Will Someday It All Turnout Like This In Public Establishments.
In case you believed any of the phony Biden “unity” rhetoric, the proposed blocking of travel to Florida has zero to do with “science” and everything to do with punishing a governor whose success (compared to the current numbers of CA and NY) is embarrassing to the regime. Liberals are a very nasty bunch of creatures. You use the term “pro life ” with utter disdain and I return the sentiment to you…worthless meat sack. What does murdering babies have to do with the freedom of movement and association?
Ironic that you criticize someone for not believing in science and yet you didn’t know life begins at conception. So someone that thinks bacteria on Mars is life but a beating heart in the womb is not, is “following science?” Bible Prophecy Update – December 13th, 2020 https://youtu.be/izdm0zw3m-k Why wouldn’t you want people coming in who are deliberately fleeing authoritarian states? You want a civil war cause that’s how you get civil war. This is like N and South Korea or East and West Germany, except I live on the wrong side. So now if you want to move out of the lunacy of a blue state and move to Florida…
Biden isn’t going to permit it? Wake up America!!!!!!!
Down To The River To Pray – Alison Krauss https://youtu.be/zSif77IVQdY
Numerous states that followed the same less restrictive policies as Florida have fared far worse than Florida. This suggests that factors other than behavioral regulations, such as warm weather, play a role keeping Covid-19 infections relatively low in Florida.
Is Florida doing better on coronavirus than ‘locked down’ states? | PolitiFact
The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”
Hymn of the Conch Republic 2017 – YouTube
Being the bigger person is a choice you make, for your own sense of inner peace and dignity. Do people not understand the human body is also very contagious to easily spread diseases?
Do people understand the human body is not designed to wear a mask?
If the vaccines work why do we need a mask and if the masks work why do we need social distancing and if none of them work why has the country been in lockdown for a year! The real reason Biden wants to impose travel restrictions on Florida is because it proves just how wrong and utterly worthless crushing lockdowns and mask mandates are. Florida destroyed the Democrat narrative, so they’re replacing it with the new “variant strain” narrative.
You are correct. Our governor isn’t taking their s^it. Case numbers, etc. are going down so the new fear narrative is the new more contagious ‘strains’ that are magically just here in Florida. Was in FL for the last 3 days. Went to a family owned restaurant. Sat at the bar, next to a stranger. It was packed. Corporate entities still make their employees wear masks.
Florida is still a battleground. The real reason Biden wants to impose travel restrictions on Florida is because it proves just how wrong and utterly worthless crushing lockdowns and mask mandates are. Florida destroyed the Democrat narrative, so they’re replacing it with the new “variant strain” narrative.
Seriously. What’s this world coming too?
We live in cold places yet we still where basic fucking clothing like coats and scarfs and gloves. When you over restrict the intake and the exhaust of any engine, it is harmful. The body is an engine. I’m very interested to see what the long-term effects are going to be of the mask wearers versus the non-mask wearers. I’m sure everyone is quite aware of that, just like the laws to stop people from drinking and driving don’t stop them from drinking and driving. Masks mandates aren’t going to get people to wear a mask, neither is degrading people.
Why didn’t you do it before COVID?
Did you want people to die then but now you suddenly care? If you didn’t wear one then, you are a murderer. I’m certain you spread the flu to someone with a compromised immune system and they later died. You must hate and want others to die. Anti-maskers are impossible to deal with. Total jerks that are dangerous to society.
If you can’t wear a mask stay at home!
I put a mask on and took a puff of my friend’s vape pen, put the mask on, blew the vapor, and it came out of the sides and nose area. That would most likely be why cases went up after mandates. Why wear one, the fabric particles could cause long term lung conditions and they do not actually stop viruses, it is like using trawler nets to fish for peas, pointless and will only make you sicker in the long run, but hey, if people like subjugation then wear away folks.
I’ll continue to wear a mask but not 2.
Within 5 minutes wearing one I can’t take a deep breath & after about 20 minutes I’m hot & perspiring. My doctor told me, “I might have to stop wearing one but I wouldn’t be allowed in any store.” I’ll tough it out. First they said wearing a mask will flatten the curve. Didn’t work. Now they say 2 masks. Won’t work either. If masks worked we’d be out of this. Let’s face it, they don’t have a clue.
