I was lost but now am found…
Am I real? Yes I AM…Do I exist?
In Edge of Chaos why democracy is failing to deliver economic growth-and how to fix it Dambisa Moyo. Sets out the new political and economic challenges facing the world, and the specific, radical solutions needed to resolve issues and reignite global growth. Dambisa enumerates the four headwinds of demographics, inequality, commodity scarcity and technological innovation that are driving social and economic unrest, and argues for a fundamental retooling of democratic capitalism to address current problems and deliver better outcomes in the future. Moyo shows why economic growth is essential to global stability, and why liberal democracies are failing to produce it today.
Rather than turning away from democracy, she argues, we must fundamentally reform it.
From an internationally acclaimed economist, a provocative call to jump-start economic growth by aggressively overhauling liberal democracy Around the world, people who are angry at stagnant wages and growing inequality have rebelled against established governments and turned to political extremes. Liberal democracy, history’s greatest engine of growth, now struggles to overcome unprecedented economic headwinds — from aging populations to scarce resources to unsustainable debt burdens. Hobbled by short-term thinking and ideological dogma, democracies risk falling prey to nationalism and protectionism that will deliver declining living standards.
NC ends deadliest month of COVID-19 pandemic with some signs of improvement.
This Long-Term Side Effect of COVID-19 Makes Food Intolerable, Scientists Say
This One Thing Could Determine If Your COVID Case Is Severe or Not.
Joe Biden’s Administration Is Starting To Look Like A Mullet.
11 Ways You’re Catching COVID Without Realizing It.
Dr Ellen Hodges alaska vaccine – Bing video
Selective collaboration is like Joinin’ a band…resonating with people on the deepest level. I just have big trust issues. That’s because I once trusted & got burned.
I don’t like pain. Especially emotional pain. You’re the average of the 3-5 people you spend most of your time with. That’s why my only Hommie is my mirror reflection… Inauthentic people can be extremely difficult to be around. Try your best to keep them out your circle.
And the day you stop being anti xxxx you become like the mediocre average… Crowd pleasers… Anti-suckers and anti-negative people.
I said it before, I’ll say it again • I’m just me • still that damn Yankee turned highfalutin Proud American • Choose wisely.
There is your strength and then there is God’s strength within you! You may not be able to do something in your strength but…
Philippians 4:13 “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”
Homesick for a place I’ve never been… Living in a land of misfits and monsters.
When Expectation Meets Reality …. life isn’t meant 2 be easy it’s meant 2 be lived.
Live. Laugh. Love. Listen to a Jo Dee Messina song. Join a coven. Herd some ducks.
Bend forks. Fork you.
I’m learning to be better at this blocking thing.
Panic attacks are God’s way of letting you know that you are still alive, maybe not for long, but alive nonetheless. There’s no stupid questions and yet here you are proving time and time again that there are…. I never like the idea of hurting anyone. However, If someone causes us chaos. Toxicity. Why would we allow it in our lives?
Life doesn’t care about your feelings. Enjoy it anyway. I love when people say, “That’s not fair.” That’s fair, a good portion of the time my feelings are ignoring what life is doing anyways. Well what does life care about, I’ve always wandered. “Itself.”
Pretty sure life has the copyright on “F*ck your feelings!”
Isn’t it Girl Scout cookie season yet? Has Covid-19 taken everything?
Are we still allowed to turn up the stereo a little bit louder.
This Song Rocks, “All Right Now” {Paul Rogers}
I hope you never settle for just watching & wishing.
brace yourself before you read this …. in short, we’re screwed and dems+china+nevertrump+alcoholism = death of USA
How DJT Lost the White House, Chapter 1: All the President’s Teams (11/3 – 12/23) – Deep Capture. California, heard you can now eat at a restaurant outdoors, but there cannot be any TVs on, why is that????
Because they don’t want us hangin’ out. Eat and GTF outta here! Oh yeah and the new social distancing is 8 feet. THANK YOU MASTA!!
To reduce lingering to reduce exposure. Well are they also banning talking, you know, interacting, which can cause people to speak to each other and may prolong their stay, Eat and leave!! No more sports bars… I’m in Northern California- we’ve said eff all that and most places are open indoors. IT’S WINTER.
The Super bowl. pack forty people into your house, instead of having them outside. Makes perfect sense. Lol.
They don’t want groups of people congregating together outdoors and would rather them do it indoors in the comfort of their house.
Cause they wanna limit people out and about on Super Bowl Sunday! U wanna watch the big game? Better stay home…. Great idea!P
Instead of thirty people meeting at the outdoor dining area of Buffalo wild wings, let’s pack them into someone’s living room, lol. To see how many they can get to do it. It keeps people hopping on one foot, makes sure the snitches are kept in the loop for any other blatantly dumb rules they might decree.
Is California governor related to Nancy Pelosi.
In CA, their governor has decided that they don’t need to know the details
of the lockdown, his rationale for making decisions, the science behind the decisions, or the data for the state. The Californian jobs are to shut-up and obey. Gavin Newsom’s aunt married one of the Pelosi brothers.
That made his aunt Nancy P’s sister-in-law.
