. I do think many millions will feel lost in the dark winter. Don’t die yet, guys. Whole new worlds are being born. Truth is going under-ground, and the party is going to be BIG. This is why I follow you. You seem to be one of the most upbeat, optimistic, fun-loving people on Twitter. Amongst all the cynicism and darkness, far too rampant in the world today, you are a bright ray of chuckling sunshine.
Don’t waste most of your life wishing people would act differently, redirect all that energy and time towards what’s possible for you instead. Eventually you’ll need to come to terms with you trying to direct your energy is being rejected by their low vibes. That rejection needs for you to recognize redirecting your energy into fulfilling your own needs.
WE’VE ALL GOT IT INSIDE US BUT IT HAS BEEN MASKED BY YEARS OF SOCIAL CONDITIONING. IT HAS BEEN MASKED BY YEARS OF LISTENING TO OTHERS OPINIONS AND TAKING THEM ON BOARD AS IF THEY WERE OUR TRUTHS”: Matthew J. Pallett’s answer to What was it like for you to awaken after having been in a coma for an extended period of time? – Quora
Like waiting for the Biden administration to be over with for instance?
That means I am embarking on a 4 year long depression Keep the faith!
Took the words right out of my mouth!
There are some things I will never understand. For example, the human race.
years later and still no one has figured out what “man” or “kind” mean!!!
It was all a nightmare and no dream. she placed her hand in my hand,
and turned my fear into our passion. She turns her dreams into our reality.
All silence is not ego, some silence is patience.
Samatvam Yoga Uchyate – keep your body mind and intellect in sync
with each other and aligned with and attuned to Soul at all times !
Think a lot, Speak very little Never stop moving.
7 Habits of Incredibly Happy People
1. Energized, But Not Rushed 2. Devote Time to Giving
3. Happiness Isn’t Tied to External Events
4. Exercise 5. Embrace Deeper Connections
6. Spend Money on Experiences 7. Cultivate Resilience
90 percent of your health problems can be solved with proper breathing.
Breathe deeply and fully.
“If you see someone without a smile… give them one of yours!” Author unknown
“The word ‘innocence’ means a mind that is incapable of being hurt.”
~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
People who are angry with each other for the silly little things, are usually the ones who care about each other the most. When you stop comparing yourself
to others you start to focus on your own potential. It does make a difference. I’d rather be laughed at for putting myself out there than hide away and let life pass me by.
Courage comes from letting go of external approval. Always remember that. The more you don’t care about what others think of you The more you increase your courage and the more you dare to leap. Be unmoved like mountains.
But then you might not make good friends because people think you are cringing. Who knows but If they think you’re natural self is cringe, then they don’t like you for you and you should probably get some better friends. That’s a great mentality. I’m also trying to get better at that, and will 100% make sure I install that in my child. I was raised on ‘don’t try too hard because you will be disappointed when you fail’. It is toxic and has held me back so much in life.
Oh wow that’s a terrible mentality.
Failure is a good thing. It’s just a learning experience!
Absolutely, unfortunately it’s a very old school working class way of thinking.
I managed to transcend that path, mainly thanks to cryptocurrencies. Many don’t unfortunately. Low ambition is a cancer of potential. Probably why white working class kids are being left behind. The happiest and most interesting people are the ones that don’t care how others think of them. They say on our deathbeds that we regret not what we did, but what we failed to do. The cost of hesitation is the life you could have lived.
It’s a blessing you have the confidence and mindset to do so.
You can’t be laughed at for putting yourself out there.
I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. ~ Michelangelo
Most of the time: When you keep the peace with yourself, you also bring peace to others.
If you fear struggle, you won’t succeed.
There’s no growth without any struggles. Remember that the more hard times you face, the more strong you’ll become. When people show me they have a fear of hard times I write them off immediately as having a chance of being good at anything. If you dare to struggle, you dare to win. if you dare not struggle, then damn it, you don’t deserve to win !!! #successmindset
Fear is more of a membrane than a barrier..
Note to self: never let your fear decide your future.
F | False E | Evidence A | Appearing R | Real
F | Forget E | Everything A | And R | Run
OR F | Face E | Everything A | And R | Rise
“iAM the change I wish to see.” You can have it, but still walk through it.
I share a method to overcome fears, which lead to procrastination below.

No matter how great that fear is. Struggle and pain are necessary.
Success doesn’t come cheap.
Embrace the hard times they won’t last for long….
Fear of struggle is the most stupid fear ever. Everyone struggles.
Without struggle, there is no success.
The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.
Don’t give up. — Robert Tew
Don’t let fear hold you on a leash… If you are scared of haters, you aren’t ready for success.
Face your fears Exceed your limits Struggle is part of the success journey.
You can’t stop negative thoughts from popping into your head, but you can choose to stop letting them control you and your life.
Fear is nothing but a way your mind puts breaks so that you just don’t take the step. Rest if you have to but don’t let your mind take over you and push you to make decisions solely based on your fears. Let your desire to succeed be greater than your fear of failure..
if you’re growing and you have fears, You haven’t succeeded no matter what…
Unless it’s the good kind of fear…This can make you flop in life.
Emotions have no place while making significant decisions. Face Everything And Rise.
Never give it that much power. Fear should have no place at the decision table of your life.
Fear might be telling you what not to do. Fear might be telling you what to do. 100%, fear should guide you but not control you. Listen carefully, analyze carefully.
Or your present moment….because in the end that’s all we have, the present moment
Fact be told. A lot of people make decisions based on fear. Fear of the unknown.
Your fear restricts you… Regret destroys you!
Fear is an illusion. Use fear to motivate you…
“Living is Not a Race; it is a Journey, Something to be Enjoyed Each Day.” ~Wayne Dyer
“You cannot make some…One understand a message they are not ready to receive.”
“i think there are so many broken relationships because there are so many broken people who won’t stop to heal.”
“To revel in the wonders of life, to think, to remember, to dream –
this is to know happiness.” ~ Giancarlo Di Gratsi
That’s great!! Being in the fresh air is always good for the SOUL
Intuitions position you to know your limits.
Our planet needs more positivity…

“Immutable law of attraction: You don’t attract what you want.
You attract what you are..”
“Self-forgiveness can heal you.” ~ Andrew Zaffina
“There is no limit to the good man can do if he doesn’t care who gets the credit”
– Judson B. Branch