where conviction leads to repentance (the Holy Spirit’s “work shop”)….?
බාහුට කතාවක් නෑ | මාක්ස්වාදී කේන්ද්රය බාහුට කතාවක් නෑ | මාක්ස්වාදී කේන්ද්රය
Never let any hurdles big or small trip you up and stop you
from achieving your goals in life. #HumpDayMotivation
The Holistic Health Show, May 4, 2019 | BBS Radio
“My story started back in October 1991 when my father was first diagnosed with bladder cancer and had it scoped and they took out a tumor which they told him at the time they had to leave just a stem, because they didn’t want to cut into the bladder wall for obvious reasons. After this surgery they gave him radium treatments which always made him feel bloated. So long story short he never really felt it necessary to change his lifestyle or diet. But was fortunate to survive cancer two more times and the third being a tumor up by the breast bone which they decided to fry it with radiation.
Then it was only a year later it came back.
I remember to this day being February 24 2005 My mom and sister took
him to Ohio State and found out it was terminal. They told him a year it was Leiomyosarcoma; rare type only 4 in a million get this type. It was near the end of the dx when I went to the Shrine in Carey Ohio. When I myself was going through severe depression and went there to pray for a peace of mind. Because it seemed about every time I was about to dig myself out of the dark hole I fell deeper back into it.
So on the way from mass that day I was handed a vision for my blog. I thought how brilliant but at the time I didn’t know how to type let alone computers or the internet but it didn’t stop me. And boy after that date I learned that when the student is ready the teachers would appear. From Mant Prowg in Kettering at half price books. That Chinamen owning a business that came here and went through his own form of culture shock because of the American Diet provided me the basis for Solitarius.org.” Search Results for cancer survivor stories Search Results for Cannabis Oil Search Results for Lyme Disease
It’s much easier for people to judge others then to help others.
Tom Brady didn’t disrespect the Lombardi Trophy. Quite the opposite, the trophy was living the moment!
Brady to Brate was Quite Impressive considering A Properly inflated official NFL football, weighs between 14 to 15 ounces (396 to 425 grams). The official length is 11 inches with the circumference at 22 inches. Whereas The Vince Lombardi Trophy is made of sterling silver and created by Tiffany & Company. The trophy costs $50,000 to produce, takes four months and 72 man hours to complete. but the silver used to make the seven-pound trophy is only worth $1,700. The trophy’s appearance features a football in a kicking position on a three-sided stand. It stands at 22 inches (56cm) tall and it weighs seven pounds (3.2kg). Each player on the winning team also gets a small replica of the trophy said to be worth $1,400. The throw was risky, but Jason Licht is right – there’s no need to overreact. Bucs GM Has Blunt Message For Woman Upset With Tom Brady’s most important completion of the season.
Report: Telling Detail Emerges From Tom Brady’s Final Years With Patriots.
Bruce Arians: Tom Brady left New England because he ‘wanted to try a different way.’
A slightly dated Bruce Arians quote is stoking the Tom Brady v. Bill Belichick debate again.
Bruce Arians says Tom Brady joined the Buccaneers because he ‘wanted to try a different way.
Blame It On The Changes.
Happiness isn’t about getting all we want, it is about enjoying all we have achieved.
Life is a new battle every step of the way everyday.
One day we’ll wake up and realize it was the end of the beginning. And the beginning of the ending Sometimes people just mean what they say. It’s that simple. Trying to make the world a better place one act of kindness at a time. You change when you can’t do something you’ve always done. The brightest stars shine from the darkest of places. We often learn through pain.
Same goes for humans.
Makes you wonder if we should skip the lesson.
Sometimes love is so vast but at the same time love is limited as u don’t give love to everyone who asks for or who expects love from you..
Our souls hold on to each other and whisper every day, “we are going to make it.” Just pay attention to your instinct. You can feel lies. There’s an emptiness that no one can explain. Just try to look out for one another. Regardless of your differences. That’s how humanity works.
Respect has nothing to do with age, everything to do with behavior and mental outlook. Respect is the outcome of appreciating good qualities.
Correct respect is only a symbol of how you think about life. Respect is Give and Take Job… And vice-versa. sadly we focus on what went wrong, attempting to build on rubble, instead of seeking what went right.
…. Little by little, day by day, what’s meant for you will find its way to you. Trust the process. We set our own boundaries. You just need to draw that line. It’s the journey we’re so many of us on. Finding my own noise where I lost myself. LIFE is perplexing and intriguing at the same time… I love it I am a human being. I am ruled by unconditional love and reciprocity. Peacefully crafting my karma (utopian flow); so, don’t tread on my footprint.
