But put that all aside, and you’ll never find a person who cares
or loves you more than me. I don’t know where I stand with you.
And I don’t know what I mean to you.
All I know is every time I think of you, I want to be with you.
The heart is a strange beast and not ruled by logic.
“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.
I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan
Look up footage on Otto Graham. He played for 10 years and went to the NFL Championship game all ten of those years.
Super Bowl Wins All Time
Dallas-5 San Fran-5 Steelers-6 Patriots-6 Tom Brady-7
It amazes me that one person can turn my day around and can calm me.
You’re my person and I’m so blessed to have you in my life.
Life is too short to be spending time with people who withhold affection as punishment, people who make you feel all alone and unwanted, people who make you wonder if you are good enough, people who normalize their bullshit, and people who don’t want you to do what’s best for you… These people don’t need you, they need a mirror. I always say the loneliest people aren’t the single ones. The loneliest people are the married ones.
“The more you believed in yourself, the more you could trust yourself.
The more you trust yourself, the less you compare yourself to others.”
– Roy T. Bennett.
Sonali Bendre Behl was born in Mumbai in a Maharashtrian family. She has a brother who lives in Mumbai. Her father was a civil servant. She studied at Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai. She studied in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Bangalore. She married filmmaker Goldie Behl in 2002 and has a son named Ranveer.
On 4 July 2018 she revealed on Twitter that she has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and was undergoing treatment in a New York City hospital. Cancer is one of the loneliest places I’ve ever had to visit.
Call your friend with #cancer or #breastcancer today.
Take five minutes out of your day to just ask how they’re doing.
How their docs are going and how their family is doing.
Sonali Bendre Cancer: high grade cancer – HAFR.
Gina Carano To Star In Upcoming Film For @The Daily Wire.
Life is one big oxymoron.
Our greatest weakness is in giving up- Nikola Tesla.
Does anyone give a shit about what Fauci says?
Creepy chameleon bureaucrat who lacks perspective on the bigger picture and loves the limelight and pharma profits over caring about everyday Americans. First of all, I would never in a million years have a doctor that’s 80 years old!! Much less one that doubles as a government employee.
Fauci doesn’t know which end to wear a mask! Most dangerous sociopath on Planet Earth. This man lies, and when the camera is off, so is the mask. I can only imagine how confused Biden is talking to Fauci.
“The many contradictions of Dr. Fauci”
I’m just curious, WTF has this Fauci clown ever done ??
He communicates as if he has no role in managing the pandemic. Beyond a doubt, He enjoys the limelight and is more political than science based. He’s getting paid to run his mouth by the cdc, our gov, probably the WHO.. he’s a puppet. And Seriously, all he does is contradict himself, the private sector made the vaccines, he went from not wearing a mask, to wearing a mask, to wearing two masks.
The first rule of Fauci is to never shut the fuck up about anything.
#2 Never directly answer any questions #3 never be right about anything.
#4 Change your mind multiple times on basic “facts” flippy flopping “science”. #5 Just another talking head that likes hearing himself talk for sure..
Fact check: Viral photo shows Obama, Fauci visiting NIH lab in 2014 (usatoday.com)
That ferret sounds like a f*cking auctioneer making up the number of
masks or the number of infected so he can score another million from people who still believe this is real. Take the damn masks off, open the schools, open businesses. Healing takes time and there will be different versions of ourselves that we have to say goodbye to along the way. let go. it’s ok,
I promise. I Had Enough!
Earth is a barren wasteland.
Humankind is near extinction.
Chivalry is lost
chivalry (noun) · chivalries (plural noun)
the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code.
knights, noblemen, and horsemen collectively.
“I fought against the cream of French chivalry”
the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak.
synonyms: knight errantry · the knightly code · knighthood · courtly manners · knightliness · courtliness · nobility · magnanimity · bravery · courage · boldness · valor · heroism · daring · intrepidity · honor · integrity · high-mindedness · justice · justness · fairness · loyalty · constancy · trueness · truthfulness · empathy · virtuousness
courteous behavior, especially that of a man toward women.
“their relations with women were models of chivalry and restraint”
synonyms: gallantry · gentlemanliness · thoughtfulness · attentiveness · consideration · considerateness · courtesy · courteousness · politeness ·
antonyms: rudeness · boorishness · graciousness · mannerizes · good manners
Green Hypocrisy…
Marty Walsh and Joe Biden started Covid-19.
Joe Biden met with Marty Walsh in Boston to cut a deal with grocery workers in 2019 for benefit packages and raises. Biogen was allowed to hold a conference in Boston where covid-19 was spread, under Marty Walsh’s approval. Union leaders agreed with it and they got deemed “essential” workers while the rent of the unions got fucked out of prevailing wages.
Massachusetts has no limit on prevailing wage under Davis Bacon laws
Marty Walsh then got votes for Biden with AFL-CIO and other union leaders. Because of his great work pulling off the scheme Marty was first nominated as the “Green” Mayor leader of Climate Mayor’s bullshit. But it wasn’t enough for him so he then got promoted once Biden’s Presidency was secured. Marty Walsh is the Mayor of Boston and Joe Biden’s pick for Labor Secretary.
Marty Walsh is a murderer.
In 2019, a team of researchers looked at the long-term implications of synthetic beef. Bill Gates suggests synthetic beef like Beyond Meat
is a key part of climate action.; Lab-grown meat still has extremely high costs, but taste-wise, it has passed muster. Synthetic beef is produced in labs by growing muscle cells. McDonald’s hamburger However, studies are warning that lab-grown meat will be far worse for the environment than conventional meat. (hormones in beef cattle versus synthetic beef.)
Amazing how our Holy Spirit works.
