Everything we are seeing is a lie !
Biden’s Culture War Blitzkrieg | The American Conservative
The True Great Awakening: “The thing about lefties & the culture war is that they consider any objection or resistance to what they want [to] be an act of aggression. Biden’s undertaking a culture war Blitzkrieg here, but nobody in the media will notice.
The rest of us had better.”
And we have destroyed ourselves by allowing it. We are too easily distracted.
Proud to be a glitch in the matrix. No more. Literally BIZARRO WORLD, 1984.
IT IS WAY PAST TIME TO SHOUT FROM THE MOUNTAIN TOPS THAT, NOT ONLY DOES THE “EMPEROR” HAVE NO CLOTHES…”it” IS ACTUALLY satan!!! I haven’t put all that together before….And schools destroy children, the youth, education and thus the future of society. This actually kind of seems to be the most critical aspect… The USA greatly declined when it abandoned Christianity. from schools A healthy Christian culture has been replaced by a toxic and illogical culture. The truth of Jesus Christ substituted for the lies of Satan.
Watch this 4 minute video if anyone wants to be saved.
THE CLEAR GOSPEL IN 4 MINUTES (Dr. Ralph Yankee Arnold)…
Yep, that pretty much the sum of things. Satan always turns things upside down.
That’s Because Everything on Earth Has Been Inverted!
Distorted. Deluded. Demented. Exactly as the adversary wants it. YOU already have the power of light and truth inside you.
YOU are the greatest weapon against evil. YOU already have the answers… the power! USE IT!
[Everything Back-To-Front] You Missed Out The Biggest Deception Many Don’t Want To Look At The Transgender Agenda. Women & Men in Hollyweird, Politics, Entertainment, Sports Figures Aren’t Who They Are Telling You They Are… It’s a Deep Rabbit Hole With Far Reaching Implications …
Once You “See It” Then It’s Difficult To “Unsee” Them!
But that’s because the word of God is largely ignored! It comes down to one commandment! Thoushalt love the Lord your God with all your heart. That is the God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob of the Old Testament Read Romans 1. They have been given over to a “depraved mind” unable to think or use logic. It’s all right there. Nothing happens outside of God’s knowledge.
And it’s been this way for a long time. All these things have been corrupted by greed, lust, money, vanity & power. Etc. This happens to a Society when Morality, Values, and/or God has been replaced with the Material World and brainwashed to Worship The State instead. Dead Souls. The evil spirit roaming thru the world right now is named “Contrary to belief”.
I ride my own wave… ain’t a soul out here I want to be like.
God forgives you, understands you and loves you.
When you change your heart you will change your life.
You manifest your entire life. Control your thoughts. You have powers.
A dog had his chain reduced one link at a time, every few days until his chain was so short
he could barely move.. He never resisted because he was conditioned to the loss of freedom slowly, over time.. It’s happening to America. The left is living Satan’s lie: I never seen so much evil in my entire life like I have seen in the last 2 months. Democrats, and establishment Republicans, are Satanic. They totally act in accordance with that morality… look up the 10 Satanic Commandments.
Political Theology – 20210109 – YouTube
In a world where you can be anything, be compassionate; Music makes the world go round; Keep on, keepin’ on; I always say what’s on my mind; When the heart takes over, the mind can’t do a thing!!
Capitol mob members could face more serious charges, prison time, as investigation unfolds.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, & shall be turned unto fables 2 Timothy 4:3-4
Remain strong in your mind. Never allow your mind to be compromised.
How? Know yourself.
Stay true to yourself & facts.
Feeling unwanted is worse than feeling lonely.
When Biden was inaugurated on Jan 20, the challenge was getting everything back to where Obama had it when he left office in 2017. SOooo expect that changes will happen very quickly as directed by the CCP. America will be headed to a CCP communist system and NOT a Russian style. Socialism versus Communism. That Bolshevik Revolution was messy and took too long. When Biden is inaugurated on Jan 20, His first order of business will be to round up the dissenters and the rest of you freaks up and put you in camps.
They Didn’t tell you about the FEMA camps that have been built?
The upside down world of the elites and Democrat/Republican hierarchy. It is coming to end soon. That’s the natural sign we’ve reached the end of ego consciousness. A new awareness is coming.
Crises Awaiting Biden: China, Crime and New Strains of Covid – Bloomberg
Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light,
and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
After owning the book for years, I finally started to read “Behold a Pale Horse.” OMG! Could’ve red-pilled myself much sooner.
