what a wicked web they weave…
when their first practice is to deceive,
How about we keep the Party of Lincoln,
Reagan and Trump and the traitors leave.
Vaccines and open borders are like heating a house and open windows.
“During Donald Trump’s term, more than 450 miles of the wall were successfully built, & 738 miles were funded.
The border wall “system” includes the physical barrier itself, several technologies…”
THE END: All border wall construction stops tonight | Gregg Jarrett.
Hearing someone’s story is not the same as Critical Race Theory. Don’t confuse the two. I’m all about listening and learning. I’m not about indoctrination of a THEORY. We need to have a very aggressive strategy to counter the woke culture. We need ethicists, doctors, psychiatrists, linguists and scholars in every academic realm to rise up and fight back the liberal narrative. Only way we can win the argument.
I Am a simple guy trying to figure out this crazy thing we call life.
If y’all figure it out let me know. Till then laugh instead of cry &
love instead of hate.
The same people telling you it’s “My body, my choice”
are the same ones saying wear a mask and get a vaccine.
Which countries in the world have socialized medicine.
The global effort to vaccinate people against COVID-19 began in early December. Since then, more than 40 countries have started administering coronavirus jabs among their populations. Israel is leading the world in terms of its vaccination rate, with more than 20 people in every hundred having received a dose, according to data compiled by Our World In Data, a research website affiliated with Oxford University.
That figure is significantly higher than any other country in the world, an effort which has been attributed to the country’s digitized healthcare system and the government’s early success in purchasing enough doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to cover the whole population. The United Arab Emirates has achieved the second-highest vaccination rate at 14.1 per 100 people, while Bahrain comes third at 5.75.
Read on for the full list of countries administering vaccine jabs and how many they have administered so far. How many coronavirus vaccine jabs has each country in the world done? – Business Insider
Israelis get a high grade overall with a life expectancy of 81.8 years, and health care costs per capita were calculated at $2,426 (or approximately NIS 8,800). The rankings also noted that Israel has the longest life span in the Middle East and Africa, and that Israelis have the 12th longest retirement in the world (lasting 17.81 years).By comparison, Americans have a life expectancy of 78.6 years and spend $8,608 (NIS 31,100) in health care costs per capita. Israel is leading the battle on vaccinations but are they seeing a mark improvement on cases. Coronavirus (COVID-19) (msn.com)
Israel National News – Israel’s health system ranks as one of the best globally
israel health care system ranking – Bing video
Commerce Secretary nominee Gina Raimondo stays open to raising taxes on the middle class, says that we “need funds” for Biden’s climate agenda https://youtu.be/cDx_aN0HQJk
A recent study ranked Israel’s health care system as the ninth-best in the world, the UK’s Business Insider reported.
The research, conducted by the London-based Legatum Institute, compared 104 variables and listed nine subindexes. The study examined three basic components of health: availability of preventive care, health infrastructure, and citizens’ physical and mental health.
149 countries were included in the comparison, with Israel included in the top ten. These ten were, in order:
1. Luxembourg healthcare system – Bing video
One of the wealthiest nations, Luxembourg has a life expectancy of 82. Luxembourg came in 1st in the research’s health and personal freedom sub index, and 2nd in the safety sub index.
2. Singapore healthcare system – Bing video
Singapore came in first place for safety, and second for health. Its 5.6 million citizens have an average life expectancy of 83.1 years.
3. Switzerland healthcare system – Bing video
With mandatory health insurance, Switzerland came in third in the study’s health sub index and first in the education sub index. However, the European country ranked eighth in safety and eighteenth in personal freedom.
4. Japan healthcare system – Bing video
With the highest average life expectancy – 83.7 -years, it may not be a surprise that Japan’s health index ranked 4th highest. The Asian “Land of the Rising Sun” came in 3rd for safety.
5. Netherlands healthcare system – Bing video
Though the Netherlands came in fifth for best health, they ranked second economic quality and education, and fourth in governance. However, in 2015 the Netherlands ranked at the top of the annual Euro health consumer index, which compares healthcare systems in Europe, scoring 916 of a maximum 1,000 points.
