God is our only hope.
Happiness – Love – Imagination – Earth – Universe – Magic! Imagine falling in love with someone….staying in love with someone forever?
Hey Ken: during these times when the government makes you dependent you cease to be independent. What are the best forms of meditation to provide you with self confidence, mental stability and the faith you need for a peaceful existence in our life? Bi☭en needs to be found guilty of Treason.
If not, the Democrats should be held accountable for fraud!
Karma means action, work, or deed. The term also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect, often descriptively called the principle of karma, wherein intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual: good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and bad rebirths. “My dad used to tell me–Joey, never cheat at life,
because life will cheat you.” Joey cheated.
I was lost but now am found… overthinking overthinking overthinking. Everyday we get to wake up thinking “what fresh hell will our government impose on us today!” Good times…. Be a reflection of whatever you want to receive… Scars may heal but the memories live infinitum…
Feeling seen and heard without judgment, during your lows and highs, is a different kind of energy. If they can’t be bothered to be there for you when it’s raining in your world. They don’t deserve to be around when it’s rainbows & sunshine.
Cutting toxic people off from your life doesn’t mean that you hate them. It just means that you respect yourself enough to remove negativity and stress from your life by not having to deal with them anymore. JUST LET GO and decide 2 release the hold on what u have been hanging on 2 that has kept u stuck frozen ashamed indecisive Let go of the clutter in your life decide not 2 harm yourself in ur own mind Give yourself permission 2 release any memories that keep u from creating your GREATEST LIFE.
Mindset is Everything!!
Changing your mindset from “this is how I am” to “this is what I need to work on” is growth. And it’s amazing to experience and see! Watching it unfold with someone I love right now, and it’s absolutely beautiful. It’s an everyday thing. The opportunity to grow and learn is always there, You make it sound so easy. Oh God it was nice to be young.
I’m afraid of a lot of things. Love isn’t one of them.
I’m not sure if I’m capable of cohabitating romantically with anyone again.
My only fear is falling in love and getting broken again. I don’t know how many more times I can take it. Makes me very cautious.
Not love, it’s the getting my heart ripped out, stomped on, skewered, burned, buried alive, dug back up, hit with a car, dragged across the coals,
and then shredded into tiny pieces, part that I fear. There is power in forbidden love.
You can focus so much on the forbidden nature and justifying your choices to the world that you forget to question if it is real.
I used to get them when I went to church. Demand all evil spirits go to the foot of the cross and ask God to put a hedge of protection around you.
The new woke idiocracy… Some people leave you mentally exhausted. Stay away from those people. “If you want to lift low-skilled people out of poverty, just make business owners pay them more. Problem solved.” When you genuinely matter to someone, you’ll know it.
She is both, hellfire and holy water. And the flavor you taste depends on how you treat her. Self care is choosing not to argue with people who are committed to misunderstanding you. Try not to be so hard on yourself, you’re only human. We’re supposed to make mistakes. That is how we learn and grow.
This world has too many evil people in it that keep getting away with the worst types of cruelty and abuse. Amidst today’s chaos..
” When you fall in love with life, life falls in love with you.”
When you accept yourself ~ The Universe will accept you
Sipping my ginger/thyme and lemon & honey tea while listening to praise music on youtube… friends, I’m feeling a bit better! Praise God! We’ll see…….!
Jai Hind Jai Bhara
Beware of #Fraud Look how they steal our money Kindly share this post to everyone.
Am I real? Do I exist?
I hate meditation…. does it really WORK!
There, I said it… And I faked it every time.
Ohm, ooohm, oh yeah right there, oooohm.
I just sit there intentionally thinking of stuff.
That is it…u just sit there quietly breathing.
listening to sound current!!!
That’s a tough question to answer because every person that I have ever chatted with on social media has told me a different technique was their favorite. Field meditation, focus on the breath until “the drop” and then expand awareness outside of the body.
It’s like a destination is the same but the way to transport you there is numerous like bus, car, flight etc. When you go to a cinema you watch a movie appearing on the screen so pretty similarly the purpose of meditation is to shut down your constantly chattering mind.
Now YoUr screen must ask itself which character in the movie do you really get into. Everybody’s choice would be different…. Now just observe who is asking for the “type” , Or do you fit the character being played on that screen! Matrix broken – playing meditation music, silencing my mind, and praying always does it for my soul xo
On the best days, it’s an experience that melts the mind and opens your heart to it….
Hatha, Restorative and Kundalini yoga.
I facilitate identity dissolving meditations. The goal being to build a relationship with Self in non-symbolic experience. Staring at the ocean while the sun dances on it while thanking the universe & my guides for everything.
