This blog post is my right of free speech and opinion what is happening in DC today. When Nancy Pelosi told Capitol Police to stand down & then she sent in agent provocateurs. Which led unsuspecting Trump supporters like Ashli Babbitt to her death. Which Later 2 Capitol police officers committed suicide out of shame. Nancy should have been immediately impeached and imprisoned! Could she have wanted this to happen??? That’s WHY she didn’t call for additional security. She planned an attack with another arrow in her quiver?
In seeking “indicators of suspicion” in investigations, suspects will need to have had read The FBI files on Pelosi’s dad, It may have relevance to the current events of today, apparently, he was in mafia and was into communism. So, imho, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. With Pelosi’s Motive to commit the crime (for example, financial gain or to seek revenge or to cover up for any wrong doing which Trump was going after in his 4 year.)
Pelosi’s Brother Is A Pedophile Thomas D Alesandro Jr. Part 01 Of 01 FBI Investigation.
Means to commit the crime (including tools and physical capabilities.)
Opportunity to commit the crime (including being at the crime scene at the time of the offence.) FBI Records: The Vault — Thomas D’ Alesandro Jr. Part 01 of 01
They will establish the relationships between the victim and any potential offenders.
Nancy Pelosi said, and is her words: if Trump isn’t impeached she will resign.
The whole of America knows Pelosi organized and planned January 6th.
That’s how sick and evil this is. It’s impossible you say however, it’s completely possible.
Her father worked for the mafia so the connections are really there already.
Well with the communist ties and corruption her dad was into, it’s no surprise she’s taken the mantle and ran with it. She was taught how to make a fortune in politics since she was a child and how to manipulate, intimidate, dominate and discredit. We take a page from their playbook. We gather all tweets & videos showing her hateful rhetoric & her support of the thugs destroying America. There’s ample evidence that she & Muriel Bowser declined add’l security.
It’s no coincidence that the breach occurred on AZ’s objection. Plus the insurrection stopped any contesting of the vote on states where fraud had occurred! I think the coup is a little closer to the truth. A coup d’état (/ˌkuː deɪˈtɑː/ ; French: [ku deta] “blow of state”) or coup is the removal and seizure of a government and its powers. Typically, it is an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power by a political faction, the military, or a dictator. Many scholars consider a coup successful when the usurpers seize and hold power for at least seven days. TRUMP – SILENT RUNNING By Justin Bellucci.
Remove President Trump, install Biden and his puppet Harris, ALL contrary
to legal practices…. and she’s not alone. The ones who would have wanted to stop the proceedings on Jan 6th were the DEMOCRATS. Was this all a false flag event? It sure stopped the objections and potential investigation into election fraud. Nancy needs to answer some questions.
On April 19, 1775, at Lexington, a few brave patriots made a historic stand for FREEDOM. Today we are confronted with the possibility of becoming mere slaves to the horribly corrupt Deep State. Who among us will have the courage to apply appropriate force to resist this tyranny? The Deep State only exists for its own benefit & thus must be eliminated, little by little, or all at once. The way they are digging-in to support the STEAL it might, unfortunately, have to be all at once, i.e. a complete reset, but not the one they were looking forward to.
Dems have been cheating in elections in the big cities for decades, and have always gotten away with it, until now. If the truth were known, there is no need for run-off elections in Georgia. And additional states, supposedly not in contention, (eg. MN) also voted for Trump. Who is more despicable, the Dem election officials who orchestrated the STEAL or all those who simply know it actually happened but choose to remain silent?
The vast majority of Deep State desperately wish this election controversy would just go away, like their many indiscretions of the past. The crooks have elected to band together and circle the wagons now that their election hustle has been exposed. At some point down the road, I fully expect it will be revealed the main manipulator pulling the strings of this fraudulent election will be none other than America’s most steadfast racist, the one that has to gain the most from the steal Barack Obama.
The Deep State’s continuing, coordinated effort to deny election fraud, makes all the conspiracy theories about these pathetic mutts seem much more plausible. Day by day I am believing more and more, we are in a fight, not only against traitors, but against the Devil himself. Even though he is not the cleverest crook in the cabal, Traitor Joe must surely realize he is about to be certified as the biggest fraud in American history. That is until someone digs into Barry Soretto A.k.a. Barrack Obama’s background as well..
The despicable treasonous big city Dems have been cheating in elections for decades. Now that they have applied these dirty tactics in an attempt to STEAL a Presidential election, instead of giving in, this time, we’re giving them the finger. They best get used to it. Beginning another year & the MSM still shows zero interest in investigating the biggest story in years: i.e. the coordinated effort by the Deep State to STEAL an election. And (of course) the reason being, the MSM is the indisputable ringleader of this TREASONOUS action.