We already are. Four war phases:
information warfare, trade/economic warfare, biological and or chemical warfare, and last is military warfare (infantry & artillery)
There’s the deterioration of the public-health system in the coming weeks as new strains of SARS-CoV-2 spread across the U.S.
What mutates the fastest? The ‘virus’ or the government media propaganda?
“What mutates the fastest? The ‘virus’ or the government media propaganda?”
Or simply make over the counter HCQ/zinc protocol or Ivermectin & end the pandemic
in a week. Both have a 65yr track record for safety, are excellent prophylactics, now AMA approved, both now have peer reviewed studies. Neither fits the big pharma agenda…
Ivermectin is effective for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 35 studies.
“The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be someone else.” ~ E.E. Cummings
You can fool some of the people some of the time, and that’s enough to make a decent living — WC Fields.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.. stupid people will fight and die for a system that enslaves them.
If you watch the movie Jaws backwards It’s really a heartwarming story about a shark that gives arms and legs to disabled people that’s socialism. Your ways are not my ways… but I will respect your ways as long as you respect mine… got it?!
Fascism: A far-right, authoritarian ultranationalist characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition & strong regimentation of society & of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe..
*✧₊⁎ b r e a t h e ⁺˳✧* here to remind u that u only have one life to live so do whatever the fuck makes u happy!!!
wear that outfit u think ppl will judge u for, buy that plane ticket, do all the things your heart truly wants. start living a life that u love and are proud of.
More & more Taxes & Fewer & Fewer Jobs… I guess if there are HALF the number of jobs they need to make sure their Tax Revenue doesn’t Decrease. So a 50% Tax Hike will even it all out.
Military Intel Contact asked for prayers and advised us to stay ready for Tier 4B notification anytime from now to Tues. 26 Jan.
The White Hats were highly confident and very happy that victory was assured on both the RV/GCR release and arrests of the DC Swamp government.
As Trump, Gen Flynn and other patriots have said, “The Best is Yet to Come!”
Hang in there, pray and enjoy the show coming over the next several days.
Covid-free world: How 11 countries escaped the pandemic with zero coronavirus cases.
For a year the media and Dems blamed President Trump. NOW when they are in power,
they say there is nothing they can do! Biden says ‘nothing we can do’ to change pandemic ‘trajectory’ in coming months.
Biden says ‘nothing we can do’ to change pandemic ‘trajectory’ in coming months.
You clearly have no idea how mRNA vaccines work. Essentially, they get your body to manufacture a simple protein so your own immune system learns to attack it. Hydroxychloroquine in contrast has the potential to be extremely toxic. You Know Nothing.
A young nurse who never envisioned herself working in disaster circumstances during a pandemic was forced to reconsider her career once the strain of providing care was too much. She is just one example of the toll COVID has taken on healthcare workers. https://washex.am/366TdxA
If you want to anger a conservative, lie to him.
If you want to anger a liberal, tell the truth.
Not learning the lesson is a mistake.
Comrades, the mission will be complete; the US will finally be part of China!
The sanctimonious hypocrites on the left had no problem with their street teams of wannabe brown shirts carrying out hundreds of violent attacks against conservatives as a penalty for wrong thinking.
Here is what other past administrations have done in their first 100 days.
I hope you have a little more planned than giving some people a shot. historic.pdf (whitehouse.gov) If you could get around to some low hanging fruit like rescheduling marijuana, forgiving student debt, and pardoning people imprisoned for non-violent drug offenses that’d be nice We may be burned down by then by white nationalists. Now is not the time for this message, though I 100% support you and cannot wait for you to be leading our nation. People need to understand how we are going to stay safe over the next week on the brink of a 2nd civil war.
In a world where you can be anything, be compassionate; Music makes the world go round; Keep on, keepin’ on; I always say what’s on my mind; When the heart takes over, the mind can’t do a thing!!
The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. Maybe love and fear are opposites Hate is a sickness, a cancerous self destructive disease. If you hate, you should seek help.
Hate is a human reaction to someone whose disgusting, criminal, treacherous with harmful behavior.
That’s disgust, despise & rejection. Hate only eats one from within. It consumes the hater more than the one you hate. The reaction to disgusting, criminal & treacherous acts is fighting for justice.
Love and hate are actually quite similar — Sadly, many of the haters rationalize away their hate. Their catch phrase excuse during the OhBummer admin was “but he meant well”. Then they want Gulags to reeducate Trump supporters. Mean well, though?
