Established cronies, puppet media, self-serving elites, bent cops and the rancid opposition loathe his sole purpose–your freedoms. He does NOT care. God bless him and the fight of his life. All of our liberties are in danger right now…. with the totalitarians/communist democratic party! Best selling author of “DEEP STATE TARGET: the plot to bring down President Trump” available now on amazon
‘Religious & Civil Liberty Endangered of Becoming a Second-Class Right‘
Karl Marx believed that abolishing the family was necessary in order to abolish capitalism so, yes…I believe communists are bad people. Of course no one is going to enforce a Lockdown Thanksgiving. Coumo does not have the manpower or the funds. And no police officer or sheriff is going to bust in on someone’s Thanksgiving dinner. It’s ludicrous that this is even a conversation at the politicians mouth. Trump will not roll over…
In The Art Of The Deal, he says: “Much as it pays to emphasize the positive,
there are times when the only choice is confrontation.
When people treat me badly or try to take advantage of me, my gen attitude all my life has been to fight back very hard.” So sad how @BarackObama could have been an inspirational, historic figure.. Instead, he’s been a tragic, regrettable ingrate, beset by malicious hatred for the country that elevated him.. Thus he sat at the pinnacle of greatness, yet remained a small man! Socialism will NEVER Work.
Even in a game of Monopoly everyone starts out with the same amount of money.
At the end of the Game there is one person left with all the Money.
There will always be people who work hard & gain Success.
The UN needs to respect the People and what they want.
They don’t want the UN telling anyone what to do.
Locking down our country is not the answer.
Not only will people never recover financially, but the emotional toll is tremendous.
It has caused anxiety, depression & isolation. Have you noticed countries who have the most draconian laws in regards to the coronavirus crisis & who are pushing the NWO most are those part of the NSA-The Five Eyes (FVEY) intelligence alliance; United States, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand?
That is how you can tell who is on board with NWO.
Also most of the European Union now especially Germany, Italy and others.
Socialism is like: Jim Jones led his brainwashed sociopaths to Brazil where he brainwashed them into committing mass suicide. On November 18, 1978, over 900 members of a religious group led by
the Reverend Jim Jones were killed in an apparent mass suicide.
The megalomaniac Jones convinced most of his followers to drink a cyanide mixture.
Officials implement new coronavirus restrictions as cases skyrocket. Coincidence?
Once you reach Poverty there is little way out.
And example of Living Within Socialism: In Canada where they have been in lockdown a good part of the year. Many now are about to break and Afraid of becoming homeless with winter approaching.
Our waitress just broke down in tears stating “if the state closes restaurants again, I am in trouble.
I have an 11 year old son and I am a single mom”.
We gave her a hug and tipped her really well. This is getting out of control.
The Smart One Doesn’t Waste Time On Nonsense Issues.
Remember when Trump sent all those supplies and Cuomo said he never sent anything?
Trump sent a Navy Ship hospital that was used? Now Emperor Cuomo said he didn’t want the vaccine for his state that comes from The Trump Administration. Because Cuomo indicated he wouldn’t give it to his people.
So my Guess he has some more elderly to kill off.
Makes me wonder where his head is in all this. Cuomo‘s decision is on the path to endanger more people…
just like his nursing home decision that killed greater than 6,000 seniors.
Andrew Cuomo Winey Baby ASS that wants everything handed to him and still will never be not happy!
I wouldn’t either! TRUMP stated, the vaccine should not be sent if the Governor will not authorize it’s usage!! WHY WASTE IT!! TRUMP is correct in this point!!! Cuomo said he won’t accept the vaccine or distribute it. Hey New York Democrats: Cuomo is your real enemy but you’re too dumb to see it.
Cuomo said he didn’t want it. So It was his call.
Hey New York Your Governor is an idiot.
His dislike of the President is apparently worth the lives of Americans.
Cuomo didn’t just complain he flat out made some asinine comment that he would decide which
vaccine NY got as if Trump was in his basement making the vaccine. Being He said that.
My guess #killercuomo
wants to add to his body count #CuomoKilledGrandma
So he can blame that death count on the Trump Administration once again.