A group of smug, self-anointed geniuses and statistical wizards (who seem to have their fingers in every single event happening anywhere in the world) haven’t said a single word about obvious election fraud: Wall Street Bankers – – – because they fully support THE FIX. The most egregious TRAITOR facilitating the STEAL is the MSM. They fraudulently present themselves as bearers of facts when in reality they are no more than a corrupt Dem propaganda delivery system. Our government has become as corrupt & arrogant as their owners, i.e. the big banks, big tech, social media & MSM. A vaccine to prevent liberalism would be the most beneficial discovery in the history of the world.
The main, underlying problem with our government can be summarized in three words: TOO MANY ASSHOLES!!! What kind of man negates the agreement DJT made for cheap insulin???
A bought and paid for crook. A vile piece of shit who answers only to special interests. A man who has no idea what he is signing. No one would take life-saving medicine away from children and adult dependence on insulin. And then allow 25,000 illegals you know nothing about into our country. A heartless one !
Joe Biden, who will never be President. Like #KillerCuomo hates Trump so much he’d rather see folks die, even send them to their deaths, than see Trump get positive credit for anything This Defines Trump Derangement Syndrome #TDS Someone who is evil and twisted and wants to harm the American people. This means they can push for Gov mandated medical coverage “to lower those awful costs”. This also means they can control what kind of coverage they will allow you to have. Elderly? you’re dead, disabled? you’re dead.
Prices for insulin and ephedrine where to go down on Jan. 22, but have been held up by the current administration to review Trump’s EO’s, all of them.
The prices are high due to an agreement between big Pharma and Pharmacy Benefits Admins. to charge more to make more for both. A snake! Lobbying money is more important than a human life! One who has been bought by pharmaceutical companies. Not just insulin, but the EpiPen and all Rx drugs across the board! Remember the EpiPen was approx. $700 and Trump got it down to about $50, now it’s back to $700 thanks to Biden, but that’s why Big Pharma donated to Biden 98-1 against Trump.
Why doesn’t someone in the press ask Joe Biden why he drove the prices of insulin back up over 90%? Under Trump, you could buy a month’s supply of insulin for $60. Biden has reversed Trump’s policy costing people $500 a month. Another thing to thank this idiot for. Central banks, pharma, and governments are all involved in the biggest conspiracy ever for total takeover and control of earth. We were all born on this planet to do what we wish and these fuckers have decided that what they want is more important and will kill us to get it.
Perhaps if Biden EVER makes himself available for questions, he’ll be asked. He takes them every now & then. But that’s when they ask him his choice of
ice cream flavor, or how he likes his coffee. Sorry but if you voted for Bullshit Biden and your medication went up, I don’t feel sorry for you and frankly I don’t care about your complaint. I believe that it is genocide to the older generation why else would he make it impossible for people on retirement afford the medicine they need unless they don’t want to pay out Social Security!!
A man full of hate who gets kickbacks from the companies!
He’s intentionally making life-sustaining medications financially unobtainable for a lot of people! It’s called population control. First the mad scientists killed the elderly, now we’re going for the diabetics! Same man who’s involved in Criminal Corruption for the last 47 YRS. Same reason he destroyed 11K jobs re: KEYSTONE pipeline but Warren Buffets RRs will make Billions from. This happened B4. In the 1870s. Scott, who owned PA RRs tried to BANKRUPT Rockefeller with pipelines. Rockefeller won. A man who despises Americans and works for the rich and big pharma. People voted for, “anyone but Trump” got exactly what they wanted.
The shit show in DC is horribly detrimental to the survival of our nation. Seriously, how the hell can what transpired at the Capital be classified as an “insurrection”? The Libs only talent is choosing exaggerated or inappropriate words to frame things to their liking, with the assistance of their little bitch, the MSM. If you were an honest election official in any of the counties that have been suspected of election fraud, wouldn’t you be willing to allow a thorough independent review of your ballots, machines, & system to remove any suspicion? On the other hand, if you are a cheat . . . The elite’s continual, casual denial of election fraud is infuriating.
The underlying theme of this year SB ads is “we must work together- we are all one”. Seriously? When the Libs regularly employ every reprehensible means possible (including the STEAL) to get their way, they now pretend to want unity? Pathetic delusional assholes. TIME just confirmed what any sane person already knew, i.e. our betters plotted together to deny DJT a second term. Yet, in the end, they still had to resort to outright election fraud and in so doing, instead of saving democracy they have destroyed it.
