“I don’t know why Americans would choose less freedom, high taxes, high gasoline prices, open borders, weakened economy, weakened military and weakened homeland security.”
I remember when they called us Bigot, transphobe, xenophobe, homophobe, racist, deplorables, domestic terrorist, etc.
With those on our side Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Jim Jordan, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Greene
and others might want to look at history and see how the Vichy French were treated when France was liberated. Kulaks under the new Marxist rules.
A coup or coup d’état (/ˌkuː deɪˈtɑː/ ; French: [ku deta], literally “blow of state”; plural: coups d’état, pronounced like the singular form; also known simply as an overthrow, takeover, or putsch) is the removal of an existing government from power, usually through violent means. Typically, it is an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power by a political faction, the military, or a dictator. Many scholars consider a coup d’état successful when the usurpers seize and hold power for at least seven days. A coup attempt may refer to a coup in the works or an unsuccessful coup. Democrats open door to Marxist totalitarian rule through attacks on police, history and institutions.
How “Marxist” Has the United States … (1868) to give the government far more “eminent domain” power than was originally intended, Under the rubric of “eminent domain” and various zoning regulations, Trump supporters = Kulaks under the new Marxist rules. https://ive/stalin/works/1930/01/21. Concerning the Policy of Eliminating of the Kulaks as a Class (marxists.org)
Kulak is the Russian Word for ‘Deplorable’
By Yaacov ben Moshe.
In 1929 Stalin announced the “liquidation of the kulaks as a class.”
The people he called kulaks were the relatively wealthy peasants in the country https://americanthinker.com/articles/2020/
A Lot of self employed people are struggling.
Business has gone down cause no one has extra money to spend.
Biden Moves to Jump-Start Covid-19 Fight With Slew of Orders (msn.com)
Biden is the Manchurian Candidate…he will never be my president. A person who is not loyal to, or who harms, their own country or political party because they are under the control or influence of another country or party: Some bloggers hint that a presidential candidate might be a kind of Manchurian candidate. In the United States those that oppose the C.C.P. We’ve graduated to just white supremacist fascists – which seems to encompass :
a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races.
Biden seeks to immediately turn page from Trump era (msn.com)
Those “results” do show that it’s not “Americans,” in the significant context of US citizens eligible to and registered to vote, who were responsible for the Biden-Harris placement.
So many vote based on personality, not policies. Shallowness and living a confined life.
They did it because they hate Trump that much!
Americans have been sold a bill of bullshit. Pres Trump showed us it’s not just Demons
it’s Rhinos in leadership roles. I’ve got some grieving & praying to do 4 Pres Trump & my country! Then freedom will be lawfully fought4! It’s starting to look like DC is and will be under military occupation. DC is a foreign power occupying US soil.
Because 48% of the population has no confidence that they have anything of value in the marketplace, and if they did have anything to offer, no confidence that they would be able to deliver it. Thanks to public education and colleges! For the same reasons Australia’s chosen to eject their own young people from selective state schools and universities and fill them with the children of elite Asian migrants, and England’s done the same thing.
There’s money in it for someone, and it’s not the native born. Re-set.
Because the government is not elected by the people for the people and to the people. Democracy is a broken system corrupt at the base. Would appear they vote for whoever the media lets them? The most incredible bias from a media contingency, unilaterally ever !
Some are sheep, while others think it’s impossible to “build back better”
without first tearing it down.
Many voters actually believe that socialism will eliminate debt, bills, conflict, racism, etc. because they lack enough experience and have had few real difficulties. For good or ill, for greater stability & (perhaps) greater sustainability . . . . Many other voters are brain dead. They listen to the Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) and don’t think for themselves.
I voted for Biden, not personally, but in the end it’s just the same. I am in NY and my vote is cancelled by the densely populated areas, so in the end any vote I cast was a vote for Biden regardless of what was on the ballot. The wind is blowing like crazy outside as I sit and mourn for the great theft of our country and our duly elected president. It is very fitting for this night before Joe Biden’s inauguration. The Lord is going to punish these evil doers.
This is not going to work out for them. We gave people, who do not pay taxes and live off of the state, the right to vote. Whether they be man ,woman, black, white, yellow, purple, polka dot, etc…. CNN educated people who won’t know what they don’t know until they see it at the gas pump, the rush on our border,& the building expansion we’ve seen all halted.
Because the demented guy selling it was just so charismatic and convincing? Nah, I’m gonna go with a complicated MSM and big tech that’s been more effective than Hitler’s propaganda machine and an insurmountable amount of voter fraud. Today is a very sad day for the US. For liberals, government is their religion. Things like compassion, caring about the less fortunate here and abroad, are all delegated to the fed government but paid for by people who make more than they do. They get to be smugly self-righteous while not paying for it.
Because the weakened soy boys and weakened soy girls want a leader as weak as they are. Soy boy: What does it mean?