I heard Cuomo say this with my own ears. He doesn’t care who gets sick and dies in NY State unless he approves of the vaccine himself. It’s time to wake up NY and vote these arrogant maniacs out of office at all levels!!! It’s a True Fact, it is him hating his own constituency,
Actually because governor Cuomo selfish thoughts he wouldn’t accept any stinkin vaccine created by the
Trump administration, and because he wants NY residents to suffer and die. Thereby, Great move by POTUS…
let the NY people attack Cuomo & DeBlasio.
Cuomo’s concern for the people of New York It’s 100% political. He is in a pissing match with the President and as usual he loses and looks like a fool. I wonder how the people there who want a vaccine will react to their governor not allowing it. What’s the point of sending the vaccine to New York when they’ve said they won’t allow it to be used? Seems like it would be wasteful! Trump is right. It was President @realDonaldTrump’s vision that we could harness the ingenuity and creativity of America’s greatest pharmaceutical and research companies to develop a vaccine in record time. Promises Made ~ Promises Kept!!
While one early study found that 80% of confirmed COVID-19 cases are considered mild, the definition of “mild” can include a range of symptoms and still be painful, even if they don’t require hospitalization. According to Dr. Rishi Desai, the chief medical officer at Osmosis, there are some ways you can mitigate your mild coronavirus symptoms from home.
Most people with COVID-19 have mild to moderate symptoms and can safely recover at home.
In this video interview, Dr. Jack Rodman, chief medical officer of First Physicians Group,
and Critical Care Pulmonologist Dr. Joseph Seaman discusses at-home treatments
for COVID-19 and self-isolation dos and don’ts. Get more tips on COVID-19
home care for patients and caregivers at smh.com/blog.
How To Tell If It’s Coronavirus, The Flu, A Cold, Or Allergies
Have mild flu-like symptoms? Doctors say: just stay home
I HAD COVID-19 – My Symptoms and Recommendations!
#Coronavirus #Flu #Allergies
The Great Reset is underway.
I will keep saying the same thing! Dumbasses who call themselves
Socialist or Communist are just being ignorant!!!
Covid-19 is not a lie but definitely blown out of proportion to so undermine
President Trump | USA elections! Covid-19 is real their terrorism that’s in the news
and is just part of the plan to affect us all. It’s a weapon against us and that’s why
President Trump calls it the China Virus.
I had it when no one knew it was in the US.
I didn’t know at the beginning what I had.
But I described it at the moment as being fumigated like a roach.
Then when I realized Covid-19 hit our church I was already describing it as some type of biological thing.
It was different for sure. My experience: after I recovered I was left with asthma attacks at night, inflammation on chest. When going out the first days passing through certain spots on the road I’d run out of breath and experienced chest pain.
That made me believe some of the 5G theory. But can’t prove it.
CV19 is a real virus, CV19 can be absolutely devastating in folks with compromised immune systems,
CV19 has been used as a political weapon this year. I believe it is man-made/man-modified to do the most damage to the vulnerable. Having said that, we have to learn to live with it like Ebola and others.
It’s not quite a lie, as the Wuhan Flu is quite real.
But it’s no more lethal than the regular flu.
Inflated deaths and inflated number of infections (mostly asymptomatic)
make it seem like it’s as deadly as Ebola or the Bubonic Plague…. Totally made up BS!
Governments no longer represent its citizens.
There has been a coup leftist\globalist total power grab for the new world order.
The politicians now serve other interests. Everything we’ve seen this year points in that direction!
The lie is Covid-19 is an “infectious” virus that is transmitted from person to person. This is false.
Covid-19 is a bioweapon that we basically already have in our bodies— we have been inhaling chemtrails and
GMOs for years—and it is activated remotely by 5G frequencies.
With that being said, the numbers are still a massive lie.
Everything up to this point has been greatly exaggerated due to falsely labeling non-covid-19 deaths as covid-19, etc. But they can always crank up the disease in the future since they have the control switch, i.e., 5G. Covid-19 is nothing new. Ppl get the flu or cold for many decades. Let’s get this straight COVID is no lie. It’s real.