After just over 2 weeks in office, JoeBama has revealed himself to be a liar, an idiot and a prostitute, with not a smidgen of concern for average American citizens. If we want our grandchildren to have a worthwhile future, this illegitimate clown must be replaced, The audacity of this illegitimate, delusional clown to think any normal person would be interested in hearing anything he might manage to spit out. The only thing we should despise more than an inept government is an illegitimate inept government…
How can anyone with a lick of sense not be suspicious of this activity? Yet here we sit, with a Deep State corrupt to its core, knowing full well a fake election was contrived to get rid of Trump. And the even more corrupt MSM doesn’t care a lick. How long will it take our fake president and his like-thinking degenerates to destroy our country? How are people obviously determined to destroy the USA (Obama/JoeBama) ever elected? It shows itself By cheating?
In just over 2 weeks of executive orders, JoeBama has revealed himself to be a liar, an idiot & a prostitute, with zero respect for the constitution. Who can hardly wait to see what he pulls out of his ass next? Joebama quickly proves he hates America almost as much as does his sleazy boss.
Defund, insurrection, debunked, cult, de-program, domestic terrorist, assault rifle, undocumented immigrant, climate change, etc., the sleazy Libs & MSM are always attempting to manipulate perceptions with misleading words like unify our country by censuring those that oppose them.
Biden took no time in revealing he is truly an instrument of the Swamp, not the American people. Biden executive orders reveal him to be a puppet of the small minded who put their egos ahead of the country. Traitor Joe’s most pressing challenge in his new residence: figuring out the TV remote and not walking late at night naked in the White House lawn. The crooked demonrats are quite comfortable pretending they have earned the right to govern. They have no shame.
Let’s just get through today and worry about forever tomorrow!!!
Biden & the Dems always take the position which in their tiny minds is most politically advantageous. And to hell with what is in the best interest of the country. Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Philadelphia (easy to remember: DAMP) the 4 most treasonous enclaves in the history of our country. I hereby vow to never again visit or spend another nickel in these despicable shitholes. Sure didn’t take the FBI long to locate Pelosi’s laptop.
So one must reasonably assume the Bureau is well aware of egregious election fraud, but, for whatever reason, chooses to ignore it. Same old crap regarding the capital ruckus from the Dems & their little bitch (the MSM). Propagate a bunch of outrageous lies, fake hysterical indignation & propose ridiculously harsh consequences. And then ignore the actual truth as it is slowly revealed.
After witnessing blatant, treasonous election fraud and the coordinated cover-up by the despicable Swamp, I am inclined to reconsider some “conspiracy theories” which I had previously thought to be too barbaric for humankind. We really have some major assholes in charge of things. What really rankles many members of Congress about commoners traipsing about their marvelously profitable brothel..
Their reaction to a fraudulent election & the brief intrusion by commoners into the “peoples’ house” has revealed the vast majority of our “elected” representatives to be essentially worthless and was the missed opportunity to collect customary access fees. Just think, we never have to brave unpleasant weather to vote ever again, thanks to leadership in both parties who have concluded simulated electronic voting is fast, convenient and more conducive to their desire to “serve this great nation” until ready to retire.
It is a very worrisome time for our country, I fear for what we have done to our grandchildren’s future. Our government is truly a pathetic joke, the only hope we had to express our opinions (honest elections) has been blatantly crushed, with nary a word from the clowns at MSM. Are the 80 million of us who were disenfranchised just going to sit around with our thumbs up our butts while a treasonous cabal of 10,000 pathetic losers destroys what is left of America?
Only Nazis & Communists fear freedom of speech. The Nazi left wants to deny freedom of speech & the right to keep and bear arms – – – they have their Gestapo (FBI/CIA etc.) and their propaganda apparatus (MSM, FB, Twitter, etc.) and they would rather destroy America than concede power. The criminals who normally occupy the “people’s house” tooling about those “hallowed halls” now have their undies in a nasty bunch due to some commoners having the audacity to enter “the heart of our democracy” w/o an official tour guide.
But they are fine with election fraud.
Fascism is now us. (Funny how all the idiots on the left accused Trump of being a fascist – – – while the true fascists have been completely exposed with the fraudulent election engineered and defended by Big Gov & Big Business.) We are so fortunate to have an oligarchy to make all our decisions for us and to always be there to “correct” us if we say or do the wrong thing, e.g. if we accidentally vote for a candidate who is not “Swamp Friendly”, they know how to go about fixing this. God bless them all.
Remember when people told you that Mitch McConnell was a political genius? You can’t believe that after hearing McConnell’s post-impeachment speech.
