The energy behind words dictate the direction of the conversation.
Be wary of those who only want you to empty your own cup to fill theirs. Those people that want your support, your energy & your love but refuse to reciprocate any of that same energy back to you.
The whole point of being here is to learn about yourself and remember who you are. If you have the expanse of eternity always in front of you, why not go for a spin in skin on any old planet just…because? We’re only here for a few minutes, really. Like going for a ride to see the trees in the Fall or the Christmas lights in December. We’re given ‘the veil of forgetting’ as part of the agreement to incarnate on Earth.
What’s Love got to do with medicine?
If Love Could Cure Cancer – Robyn O’Brien
You may think love is something special you find, something you share, or something you do… but the plain, basic truth when we think about it scientifically is that Love is… Energy
That’s it. Nothing special! Well, it actually is incredibly special.
Every energy has a distinct vibration. It has an effect. It moves things and changes them. Energy makes you feel a certain way depending on the frequency. It just so happens that the frequency of love has a powerful healing force that not only makes you feel warm and fuzzy, but can instantly heal disease. That’s right, literally, love cures cancer
There are decades of scientific studies demonstrating the power of love to heal the body. There are “prayer studies” where researchers assigned monks to send love to a group of hospitalized patients, and had a control group of patients who were not sent love. The prayed-for patients had shorter hospital stays, less complications and less need for medication than the not-prayed-for patients. Interestingly, the patients had no idea they were being included in a study or prayed for.
Does this demonstrate the healing power of Love?
Other love studies were done where mothers were allowed to physically nurture and hold their newborn preemie babies, while another group of babies were isolated in an incubator. The nurtured babies did better, healed faster, and required less interventions than the isolated babies.
Does that demonstrate the power of Love?
Lastly, studies have shown that patients hospitalized after traumatic brain injury who were surrounded by loving family in the intensive care unit, recovered faster and were more likely to survive than patients with similar injuries who were without visiting family.
Does love help the body heal?
When you think of love as a feeling, a relationship, or a thing, it’s hard to understand how it could possibly have an effect on your cells, your body, or your health. However, when you understand Love is… Energy and that it has vibration and affects every cell in your body, it becomes understand able that Love can have a healing effect on your cells.
The frequency of love can be felt, and has been shown to immediately increase hormones like oxytocin, endorphins and antioxidants. This assists cellular repair, improves delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues, and helps toxic waste get dumped out of the body. So it’s easy to understand how this would support healing.
How can you harness the healing power of love?
Remember 2 things:
– You cannot find love, you must create it. Stop looking for love outside of you, and start creating it inside.
– The only way you can receive love is to first love yourself. It may be nice when it comes from others, but the capacity to have that happen can only come from you!
So whether you want to help your body reverse disease, lose weight, and feel vibrant…OR you want to enjoy a fun, loving connection with other people…it doesn’t matter. Find ways to cultivate the power of love in your life now.
Here are 3 steps:
1. Love Yourself. We’re going to get right to it, the hard and direct way because there’s not much time. Look yourself in the mirror, right in the eyes. Put your hand over your heart, and say: “I love you.” Keep looking. Mean it. (Did you do it?) Out loud! Yes, really!
Too simple? This exercise will rock your world. It’s for warriors only and you will never be the same.
2. Ask Yourself How You’re Doing
Forget about checking your phone, email, and social media 20 times a day. YOU are the most important person in your life, and your relationship with yourself is the only thing that really matters.
Every time you go to check in with your “world,” start instead checking in with yourself. Close your eyes, bring your attention into your body, and FEEL what’s going on. Is there tightness in your back, fluttering in your stomach, aching in your chest? Is there sadness? Is there longing? Is there despair?
There really is nothing more important and more healing than the gift of your own attention. Would you be willing to give this to yourself even for just a few minutes a day? You’re dying for it. Say yes!
Set your alarm for 3 times daily to check in with yourself and do that 1 minute assessment.
You know all those unacceptable parts you keep hidden? Maybe it’s your big thighs, your varicose veins, a pimple? Or maybe it’s the secret shame, fear or depression you keep trying to get over. Stop pushing these away and start giving them your love and acceptance.
I know this might seem crazy, like it’s going to make these problems worse because you stop trying to fix them, end them, or solve them. That’s okay because, guess what? Love has the power to heal your life.
Love everything that comes up just for 1 week. Every time you feel overwhelmed, send your body love. Every time you think of your awful thighs, send your body love. Every time your lover hurts you and you feel broken, send yourself and your friend love. Practice love and you will find that not only does it heal your body, but you develop the ability to shine this love to everything in your life and allow it to transform.
