His expertise is of a viral pathologist.
He raises some very damning questions and puts out there how this may be
political more than an actual legit pandemic
According to an analysis by a team of experts in the past five months,
People over 60 almost 20 times as likely to die of COVID-19 as young people: COVID-19 patients aged 31 to 45 had 2.4 times the mortality risk of those aged between 19 and 30, while people aged 46 to 59 were 8.5 times more at risk. Task force spokesman Wiku Adisasmito said during a virtual press conference on Tuesday that the mortality risk was 19.5 times higher for COVID-19 patients aged 60 and above. The research, which was published on PLOS One, also shows that COVID-19 patients with pre-existing kidney diseases have a 13.7 times higher mortality risk than patients without kidney diseases.
Wiku also noted other comorbid factors that put COVID-19 patients at higher risk of death, including heart disease, diabetes mellitus and hypertension. According to the study, the mortality risk of COVID-19 patients with heart diseases is 9 times higher, while the mortality risks of patients with diabetes mellitus and hypertension is 8.3 and 6 times higher, respectively. Wiku further explained that COVID-19 patients with one comorbidity factor had a 6.5-fold higher mortality risk, while the risk for patients with two comorbidity factors was 15 times higher.
Wiku said the findings showed which groups should be prioritized. “If you fall in a high-risk category or live with someone who does, then you need to implement strict health protocols,” he said, referring to the 3M protocol of menggunakan masker (mask-wearing), mencuci tangan (hand-washing) and menjaga jarak (physical distancing).
Read also:
Why are older people more at risk of coronavirus?
Previously, National COVID-19 task force chief Doni Monardo has said that 92 percent of COVID-19 patients in certain regions of the country had comorbidities, putting them at a high risk from the disease. “Based on data in the past six months, up to 92 percent of patients in some regions have comorbid factors, with diabetes being the most common one,” he said during a public discussion on Sept. 16, as quoted by kompas.com.
He added that the province with the highest number of COVID-19 patients with diabetes was East Java. “COVID-19 is very lethal to the high-risk group [the elderly and patients with comorbidity factors],” he said.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has also warned that elderly people – those aged 60 and above – especially those with comorbidity conditions like diabetes and high cholesterol, are more at risk from COVID-19. Older people are more prone to serious complications from COVID-19 because of physiological changes associated with aging, weaker immune function and multi morbidity, according to the WHO. The United Nations health body has said that 95 percent of COVID-19 deaths in Europe are among people over 60, while the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated that eight out of 10 deaths reported in the US affects adults aged 65 and above.
Soedarsono, the senior pulmonologist and the head of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases at the COVID-19 referral hospital Dr. Soetomo in Surabaya, East Java, said fatalities were indeed more common among the elderly with comorbidity factors, but there had also been cases of young adults with such factors succumbing to the disease. “Young patients aged between 30 and 40 years have died as well, mostly because of underlying health conditions. Young people without such conditions have a higher chance of recovering. The most common conditions are hypertension, heart disease and diabetes,” he told The Jakarta Post on May 16.
Forget COVID-19. This doctor is worried about ‘COVID-20’
After the Baby Boomers are killed by COVID-19, the new strain of coronavirus that
will be released by Millennials and Gen Zers is COVID-20, intended to kill off their parents’ generation so that no one can stop them from taking over the world.
COVID-19 rocked! Those Baby Boomers were fucking everything up for our future!
Totally! And we’ve got COVID-20 so no one else can stop us!!!
WESTMINSTER, London, England, December 14, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) —
Britain’s Health Secretary announced today that a new variant of the Covid-19 coronavirus has been detected in the country. Matthew Hancock, the Conservative government’s Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, told the House of Commons that the “new variant of Covid-19 had been identified over the last few days. He believes it may be connected to “the faster spread [of the virus] in the south-east of England.”
“Initial analysis suggests that this variant is growing faster than the current variant,” Hancock said. Over a thousand cases with this new strain of coronavirus have been identified in the U.K., he added, mostly in the south of England although “cases have been identified in nearly 60 different local authority areas” (regions). It is apparently spreading rapidly.
Britain has informed the World Health Organization of the development.
Hancock stressed that the mutation was not likely to be more dangerous than the original virus and that it would probably also respond to the vaccine. At present, the United Kingdom has begun it’s COVID-19 vaccine roll-out, beginning with giving the elderly and health care workers the Pfizer vaccine. The Health Secretary also asserted that residents of Britain
must “follow the rules” and “take personal responsibility not to spread this virus.”
Following an uptick in “positive” coronavirus tests in the city of London, on Wednesday the nation’s capital will be placed in “Tier 3”, the most restrictive of England’s lockdown zones. This means that all indoor entertainments and hotels in London will have to close, and that restaurants will once again have to offer only take-out and delivery services.
We’re now embroiled in the COVID-20 “syndemic,” says a provocative commentary in Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. Syndemics are clusters of multiple diseases that exacerbate each other and are often fueled by socioeconomic details like poverty and health disparities. James J. James, MD, PhD, MHA, the former director of the American Medical Association’s Center for Public Health Preparedness and Disaster Response, argues that while the epidemic began as a singular virus with public health officials aiming to contain and mitigate it, this is no longer the case:
Collateral damage from social isolation and school and business closures is enormous, resulting in a domino effect of problems such as mental health struggles and stopped treatments.
Some populations, such as elderly, Black, and poor communities, are much more vulnerable to severe and lethal outcomes, and those communities require interventions far beyond what the medical community can provide.
