might set everything right in the world.
The last time this event occurred was the year 1226.
That Year Events:
Mar 07 On this day in history death of William de Longespee,
3rd Earl of Salisbury, English military leader
Oct 03 On this day in history the death of Saint Francis of Assisi (b. 1181)
Saint Francis of Assisi – Bing
Nov 08 Louis VIII, the Lion, King of France (1223-26), dies at 39 on this day in history.
Nov 14 In the year 1226 death of Frederick of Isenberg,
German politician (executed) (b. 1193)
Dec 11 In the year 1226 death of Robert de Ros, English politician (b. 1177)
Astronomers’ theory of the Star of Bethlehem – YouTube
The two largest planets in the solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, have fascinated astronomers for hundreds of years. But the two gas giants will do something next month not seen since the Middle Ages — they will look like a double planet. The rare occurrence will happen after sunset on Dec. 21, 2020, the start of the winter solstice.
“Alignments between these two planets are rather rare, occurring once every 20 years or so,
but this conjunction is exceptionally rare because of how close the planets will appear to one another,”
said Rice University astronomer Patrick Hartigan in a statement.
“You’d have to go all the way back to just before dawn on March 4, 1226, to see a closer alignment
between these objects visible in the night sky.”
Between Dec. 16 and Dec. 25, the two planets will be separated by less than a full moon, Hartigan added.
“On the evening of closest approach on Dec. 21 they will look like a double planet, separated by only fifth the diameter of the full moon,” Hartigan explained. “For most telescope viewers, each planet and several of their largest moons will be visible in the same field of view that evening.” The celestial event can be observed anywhere on earth, but Hartigan noted the farther north someone is,
“the less time they have to catch a glimpse.”
If you haven’t seen Jupiter and Saturn, you’re missing something! | Astronomy Essentials | EarthSky
Rare ‘Christmas Star’ to Appear Dec. 21: Here’s What Astronomy Says About the Biblical ‘Star of Bethlehem’ | CBN News
The Bethlehem Star – Bing video
We’re in ascension.
Psalm 27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation — whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life — of whom shall I be afraid?
Ascension means our consciousness is increasing from a 3 d vibration to a 5th dimension.
We will become more evolved. Therefore the low vibration of the cabal won’t survive.
This has been predicted by 35 ancient cultures and it’s in the bible. Jesus spoke of it.
And it’s happening now. By 2030 we will be far more evolved on a much better planet.
It’s why the cabal is fighting so hard and trying so hard to keep us in fear.
The world leaders are putting all their countries in debt. Look at the mass protests world wide.
And they will get bigger and bigger as people wake up.
And there’s more of us than them. The countdown is on…they will be taken down.
You’re witnessing something biblical … a vast ascension of the human being and our planet going from
a 3rd dimensional energy to a higher vibration of the 5th dimension.
As this shift happens the corruption and evil is exposed.
Then there will be changes and a new earth is created called “Heaven On Earth”
Have you encountered The law of one?
The Law of One, though beyond the limitations of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes,
may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator.”
The Law of One is practiced by the Advanced Races that promote Self-Responsibility and accountability in our Universal Time Matrix through the comprehension of the energetic interconnection that exists
between all living being… The law of one – Bing video
From December 16 until the 25th, you can witness a rare event in the night sky
that has not been seen in almost eight centuries. The two largest planets in our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, will align on December 21st to create what’s sometimes referred to as the “Christmas Star” or
the “Star of Bethlehem.”
When the planets line up on the day marking the start of the winter solstice,
they will appear to form a double planet. It’s a rare event and one that hasn’t been seen since the Middle Ages, according to Forbes.com. But in reality, the planets won’t be close at all.
It will just look like that to viewers on Earth.
Theories About the ‘Star of Bethlehem’
As CBN News has reported, while there have been many theories about the identity of the biblical star
of Bethlehem that appeared at Christ’s birth, a combination of historical research, astronomical insight, and biblical understanding has come together to present a plausible explanation that is both
miraculous and understandable.
This theory finds the planet Jupiter to be part of that star. In the ancient world,
all heavenly bodies were considered “stars”.
The Magi or the three wise men were, most likely, court advisers to Babylon who
used the stars to give guidance to the ruler. Why would God guide astrologers, of all people,
to the King of Kings? This example, according to some writers, was Christ’s first human ministry to unbelievers.
Can Science Determine When Jesus Was Actually Born?
Who Exactly Were the Magi?
Mystery of the Magi – YouTube
But who were these mysterious wise men? One ancient Jewish writer Philo speaks of them.
Star of Bethlehem expert Rick Larson once told CBN News that Philo “describes a particular school of Magi, calls it the Eastern school, and these Magi he praises. He says these guys understood the natural order and are able to explain the natural order to others.
And they were, according to Philo, probably what we might call proto-scientists.”
Early church historians had been giving a date of around 3 BC for Christ’s birth,
though other scholars had been saying 7 BC because of what appears to be a misunderstanding of
King Herod’s death in between those two dates.