CDC.. I have an idea: let’s tell the world to wear a mask. Then they need to stay home. If they go out social distance. Then get a vaccine. Get another vaccine. Wear a 2nd mask. We’ll do a third vaccine and a third mask. We have control Be careful of that third eye on your forehead! Maybe then you will be able to see the truth.

Major Study Finds Masks Don’t Reduce COVID-19 Infection Rates
NOVEMBER 18, 2020 By Jordan Davidson
Doctor Answers Common Questions About Face Masks and COVID-19 (yahoo.com)
A high-quality, large-scale Danish study finds no evidence that wearing a face mask significantly minimizes people’s risk of contracting COVID-19. The randomized-control trial found no statistically significant difference in coronavirus infection rates between mask-wearers and non-mask-wearers. In fact, according to the data, mask usage may actually increase the likelihood of infection.
“The recommendation to wear surgical masks to supplement other public health measures did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate among wearers by more than 50% in a community with modest infection rates, some degree of social distancing, and uncommon general mask use,” the authors summarized their results.
While mask-wearing has been advertised by health officials all around the world, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the Danish researchers found that there was no statistically significant difference between wearing a mask or not in preventing people from contracting COVID-19.“In the third post hoc analysis, which investigated constellations of patient characteristics, we did not find a subgroup where face masks were effective at conventional levels of statistical significance,” researchers found.
The randomized-control trial, which is considered the “gold-standard” design for scientific research, had a large sample size of more than 6,000 people. Most studies conducted on various kinds of face masks against various coronaviruses are neither randomized, controlled trials nor conducted regarding the specific SARS-CoV-2 virus currently
affecting the world.
This clinical trial was conducted from April through June in Denmark, a largely unmasked area with government recommendations only to social distance and wash hands frequently as the country began to reopen in May. Roughly half of the 6,024 participants, 4,862 of whom completed the study, were randomly assigned to wear surgical masks “outside the home among other persons together” while the other half continued to operate in public without a mask.
After a month, 42 of the mask-wearers in the study (1.8 percent) were infected with the virus while 53 of the non-mask-wearers (2.1. percent) were infected with the virus. Statistically, this is not a significant difference between the two groups, suggesting these infection differences were a product of chance, say the study authors.
“The between-group difference was −0.3 percentage point (95% CI, −1.2 to 0.4 percentage point; P = 0.38) (odds ratio, 0.82 [CI, 0.54 to 1.23]; P = 0.33). Multiple imputation accounting for loss to follow-up yielded similar results,” the study states. “Although the difference observed was not statistically significant, the 95% CIs are compatible with a 46% reduction to a 23% increase in infection.”
Some have noted Denmark’s population at the time of the study was less than 2 percent infected, participants were in charge of reporting their own COVID-19 tests, and other limitations. “More irresponsible would be to not publish the results of carefully designed research because the findings were not as favorable or definitive as some may have hoped,” they wrote.
The mask study is one of the largest of its kind ever completed.
“These findings do offer evidence about the degree of protection mask wearers can anticipate in a setting where others are not wearing masks and where other public health measures, including social distancing, are in effect,” the study states, noting that the trial “did not test the role of masks in source control of SARS-CoV-2 infection.” Kentucky doctor who urged mask-wearing early on dies after 4-month battle with Covid-19 (yahoo.com)
Dr. Fauci Just Said These 5 Very Scary Words About COVID-19 (yahoo.com)
New Study on Masks and Covid-19 Shows…That NO ONE Knows What They’re Talking About…NO ONE.
Well, we have a new study on mask-wearing in the time of COVID, and it once again shows that the so-called experts have been peddling information that might not be true. Of course, on a commonsense scale, wearing a mask to prevent spreading the virus makes sense. It does not make you immune. And with the back-and-forth on masks, the credibility of this recommendation has been shot up like a piece of swiss cheese.