That 2 hour end of a movie feeling is a great feeling.
It’s a moment of inner reflection.
I feel the most connected with the elements around me & with myself… Vocal ohm, I have had full blown DMT trips without DMT with this method. I do it for 20 minutes.
Whatever gives me the proper chemical balance levels…
I say: I am nothing and I know nothing. This was taught by Sadhguru.
Vipassana first and finishing with Anapanasati. in a dark silent room on the floor – I go wherever my mind takes me.
When I know nothing, my mind has nothing to think about.
The #Zen intuitive emphasis method under –
#meditation #Enlightenment #Zazen
Cuantic pause/ box breath (4×4 or 10×10) combined with focus “trataka”
(object, point, or sky) using my eyes or my heart Breathwork followed by some straight stillness. Easy to quiet the mind when it’s focused on breathing.
Trickier though when you ain’t focused on shit.
Guided meditation and concentrative meditation on Black Lotus app
Sound frequency meditation Chanting NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO. – Bing
Dancing, Music, Singing and Reading. Bonus: Sky-gazing especially at sunset!
*BLANK MIND*. No Thoughts. (Neither Positive Nor Negative)
None is wrong when all lead to self ………. Allows me to be in tune with the universe. Chanting the heart sutra, it fills my heart with peace and compassion
sat kartar mantra hearts opening meditation
Inhaling Cosmos and exhaling darkness!
non-dual openhearted awareness When i achieve the state of ‘flow’ while doing my work. Mindfulness body scan energy cleansing & chakra balancing
Living in 5th Dimension ( slo-motion.)
Third eye meditation bringing the mind either above or below bus chatter
Purity of heart, clarity of mind and dynamism in action… Moment to moment…
Guided meditation involving astral projection for distance healing.
Guided meditation with virtual locations and sounds! So it’s winter and
I’m doing meditation in the Himalayas!
Or the Sedona Vortex!!
Transcendental using breath work.
Visualization and Manifestation, for others.
I think “sahaja meditation” by @ArtofLiving
is great Dancing, yoga, singing bowls meditation.
Eyes closed, mind open, one breath.
Releasing Addictive Behavior Guided Meditation.
You just keep letting go everything until you arrive in a very peaceful, deep place. A perpetual surrender. the kind that allows me to drift off and I’m in another universe.
No outside thoughts just in tune in the moment and STILL.
I switched about a year ago to just letting go of relaxed music meditation.
It’s exactly what it sounds like.
When I’m surrounded by loved ones and having one of those grateful moments while Walking in Nature. Listening to birds and trees in a quiet place with eyes closed.. listening to praise music listening to MercyMe, While Watching the sky for a long period, listening to gurbani.
NADANUSANDHAN YOGA. – Hatha, Restorative and Kundalini yoga –
Breathe In – Faith, Breathe Out – Fear!!!
Dhyana. The type where I’m so disengaged with my thoughts and so disengaged with my consciousness that I become one with source.
Krav Maga & tai chi self defense
Mantra meditation Listening to Music Healing – YouTube
Presence and mindfulness!
Silence has helped me soooo much!
Nature’s voice 420 Meditation. (Being on a kush komma.)
ZhiNeng QiGong Acknowledging my feelings and being with them.
Zazen is kind of like re-opening yourself…
I learned a lot about it on Core Spirit
It’s a really difficult kind of meditation, but it’s worth it.
All else is pure Spiritual Bypassing… Breath awareness.
Which usually leads to a calmer mind and relaxed body and sometimes my intuition becomes stronger and clarity is shown.
The one you sit in the dark with eyes closed. Observe your inner traumas and conditioning.
Heal one breath at a time. Contemplation of passiveness!!
My Beak of Breath technique which to me brings protection and enables deeper and faster breathing while calling out to spirits to interact with.
Problem is, I run out of stuff and just sit there quietly breathing.
That’s the only meditation.
Anything from Wim Hoff
Anything from Wim Hoff …. breathing Technique
The one that resonates with you in the moment. The one that allows you to simply BREATHE. The one that brings you back… To you.
Journaling, writing meditation and blogging post is my favorite
Research and blog post
President Biden Is About to Reinstate This Major COVID Restriction (msn.com)
Laura Ingraham’s Brother Calls Her ‘Pathetic’ for Criticizing Dr. Fauci (msn.com)
Merck Shuts Down Covid-19 Vaccine Program After Lackluster Data (msn.com)
Alarm in U.K. Over Virus Variant Bolsters Case for Lockdown (msn.com)