Newsom is a worthless Turd, Moron’s are in the family tree and they seem to think we the people are too dumb to understand anything. Why the h*’ll you haven’t kicked this steaming pile of sh*t out of office is sad. Remove him, recall him now. California elections are rigged at the voting machines there too.
They just keep making stuff up to see how much the people will take…..and we just keep letting it happen. The left has been doing that for _years_. And we’ve been backing up for years. Because the government at all levels (federal, state and local) are all run by morons.
On a MASSIVE scale. The United States government attacked itself and killed thousands of its own people on September 11, 2001 with the help of Israel and Saudi Arabia. For those who are unaware…research the Hegelian Dialectic-thesis, antithesis, synthesis. (。◕‿◕。)
“What is the price of five sparrows? A couple of pennies? Not much more than that. Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And He knows the number of hairs on your head! Never fear, you are far more valuable to Him than a whole flock of sparrows. Luke 12:6,7
The wicked man conceives an evil plot, labors with its dark details, and brings to birth his treachery and lies; let him fall into his own trap. May the violence he plans for others boomerang upon himself. Psalm 7:14-16.
Just Months before 9/11. The leash for the World Trade Center was sold to
Larry Silverstein! Who took out an insurance plan that fortuitously covered terrorism.
After 9/11, Silverton took the insurance company to court, claiming he should be paid double because there were two attacks. He won and was awarded 4,550,000,000.
He also bought insurance 2 months before the attack that included (for the first time) “terroist coverage”. Also, he pretended to have a doctor’s appointment that day and was absent for the first time in over 10 years. He owned the buildings.
Peruvian court rules that Bill Gates, George Soros and Rockefeller family “created” coronavirus pandemic – DC Dirty Laundry
How do expect NSA agents to accurately listen in on our conversations through our phones if Kramer pops in? It’s distracting. And besides, if HLS and NSA don’t cooperate with NIH and NIAID, well it’ll be pure chaos. They don’t want them to be able to talk about how bad this government has become!
They don’t have Trump to blame anymore. Can’t let them see the circus going on now. Chaos. Where’s the new world order in that?
You don’t have any civil liberties & freedom !!!
“Do you want to take a leap of faith or become an old man filled with regret waiting to die alone?” ~ (1) Saito, Inception
“The darkest places in Hell are reserved for those
who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.”~ Dante Alighieri, “THE DIVINE COMEDY”
“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” ~ (1) Sun Tzu (2) sun tzu chaos
Being grateful is about maintaining a state of gratitude. It is about developing the art of appreciating life, as it is, as it was, and as it may become.
Gratitude as I know it is multiple things. It is a feeling, it is actions we can take, as well as a state of mind.
The feeling of gratitude generally comes when a certain range of actions are taken and our beliefs allow us to be. But it is also a choice that has to be made. We have to choose to be grateful, without a decision for staying grateful it is much more unlikely that we will hit that target. Question Everything….The Truth. The whole truth. Nothing but the truth… the truth will set you free..
Not only must staying grateful be chosen though, but it also takes great effort to maintain. It isn’t enough to just say I appreciate the blue sky today. I have to truly feel it! Emotion needs to be invested in gratitude, the more sincere emotion the greater the feeling.
A state of gratitude is a desirable place to stay as much as possible.
Why do you ask? Let’s take a look at some of its benefits.
The Benefits of Gratitude and How to Get Started.
The benefits of maintaining a state of gratitude are many which make it an entirely practical thing to do. In my estimation, the benefits far outweigh the effort. Here are a few of those benefits!
In many research studies about the effects of practicing gratitude, researchers have sought information on how gratitude affects individuals mental health. But for the most part, these studies focus on individuals that aren’t dealing with troubled mental worlds.
In this study, college students that are set to receive mental health counseling are the subjects of the test. The results of the study found that from the practice of writing letters of gratitude for others, without even sending them, helped these individuals experience better mental health both 4 weeks and 12 weeks after the studies completion.
The results of the study suggest something of high importance. It suggests that not only does gratitude help people with rather stable minds, but also can help some individuals with habitually stressed and anxious minds find better mental spaces.
Emotion and mood are different, though closely related concepts. In one analogy a mood state is thought to be the overall emotional climate an individual is experiencing. While on the other hand, emotions are like the individual instances of weather activity within the current climate.
Therefore mood is thought to determine the types of emotions that will be experienced. So if a person is experiencing a particularly good mood, the emotions they experience will generally follow suit.
There is evidence that making an effort to practice gratitude regularly for about a month will have positive effects on mood states.
They say that around a month is a good amount of time because less than that didn’t have the same effects on our upcoming mood climate. So the longer gratitude has become a habit, the more likely it will affect our emotional worlds positively.
This, of course, isn’t to suggest that mood states that don’t feel good will be eradicated. But it can definitely shorten the amount of time we reside in them, and they probably won’t come around as often.
To be resilient is to have the ability to bounce back and recover from difficulties. It is being able to have difficult events roll through our lives, and getting through them with a little grace.
We don’t usually get to choose when difficult events or emotions come into our lives. But having a consistent gratitude practice around when trouble does come, is a blessing.