The best part is that the study undermines the mask regime the COVID Nazis want us to abide by on a daily basis. Look, I won’t lie, folks, I can’t shop for groceries without a mask, so I have been wearing one. Also, I don’t want to waste time being mobbed by the “COVID Karens,” but the headline in The New York Times piece says it all about the media and when their narrative gets blown up.
“A New Study Questions Whether Masks Protect Wearers. You Need to Wear Them Anyway.” That’s the headline. So, now what? We shouldn’t trust the experts? (via NYT)
[emphasis mine]:
Researchers in Denmark reported on Wednesday that surgical masks did not protect the wearers against infection with the coronavirus in a large randomized clinical trial. But the findings conflict with those from a number of other studies, experts said, and is not likely to alter public health recommendations in the United States.
The study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, did not contradict growing evidence that masks can prevent transmission of the virus from wearer to others. But the conclusion is at odds with the view that masks also protect the wearers — a position endorsed just last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Critics were quick to note the study’s limitations, among them that the design depended heavily on participants reporting their own test results and behavior, at a time when both mask-wearing and infection were rare in Denmark.
From early April to early June, researchers at the University of Copenhagen recruited 6,024 participants who had been tested beforehand to be sure they were not infected with the coronavirus.
Half were given surgical masks and told to wear them when leaving their homes; the others were told not to wear masks in public.
At that time, 2 percent of the Danish population was infected — a rate lower than that in many places in the United States and Europe today. Social distancing and frequent hand-washing were common, but masks were not.
About 4,860 participants completed the study. The researchers had hoped that masks would cut the infection rate by half among wearers. Instead, 42 people in the mask group, or 1.8 percent, got infected, compared with 53 in the unmasked group, or 2.1 percent. The difference was not statistically significant.
MDr.. Mette Kalager a researcher at Telemark Hospital in Norway and the Harvard School of Public Health, was persuaded. The study showed that “although there might be a symbolic effect,” she wrote in an email, “the effect of wearing a mask does not substantially reduce risk” for wearers.
Dr. Christine Laine, editor-in-chief of the Annals of Internal Medicine, described the previous evidence that masks protect wearers as weak. “These studies cannot differentiate between source control and personal protection of the mask wearer,” she said. Where the study is published, told The New York Times the research shows masks “are not a magic bullet.”
In an article, Laine and other editors defended the journal’s decision to publish the study despite pushback. Dr. Laine said the new study underscored the need for adherence to other precautions, like social distancing. Masks “are not a magic bullet,” she said. “There are people who say, ‘I’m fine, I’m wearing a mask.’ They need to realize they are not invulnerable to infection.”
Of course, continue to practice social distancing and wash your hands for 20-seconds as often as possible, but this mask stuff has again taken a hit. With that, I don’t know who to trust. It changes, almost like the number of glasses of water one should drink a day.
First, they said eight glasses, and then they said that’s too much; we’re pissing away proper nutrients. All I know is that when you don’t know, you can’t issue mask mandates, nor can you issue lockdowns.
This is an era where information abounds. People are going to find out over 180-degree reversals like this—and when they do, they are bound not to listen to these people anymore. Any credibility is shattered. It’s already been shattered. You cannot protest or, in the case of Notre Dame, storm a football field when your team beats a #1-ranked opponent in Clemson, but celebrating in the streets and sharing bottles of champagne post-Election Day is okay in the cities.
In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom was forced to eat crap when he issued his “you have to stay inside” order, only to abscond to Napa Valley for a dinner with multiple friends. The lawmakers from this state also backed lockdowns before going to Maui. Yeah, and people wonder why there’s so much opposition to lockdowns.
The experts don’t know anything. The Democrats are getting off on the lockdown authority harder than Jeffrey Toobin on a Zoom call. A lockdown that’s not based on solid scientific evidence, or at the very least evidence where the jury is indeed still out, like masks, isn’t a public safety measure—it’s a power grab. And the American people have caught on to it.
If you’re gonna make someone feel lonely, go the full way and leave them alone.
does mask help with corona does mask help with corona – Bing
does mask protect wearer does mask protect wearer – Bing
does masking work does masking work – Bing video
does masks help does masks help – Bing