He just said Trump was “guilty” 10 minutes after he voted to find Trump “not guilty.” McConnell voted to not impeach President Trump because he knew if witnesses were called his and All’s secrets would be brought to light. He wasn’t going to chance it. Mitch is not to be trusted. For or against, the guy is the flippest flopper of all time. Absolutely absurd! Not sure how people function with such hate. And such an insult to many many people including many many Republicans. I pray for more peace, acceptance and far less hate.
Mitch “The Bitch” McConnell has to go. Way past his sell by date.
Yeah it’s a “we all knew, you all know we knew, but we got the verdict we wanted, so now we’ll just say it aloud to drive home the fact we’re corrupt motherfuckers” kind of situation, right. As dirty conscience slips between one’s lips.. He’s self-serving, an establishment guy and plays the game. He is probably shi**ing himself now as he knows Trump will come after him.. it’s better than a soap opera, politics in the US.
Stimulus: How Democrats are using the Covid relief bill to fight income inequality.
#DirtyConscience #FearOfBeingCaught #HoaxAfterHoax #TimeforConsequences
Mitch just wanted to keep his marriage together and the funds from China flowing. McConnell is a globalist elite & traitor who used President Trump to get re-elected. He refuses to accept the fact that HE lost the control of the Senate himself & prefers to blame Trump. He’s disgusting & I can’t wait to be rid of him! Most of these people are just names, propped up by a staff. They are literally frauds with nothing special about themselves. Most certainly couldn’t write their own speeches.
I call them cardboard cutouts of human beings. Totally fake and there for self serving reasons. I knew the fix was on the day I saw him fist bump Kamala on the house floor. He’s a slimy trader who needs to be brought to justice, just like most of Washington. Now they’re following to call Donald Trump guilty. This is an utter disgrace. If this was anyone else being called guilty after just being cleared the false accuser would be sued
Perhaps he isn’t able to recall what he does from one minute to the next. Nothing is more deranged than a Republican RINO like McConnell!
But then, basic comprehension was never your strong point. Yes that won’t matter when he becomes majority leader again in 2024 and gets re-elected in 2026. The worse he is for democracy the prouder he makes the people of Kentucky. We’re stuck with that monster until the day he dies and I’m not sure the Devil can die.
He’s not sure what side of the aisle he’s on anymore which tells me he fears some of those in the Democratic Party who must know something we don’t about his relationship with China! He’s skewered … Mitch is dirty. He’s running from some nasty skeletons in his closest.
What are they? Any guesses?
He said guilty but cannot be impeached because he was not president when the article was filed. He also basically said to go after him in civil and criminal courts. He is a deceitful country club little man.
Honestly, it’s like McConnell has been a completely different person since Nov 3rd. The dude has completely lost it. He’s like a crazed, cornered animal right now. He needs to be gone… yesterday. He’s a back-stabbing traitor and I’m convinced he has something to hide.
I hope it comes out sooner rather than later. Trump hatred/TDS always ends up making people expose their true selves. It’s quite remarkable.
Mitch is too old to keep track of what’s important ! ** I’m old and certainly could not move with the younger dogs!! 72 should be the end of a political career for senators, congressmen, mayors, city government. We want middle aged educated folks with a college background!
SWAMP CREATURE. who could not see the right or wrong, they just want easy money only. He wants Trump tried in a civil court. Some NeoCon like the Koch Bros will fund it via a laundered means. Romney will facilitate it. Because he wants to save his own ass…he knew if he convicted a private citizen then the same can be done to McConnell and he doesn’t want that.
Mitch married into a Chinese Freightliner company in 93 and his second wife Elaine Chao came to the US with her family in 61 as immigrants on a Chinese Freightliner. In 2012 Chao’s family donated $40 million to Harvard All Mitch’s roads lead to China! I’d say Mitch & Elaine all have Masters to serve… they were ordered by Anti-Trump puppet masters to sabotage Trump. This is self preservation for Mitch. He either takes down Trump, or he is through, probably ends up in jail. (into his wife’s deep C.C.P. connections.)
The establishment Rep’s have grossly misjudged the current party. It’s Trump’s. None of us have abandoned him. Look for a recall for Mitch. McConnell is a self preserving establishment first, last, and always swamp creature with family ties through his wife to the CCP’s Xi of China. McConnell is heavily “influenced” by China’s carrot and stick. Have to get rid of that inconvenient MAGA guy forever. He exposes all. I know Mitch is corrupt as heck (thought that for years), but starting to wonder if he has Biden’s affliction.
Patrick Leahy’s should be on his way too, if not already there.