In Native American culture their concept of “mind” actually sits in
the gut not the head. Their word for brain loosely translates to tangled web.
I’m realizing that we’re trusting our gut less as we’re becoming more exposed to and tethered to tech and algorithms Meanwhile our gut is the second brain (some argue the first) Best way to understand and master this thing?
Start betting on sports/games Gut feeling pa hi trust karo gay uskay bad Your intuition is more powerful than you know. Learn to trust yourself. It all starts with you. I don’t know who needs to hear this but sometimes you need to go with your irrational gut. Sometimes.
Strengthen your solar plexus and you will use this
gut feeling better than most people.
Trust your gut feeling even if it doesn’t make sense.
chakra colors chakra colors – Bing video
chakra meditation chakra meditation – Bing
chakra healing chakra healing – Bing video
chakra music chakra music – Bing
chakra chart chakra chart – Bing video
chakra symbols chakra symbols – Bing
Instincts are the route through which you get divine guidance.
Let your intuitions guide to the right path, every time. The gut never lies.
Your gut instinct is a message from your soul!!!
Believing Can Take You Pretty Far…..
I just use your grounding meditation to help calm my mind.
Home is where your heart feels calm. Don’t mistake that.
Modern day Systemic Racism includes modern day redlining, environmental racism, media bias, economic discrimination, gerrymandering, also voter suppression, agricultural racism, structural bias in the criminal justice system, police brutality, hiring bias, medical racism etc. The whole systematic racism theory is an attempt to divide us. Majority of the people aren’t racist. The NFL IS 69% black. So is your plan to get rid of some of the black players and replace them with Asians, Whites and Hispanics?
I want to live in a country where systemic racism doesn’t exist, or least the people who believe it exists don’t live in that country. My toxic trait is : all of them…
Gina Carano To Star In Upcoming Film For @The Daily Wire…
I want Happiness that resonates within you… Your power begins with
deeply knowing yourself, your heart and your energy .. Know THYSELF!!!
Appreciate those who become excited and happy for your success and happiness. Hold them close and never let go.. those are souls here to help you towards your soul’s calling; angels…..Don’t chase and cling. Resonate and attract. What’s meant for you will always find you. What do you do when you’ve put in so much work and healing, you are your authentic self, loving… pouring from a full cup… and then you gravitate towards certain people & strongly feel you’ve found part of your tribe…but they ignore you? I’m so lonely and so tired.
Terrible advice. You have to pursue what you want. Otherwise life might just pass you by. The more you chase something, the universe sees you and adds more obstacles assuming you enjoy chasing it. The energy out/energy returned is at play. It is why humanity is still children. The key is framing. Restate your intentions and still go after and attract your goal. By all means use esoteric methods. But don’t assume that will be enough.
Life is too short to take such a risk.
You are assuming that the universe has limited human intelligence. the universe “assumes”?
I don’t think so… Be yourself. Be positive. Stay low. Focus on your breath.
Forgive others. Keep calm and nothing beats SELF CARE & SELF LOVE.
Rest assured the universe will do for you …

Listen to Your Inner Practitioner: “Don’t chase and cling.
Resonate and attract. What’s meant for you will always find you.”
Mastery in the “Game” comes when you’ve moved Scarcity to Abundance, Possessing to Appreciation, And Chasing to Pursuit..
Having someone understand your mind is a whole different kind of intimacy.
The vibration is magical….
We Will Not Bend, We Will Not Break, We Will Not Yield. We Will Never Give In, We Will Never Give Up, We Will Never Back Down, We Will Never, Ever Surrender! Because We Are Americans And Our True Hearts Bleed Red, White and Blue.
Your vibes attract your tribes …. And those who don’t resonate fall apart for no reason. You are the born natural magnet, what you put in attracts you. Just be an attractive person, to attract a great person. Connection > Attachment…
Otherwise it was never meant to be… Quit trying to stop natural selection…because Social intervention…..it never works. I feel like I’d be phased out in this scenario and I’m not even mad about it.
I don’t believe it. I do believe in a god. A higher power. I see it in nature.
I see it in my children. However, I no longer believe that I need to enter a building to find god.
“Attachment Is At The Root Of Suffering”
-The Buddha (paraphrased)
“One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go. Whether it’s guilt, anger, love, loss or betrayal. Change is never easy. We fight to hold on and we fight to let go.”
#JustWatched Lovecraft: Fear of the Unknown a 2008 documentary film that examines the life, work, and mind of American writer H. P. Lovecraft, creator of the Cthulhu Mythos. The film features interviews with Guillermo del Toro, Neil Gaiman, John Carpenter, Peter Straub, Caitlin R. Kiernan, also Ramsey Campbell, Stuart Gordon, S. T. Joshi, Robert M. Price & Andrew Migliore.
This is damn good. I love lo fi, no frills documentaries, and this one happens to be about one of my favorite writers, featuring a pile of my favorite filmmakers. An intelligent and unflinching look at the man and his work. The fear of the unknown, and the unknowable, pervades Lovecraft’s work just as the dark depression of Edgar Allan Poe pervaded his. It wasn’t just the different Lovecraft was afraid of. In 1893, when he was three, his father had to be committed to the psychiatric hospital in Providence.
He died there five years later.
There’s been people I don’t see eye to eye with… I still wish them love & blessings regardless of how they feel about me… grudges weigh you down… & hating others because someone else told you to is unwanted karma, an energy drain, & a waste of time. Absolutely, toxic people are like a slow drip of poison… not worth it, bad for the soul. As I read this it shows you how fragile the human mental state really is.
Andra Day – Rise Up [Official Music Video] [Inspiration Version]…
Alicia Keys – We Are Here …. #WeAreOne #SendLOVE