I do hate… and I seek Jesus to help… this year I have started to hate more than ever because of the evil I now see… the people that are doing terrible things to children for profit and power are all through gov. and tv , I know they can be saved but many won’t be…
Napoleon said that you never interfere with an enemy in the process of destroying themselves so let us take a step back and let the left destroy themselves! Be in prayer for our country because God will only let the enemy go so far because He is not done with America yet!
The #energy and vibes you feel from #people tells you a lot about the #connection ..
Remember when we all dipped into our hard earned money to pay for the genuinely starving children in Africa? But notice how we still keep being asked the same thing years and years later, because without the tools nothing ever changes – that’s the thing 250 THOUSAND CHINESE AT U.S. CANADA AND MEXICAN BORDER ! – THE MARSHALL REPORT
“Demonstrating that speaking and coughing can generate aerosols or that it is possible to recover viral RNA from air does not prove aerosol-based transmission; infection depends as well on the route of exposure, the size of inoculum, the duration of exposure, and host defenses.” bill on Twitter: “America’s biggest owner of farmland is now Bill Gates https://t.co/Mx3pJUpfnq via @getongab” / Twitter
Your breakthrough is coming, hold on. Just because you are not where you want to be yet, it doesn’t mean you won’t get there. Keep looking forward and pushing through, you’ve got this! positive thoughts create positive energy. Have you ever met a REAL person who lived a perfect saintly life, with zero setbacks or hard times, and never made one mistake?
Me neither. There would be no point to living such a life…. we are here to learn.
I do not speak in a hint. I may understand it, but I don’t fucking speak it and I’m not giving other adults an easy way out. If you have something to say, say it like a fucking grown up. Else I’m never acknowledging your dumb shit. The end. Sometimes my brain stops & I have no tweets and find myself panicking. Which is dumb. And I’m all like brain, calm your ass down! It’s just Twitter. And you’re an idiot. Something stupid’s gonna for sure pop into your head soon. And then poof…suddenly more stupidity. Find your happy !
You can feel the truth by the energy… words & messages of truth, spoken from the heart, vibrate differently… However, if we are living in a vibration of self-deceit, we may mistake deceitful messages given by others because we are vibrating on that same frequency… & it will give a false sense of ‘resonance’ Bring it. There is a little something called discovery.
Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health. Lawyers destroy justice. Universities destroy knowledge. Governments destroy freedom. The major media destroy information. Religions destroy spirituality. -Michael Ellner
A fallen world with sin everywhere, until Christ Jesus returns to fully redeem his world, will continue to look more and more upside down to those walking in truth. “The biggest obstacles to understanding the truth are lies disguised as truth.” — Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar of Wisdom. Destruction is necessary before the “fundamental transformation” (to Communism).
#HistoryRepeatsItself #Communism101
Human & Bovine genomes are 80% identical. We both form herds. Selection pressure favors central members vs. outliers as per biologist W. D. Hamilton. But humans form cult herds, not as peaceful & beneficial as bovine herds.
The poor farming community was desperate! Raising chickens was their livelihood, how they fed their families! Yet a crafty fox was stealing from them each night. Many were going hungry. They tried to catch the fox but the fox always managed to slip away…..
So the people elected a famous trapper to help them catch the fox. The trapper came in and moved the farmers chickens out of the reach of the fox, making him desperate. Then the trapper changed the landscape so the fox would be directed to the bait…..
The best bait of all! The fattest chicken in the county. The trapper put the chicken just out of the foxes reach and laid traps all around it. The fox being desperate, came in lusting for this ultimate prize. Scrambling and lunging at his prize he finally….
Landed his front paw in a trap. He was confused! He had never been caught before! He pulled and pulled but he was stuck! Exhausted, he pulled back as far as he could go and sat down. Sitting right on another trap! The trap closed around the fox’s …
Testicles leaving him in extreme pain and unable to move. There he was trapped, looking at the ultimate prize he would never attain, having to wait for the trapper to come put him in a cage. Turns out the Fox was the farmers Politicians The end!
The Baphomet plan in full flow Time for a change The direction we’ve been going is the wrong one Revolution Literally everything will be the same as it ever was. And half of us still do not realize any of that. Since the beginning of life here on earth they have sought to ruin God’s creation. Remember he created us and they try to kill us. Why would the director of the CIA be promoting the spraying of chemicals into the air?
CIA Director John Brennan discusses Stratospheric Aerosol Injection aka Chemtrails at the CFR – YouTube
Thank You God for your grace and mercy once again when we clearly do not deserve it ! Allow us to be the beacon of freedom to all !
Give us wisdom, strength and courage in the mighty name of Jesus Amen !
I hope those that bought the left’s nonsense have buyer remorse for
In God WE trust FOREVER !