There is no doubt that decreasing testosterone levels among American men are causing them to behave in childish and feminine ways. They have been indoctrinated to want this. a social justice warrior society. a canceled culture, a “new world” to right what they see as wrongs. They are naïve, gullible, and have been fooled. I have been asking that since I saw the same status quo idiots pushing the patriot party and they want the same dummies who continue the same failed policies of the GOP, that is why in September I Started @PartyCatholic
get this nation back to the vision of the Founding Fathers.
Because many Americans are either the product of progressive indoctrination from our education system, or simply emotionally-driven people who can easily be manipulated to support things antithetical to their own interests because it’s presented as virtuous by the media. Based on whichever view of election validity, I would say it was pure, unadulterated hatred. Which means we should be wholly embarrassed that the bar was set
so low by so many.
Many believe the lies they are told, and most have no idea what is happening.
It’s all about working for the weekend, party, and repeat. They believe it can’t get any better, but they are wrong. It can get better, but we have to be better. Are 80 million of us feeling duped? Are 80 million of us that gullible? Hold faith that the military upholds its oath to protect from foreign and domestic enemies or else we are F’d, Because they are told that
they are free and the higher taxes are only for those awful rich people who don’t deserve it, that we welcome all immigrants and that we have a strong economy and strong military.
I don’t think it matters to the people who hate Trump, he’ll get blamed for everything you mentioned. Some people are just blind and stupid.
Several reasons include Free money for doing nothing, believing everything on Tv, college debt payoff. I hope each person that gets college debt relief is put into a higher tax bracket until they pay it off from being overtaxed. What a bunch of crybabies. There was no fraud. You keep treating a lie with no evidence. You’re sad and pathetic. Americans chose truth and science and saving the earth. Not greed, lies, and racism.
Americans chose no such thing. Communists chose all those things.
There weren’t enough of them, so they manufactured more communists. Cheaters gonna cheat. They faced zero opposition. Don’t forget masks, permanent lockdowns and harmful vaccines. Democrats are the scourge of the Earth. Biden will piss away 100million+ on the Paris accord that does nothing but channels money to nowhere.
They didn’t. Our government didn’t protect the American peoples vote. We did our part and we were let down our (stolen) elected officials. Americans didn’t choose those things. Power-hungry democrats who stole the election did. Americans didn’t choose Biden. The Swamp chose him over the American People. The Election was stolen. Cuz fweee stuff & low information voters, blame the public schools & the dumb teachers unions. Hatred of the people who enjoyed all those things The country is split and will be for a very long time.
According to the dumb masses, they voted to get Trump out. They didn’t vote for Biden.
They didn’t even care that Biden never said what his plan was. They didn’t. Literally millions more voted for Trump, the fraudulent election affidavits were ignored by Democratic Judges in the swing states, so they let the mail-ins stand, and Joe won. When Biden re-starts the second Obama administration and implements those failed policies the country will slip
into economic and emotional depression. Prepare for the dark day’s ahead.
Maybe they need to learn a 4 year long lesson before they come to their senses.
Let us hope the voting system is still sufficiently fraud-free in 4ys for a valid election.
They will have ID for vaccinations, but never for voting. Americans didn’t choose this. Dominion voting machines controlled by foreign actors and a crooked group of leftists did. This election was stolen through massive election fraud. The majority of Americans did not vote for communism and elitist dictatorship that we are seeing now.
Because there’s enough fools in this world to think that this time, socialism is going to work, they can all sit at home working on their laptops or not work at all and get paid for it. They think they can let China make everything and hire cheap labor. Ignorance of some Americans. They did not educate themselves and just voted against Trump because their little feelings got hurt. These people did not think about America. These same people will be the same people that start complaining about taxes and gas prices.
Been educated to hate their country, been brainwashed to believe that establishment G.O.P. and liberals care about anything but themselves. They painted a bleak picture of the man who stood in their way of more wars, more social programs and farcical climate change tax programs. We have same freedoms, Trump raised the debt by 3.8 trillion, gas should go, no one is asking for open borders just humane migration policies, our economy is weak thanks to GOP, our military is strongest in the world, and heck yeah let’s fight domestic terrorism.
Deluded by the indoctrination. The entire world is going to relocate here, everyone will have an eternal government funded Siesta in government provided mansion and Ferrari while a couple of millionaires work their asses of gladly paying 95% tax rate to fund it all. They didn’t choose it in 2020. They have or may not have chosen Obama. That’s all it took. China and others were allowed free reign. They thought they had 2016 wrapped up. Yet Americans were allowed 4 more years of freedom under President Trump.
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Here Are the Policies Joe Biden Will Change TODAY (msn.com)
Generations of Millenials, Y1, Y, and some Xers didn’t face true adversity.
They think a money tree exists. They are going to find it hard to keep the refrigerator full. Elevate Your Life …. Good luck America.
You’re gonna need it.