Religion throughout history has always been used by Global Elite as a mechanism
to control society. They have known how to do this for millennia and have repeated the same formula
over and over again at different times and locations. Virtually all religions over the past 5,000 years
have been allegories based on earlier forms of pagan sun worship.
The Secret Religion of the Cabal / Illuminati Elizabet Wilcock, trained in shamanism, martial arts, qigong, and a healer, describes the different ways that the dark elite or Cabal, as David Wilcock
calls them, enslaves humanity worldwide, including lifelong debt, fiat money, murdering those who
created free energy, and poison our food.
What I learned about these bird brains is they don’t believe in God so they play him.
George Soros (born August 12, 1930, as György Schwartz, in Budapest, Hungary), is one of the wealthiest people in the world (rated number 35 in 2010) and is a leading funder and organizer for progressive organizations and progressive causes.
He is a proclaimed atheist. David Rockefeller, an Illuminati Satan and member of new world order
2 years ago, Many researchers have provided us with proofs that Rockefeller bloodline is the bloodline of
the satanic Illuminati, a group of the global elite controlling and shaping the world into a new world order.
Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, revealed in a recent interview that his family
goes to a Catholic church and that religious morality inspires a lot of his charity work.
He also shared his personal thoughts on God and the biggest issues facing the world today.
“The moral systems of religion, I think, are super important. We’ve raised our kids in a religious way; they’ve gone to the Catholic church that Melinda goes to and I participate in. Bill himself states he was born into a Protestant Christian church, but is now conclusively an agnostic. Who is a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena;
a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
Ted Turner, founder of Cable News Network, “tells it like it is” and is regularly called on the
Christian carpet for his candor. The TV mogul, who is also a notable philanthropist who pledged $1 billion to the United Nations in 1997, has described Christianity as “a religion for losers.” Also Another great role model who isn’t Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has eschewed his atheist beliefs and now asserts that “religion is very important.”
Then you have Obama’s father who was a leftist anti-colonialist subversive in Kenya,
and his mother was a Marxist. His step father in Indonesia was also a Marxist.
He pushed Marxism for 8 years in office and his minions are still pushing it today.
It’s time we shut Cultural Marxism down in the U. S.
HAVE you see what ANTIFA and BLM are doing to Trump supporters out there?
It’s absolutely disgusting! Send in the military and disband
MS-13. Originally from El Salvador, and all these domestic terrorists!
They are lucky MAGA has so much restraint! We need to reclaim our culture, and I’m weary.
Lord, please heal our land!
I want every one of these ANTIFA and BLM maniacs attacking people to be arrested and to serve long sentences. No more catch and release. Lock them up & pipe in Hymns & Patriotic songs all day.
Sidney Powell has all the proof that Trump won by a landslide.
She knows how they manipulated the Dominion Voting machines to flip votes.
It’s not gonna be fun if the crazy dictator governors shut down states. Somebody needs to stop them.
Anyone reading Juan O Savin’s new book? Can’t put it down, PEOPLE!
This is the week that will determine the fate of our nation.
They RAN on CHARACTER then lied, cheated, and undermined our election (again)
in an act of TREASON. The political ELITES cheated us all. Free Ride to Gitmo!!
Will the Supreme Court be the one to overturn the results or are they comped? Probably not the Supreme Court yet. Cases go circuit court then district court then SCOTUS normally. They could expedite!!! Nothing is going to happen. I’ve completely given up faith that any of these evil people will be brought down. This country is gone.
What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
A disturbing movement to reform capitalism is gaining traction by those using the coronavirus tragedy
to call for “The Great Reset”. These are not the ramblings of a few disgruntled teenagers or a wacky sociology professor from inner-city Sydney. The body pushing The Great Reset happens to be the World Economic Forum and its charismatic German leader Klaus Schwab who is calling for a return to Marxist principles,
claiming that capitalism has empirically failed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumanism
Professor Schwab has just released a book titled The Great Reset and has dedicated a large portion of the official WEF website to such articles as “Does capitalism need some Marxism to survive the Fourth Industrial Revolution?”. It is truly a terrifying notion that a man as educated and powerful as Schwab would use his supposedly independent economic organization to push for a return of
the deadliest social experiments of the 20th century.
And how does he justify putting an end to capitalism?
“There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis,” Schwab says, “To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative. “Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honors the dignity of every human being.” A new social contract. Decided by who?
Well Schwab himself, of course.
Schwab promises a new world. A better world. A fairer world.
You see Mao and Stalin, they were not true Marxists. They didn’t have the best intentions.
A Utopia is indeed possible. And what evidence does Schwab present to support his new world order?
Well, let’s quote Schwab’s organization in full so that we can fully understand his point of view.
“Capitalism as we know it needs to be reformed,” the WEF writes.
“The growing discontent at the ideology that has created so much wealth and progress on the one hand,
and yet so much inequality and instability on the other hand, is causing increasingly
frequent social disruptions across the world.”
“The COVID-19 crisis has laid bare most of these dysfunctions, ranging from uneven access
to healthcare, education, economic opportunities, and social progress, to growing inequality among and within nations and racial and ethnic groups. At the Centre of these multiple crises lies the tension between privilege and meritocracy.” There’s a lot to unpack in the above but the general theme relates to the existence of inequality being evidence capitalism has failed.
It is of course true to an extent that not all systems create inequality.
But this is actually a case for capitalism.