What is not real is the figures simple really & how exactly do we know that Covid-19 is real? Ppl are dying but do we have access to their medical records? Are we alongside scientists when they make these discoveries? Honestly, the same can be said about many other viruses.
Just because it sounds crazy doesn’t mean it’s entirely wrong.
Just sayin! Absolutely! It’s time to END THIS Infringement on our FREEDOM,
IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME! #HoldTheLinePatriots
I said something about it two weeks ago on Twitter & was banned for a week.
There is a coronavirus going around which is like a bad flu. It is being used to shut down & destroy the World’s economy. A worse virus will follow along with enforced vaccinations. under the internationally recognized Nuremberg code part 1 clearly states that ‘Voluntary consent of the Human subject
is required before any vaccine can be carried out,
therefore any forced vaccination breaks that code & goes against our Human rights.
What level of Trudeau corruption does it take for “ALL CANADIANS” to say enough is enough?
This level of “blindfold politics” crosses all political party spectrums!
We all pay taxes, isn’t it our right to know what it’s spent on? Show your work Justin #openthebooks
I have given up! As long as CBC is around no one is going to get the hard questions and truth just stays dormant. He will get away with it forever! Not enough people care to call to action.
The world and attitude has changed.
We demonstrate names of sports teams who are considered offending but not the Government, Justice or our rights being trampled and tax money squandered. There are too many “ME” Canadians that want welfare and are willing to overlook corruption as long as they get their handouts. The days of us taking what the government throws our way, and feeling the government has our best interest at heart are long over.
The Trudeau govt has proven that govt cannot be trusted at all. Our system of government needs a total revamp, with many, many checks and balances added. One wouldn’t let a 9 yr. old drive a car but, we are willing let someone with an emotional IQ of a 9 yr. old to run our country! Why?
The 49% of Canadians paid with public money disagree! The people don’t care.
They will think what the press tells them and they will follow him blindly off a cliff.
Sad reality is most Canadians are like American and live in a bubble void of politics, and the information they get is filtered by the left leaning media. If they choose to stay in that bubble nothing will change. When the “Free money” runs out Once they’re actually starving or in real shackles…they will turn on him like rabid wolves. You are challenging people-kind.
Where the hell is the RCMP? I see a lot of ‘ex’ RCMP making these statements Where the hell are the current folks. They are given extraordinary powers by the people to police this country for the people. They’re just blindly following along for the pensions. Nothing changes. My 85 year old Aunt who is living in her own home, still drives, does all her own banking shopping etc, thinks Trudeau is perfect. As do all her friends.
They all watch CBC and believe everything. Scary stuff Sheeples.
The utterly sad thing is, even if all voting age Canadians had issues with #TrudeauCorruption, there is no legal or legislated means for citizens to seek his removal, besides angry letter writing, which of course he will ignore. One question that needs to be answered is why certain spending links on government websites deny access to the taxpayers of Canada. #transparency
When 75% of the media rather report on Trump than Trudeau’s corruption in Canada.
He will never be held to account.
Trudeau is the most unaccountable Prime Minister in history, the media is to blame.
Maybe when he starts filling trains to go to the “quarantine camps”.
If there was a Conservative politician that did half the stuff Trudeau did thy would be kicked them to the curb. In fact I can’t stand the CPC and I’m a conservative.
What I think about Trudeau cannot be put into words, he is so bad.
Those sentiments ring true for more people than you know.
What a sad state of affairs. If Trump is right and the election is being stolen in the US by the left and they get away with it, then we are in for global socialism. Trudeau already has Canada in that camp. It’s the end of the free world!! After what is being exposed in the USA with election fraud I have zero confidence
Canadians could even vote this traitor out.
I’ve been saying that since they put the man child in.
Even Gerald Butts left after he found out what a complete idiot Trudeau is. But not too far.
He needs his bestie to send billions his way for his Green Projects.