Whatever joy there is in this world
Is the Dark Side Stronger?
All comes from desiring others to be happy,
And whatever suffering there is in this world
All comes from desiring myself to be happy. (Shantideva)
Married life is not easy everyone says, Still there are few who want their life
as it is, don’t want to adjust a little, can’t accept the changes which come when someone else enters your life or you walk into other’s life. Responsibility is not easy….. marriage is just a legal signature… Even a relationship holds the same ground. The magic of soul connections and loyalty. The Sense of commitment is critical. You can’t repair the bubble once it has burst.
Do whatever the fuck you want,
just don’t hurt people while you’re doing it….
You are supposed to fuck up sometimes….
peace is the most valuable thing you own.
I am my own Consciousness Trying to be a better version Every moment of Every day I am my Conscience Trying to be mindful Of my words, actions, thoughts Every moment of Every day.
Opposites attract but similarities strike a chord. I don’t believe in falling Stars, but I look up to the rising Sun everyday. Be playful. Be careful. Be daring. Be clever. Be kind. Be lovely. Be aware. Be informed. Be witty. Be genuine. Just Be. Stress makes one so vulnerable that what to say. Wouldn’t it be nice if this was all a dream. It isn’t strength, I don’t think. I don’t know anyone, who can be strong every day. What it is, is persistence. Never judge others.
We are all a set imperfections…
Be a diamond esteemed and rare, not a stone found everywhere… trying to
love in a world filled with rage…try to Stitch up your own bleeding wounds
and never look back. There are moments in life when you’d give anything to
stop time.
How magnificent it is to be interwoven in the energy of love, light and liberation. Relationships thrive when the need for a relationship
isn’t there but a want. I don’t need you
but I want you, that comes with a different type of reassurance.
Two whole people choosing to be whole together.
Learn her. Talk to her. Be vulnerable and honest with her. Make her laugh. Support her. Make time for her. Show her she’s important. Adore and respect her. You do that, she’ll love you until the end of time. #Connection #GoDeeper #Passion #couplesgoals
Todd Rundgren – Love Is The Answer – YouTube
Take me away into the depths inside your soul to make me feel
the warmth of love…
…..love is when they know what songs to send you when you’re feeling sad. …. Grin and share it! Love me as I’m and will love you the way you are.
Never give up on a Good Friend You Are Lucky You Found One. We’ve all wasted our time and energy on people who never valued or appreciated us. ….
I admire people who have the courage not to hide their vulnerabilities and allow their imperfections to be seen. Coffee creates beautiful friendships and necessary alibis…..
I really don’t like the person I become when a password expires…. so keep evolving, life is boring being the same person. Life is much better when you’re happy with what you have. Life is so much funnier when you have a dirty minded friend. I agree with you. Dirty and naughty and willing to have fun!
but sex is not dirty …Love is a natural human feeling. …..Soul connections are never accidents, they are written in the stars.
Only the intensity differs from person to person.
Having someone to share your loneliness with is a different level of blessing. Not everyone is so blessed. Sometimes you need a sign and Sometimes you are the sign…. The way you speak to yourself matters. When cleaning your room, start with making your bed. It will make everything around it look out of place and it will motivate you to clean!
The wound is the place where the light enters you. Rumi…
This is an interesting thing about Hyderabadi localities- you keep walking, walking and out of nowhere you see something interesting-a beautiful tree,
a little shrine, a rock formation. Hmmm. I miss Hyderabad.
There’s a special kind of magic in each one of us & that of ‘healing’.
Happiness comes from you from within … don’t look around for it … love … embrace.. pamper ..yourself … I, therefore, conclude that compatibility is more important than good vibes. You are my river and I am your stream … … We’ve all wasted our time and energy on people who never valued or appreciated us. Happiness is not out there, it’s in you.
I miss that Softness in this world full of sharp edges. Love is the answer.
Just try to look out for one another. Regardless of your differences.
That’s how humanity works.
Reality in the presence of false promises. It’s really disappointing the way
they are not providing connectivity and still charging rental by making false promises for the past 5 months. ….Try to be more interesting than everyone else. Creating a life from which I don’t need to escape from… newness of any kind keeps me interesting!!!
…Self reflection doesn’t require a mirror.
Never underestimate the power of a good bottle of whiskey!!!