6. Sweden healthcare system – Bing video
Sweden ranked sixth on the study’s health index and fifth on its governance index. With the fourth highest life expectancy in the world, the average Swedish man will live 80.7 years. Here’s a graph they don’t want you to see – Sebastian Rushworth M.D.
7.Hong Kong healthcare system – Bing video
Ranking seventh in health and fourth in business environment, Hong Kong has 53 hospitals (42 public and 11 private) for its population of 7.2 million.
8. Australia healthcare system – Bing video
Australia ranked second in personal freedom, fourth in education, seventh in business environment, and eight in health. With the best health ranking in the southern hemisphere, Australia’s life expectancy is 82.8, placing it as fourth highest globally.
9. Israeli healthcare system – Bing video
Israel received the highest health rating in the Middle East, and its citizens have a life expectancy of 82.5 years – eighth highest in the world. The country’s single-payer, multiple-provider system ensures that every citizen receives health coverage, yet insurance providers must compete in order to draw clients and receive funding.
10. Germany healthcare system – Bing video
Germany ranked fifth in business environment, seventh in safety, ninth in social capital, and tenth in health care and governance. With an average life expectancy of 81, Germany’s citizens are some of the healthiest in the world.
In January 2016, Israel ranked as the world’s eighth most powerful country, and in May of that year, the country’s average life expectancy was declared fifth highest in the world. In June 2016, two of Israel’s universities ranked in Asia’s top 20, and six made the top 200.
Earlier this year, Israel ranked fourth in the list of best countries for expats and families.
Not all is rosy, though: Despite Israel’s high ranking in health, it came in 133 – out of 149 – in the quality of the natural environment, environmental pressures, and preservation efforts.
Ranked: Cost of healthcare per capita in 21 different countries – Business Insider
An Overview of Israel’s Universal Health Care System | LDI (upenn.edu)
Best Healthcare In The World 2021 (worldpopulationreview.com)
Israel ranks as world’s third most educated country – ISRAEL21c
Health Care Index by Country 2021 (numbeo.com)
PowerPoint Presentation (jhsph.edu)
Coronavirus Update (Live): 100,810,675 Cases and 2,165,100 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic – Worldometer (worldometers.info)
Closing These Places to Stop COVID Can Do the Opposite, Yale Study Says
Here are the top 100 countries by COVID-19 safety, according to the Deep Knowledge Group:
Switzerland, Germany, Israel, Singapore, Japan, Austria, China, Australia,
New Zealand, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, Canada, Hong Kong, Norway, Denmark, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Netherlands, Vietnam, Kuwait, Iceland, Bahrain, Finland, Luxembourg, Qatar, Liechtenstein, Poland, Lithuania, Malaysia, Latvia, Slovenia, Oman, Greece, Estonia, Croatia, Turkey, Ireland, Georgia, Chile, Montenegro, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Malta, Spain, Portugal, Thailand, Bulgaria, Greenland, Mexico, Uruguay, Vatican City, Italy, Serbia, Philippines, India, Romania, USA, Slovak Republic, Russia, France, Argentina, Belarus, Monaco, Sweden, Ukraine, Gibraltar, United Kingdom, South Africa, San Marino, Kazakhstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iran, Ecuador, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, Belgium, Andorra, Cayman Islands, Armenia, Moldova, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Tunisia, Albania, Jordan, Panama, Brazil, Morocco, Algeria, Honduras, Paraguay, Peru, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Bahamas
It’s important to note that this is just one organization’s assessment of risk, and that risk within different regions inside nations will differ as well. For example, New York City was an epicenter of COVID-19 risk a month ago, while Montana stayed, relatively speaking, much safer. The highest-risk regions right now, according to the report, are Sub-Saharan Africa and South America, as well as some countries in the Middle East and Asia Pacific.
The full study is available here. The methodology is available here. As mentioned at the top of this story, I’ve received comments from people in multiple Caribbean nations and from people in Vietnam, wondering why their countries did not rank higher. In addition, some people are concerned that racism or bias might be reflected in the rankings.