“And for this reason God will send them strong delusions, that they should believe the lie,”
2 Thessalonians 2:11
This is the only possible reason, that I can comprehend,
how the left believes what they believe. As long as he gives freebies to his voter base, Canadians will ignore any type of corruption/non-transparency. Look at the USA. They elected a corrupt VP Biden who w son took bribes from Chinese, Moscow, etc. & the media, Big Tech didn’t care to question & actually covered it up.
It’s frustrating but apparently many still support him. I’m shocked at how ignorant people are.
It’s like those who support Biden. They support tyranny and criminals! Just makes no sense!
Is it not within the powers of the RCMP to arrest a sitting member of parliament for crimes under the criminal code like obstruction of Justice, spoliation of evidence, political corruption, fraud…or traitorous action to implement a kleptocratic oligarchy? He’s filled with cities with low/no skill immigrants who all adore the idiot. There is nothing right of centre in Canada to save us true Conservatives. The race to the left is full steam ahead, unfortunately.. Ask that question all the time. I think Cdns have a high threshold for political incompetence. Our media has very little interest in holding his feet to the fire and journos pussyfoot around his actions. We’re all still waiting for a budget. Zero urgency. #TrudeauWorstPMEver
The corrupt media are to blame. They fill peoples’ heads with nonsense about Trump 24/7
to deflect from the fascistic liberal cabal that are currently hard at work bankrupting us all.
The problem is that Canadians have no clue how to have a revolution, they have never had
to fight for their nation so instead Canada has 35 million people with
“deer in the headlight” syndrome.
They will stand still and watch death come barreling at them.
The average Canadian knows very little about their crooked leadership. Like some walking around in some sort of strange coma! Denial perhaps? Are they that brainwashed or fear ridden when it comes to the truth Unfortunately most Canadians are uninformed or just don’t care. That’s been my experience anyhow..
I really want you to think about the fact that we have normalized big government to the point that bureaucrats actually feel comfortable trying to cancel your family Thanksgiving.
So far with all of this uncertainty, I am only getting good info from b @ n n 0 n s Show.
He actually has people that are working around the country.
This is a crucial video for this time on how the Illuminati is affecting what is happening right now in our country with these elections. Amir is a great teacher!
I highly recommend everybody listen to this video.
Amir Tsarfati: Illuminati and the One World Government!
Way worse is that the sheeple accepts it. The dopey sheeple don’t understand that the NWO will give them all of the abuse they can bear. Then, when the sheeple are exhausted, they will be taken to the slaughter. The NWO has stated they want a world population of 500 million. We pray & declare 4 Pre Trump: his Admin, fam, def Team supporters that “No weapon formed against u shall prosper, & every tongue which rises against u in judgment U shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, & their vindication is from Me,” Says the LORD.” Then shaming you when you do not listen to their demands.
The democrats have forgotten that we pay their salaries,
so if anyone should be issuing orders it should be American citizens!
The fact exists where people controlling the media are willing to tell families not to come together for Thanksgiving. Completely Unacceptable.
Next it will be Baby Jesus’ birthday. They speak a language very offensive to this American.
When you put it that way (which is excellent insight), it really is scary.
That we would allow our government to dictate private, personal activities to us is
truly giving up our freedom and liberty.
They really don’t want to see the day that the “right wing” comes out in force to fight for what they believe in. The last time that happened our precious Constitution was created. This time it will be in defense of it against all enemies foreign and domestic!! Patriots be ready…
The Covid-19 scare is being ramped up to prevent the possibility of an in-person
run-off in contested states.
This Over the River and Through the Woods grandmother, will be making ZERO changes to Thanksgiving.. including reading Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation. They already cancelled LAST Easter.. we ALLOWED that, without question.. surely the National day of Thanks and Christ’s birthday were on the list.
We have normalized big government so much that some fellow citizens are also comfortable telling us what to do and what not to do. The response of tyrannical citizens has been more surprising, and disappointing,
to me than the response of the government.
The original lockdown to “flatten the curve” was to last 3 weeks…
Do you REALLY believe the Joe Biden’s possible 4-6 week lockdown will only be that long?
If so, are you interested in some ocean front property I’m selling?
Truly think about that for a second.