Relationships never die a natural death….They are murdered by Ego, Attitude and Ignorance. Your self respect has to be stronger than your feelings.
You are the most beautiful person on the Earth OR you are the richest person OR you’re the Smartest.. does it really matter??? What matters is WHETHER YOU ARE A HAPPY PERSON OR NOT….
There was a time where I was completely numb, and I literally felt nothing.
My heart inside me lay shattered and broken. It was terrifying.
In the world full of darkness my biggest fear is to lose my passion, to stop feeling deeply about everything, and not to see beauty all around me.
When this whole Covid-19 situation ends You may actually decide…Not to go back to the way you were living. Life is a subset of great observations and what you make them out to be!! I miss accountability, not blaming others for the consequences of your own actions and straight out caring !!!
Life hack: Stop having expectations.
Days pass by like sighs exhaled Days drop away like parched petals Days drift off like fallen snow Days disintegrate like eroded hills Days change colors like autumn leaves Lying crumpled and forlorn Yet days can still bloom like the buds of spring
The Circle of Life has No Sides.
I am a person who believes that you are never too old to dream new dreams
or start new adventures. #Praying4TheUnitedStates
Remember this: being available for people was the biggest mistake that I ever made. People take you for granted if you’re always available to them. They will underestimate you like you’re nothing. U get taken advantage of!!! Some words are down right stabby. Tell them you’re hurt whenever you are hurt. Some words scar, Some words heal, Some words break the deal, Some words invent the wheel.
……Some words you hear. Some words you feel. Some words you create, Some words you dread… Some words are real, some words cause a surreal experience Some words are painful, Some words stain, Some words strain, It’s all a game.
I do feel that some words reinvent the wheel. And there are words that can seal the deal. …and truly heal.
When you find real genuine love, it changes your perspective on everything you thought love was. There is a lie in the middle of belief. And that says everything about faith. Touching a person with your hands is one thing, touching their heart and soul with your mind is another. I admire people who have the courage not to hide their vulnerabilities and allow their imperfections to be seen.
Life has a plan for you but unfortunately it doesn’t give you any clues. The smartest people don’t know much information, they just know where to look
it up when they need it. All I’m saying is when you sit with good people, the conversation changes. … I either trust you or I don’t. I don’t really owe you an explanation either way. Some people are unimpressive and there’s no coming back from that realization.
I try to see things from every angle and it leads to a lot of contradictions.
The Universe will talk to you in the form of intuition, So don’t believe what others say, believe what you feel.
We have to experience some of the bad stuff to be able to appreciate the good. These Democrats are dismantling the country. Piece by piece, and it is also happening very very quickly. While we are all frozen in our homes by Covid-19 restrictions. The Deep State Can Only Control Our Minds if We Allow it So – YouTube
“What do you see a “TRUTH COMMISSION” being?”
☆°☆ °☆° ☆°☆
I see it being a lot like totalitarian rule if Democrat/Marxists get their way.
Nothing they say means anything anymore. It’s all just keywords and woke-speak. “Words can create a more inclusive world, or perpetuate oppression,”
With the rise of the Left inevitable over the next two years, the public should become acquainted with the Left’s strange language of Wokespeak.
Failure to do so could result in job termination and career cancellation. It is certainly a fluid tongue. Words often change their meanings as the political context demands. And what was yesterday’s orthodoxy is today’s heterodoxy and tomorrow’s heresy. So here is some of the vocabulary of the woke lexicon.
“Anti-racism.” Espousing this generic compounded -ism is far preferable to accusing particular people of being “racists” — and then being expected to produce evidence of their concrete actions and words to prove such indictments. Instead, one can pose as fighting for “anti-racism” and thereby imply that all those whom one opposes, disagrees with, or finds distasteful,
de facto, must be for “racism.” “Anti-racism” is a useful salvo for students, teachers, administrators, public employees, political appointees, and media personnel to use peremptorily: declare from the start that you are working for “anti-racism” and then anyone who disagrees with you therefore must be racist, or, antithetically, “pro-racism.”
Extra Extra Read All About It:
Mystery plunge in coronavirus cases in India baffles experts.
New coronavirus variants are emerging across the globe: Everything we know.
This is the COOLEST. A Google Earth-type representation of the planet.
Every green dot is a radio station. Click any dot to listen in. It’s like cultural teleportation. You could spend hours with this thing… http://radio.garden
Hannah Gill | “Change in Blue.”