I’ve asked Deep Knowledge Group for an explanation. Here’s what Dmitry Kaminskiy, General Partner of Deep Knowledge Group, provided: Our current ranking of course is not ideal yet, and in case of some particular countries we had issues to get reliable data, however with each iteration over the last three months the analytics framework [is] becoming more robust and comprehensive, and subsequently corresponding rankings are becoming more accurate and precise.
In regards to Vietnam in particular, it was probably our mistake to put it into Tier 1, and in the next iteration most likely it will move into Tier 2, however, during the last days we are also receiving some additional information from experts based in Asia, and it seems that Vietnam is hiding cases with infected people. As in regards to the Caribbean islands, most of the countries there have apparently underdeveloped healthcare infrastructure, lack of efficient anti-crisis government management and zero experience to neutralize biohazard threats.
Yes indeed, currently as they are geographically separate islands it creates temporary perception [of] safety, but as most of them are directly dependent on tourism, once the tourists will start to arrive in the next weeks and months, those locations might quite quickly become problematic zones. We are planning to make the next iteration of rankings with some additional features and extended framework for Tier 3 and Tier 4 in the first part of July, and will send you information in advance.
I’m pretty certain that explanation won’t satisfy people who are already concerned with the rankings, as it essentially doubles down on the ranking — while acknowledging that it’s not perfect — while casting aspersions on one nation’s veracity and others nations’ capacity. I will state very plainly that my research on Vietnam turned up no corroboration of the claim that Vietnam is hiding cases. In addition, it’s worth noting that Vietnam as well as Trinidad & Tobago ranked in the top tier of this Oxford University study.
As I learn more, I’ll update this story further.
Wuhan’s lockdown lasted just 76 days. We’re at 295. This is my point. I get that they “crushed” it. The big question is why did it not come back.
Multiple states reopened prior to Flattening the curve & people in the US were more concerned about not wearing masks than about controlling COVID. Having worked with people in China in that period, their version of lockdown included people with clipboards, electronic monitoring of people coming and going from buildings. Our version involved “meaningful Christmas” China is already communist. To break the Western world’s democracies doesn’t happen overnight. It takes effort & guile – a bit of carrot from time to time and lots of stick.
Can’t completely demoralize a nation overnight. But they are going as fast as they can…
There are lockdowns, and there are lock lockdowns..
I seem to have acquired an extra ‘lock’ … ah well, whatever, you get gist. China/East Asia approach diff to the West. Built hospitals in 6days, id the virus, isolated h/workers in hotels nor hospitals sanitized cities x2 daily, citizens in cities took over, split in2 street committees, set up communications, transport, nutrition, exercise, prioritized aged, daily briefings.
Of course it did , they probably already had a vaccine, as it was them who spread it round the world , I still believe they sent infected people round the world. China and Wuhan are way ahead with their surveillance of the general population; we are playing catch up. Nobody leaves the house for 4 to 6 weeks. 35 days. No longlist of essential workers, no multitude of spars and centras. Essential shopping by appointment only, or delivery.
Quarantine all international travelers and at this stage, close the border. That’s because they’ve already got full control of their people. They are still working on us to destroy our lives! Scale of restrictions in Wuhan were significantly stricter. Our rulers are drunk on the power they never dreamed they’d have.
76 days to ruin the west….what a great plan….worlds biggest heist…. That’s because we don’t need to lock down.
Lockdowns have had no significant effect on transmission.
And no variant in China despite its massive land mass and size of population? Mysterious eh! Because they did it right, the anti maskers and people who won’t follow restrictions are the ones prolonging this.
They already embed the communistic system, we in the west not… yet? It’s not possible to roll out the entire communist system in just 295 days. You have to suffocate society step by step to merge into this communistic system. Congrats China on becoming the world’s leading economy. Well played…China’s GDP grew 7% in 2020. Our GDP declined 20%.
“Say what you like about the tenets of national socialism” It’s a fair point but it is like comparing apples to oranges. China has been caught lying about everything covid-19 .. where it started, how it started, numbers then and now … Don’t forget china is a communist country !.. the media, scientists and other officials report what they’re told !
Two #ViralVideos are circulating in #China. They reportedly capture some of authorities’ most extreme tactics to slow virus spread.
Watch full episode —->Shanghai announces new virus outbreak;