Am I telling you to stop taking medications, using diet tricks, and protecting yourself so others don’t hurt you?…..
Just love yourself for asking this question and answer it yourself.
Ask: “What is the most loving thing I can do for myself right now?”
I can’t wait to hear your answer!
XO Love, Dr. Kim D’eramo
Actions done with love for yourself will be felt in your body in a healing way. Taking a nap or a walk because it feels good to you are great examples. Forcing yourself to do things that don’t feel right would have the opposite effect.
I often have a conversation with myself if there’s something I want to get done that I don’t feel like doing. I know exercise will be good, but I never force it. I ask my body: “What do you need?” and I will immediately know if taking it easy is going to serve me, OR if getting myself moving will help me feel better. I make loving myself the first priority then, not the exercise or work at hand.
A lot of people tell me: “I don’t know how to love myself,” but really, they’re just not practiced at asking their body what it needs and paying attention to that. See if you can develop that ability….then follow it and take those actions to nurture yourself!
To truly love, you have to love everyone even if they hurt you, even if they have different beliefs, even if they are strangers. You have to be so full of love that you simply cannot hate anymore. You will become enveloped in the Energy of a Love, and therefore, healthfully and spiritually invincible. I always try to remember that every person is on their own path in search of truth and consciousness.
That’s why Jesus said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” How many people do you know. . . .that simply can’t see how they act or how the decisions they male are wrong ? Each one of us sees the world differently because of numerous things. Our challenge is to live among all kinds of people and love them and all creatures of nature. Love animals because they have unconditional love, never judge you and do not fear death. They are ahead of us humans.
Thanks for this article. What I am going to write here is not mine, this I have gathered through various discourses by my Dr. Sunil Kale. Dr. Kale is a doctor and Spiritual Guru. Its very difficult for me to express in words what he is. However, in a few words …. If I want to describe him then, he can connect himself with nature (quantum field), he can converse with the quantum field, with his vocal sound (speech, singing, rendering, chanting) he can create the respective energies which we call Gods in Hinduism. Sadguru Dr Sunil Kale
Coming back to love. Love is the basic force on which this universe thrives.
Basic quality of every cell in our body is love. It knows only love when we are born. As we grow old, we learn to hate, get angry etc. now these things are new to our original cells, they get confused with these emotions and very slowly imbibe them. Once these cells imbibe these bad virtues, they start to hate each other and thus our body suffers with various diseases. Autoimmune disease in the example of confused cells. Scientists did many experiments on this. In one experiment, scientists took out healthy cells of healthy man, they showered gamma rays on them and made them cells with cancer.
Then these cells were put in a box where they had no connection with the inner as well as outer world. Then 5 good people were asked to extend their love to these cells. It was found after a few days that 88% of cells were cured. But the question was why 12% of cells were not cured, it had something to do with Karma. Their karma was such that they were not accepting love energy. Cleansing of this karma was necessary, hence some good money was donated with a wish to clean the karmas. After this love energy worked and all 100% cells got cured. This means love can cure cancer.
Our cells like love. In another experiment, scientists placed the cells in a petri dish between 2 groups of people. One group expressed love to the cells and the other group hated the cells. Cells flowed to the group who were expressing love or who had love in their heart.
The person who has studied cancer for so many years finally said that he can not differ between good cells and cancerous cells.
To conclude, we should have the heart of saints, we should possess selfless love in our heart for everything, love which does not expect anything in return.
This is all written in our books by Rishis. The above was explained by my Sadguru Dr Sunil Kale while explaining a stanza from the great book ‘Dnyaneshwari’ written by Saint Dnyaneshwar.
Another important point is when your heart and brain (mind) work in perfect coherence, all your wishes will get fulfilled.
This song doesn’t get any better than in this original version.
Everything is a perfect harmony. The synth is so haunting. The chords of the synth keep echoing and last very long although the chords of the other instruments have already changed and thus it creates a haunting mystical disharmony. This gives it a special kind of melancholy that I love so much about this song. Without this synth I would miss something. That’s for sure. This haunting synth is perhaps one of the reasons why it will never get out of my mind.
The voice of the singer is beautiful and from the heart and you can feel this. It’s naturally sung with honesty — and feeling nothing – added to artificially which is another ingredient that makes the song so timeless beautiful. The solo improvisation sounds like a mixture of sax and violin ( at the end of the solo it sounds more like a violin) that seems to be played by a synth is also brilliant and every note that’s played seems to be perfect and matches perfectly the mood of the song. What a song. Will be in my heart forever.