COVID-20 is a large-scale crisis that is deeply enmeshed in social and environmental factors. Simply containing and mitigating the virus is no longer an option, nor is it likely that a potent vaccine will be provided to much of the world’s population.
James notes that infection is now so widespread that perhaps we should consider the virus to be chronic and endemic, much like HIV/AIDS, and approached as such.
James hopes that a name change to COVID-20 will damper the sharp fear born of the early days of COVID-19 into a more rational discussion of ongoing risks, behaviors, and responses, as well as nudge media to stop reporting COVID-19 cases as raw numbers, which he says does not adequately convey the context.
One person in the room with you has COVID-19. Here’s how long it takes to get infected
Europe’s coronavirus crisis is resurging. For months, 3 Nordic nations kept it under control — without lockdowns – CNN
Developing… Patient in Italy detected with strain of COVID-19 found in UK (msn.com)
COVID-20 – YouTube
Officials across the U.S. urged calm and continued caution Sunday, following the identification of a new strain of Covid-19 in the U.K.
Researchers in the U.K. estimate that the variant could be as much as 70% more transmissible than more established strains. Some of the changes are on the spike protein on the surface of the virus, potentially enabling it to more easily cling to and enter human cells.
Scientists don’t believe it is any more deadly.
The new strain was first detected in England in September and was identified last week.
The European Centers for Disease Control said Sunday that a few cases of the new strain had been reported in Denmark, the Netherlands and possibly in Belgium.
A similar mutation has appeared in South Africa, scientists said.
Dr. Moncef Slaoui, the chief science adviser for Operation Warp Speed, the U.S. government’s coronavirus response program, said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that health officials don’t know whether the new strain is already in the U.S., but they are closely watching it.
He noted that viruses mutate frequently and RNA viruses such as the coronavirus are particularly susceptible to changes. However, the protein cannot mutate very much, so the mutations are unlikely to affect the efficacy of vaccines.
“Up to now, there hasn’t been a single variant that would be resistant to the vaccine,”
Dr. Slaoui said.
U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams said Sunday that the mutation doesn’t mean the virus is more dangerous. “We don’t even know if it’s really more contagious yet or not, or if it happened to be a strain that was involved in a super-spreader event,” Dr. Adams said.
He said on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” that there weren’t any indications it would affect efforts to vaccinate people.
Some countries, including the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy, raced to ban travel from the U.K. after it announced new shutdowns Saturday. The top U.S. official overseeing coronavirus testing said he didn’t foresee a quick U.S. ban on travel with the U.K.
“I really don’t believe we need to do that yet,”
Adm. Brett Giroir said on ABC News’ “This Week.” “We have not seen a single [virus] mutation yet that would make it evade the vaccine.”
The U.S. State Department recommends travelers reconsider visiting the U.K., while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends against going there.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, on a call with reporters Sunday, slammed U.S. health officials for not taking a stronger stance against U.K. travel, saying the U.S. should consider a ban on flights or, at minimum, require travelers be tested for the virus. He called it a repeat of the spring when flights from China were halted before flights from Europe.
“Other people are banning people coming in from the U.K.; we have six flights a day
coming in from the U.K. and we are doing absolutely nothing,” said Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat. “Today, that variant is getting on a plane and landing at JFK. How many times in life do you have to make the same mistake?”
The governor said that the possibility the new virus may already be here
“kept me up last night.”
Dr. Erica Pan, California’s acting health director, said the state is seeking more information
about the new strain, including why British scientists believe it is more transmissible,
but called that finding a concern. “It’s just another point of this virus continuing to keep us all on our toes,” Dr. Pan said.
Dr. Pan said California’s system of tracking the genome sequencing of Covid-19 cases hasn’t seen any evidence of the U.K. strain there, but if people are continuing to travel it could arrive at any time. She said that refraining from travel is important not just to keep from spreading Covid-19, but to keep new strains localized.
Aides to President-elect Joe Biden said his team would receive a briefing on the strain early in the week. Mr. Biden’s public health adviser and his choice for surgeon general, Vivek Murthy, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that the strain “does not change what we do in terms of precautions,” adding that wearing masks, keeping physical distance and washing hands “are still the pillars of preventing Covid-19 transmission.” The only extra knowledge Biden will have about the Virus is what his handler tell him from China. So far the only information gave out is what the Trump Administration is already said and are doing.
Viruses mutate constantly as they replicate and spread.
Many variations don’t result in any functional changes, though sometimes one or
a series of changes can affect the infectiousness or the severity of a virus.
It is challenging to distinguish whether a specific variant becomes more prevalent simply by circumstance or something functional that makes it more virulent, scientists say.
“If it was just a random mutation that was becoming more common, I’d lean on epidemiological circumstance,” said Trevor Bedford, an associate professor in the vaccine and infectious disease division at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.
Because the new strain does have some changes on the spike protein that could affect its function, “we have more concern that something real is going on,” said Dr. Bedford, who is co-developer of Nextstrain, an open-source project that analyzes and tracks the genomes of pathogens including the new coronavirus. There is currently no evidence that these changes might mute the impact of the Covid-19 vaccines that are being rolled out.
A Moderna spokesman said that while studies continue, its data so far indicate its vaccine will likely work on the U.K. variant.
Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE are monitoring coronavirus mutations and working to generate data on how well serum samples from people treated with their vaccine are able to neutralize the new strain, a Pfizer spokeswoman said in an email.
These 2 Strange Symptoms Could Mean You’ve Already Had COVID (msn.com)
Here’s who won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine in the first wave (msn.com)