Bare feet in the sand, eyes up to the clouds, the ocean playing it’s song.
Not a care in the world, peace settles dreams brighter than all the stars.
Love being who I AM Honor being who I AM Respect being who I AM
Feeling Blessed being who I AM Compassion being who I AM Dats who I AM!!!
To know God, watch a butterfly return to the same tree – after a year and a thousand miles. ~Jonathan Lockwood Huie
How can passport immunity work when the Covid-19 injection doesn’t stop you from contracting or transmitting any virus? Which begs the question,
does the injection cause flu-like infections /symptoms ? And if so are the receivers of Covid-19 injections viral super spreaders?
It’s nice to see how many people blindly believe. everything the scientists tell them. Good thing no one ever questioned thalidomide, asbestos, tobacco, DDT, Vioxx, opioids, mercury. Imagine if they did. They would have been chastised by the sheep.
Notice how they call it a “jab” now, to make it sound like some routine thing we had as kids to keep the lurgy away, as opposed to an experimental gene altering injection.
What is the logic in that? Do you think an unvaccinated person can transmit a virus to someone who has been vaccinated? The only person protected by the vaccine is the person vaccinated. How can passport immunity work when the Covid injection doesn’t stop you from contracting or transmitting any virus?
Which begs the question, does the injection cause flu like infections /symptoms ? And if so are the receivers of Covid injections viral super spreaders?
Which one works? Pzizer, Moderna, Sputnik, the Chinese, the Cubans. They’re all different. It’s interesting to see who bought what. Israel bought Russian, Iran Cuban. Pzizer the RNA hack out first, the Chinese use old tech. All are different. Early news from Israel would appear to show it is stopping infections. Israel serostudy: 98% have sterilizing immunity after second Pfizer shot; they cannot infect others. COVID antibodies increase 6-20 times week after 2nd dose of Pfizer shot, study says (ynetnews.com)
Professor Ian Brown, graduate of the University of Life following a stellar academic record at the school of hard knocks
Dr Wakefield warns “This is not a Vax, it is irreversible genetic modification
All vaccines do that though, they just stop you getting ill, it isn’t a force field that it bounces off, you get it and you fight it off and until it’s killed off you can pass it on. Thank you for fighting for The Cause. Have you noticed that No New Normal docu has already been removed from YouTube?
Why the censorship? What are they hiding?
The New Normal – Documentary (bitchute.com)
A vaccine provokes an immune response to the introduced agent in the host. A vaccine doesn’t guarantee no infection or transmission. It just stimulates our immune systems to respond to that agent. How well we respond is affected by many factors.
About going in and hoping for the ‘positive side of the whole thing’? of science and its power? leave the “negativism” under the shoe you wore in ’89, in the days of Stone roses. health to the people and the world! excuse me if i’m wrong in the words. The New Normal | Things No One is Talking About
Ah is that why they keep saying “jabs in the arm” and not having a vaccine?… measles and mumps still spread when vaccinated.. what the hell are you talking about…After the 2nd jab it 98% can’t infect or transmit, if correct is this then classed as a vaccine?
COVID antibodies increase 6-20 times week after 2nd dose of Pfizer shot, study says (ynetnews.com)
What does Bill gates Mike Bloomberg & Mark Zuckerberg have in common. They own COVID DASHBOARD that feeds the Atlantic tracking & tracing to all major publications & news outlets They control narrative of lies being fed to YOU. Gary Null & David Martin https://tinyurl.com/y3z68c9c#DoNoHarm
“I’m confused. They want us to have the vaccine but it doesn’t work well enough for the lockdown to be lifted? Are we to stay in lockdown forever? If that’s the case what’s the point in the vaccine?”
As has been explained, ad nauseum, while the vaccine protects you from illness, it is still not clear whether it prevents you from transmitting the virus to others. My thinking is that people will need 3 or 4 vaccine jabs modified for different strains to build up a more general immunity to any new strains. But there again that doesn’t happen with flu vaccines so why should Covid-19 be any different.Probably because there are several million Americans out there who still haven’t been vaccinated and therefore herd immunity not yet reached
plus lack of definitive data on transmission capability post vaccine.