It will help us stay in touch with the aspects of reality that are working in our favor. Which allows our already amped up bodily impulses, to relax. Relaxed bodies are fluid bodies, meaning that our emotions are much better able to show up, teach us what we need, and move on.
Practicing gratitude also seems to help individuals catch a better nights sleep. In a research study, it is suggested that 15 minutes of gratitude writing every night before bed can help reduce the amount of worry students experienced. It also helped them sleep better.
The more stress that is present when trying to go to sleep makes it more likely that we will ruminate over whatever is troubling us. Being able to reduce that stress by focusing on aspects of life we are grateful for is a beautiful thing. It will bring us down to reality, settle our troubled minds, and allow us to connect with ourselves and the present moment.
5. Three to One Rule
Positive thoughts vs Negative thoughts Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results. ~ Willie Nelson.
Nothing positive comes from being negative. So every time you think one negative thought, think about three positives you have going in your life. If your thoughts are mostly negative, you could suffer from depression or a cynical outlook. Positive thoughts could keep you happy, but might ultimately be unrealistic. Both are important to a healthy mind, but using them properly is of utmost importance.
The results of negative thinking versus positive thinking are very different. However, it is not always easy to get rid of negative thoughts – good news is, the only thing that you truly need is your will. People with positive thinking are generally empowered to act and achieve their goals. On the contrary, negative thinking can paralyze us, bringing fears and doubts and preventing us from taking the actions that can get us closer to our goals.
Ideas for Creating a Staying Grateful Routine.
Mornings can be a difficult time to deal with. There is a reason people joke about not being human until they have some coffee in them. As well as for why many of us have trouble not pressing the snooze button multiple times before finally waking up. When waking up our resistances to change are working in full force.
But making gratitude a priority as early as possible in the day is a way to set our attitudes and ourselves up for more enjoyable experiences. Want to start tomorrow off in a better mood than usual. Set the alarm a half-hour earlier than normal. Then and as you roll out of bed and set your feet on the floor, sincerely say thank you for another day alive. Then do your best to extend the mental effort to stay grateful as the morning goes on.
Probably the most difficult aspect of staying grateful is remembering to do so. With all the internal and external distractions we face, it is easy to get lost in the chaos.
To stay out of the chaos and in a state of gratitude, we must stay mindful. We must stay aware of our goal to remain in a state where we are appreciating life. This may take many reminders a day.
Pay attention. When that thought comes that has you feeling like life this moment isn’t good enough, let it pass. Just breathe and let all the nonsense pass. Even though some “idiot” did something you can’t stand, look at some aspect of the world you enjoy. There are, of course, many to be found in any given moment.
This isn’t to say that we don’t need to stand up for ourselves when we can do something productive with our situation. When remaining mindful and practicing gratitude, we are very capable of seeking out productive solutions to our problems.
In the recovery community, I frequent, there is a saying. It states “My gratitude speaks when I care and when I share.” Meaning that when I show that I give a damn about other people I see throughout my day, I am going to feel better. The same goes for when I share with those people what I am grateful for.
Sharing gratitude with others can come in many forms. It could be letting them know we appreciate them by saying it. As well as letting them know by simply showing up with a good attitude and showing respect.
Another form of sharing gratitude doesn’t even have to be done in the other person’s presence. By bringing the person we are grateful for into our minds and offering them sincere gratitude, we reap benefits from this too!
This can actually be a way to learn to be grateful for people our personal boundaries won’t allow us to be around. Helping to get over resentments that we may wind up poisoning ourselves over with anger that feels insurmountable.
Having a gratitude writing practice is a great item to have in our toolbox, for feeling better on a daily basis. Remember above when I said that 15 minutes of gratitude writing over time can help a person sleep better? Well, it can be done anytime throughout the day that permits it. And there are benefits to be found whenever we give ourselves the pleasure of writing 5 to 10 things we are grateful for.
Just going over a list of gratitude in our heads is beneficial. But writing them brings even more life to them! Feeling gratitude does take effort. The more effort we put into getting into staying grateful, without being obsessive of course, will bring about more blessings, and more good feelings.
When going to sleep we are going into a suggestive state that allows processing of the day’s thoughts and activities. What we do before going to sleep has an effect on how our sleep benefits us. Filling our minds with a feeling of appreciation for what has happened and what is coming helps drop the need to problem solve on our way to sleep. Who enjoys that feeling of trying to work out the issues of the day when it is time to drift off into slumber?
Just thinking about what we have to be grateful for, can take our minds off of this problem-solving. It can ease some of the stress of the day, allowing a nice surrender into the void of sleep. Read on to find out the benefits of practicing gratitude every day and how to get started. There are plenty of reasons to practice gratitude, including benefits to your overall mental health and well-being. Practicing gratitude can mean different things to different people. From daily journaling to evening prayers, gratitude practice can take many forms.
You May Not Ever Be Able to Do This After Surviving COVID, Study Warns (msn.com)
The US can defeat Covid-19 variants with the right tools, White House adviser says (msn.com)
Biden Health Adviser Warns of Virus Variants, Future Lockdowns (msn.com)
Here’s what experts have to say about Biden’s vaccine timeline