What the Magi likely saw were five astronomical conjunctions that took place over a span of time
from August of 3 BC to June of 2 BC. When one planet passes another and, as seen from earth, they line up – that would have been of great significance to these astrologer-advisers.
We now know what these conjunctions meant to these Magi as they would have observed from their far-off land. The conjunctions involved the constellation Leo the Lion, the planet Venus,
the planet Jupiter and the star Regulus.
To the Babylonians, the lion represented Israel. Venus was motherhood. Jupiter stood for fatherhood or kingship. And Regulus symbolized royalty.
Put these together in the Babylonian mindset and what do you get?
A clear and repeated message that a grand king had been born in Israel.
Larson used computerized astronomical tools to track the convergence of these heavenly signs involving Jupiter, Venus, Leo, and Regulus, back to when they would have occurred.
“Nine months after that first conjunction – nine months – the gestation period of a human.
We see Jupiter and Venus come together to form the brightest star anyone had ever seen,” Larson said.
When was Jesus Born? The Year, Day & Hour REVEALED in Rev 12! – Bing video
That would have been in mid-June of 2 BC – again near Regulus in Leo. Eventually, Larson traces it all to a conclusion on Dec. 25, in 2 BC. “Of course, they didn’t use our calendar – you know December 25th meant nothing to them. They never heard of December, but to us, it could be a sign and it is interesting that the gifting did occur on December 25th,” he said.
What Is the Significance of the Star of Bethlehem? (christianity.com)
Star of Bethlehem, celestial phenomenon mentioned in the Gospel According to Matthew as leading “wise men from the East” to the birthplace of Jesus Christ. Natural events that might well have been considered important omens and described as stars include exploding stars (novae and supernovae), comets (Halley’s Comet was visible in 12 and 11 BC), meteors, and planetary conjunctions—i.e.,
apparent close approaches of two or more planets to each other.
The year of Jesus’ birth is uncertain but can be narrowed down to probably between 6 and 4 BC.
The biblical account indicates two sightings of the star, one before the wise men began their journey (probably from Babylon or Persia) and the other near their journey’s end, when the omen
“came and stood over where the young child was.”
A celestial object near the horizon of any given observer might be considered by him as pointing out some spot on Earth below. Chinese annals record novae in 5 BC and 4 BC; in the early 17th century, Johannes Kepler advanced the view that the Star of Bethlehem may have been a nova occurring in or near some conjunction of bright planets. Several striking planetary conjunctions also took place within 10 years of the chronological point now taken as the beginning of the Christian era.
A triple conjunction in early 6 BC, in which Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn stood at the points of a triangle, has often been mentioned as a possible explanation of the star. Prior to that, in 7 BC, Jupiter and Saturn were for eight months within three degrees of each other and three times within that period passed within one degree. Several years later, on June 17, 2 BC, the bright planets Venus and Jupiter would have appeared to observers in Babylon to have merged just before setting in the general direction of Bethlehem to the west.
The Heavens Declare the Glory of God
With today’s telescopes, the grandeur of the skies is more visible than ever before.
Yet even with the naked eye, the Psalmist proclaimed
“The heavens declare the glory of God.”
How can he do that? Could the Star of Bethlehem be an example in announcing the Messiah?
Or is this some kind of misguided astrology?
“The Bible comes down extremely hard on astrology.
Reverence for the stars, the idea that stars order your life or guide you or whatever –
did you know it was a killing offense in the Old Testament?” Larson said.
But the Bible also says that God put signs in the sky.
Perhaps the Star of Bethlehem was like a thermometer.
“A thermometer can tell you if it’s hot or cold but it can’t make you hot or cold – because it’s not an active agent. Stars are like that. According to the Bible, they can tell you things; they can be signs from a higher power, from God on high. But they can’t make you do anything, they’re burning balls of gas, you know,” Larson said. The Romans Thought the Star Was About Them — Instead, It Announced the King of Kings
Of course, the Romans who ruled most of the known world at the time thought the star was about them and they even put the star on one of their coins with an image of Caesar Augustus, which represents how impressive the star was. A sort of Star of Rome rather than the Star of Bethlehem.
And that’s probably what made the Magi ride toward Israel.
While the mortal Augustus has long passed from history, Jesus is worshipped by millions around the world as the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.
The Eternal One Who created the heavens and the signs of His own coming –
who said that one day he would also return.
So the Magi went looking for this infant king to the capital city of the Jews, Jerusalem,
and the Jews sent them into Bethlehem, a place from which the Jewish scriptures prophesied a king would come. The rest is history:
The 12 Days of Christmas Straight No Chaser
Editor’s Note: Much of the material for this story was originally researched and written by Gailon Totheroh nearly two decades ago.
“Look at the birds of the air guided by faith; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they are?” ~Matthew 6:26
““Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?”” ~Matthew 6:25
Who is Jesus? Is he really God’s Son? And what does Jesus have to do with Heaven?
Your questions are answered here. Jesus