Exactly ……. the vaccine was the light at the end of the tunnel, now that light has receded, we are being lied to on a monumental scale #TotalitarianismBy now i think you are beginning to realize it is a Trojan. Always wondered why such things are called Trojans when it was actually the Greeks that were the sneaky fookers. Whitty is treating 68,000,000 ppl as lab rats; and the ppl who are responsible for the nation’s wellness are letting him do it. It is hoped that people will not die when it is passed on by people with no symptoms. The virus is canny and will change its structure if necessary. We need a firewall to help tame it. Research is still ongoing.
If Lockdown is ended, the Global Economy Starts up, and resumes the demand for Credit from EU and Chinese Banks(on the brink of collapse in Autumn 2019), and the entire Global Financial System, including Almost All of the Central Banks, collapses. Only 2 Central Banks would Survive, that is if Global importance, the USA and British ones. Russia would be ok, as they are not in Debt, Hungary also not in Debt, and very few others that are not in a terminal Debt situation. Switzerland, it may come as a shock, is Also Screwed.The USA Fed tried propping It all up, but just before the virus hit – which removed the demand for Credit – the “Propping Up Until Things Got Fixed” stopped working.
The now proposed Solution announced by the World Economic Forum Communists, is even more of the same things that got the World into this mess More Communism via a Global Adoption of Chinese Communist Party style Tyranny, with a no cash Central Bank Coalition of Morons Layer of Digital Currency as a Foundation, to assist the imposition of Total Control under a Global Dictatorship based in the United Nations, and by 2030.
WE Won’t Own Anything, and they Think “We’ll be Happy”. The Truth is, THEY intend to own everything – which will include our lives, limbs and bodies, i.e. We’ll All be Slaves – and THEY won’t be Happy, until…. We The People end up dangling All of them from lamp posts or similar, which As History Shows, is the Usual Outcome. The Fire They Are Playing With, is the same Fire that has ended Countless Civilisations in the past, and even in relatively recent history. For example, The Moche Civilisation in South America, which was far bigger than the Roman Empire, P.us of Course the Roman Empires – Western and Eastern – Themselves. These idiots simply Never Learn, and insist in making the same mistakes over and over again, thanks to their addiction to Grabbing Power. I have never understood the rat race the clawing for fame, fortune and power.
They just Can’t Stop Themselves.
If lockdowns, masks, and social distancing measures were about health and ensuring we were safe, if they worked why are the numbers (allegedly) increasing and more strains appearing? if the vaccine works why are they so slow and reluctant to administer or have any liability?
It’s EXPERIMENTAL liability free compensation free safety test free already killed humans gene therapy that turns you into a gmo organism… It’s not a vaccination. That’s what happens when you have fuck-tads in charge. But there is a method to their senility.. Their handlers are nervous..The cosmic energies hitting us now are beyond their control. Humanity for the first time can and will break-free. Welcome the new Sovereign Man!
I keep asking this question but never get an answer..Why is there a pass if you’ve had the vaccine but no talk of one if you’ve actually had the virus? No profits in naturally acquired immunity.
Depopulation .. check out bill gates video on zero to innovation its about carbon dioxide but around 5 mins in he says must depopulate through birth control and vax. I’m the same as you also they have everyone vaccinated by Autumn apart from the illegals they can’t find. Then do we have to start all over again in January?
One assumes come May, herd immunity, hindered for 14 months, may have also kicked in? In theory this, the injection and better weather means the 5 supreme soviets get the V sign…
Worth a watch – https://corbettreport.com/futurevaccines/
1. It’s not a vaccine 2. It’s never been about the ‘virus’ it never has been 3. When the economy has been totally destroyed we may get back ‘some freedoms’ but only if we are COMPLIANT..
This may be the point of vaccinations Meet The 50 Doctors, Scientists And Healthcare Entrepreneurs Who Became Pandemic Billionaires In 2020 (forbes.com)
You should be very confused and none of it is supposed to make sense. Everything has been a contradiction or an inversion of the truth because that’s how they break us down. The point is to impoverish people and get them used to accepting injections like cattle.
The point is to keep you in fear, dehumanize / deindividuation you through the masks, and for the population to acquire learned helplessness via thee morsel of hope in the distance, then snatching it away, repeatedly, until is too broken to resist the Great Reset new feudalism agenda.