Even the most junior economist will study the four primary economic systems and even the most ideologically possessed of those students will come across the system favored by the USSR, North Korea and Maoist’s China. (I disagree because they steal off others.) The Command Economic System. A system which eliminates inequality because citizens all live equally in tragedy. Those living in Ukraine discovered this in the early 1930s when the Holodomor – or The great Famine – struck. Somewhere between 3 million and 12 million people starved to death after the Soviets convinced people to turn on their village’s farmers.
Marxist logic dictates that if someone profits from a sale, they have robbed you.
If there is inequality, a crime has been committed. That notion has prompted much horror over the years and left many people equal in poverty. Capitalism indeed creates inequality, but it is also the only system known to man which also creates equality. This is because wealth creation is not a zero-sum game. There is not a finite amount of money or wealth. Money can be created, jobs can be created and people can be pulled out of tragedy and despair by capitalism itself.
In the last few decades, according to our friends at the World Economic Forum, more than 1.1 billion people have been pulled out of extreme poverty. The world was on track to eliminate extreme poverty by 2030 – a timeline which will undoubtedly be side-tracked by COVID-19 but that is hardly the fault of our economic system. The evidence for capitalism in the form of humanity’s rapidly improving way of life is enormous.
But the Marxist principles Klaus Schwab endorses are stained with blood. Or as Karl Marx would say:
“History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.”
Born in Ravensburg in 1938, Klaus Schwab is a child of Adolf Hitler’s Germany,
a police-state regime built on fear and violence, on brainwashing and control, on propaganda and lies,
on industrialism and eugenics, on dehumanization and “disinfection”, on a chilling and grandiose vision
of a “new order” that would last a thousand years. Schwab seems to have dedicated his life to reinventing that nightmare and to trying to turn it into a reality not just for Germany but for the whole world.
Worse still, as his own words confirm time and time again, his technocratic fascist vision is also a twisted transhumanist one, which will merge humans with machines in “curious mixes of digital-and-analog life”, which will infect our bodies with “Smart Dust” and in which the police will apparently be able to read our brains. And, as we will see, he and his accomplices are using the Covid-19 crisis to bypass democratic accountability, to override opposition, to accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the rest of
humankind against our will in what he terms a “Great Reset“. Read the whole article here.
Global Communism Disguised As The Great Reset!
“COVID-19” was long pre-planned in documents and simulation exercises emanating from
the eugenicist Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation. A platform with 200 detailed levels is provided
by the World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab, a technocrat and promoter of transhumanism, in order to provide detailed instructions on how the “COVID-19” pandemic is to be used to implement a global monetary reset and digital currency, technocracy and totalitarian government worldwide under the guise of socialism and environmentalism, with China as the model, and enslave humanity through a sinister vaccine conspiracy.
Earlier attempts were made to engineer pandemics but none succeeded. This time, the World Health Organization changed its pandemic criteria in advance so that it could declare a pandemic on spurious grounds. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a terrorist and accused genocidist was appointed head of the World Health Organization in order to orchestrate the pandemic and facilitate the totalitarian takeover. Read More …
God will do miraculous things. “If God be for us, who can be against us.” – Romans 8
Barnard Nathanson was one of those who helped usher in this barbaric age.’ After putting thousands of unborn children to death, he became one of the great leaders of the pro-life movement. For more than a decade after he became pro-life, Nathanson described himself as a Jewish atheist, but in December of 1996 he was baptized a Catholic by Cardinal John O’Connor in a private Mass with a group of friends in New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral. He also received confirmation and first Communion from the cardinal. About his baptism, he said, “I was in a real whirlpool of emotion, and then there was this healing, cooling water on me, and soft voices, and an inexpressible sense of peace. I had found a safe place.” For more than a decade after he became pro-life, Nathanson described himself as a Jewish atheist, but in December of 1996 he was baptized a Catholic by Cardinal John O’Connor in a private Mass with a group of friends in New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral.
He also received confirmation and first Communion from the cardinal.
About his baptism, he said, “I was in a real whirlpool of emotion, and then there was this healing, cooling water on me, and soft voices, and an inexpressible sense of peace. I had found a safe place.” In his 1996 autobiography The Hand of God, he told the story of his journey from pro-abortion to pro-life, saying that viewing images from the new ultrasound technology in the 1970s convinced him of the humanity of the unborn baby. Outlining the enormous challenge of restoring a pro-life ethic, he wrote, “Abortion is now a monster so unimaginably gargantuan that even to think of stuffing it back into its cage … is ludicrous beyond words.
Yet that is our charge — a herculean endeavor.” He noted, regretfully, “I am one of those who helped usher in this barbaric age.” His pro-life witness could not easily be dismissed as one-sided propaganda since Nathanson had enjoyed such a high standing among abortion supporters as a co-founder of the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (now called NARAL Pro Choice America), and as operator of what he called
the nation’s busiest abortion business.
The facility was opened in New York City after the state’s abortion laws were loosened in 1970.
Abortion promoters realized the high number of women seeking abortion could not all be admitted to a hospital for the procedure. A freestanding ambulatory clinic, in which abortion and recovery took about three hours, was an innovation devised by Nathanson and his colleagues. Overall, Nathanson estimated, he presided over 60,000 abortions as director of the facility, instructed fellow practitioners in the performance of 15,000 other abortions, and personally performed about 5,000 abortions, including one on his own child
that was conceived with a girlfriend in the 1960s.