Watch What Is He Talking About? / Hugo Talks #lockdown – YouTube
When you research and see how DARPA and the military are major
funders of vaccine technology, perhaps then you can find some answers… Well until they have their great Reset in place, we may be facing another 9 years or so! Remember if we got a 50% effective vaccine we would return to normal (not covid normal). Now we are told the vaccine is 90% effective and that might not be enough for “covid normal”. I mean they are straight up laughing in our face now. Staggering
There is no point, they want us locked down forever.
It’s nothing to do with the virus.
You think you’re confused? I am right there with you. Vaccine-must get the vaccine oh wait not effective. We are locking down-oh wait we are opening schools k-8 this has been a hard year 4everyone. Loss jobs=loss pay but let’s raise taxes. As the vaccine apparently only “works” for 9-12 months.
I suspect they will want us to stay home until they get through a few years of proven distribution and Biden is re elected in 2024 #pontification
When is a vaccine not a vaccine – when it is an experimental technology that does not stop transmission or contraction that was not the endpoint in trials. They said that in trials the vaccine stopped recipients from dying from Covid-19. Now I’ve heard that they’re waiting to see if the vaccinated people get infected or if they do, will they die. So we’re all watching the 4m who’ve now been vaccinated.
At every turn they give then take away. Is it any wonder people’s attitudes are changing. If it doesn’t work then open everything up & let’s get on with it. 99.98% will be ok. Those vulnerable should take precautions but this has been beyond ridiculous from the start.
Start at the beginning. PCR tests at the cycle level used have no scientific basis whatsoever. See here: The ‘Test Everybody’ Strategy has NO Scientific Validity Whatsoever – YouTube Why would you want to use a test and then shows ‘case’ numbers as high as possible? So that we need a vaccine. Who benefits from vaccines? Big Pharma. Bingo.
What would a fake public health crisis look like? – YouTube
Swine flu 2.0 only this time it worked. trustWHO Filmmakers Respond to Vimeo Censorship – YouTube
The point is they want you to comply with whatever they hand down to you and you’ll be happy for it. I wonder which will end first, lockdown or footballers taking the knee?
The vaccine is slowly becoming the new mask. You have to have it. You have to display it. The efficacy won’t matter. The shaming and submission for non compliance will prevail.
If you don’t eat your meat you can’t have your pudding !!!
How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat ?
Respectfully suggest you go back to the beginning and read again about vaccines and epidemics.
To prolong our miserable lives in order to eek out every last nanosecond of misery that we can.
Reliance on the government is a goal of the left.
You are confused. It’s a vaccine being used to help your immune system not a cure. You might have been able to fight it off but you will still be able to spread it so it needs to be contained to a point where thousands are not being admitted to hospitals and overwhelming them.
The vaccine will help you survive if infected but you are still a carrier and can infect those not vaccinated yet and it can be fatal for them. Hence the mask is and has always been to protect others. If everyone in that space wears one then everyone protects everyone. Apparently The point is to get us onto a vaccine passport system. Which will then be rolled into a digital ID that will be needed for everything. This will give them more control and allow them to collect data and build AI models.
They have openly admitted that the vaccine changes nothing, it does nothing. My guess is the point is female sterilization and depopulation.
It’s for depopulation – it is not for a vaccine – vaccines take years to make sure they work… People are being murdered and bill gates should be imprisoned along with the pharmaceutical companies. Why did Trump push it so hard? Is he involved with the depopulation as well?
The experimental injections are not fully tested. They dont stop people from getting it or spreading it. People still have to mask up and distance. Controls will stay in place. People have died from having them. Relatives are not allowed to sue the manufacturers. What’s not to like?
Chris Smith from the Oxford University said the Vitamin D is effective.
I also said that the long term side effects of the Covid jab were unknown.
In case you didn’t know, #compassion isn’t a sign of #weakness, it’s a sign of #strength
My opinion: This takes faith in knowing where we are going without questioning how you will get there. Don’t get too caught up it’s a movie waking people up educating them to a system we are breaking free of the chains. https://youtu.be/gGO3uxsbJck. Does anyone know where this came from? It was uploaded 4 hours ago.
You know the devil is leading the charge against President Trump; a man who honored Israel, came against wicked abortion and defunded it domestically and internationally, signed an executive order on religious liberty, and is not afraid to say the name of JESUS CHRIST!! Trump may not be a perfect man (NO ONE is except Jesus Christ!!), but he has been a best friend to evangelicals and Jews. And the devil HATES IT!
Our entire world is engaged in spiritual warfare and we must all do our part. Trump promised to defund Planned Parenthood (an extremely evil organization) & between 2017 & 2021, Planned Parenthood’s funding has INCREASED.
That’s a statistical fact & Trump hasn’t “defunded it domestically and internationally”. It is just a fact that Trump has NOT kept his promise to defund and de-platform abortion.
The devil and a lot of our current society want to make wrong “right” and the right “wrong”. Very frustrating. Thank you Trump and thank you Jesus. I am just now seeing an interview you did with Gary Franchi from last year…about seal team 6, whatever happened with that?
The devil has been working overtime, but make no mistake, God will prevail! Good wins over evil every time! God is flexing His omnipresent and omniscient will. See what I am doing saithe the Lord.
My chess pieces ♟ are in place and I will exact my plan for America.
Get well – https://youtu.be/wDPBpAUNqrc
Obama is the antichrist in my opinion! Obama will be running the show! This is replacement theology / supersessionism? | GotQuestions.org” and it is a false teaching.
God did not specifically choose Trump to save America, only to have Biden come in and rip apart what has started to be built!
“And I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in security in the coastlands. Then they shall know that I am the Lord”, Ezekiel 39:6
America has lived safely far from war, and has multiple coasts, after our military protection has been dismantled, it will come. Yes and he used Soar-os & Oh-bahma to do it and THEY FAILED. God laughs at their plan against the power of God’s Kingdom. Saints are raising up and nothing can stop a move of God. God is about to destroy the wicked Demoncrats and RINOS involved in the election and voter fraud.
He is going to expose the lies and people involved in the evil schemes –
to take over this country. Prepare for an all out war. Revelation 13:5
And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months. “Nothing can stop what is coming” Trump’s last video… https://youtu.be/kMsTD_YMq6g
Satan does not like Trump, therefore, Trump must be destroyed, because Trump was in the process of bringing back GOD to America after Satan tried to remove him, therefore, Satan now owns America for at least 4 more years. Unless the scriptures are right and the world is destroyed!
I’ll never understand the American obsession with Israel… you guys spend more money on a foreign land then on your own troubled country. I never thought I would see a time when anyone was able to bring the Middle East to the table. Trump was doing that. But Netanyahu was the first one to throw Trump under the bus by congratulating Biden.
Israel is not the friend many make them out to be…
I’m all for helping and such, but you guys behave like their lap dogs, not helpers… Genesis 50:20
100% and Biden is already in talks with Iran and the Nuclear deal. This is after they paid Iran $2.2 Billion in cash!! Very very scary times. If America escapes this, it will be because we did seek to uphold those principles in the 2020 election. But we also allowed the God-hating leftist counterculture to proliferate, on account of our cowardice and indifference. Pray for God’s grace!
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want,
and deserve to get it good and hard -HL Mencken
Sometimes you just have to turn around, throw your hands up in the air ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ give a smile, throw a match and burn that fu¢king bridge. I’m not having the vaccine unless by doing so releases me from the hell I’m living in.
Riddle me this: So, if AZ says there is proof of voter fraud…Why is Biden still POTUS? I know, I know, it’s only one state, but then, shouldn’t that put a spotlight on the whole election? I mean, there are only dishonest ppl in AZ? Don’t think so….
HOPEIUM! Why are they keeping the fences up in D.C.?
Why isn’t the pentagon sharing critical information with the Biden team including troop drawdown in Afghanistan and African ops? Why did Trump take the nuclear suitcase with him to Florida?
Its OUR f**king job to drain the swamp. He can’t do that shit on his own.. IT’S OUR COUNTRY…IT’S OURS TO TAKE BACK…That’s the Problem with you fake patriots…you blame others while those on front lines take the bullets…Trump WAS US.